EDITED 2/16/18

Minor edits were made. Enjoy!

"You filthy mud-blood! I know you know where Potter is!" Bellatrix shrieked as she kicked me in the side this time. I didn't make a sound as the pointed tip of her boot dug into my rib cage, however, I couldn't hold back a rogue tear as it rolled down my cheek and onto the cold floor I laid on.

"I...I don't know where he is," I inhaled another painful breath. "And even if I did...I would never tell you." I looked her right in the eye as I said it. Her crazed eyes became even more filled with rage and I knew she wanted to kill me. Of course she wouldn't- not yet anyways.

I watched her as she paced back and forth. The large house was silent except for my hesitant painful breaths and the sound of her heeled boots pacing. All I could think about was him. What would he do right now if he saw me like this? Would he join in if he was made to? Would he help me? Some would think I am flat out insane for loving him, especially in this particular moment.

"You know deary," She started, I knew this was going somewhere bad. It's her nature. "You can tell me where he is." She walked back over to me and knelt down. "I promise I won't kill him." She had a fake sympathetic look that made me sick to my stomach. "Nothing?" She pouted, she put her hand out and moved my messy black hair out of my face and behind my ear. "Poor little darling, you look just like your brother. I do believe he was younger than you though when I killed him." She got a wicked smile that enraged me so, I spit right in her face and she sprung right up.

"YOU FILTHY WRETCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" She screamed as she drew her wand. "CRUCIO!" I screamed as the pain intensely filled my body. She fired it again at me and I screamed even louder than before, my throat burned with my screams and I could feel the hot tears stream down my cheeks. Suddenly it faded and didn't return, my tears still flowed steadily and my breathing was heavy. " Now," She said as she came towards me again, she grabbed me by my hair and held me while pointing her wand at me. "Are you going to try that again?" I didn't say anything, I didn't even open my eyes to look at her. "Answer me you half-blood bitch!" She growled.

"Stop!" A shaky voice called from across the room. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't register who it was. "What did you say?!" She snapped as she dropped me to the ground, I let out a small whimper as I hit the cold hard ground. Who ever it was didn't respond, I was scared to see who it was to be honest. For all I knew it could be Voldemort or even the men who brought me here. "Say it again." She demanded. "I said stop, I don't believe she knows where they went." The voice defended me, my head was pounding and I couldn't even try to look at my rescuer.

"What makes you say that?" She asked taking a few steps away from me and to the person talking. "Because I don't think they knew where they were going. This girl is of no use to us, she's just a pathetic girl." I wasn't sure who this person was, I could tell it was a guy. "Fine then." Bellatrix gave in, but the way she said didn't convince me. "I'll just kill her off then." She readied her wand. "Expelliarmus!" The man disarmed Bellatrix's wand. "Not so fast, I have somewhat of a personal grudge against this girl," He stated, "Would you mind if I took over? I have something else in mind for her." More tears left my almost dry eyes. I was scared what was in store for me and I couldn't tell what was going on with my surroundings, my head pounded with my heartbeats and my body felt like it was hit by a train. "Go right on ahead." Bellatrix agreed as she started to walk away then stopped. "Do not disappoint this time."

As soon as I heard her leave the room I started sobbing. I'm not sure if I was happy to be alive or scared for what was to come next. I didn't ponder too long because I felt strong hands grab me and I was pulled into the person's arms kneeling next to me.

"No! Stop please!" I cried as they pulled me in. "Lyra, Lyra it's okay I promise. It's me love, don't worry it's going to be okay." I realized who was holding me and opened my eyes and was met with a pair of not so cold grey eyes.

"Oh, Draco!" I cried as I buried my face into his chest. He cradled me for a moment before slipping an arm under my legs to carry me. "I have to get you out of this room for now." He whispered to me as he walked quickly down a hall and up some stairs into a room. It was dark wherever we were and he sat me down on what I thought must be a bed, as I slumped over it was indeed confirmed to be a bed. He walked over to a corner of the room and a light appeared as he turned on a lamp.

He walked back to me and sat at the edge of the bed and looked at me. His grey eyes looked so sunken and tired, his skin looked even more pale, his whole appearance looked sickly. "It's alright Lyra, I promise you I will get you out safely. I'm so sorry they brought you here..." That was the last thing I heard as I lost consciousness.

I know you are probably wondering who I am and how I got into all of this. My name is Lyra St. Crow and this is my story of falling for the enemy.