Magical Girls Support Group

MGSG Two: Support Harder!

"Welcome to the after New Years meeting of the Magical Girls Support Group," Pluto said, the tall women feeling a headache coming on. It had been a fun new years eve, but she was paying for it now, certainly.

"Loki, we really shouldn't be here," Leah of Hel noted, the girl in the pretty green dress sitting nearby Pluto.

Loki, Norse god of mischief and current girl, shrugged. "I think the All Mothers have decided I need to learn humility, or something," she noted. Her pixieish smile was remarkably sweet as she added, "Besides, it's fun. I had never realized how enjoyable bosoms were!"

"Loki!" Leah yelped.

Pluto face palmed. "Behave yourselves, please," she sighed as she reminded them, "you're here as a courtesy to Sif."

"Yes ma'am," Loki smiled back at her in that way that practically SCREAMED she was plotting something.

Mami Tomoe was a slightly calming presence, the bosomy blond sipping her tea. She had been suggested to the group by Madoka, though sadly she had brought another, much less polite, magical girl with her.

"So when do we start?" Kyoko Sakura asked, a stick of pokey sticking out of her mouth as she leaned back dangerously in her chair.

"A few other members are coming, Kyoko," Mami scolded her.

"Yeah, yeah," Kyoko shrugged.

"Can I have some tea and those marvellous biscuit things you mortals make?" Loki asked Mami with a smile.

"Certainly," Mami agreed, pushing the plate over as she poured.

Before anything more tea-related could happen, two other young women hurried in. The taller, pink haired one carried a sword case over her shoulder, while she was accompanied by a darker skinned girl with purple hair. "Sorry we're late, Puu," Utena Tenjou apologized.

"Sorry, Pluto-sama," Anthy Himemiya bowed.

"Don't call me that," she told both of them. Pluto looked over the group before deciding, "I think we have enough to start. Introductions, everyone."

Loki stood up and bowed. "I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious cuteness."

"Loki," Leah sighed.

"Yes, yes," Loki shrugged, "well, I am a magic personage, and I have become a girl through various sorceries. Therefore I am a magical girl and have every right to be here."

Everyone looked at Pluto questioningly. "I know Sif," she shrugged, "as a personal favour, I'm keeping a eye on her."

"Ah," Mami nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm Leah, I have to accompany this nitwit by order of my mistress," Leah said flatly as she gestured to Loki with a casual wave. "I would rather be off having milkshakes, or something," she added, sitting back down with a sigh.

"Totally tsun-dere," Kyoko noted as she sipped her cup of tea, wishing it was a milkshake.

"I am not tsun-dere!" Leah growled.

"I'm Kyoko Sakura, and I'm here for the free lunch," the redhead introduced herself flatly, standing up and bowing slightly.

"Kyoko!" Mami scolded, "You're here for the chance to make new friends too."

"Yeah, yeah," Kyoko blushed a bit.

Mami bowed slightly to the group, "My name is Mami Tomoe, my coworker Madoka attended a meeting and was very impressed. I hope you'll accept me as well."

The final pair rose, the pink haired women smiling nervously. "My name is Utena Tenjou, and this is my... uhm..." she trailed off.

"Wife," the purple haired girl smiled sweetly, "Anthy Himemiya."

"Wife?" Loki blinked. "Ah, how progressive."

Leah gave her a look, "Don't even think about it."

"Anyway, we're officially starting," Pluto addressed the group. "First order of business, any new enemies to report?"

"There's been a uptick in Witch activity," Mami noted seriously as she put her cup of tea down with a soft clink, "be careful of encountering witch mazes and so on. If you see something unusual, call in a Puella Magi."

"I've never experienced a Witch's Maze," Loki mused thoughtfully.

Kyoko gave her a look, "It probably wouldn't hurt you, but..."

"There's been some... well, strange assaults on magical girls," Pluto informed them as she checked some papers. She looked slightly uncomfortable, "Several of my colleagues have encountered a strange young women who drained them of energy via kissing."

