Thanks for all the reviews, favs, and follows that I got! U guys are awesome! Anyway here's the last chapter and hope u enjoy it :D
Chapter 3
Levy awoke to the sun's rays shinning in her face. For a moment she didn't know what was going on, all she knew that her body was sore and she felt absolute good. Signing contently she turned around and bumped into something warm. It was very comfortable; she snuggled into it more.
It grunted, moving slightly.
Snapping her eyes open she connected with red. She gasped, rearing back in surprise. "Gajeel?!" she murmured.
He only grunted, looking at her with intense eyes that left her breathless.
"Um… hi…" she greeted slowly, slightly unnerve with the way he was just watching her without saying anything. Did she do something wrong last night?
He grunted again, getting up to sit on the edge of the bed.
She got up as well, looking at his back with confusion. "Gajeel?" she murmured. Was he regretting last night?
"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were a virgin?!" he growled, turning so he could glare at her.
She flinched inwardly, but her face betrayed nothing. "Does it matter? It's not like something I could just say in a conversation." She snapped. Were all morning afters like this? She started to get off the bed but he quickly snatched her back pinning her below him.
She struggled, trying to get him off her. "Get off me you big lug!" she yelled pushing at those board shoulders she was just holding on to hours ago.
He pinned her hands above her head. "Why didn't you tell me Levy?" he asked looking into her eyes earnestly. "If I know I would've been gentler."
She paused in her struggles, looking at him with surprise. There was self-loathing in his eyes that had her heart clenching. "If I wanted someone gentle, I'll choose someone else. I knew what you were about and I still wanted you." She said looking at him with all the sincere emotions that she felt.
He stared at her for a moment, wanting to believe in her words.
She gave him one of those beautiful smiles that made him fall in love with her in the first place and he believed her. He gave her a smirk. "I see so you had the hots for me all along Shrimp?" he asked, arching his eyebrow.
She blushed. "T-that's not the point." She stuttered. "Now get off me. I have to get ready for work."
He chuckled, but he released her and got up.
She got off the bed, and hurried to grab her robe that was on the floor. It was amusing to him, he already saw everything.
"I have an extra toothbrush you can use, while I go take a shower." She offered.
He smirked. "You telling me I have bad breath." He said standing up in his naked glory.
Her eyes trailed over his sexy body before stopping at the organ between his thighs. She licked her lips, eyes darkening with lust.
"Keep looking at me like that and you won't make it to work." He growled, hardening under her gaze.
She gasped before turning quickly and going into her bathroom, his laugh following her.
Today was slow in the bookshop. There were hardly any customers in today and it was quiet. So quiet that you could hear a pen drop. Levy was sitting down at the cashier register, bored out of her mind. Signing, she thought about this morning with Gajeel. It was pretty fun having breakfast with him.
He would try to distract her while she cooked so he could steal the food that was already done. Their conversations at the breakfast table was pretty interesting as well, challenging her mind like no man ever did before in that obnoxious way of his. They didn't talk about last night, but that was fine with her. She didn't have any illusions that they were going to have a relationship. It was a onetime thing, something to get him out of her system so that maybe she could purse someone else.
The bell on the top of the door rung, breaking her from her thoughts. She looked over with a smile and saw red eyes. "Hi Rogue." She greeted as he walked in.
He gave a slight nod, coming to stand in front of the register. "Hello Levy. Are they any new books?" he asked.
She nodded. "Yep, I'll show ya." She hopped off her stool and went to the bookshelf where her new shipments were.
Rogue was a second year college student that was studying to become a philosopher. He's been coming to her show since the day it open and he works summers between classes. He was 4 years her junior but he has a maturity that went way beyond her 24 years. If there was one person she could probably be interested in other than Gajeel it would be Rogue. He was smart, polite and handsome.
Her ideal guy.
"Here you are." She said pointing to the shelf.
He nodded. "Thank you."
