Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Percy Jackson
Annabeth stared at Percy for a moment, then stood.
"And I'm coming with you."
He smiled at her. "I thought as much."
"Now are you going to tell me why?"
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I had a dream while we were sitting here."
"You were only asleep for about a minute."
"I know. That's part of what makes it so weird." He proceeded to tell her about the dream. "And at the end of it shadows surrounded us and I heard them call that they'd see me in India. And now I just feel drawn there."
"That's weird. Even for you."
He nodded and sighed, leaning back into the sand. "Tell me about it."
"How are we going to get there? And where exactly is it?"
"You are asking the right questions."
They turned and faced a tall figure with tanned skin, wearing white robes and a turban. A large key pendant, crafted from gold hung around his neck.
Annabeth stood quickly, putting a hand on her knife as Percy stood next to her. "Who are you."
"Simply a traveler and a guardian, Daughter of Wisdom."
She frowned. "How did you get here?"
"That is of no concern. You are needed in India. The Pharaoh requires you."
"Yes, Son of the Sea. All three of you."
"I think he's referring to me."
A girl stepped out from behind him with a large backpack slung over her shoulder.
"Miranda Gardiner?"
She nodded. "Yes. I'm coming with you."
"Why?" Annabeth looked curiously at her.
She shuffled her feet a little. "Well. I haven't gone on a quest yet, and I would like to. And he told me that I was needed."
The strange man nodded. "You must decide whether you will go to India or not."
Percy looked at Annabeth and she smiled. "Yeah, we'll go."
"Very well," he grasped the key around his neck and flung his other hand outward. Shadows spread from his feet and engulfed them. Percy gasped as the air was torn from his lungs. The shadows dissipated quickly. And they collapsed to the ground. The strange man chuckled softly.
"Before you start I will give you one piece of advice. Trust your monsters."
Percy recovered first and looked up. "What?" But the mysterious man was gone. "Well then." He looked around and saw Annabeth still trying to breathe. He started rubbing her back and she inhaled quickly, taking a few deep breaths before she pushed herself up and sat down properly. Miranda followed suit and they looked around. Miranda's bag had landed next to her and two other large packs lied around it. Percy grabbed the blue one and looked through it quickly. Nectar, Ambrosia, Drachmas, some mortal money, extra clothes, some granola bars and oranges, glow sticks, a flashlight, a silvery blanket, and a small steel knife with a weird metal block with a darker top that Annabeth identified as a Magnesium fire starter with a flint striker.
She pulled her Yankees cap out of her pack and grinned. The rest of her bag had items similar to mine along with a few extra weapons.
They had landed in the middle of a forest. The trees towered over them and they couldn't see anything more than twenty feet away from them.
"Well. I guess we should go find those guys from your vision then." They all nodded and started heading off. It got dark quickly in the forest, but they kept moving. Soon they came upon a large camp at the base of a Pyramid. The people moved quietly around it.
"Should we go talk to them?" Miranda asked quietly.
Annabeth was about to nod when she looked up at the Pyramid. Right at the base of it was a walkway and a tall figure in pale clothes stood on top of it. He seemed to stare right at her. Then he turned and walked straight into the Pyramid. "I think we should go in there." She said quietly.
Percy looked at her strangely, then nodded. "I think so too. I don't know what it is, but I feel drawn to that pyramid."
They skirted around the camp quietly, avoiding the people in it until they were at the base of the walkway. Percy hoisted Annabeth and Miranda up onto the elevated walkway and they pulled him up next to them. Looking back at the camp they made sure no one was watching before they headed into the Pyramid.
It was dark and chilly inside the stone. Annabeth took out her flashlight and the other two quickly followed suite. They moved quickly down the hall, avoiding the traps Annabeth pointed out along the way. She had studied Ancient Egyptian architecture and could tell the most likely places for the traps. They came quickly to a large room with two corridors. Percy moved immediately to the one moving downward. The room it lead to was enormous, filled with hieroglyphic and the floor was decorated with an enormous map. Annabeth looked around in awe.
"This room is amazing. I wish I could meet the person who designed it."
"It feels strange. I know this is where we're supposed to be, but we can't go any further."
"Maybe this map has something to do with it." Miranda walked up to the map and knelt next to it. "It's very detailed." She touched a tile depicting a forest beneath a mountain and with a bright flash of light she vanished.
"Miranda!" Annabeth ran up to the map and stared at it.
"Well. At least we know where we're going now." Percy grinned.
"Together then?"
Together they stepped forward onto the map.
They blinked as the flash of light faded away, leaving spots of green and blue in their vision. After a minute or so the last of them vanished and they could look around properly. Trees towered overhead and leaves covered the floor. It looked a lot like the forest outside the Pyramid. Annabeth walked over to a strange carved stone sitting at the base of a tree.
"I wonder what these are for. They're all over the place."
Percy looked around briefly. The little carved stones really were all over the place.
"I have no idea, but maybe..."
He was interrupted by a loud scream and turned to see two people running towards them.
"RUN!" The girl yelled.
They stood there for a second as they passed them, then started running once they could see what was chasing them. Three enormous beetles were bouncing along the trail behind them. They quickly turned and caught up to the other two people.
"I've never been fond of bugs. But this is just crazy!" The girl yelled again.
The boy looked ahead and pointed to a small hole at the base of a cliff. "Down there!"
"It can't be much worse then this can it?"
She nodded vigorously. "Oh yes it can!"