"Kissing?" Kyoko blinked.

"Full on kissing, with tongue," Pluto offered wryly, "Mars says she's a good kisser, apparently. Her attack leaves the subject exhausted and... uhm... satisfied. Also magically depleted for about a day."

Loki looked curious, "Are they all right?"

"Fine, if a bit shaken up," Pluto answered, "the only one who was unaffected was Moon, interestingly enough. The girl couldn't drain enough magic to do anything."

Loki looked thoughtful, while Leah looked unimpressed. She just KNEW Loki would use the information to her advantage somehow.

Pluto looked over at Mami, "Do you think this could be harmful for Magi?"

"Possibly," Mami said, "our magics require a careful balance. I do not know what would happen if that was tried."

"So let's go hunt this kid down," Kyoko suggested, manifesting her spear weapon.

"I don't think that will be necessary," Pluto started.

The doors to the meeting room crashed open, a dusky skinned girl with VERY skimpy clothes racing inside. "I can FEEL the magic in here!" she declared, then the blonde leaped at Loki.

"Eh?" Loki barely managed to get out before lips locked on hers.

"Hey!" Leah yelped as Loki was VERY thoroughly kissed.

"Stop that, despoiler of maiden's virtue!" a voice called as two more magical girls appeared in the doorway.

"I wouldn't say there's any virtue here to despoil," the dark magical girl noted, letting a dazed Loki slide to the ground.

"Humahana," Loki murmured dazedly. She shook herself, "Can we do that again?"

"Loki!" Leah scolded.

"Ooh, that was nice," the skimpily clad girl noted cheerfully, "I haven't tasted that kind of magic before. Once you recharge, I'll look you up."

"Kuro Illya! We will not let your rampage continue onwards!" the other new girl declared, blushing faintly.

"Miyu, don't tell me you didn't like kissing me," Kuro winked. "I look just like YOUR Illya, after all."

"That's not the point!" Illya growled, also blushing.

"Think we should get involved?" Utena asked Pluto conversationally as they watched the confrontation unfold.

"It is quite entertaining," Anthy agreed as they watched them bicker.

"Still, it could get violent..." Mami noted mildly.

"Oooh..." Loki managed, then lapsed into incoherency again.

Leah looked DECIDEDLY pissed. "Could someone look after her? I want to go kick that wench's ass," she said flatly.

"I'm in," Kyoko offered cheerfully, right before the doors banged open AGAIN.

"Eh?" Illya, Kuro and Miyu blinked at the blue and white clad stranger.

"Kyoko Sakura! How DARE you dump me!?" the girl roared.

"Sayaka?!" Kyoko blinked.

"Ha! You're distracted!" Kuro zoomed in, then stuck her lips onto the surprised Pluto.

"Oh crap," several magical girls said at once.

BOOM! With a single gesture Pluto slapped Kuro away, then used her time key like a baseball at to slam the stunned girl away from her.

"What was the number of that truck?" a dazed Kuro managed.

"You two," Pluto glared at the two strange girls, "I take it she's YOUR responsibility?"

"Yes, ma'am," Illya said meekly as she put Kuro in a binding spell to transport her. Kuro herself wasn't arguing, having seen Pluto's expression.

"Get her out of here," Pluto ordered. She paused, "And I expect to see you and Miyu at our next magical girl meeting. Understood?"

"But..." Miyu started.

Pluto repeated dangerously, "UNDERSTOOD?"

"Yes ma'am," both girls answered meekly then left with Kuro.

Pluto turned to see the mysterious Sayaka nearly gluing herself to a struggling Kyoko, while Mami watched sheepishly, Utena and Anthy were observing with amusement, and poor Leah was still tending to a dazed Loki.

"Why can't we ever have normal meetings?" Pluto sighed.

To be continued...

Notes: Yeah, that's Illya and friends from Fate Kaleid Prisma Illya. Loki is pretty much from Journey Into Mystery, turned into a girl. Because I thought it was funny, pretty much. May or may not do a part three...