She turned back quickly only to trip over her own feet. 'Damn.' She thought, knowing her face was about to be beaten by the floor. But before that could happen, strong arms wrapped around her, saving her face.
"Are you okay Levy?" Rogue asked quietly as he quickly righted her.
"I'm fine." She said, hands on his shoulders while his hands were on her slim waist. They were in a very compromising position.
And then Gajeel walks in. "Bookworm-" He cut off, spotting them. He stared for a moment before his face darkened murder in his eyes. "Get your hands off her before I break them." He growled.
They jumped back looking at him in surprise.
"G-gajeel?" Levy stuttered.
"Gajeel nii-san?" Rogue said.
A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes, but it didn't change anything.
"What are you doing here?" Levy asked a little unnerve with the way he was glaring at them. "And why did you call him nii-san?" she asked looking at Rogue.
The college student was about to answer, but Gajeel cut him off. "I'm the one who should be asking the questions." He growled. "What the hell are you doing with my girl?"
The short woman's eyes almost popped out of her head from his admission.
Rogue face showed surprise as well. "You're in a relationship? With Levy?" There was disbelief in his voice.
They both answered at the same time.
Rogue raised an eyebrow. "Well then… I'll come another time Levy. And I'll call you later." Rogue said sharply looking at Gajeel before taking his leave.
"Rogue wait!" But it was too late. Turning back, she glared at him. "Gajeel look what you done!" she snapped, stomping her tiny foot.
"What the hell were you doing with him?" he growled towering over her small frame.
She was not going to be intimidated. "That's none of your business." She said nose in the air.
"The hell it is!" he snapped, making her look at him with wide eyes. "You're mine Levy McGarden. I'm a very possessive man and I don't like to share." He said lowly grabbing the collar of her dress and pulling her face to face with him.
Her heart was beating fast in excitement, fear? She didn't know. "I'm not yours. Last night-"
"Was amazing." He finished.
Her heart skipped a beat as she licked her suddenly dry lips.
His eyes followed the movement, darkening with lust.
She quickly looked away. "But it was a onetime thing. So you have no claim on me." She said quietly.
"Bullshit." He said.
She glared. "Look just because you took my virginity doesn't mean you can all claiming. I don't need you to be my boyfriend out of guilt or responsibility." She said.
To her surprise he stared laughing. Now she was pissed. "Put me down you moron!" she snapped trying to wiggle out of his iron grip. If he wasn't going to take her serious he could go jump off a cliff for all she cares.
"Sorry Shrimp, it's just that you know better than that." He said between chuckles. Suddenly his face went serious. "I'm a bastard Levy. I don't pity anyone nor do I take responsibility for my actions. I've been wanted to fuck you the first time I saw you. But I didn't because all you wanted was friendship. So I ignored my feelings for years and then you come to me with a fucking corset on." He growled shaking her a little.
"Perfect chance to have my way with you. I resisted at first, but in reality I was happy. So I took a chance." He murmured. "Now you're mine. Wither you like it or not." He said eyes intense.
She shivered, looking into his eyes and seeing the truth. She was his. "But why?" she murmured. "Why me?"
He put her down, shrugging. "Why is the sky fucking blue? It just fits."
She gave him a bland stare, hands on hips. "How romantic." She said dryly. "And was I suppose to be jumping for joy that the bed boy Gajeel Redfox is asking me out?"
He snorted. "I don't think you want me going there Shrimp. Besides I already know you love me."
Her jaw dropped from his smug tone. The fact that he was speaking the truth only made her angrier. "Bite me." She growled.
He gave her a wolfish grin. "Oh I'll love to." He said quietly eyes dark with lust.
She swallowed, her vocal cords temporally not working. Next thing she knew she was on his shoulders as he started walking out the door. "Gajeel my store!" she said trying not to laugh.
"You're closing early today." He said simply as he paused to turn the sign from open to close.
The End!
Plz review and tell me what you think! If you want some more Gale love visit my profile for my other stories The Deal and Superhero Bash!