The bugs were catching up to them. "No time to find something else!" Percy yelled and dove straight into the tunnel. He heard shouts and a high pitched scream behind him. He flew out of the tunnel and landed face first in sand. He grunted as he sat up and spat sand out of his mouth. The others had landed around him.
"Well. That was certainly exciting." Annabeth grinned.
He nodded and turned to the other two, who were busy extracting themselves from the sand as well.
The boy shook his head and tried to get sand out of his brow hair. It was gelled into a single spike over his forehead. The girl had shoulder length brown hair and large blue eyes.
"So," she asked. "Who are you?"
"I'm Percy and this is Annabeth." He stated simply.
"I'm Tea and this is Tristan. You wouldn't have happened to have seen a tall boy with blond hair or a short one with tri-colored hair would you?"
"Not recently."
She looked at him quizzically and continued to brush sand off her arms. "What do you mean by that?"
Percy sighed. "I had a dream and spoke to two young men. Yugi and Yami."
Tea gasped and Tristan frowned.
"Annabeth and I were brought to India along with a friend of ours by a strange man in a turban who had a weird gold key."
Tea sighed. "Well. We better try and find Yugi then."
They nodded and stood, looking around. A wide ocean spread in front of them and behind them gray cliffs rose into the sky. The tiny slice of beach they were on was shaped like a crescent and was cut off on both sides by the cliffs. Tristan frowned and walked back over to the tunnel they had fallen out of.
"It's too steep and smooth to climb out of."
"It looks like we're stuck here until low tide then."
Annabeth laughed a little. "We're only stuck if you can't swim."
"Well I don't fancy swimming in that!" Tea pointed and they looked out at the water. It was swirling just off shore, foam forming on the agitated surface. Percy frowned and took a pen out of his pocket.
The water erupted and a massive blue sea monster rose out of the water. A giant wave washed over the small group and they backed up against the cliff face. Percy leaped forward and drew riptide. Annabeth quickly leaped next to him, holding her dagger at her side.
"You take point?" She asked.
Percy nodded and charged at the creature as she slipped on her Yankees cap. The sea monster roared at Percy and a jet of water blasted out of its mouth towards him. Just before it impacted Percy held his hand out and it split to splash harmlessly back in the water. The monster looked at him confused and tried to blast him again with the same result.
As the creature prepared to fire again it roared in pain and thrashed, blood oozing from a large cut near one of it's webbed ears.
"Annabeth." Percy whispered with a grin.
The creature continued to thrash, flinging blood into the water. It gave one last mighty heave and then stilled, pawing a little at it's ear. A figure appeared in mid-air and splashed into the water.
"ANNABETH!" He ran towards her, diving straight into the water. He heard shouts behind him and a roar of fury as he willed the currents to carry him to Annabeth's still from, sinking quickly in the deep water. He grabbed her and propelled both of them back to shore. A wave deposited them onto the sand and he waited a frantic moment as she started coughing up water. He sighed in relief as her eyes opened and she grinned slightly at him, then she looked over at the sea monster and gaped.
"Percy? What are those?"
He turned to where she was pointing and his jaw dropped. Two creatures stood in front of Tea and Tristan, a short yellow lizard thing with two fleshy horns on it's head and a orange circular thing with pink and purple angel wings and a heart on its head.
The seamonster blasted at the new monsters with water and the lizard cried out in pain as it was flung into the air. Tristan grunted and his face screwed in pain, but he ran and allowed the lizard to bounce off his arm and into the air above the sea monster. As the monster looked for the threat it was blinded by the sun, allowing the lizard to blast it with an electrical attack before falling into Tristan's arms.
Percy helped Annabeth up and they walked over by the others. "What are those and where did they come from?"
"Um. I think they came from the weird carved stones we've been seeing all over the place. Tea and I touched one and these things just came out and started helping us take down that giant sea monster."
"Weird... but okay. I guess we've seen weirder."
"Most definitely." Annabeth grinned.
"This is actually pretty normal for us too." Tea laughed.
"Hey guys? Story swapping will have to wait till later. I think we have a problem." Tristan pointed at the sea monster, which had been charred by the electric attack and immobilized. The blackened flesh was chipping away and falling in great chunks. Light started pouring out from the cracks and the rest of the blackened pieces blasted away, leaving a green sea monster three times as large as the last one in its place.
"Come on! We can take him!" Tristan gestured for his lizard to attack, but both the lizard and the winged ball were huddled behind a rock.
"I don't think he shares your confidence."
The sea monster roared and a giant cyclone formed around it, blowing gale force winds at the small group. They were forced back to the cliff face and hung onto the rough rock, trying not to get blown away. Percy tightened his grip on Riptide and strode forward into the cyclone.
The winds buffered at him, but he held his hand forward and the water curved around him, creating a tunnel that lead directly to the sea monster. He ran down it, but the creature didn't seem to notice him at all. Didn't notice him, that is, until he ran straight up its tail and sliced Riptide across its neck. The creature stiffened for a moment, then shattered into millions of pieces which vanished before Percy hit the water. He surfaced and walked over to the others, bone dry and laughing.
"How did you do that?"
He put the lid back on Riptide, shrinking it back into a pen and smiled. "Training."
"But you just... you... how?"
Annabeth grinned. "We'll explain everything once we find the others."
They still looked curious and a little wary, but they nodded.
They looked up at the top of the cliff and spotted a familiar figure standing there. Tristan and Tea grinned.
Sorry this took so long to post... again. But I made it extra long to try and make up for it. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I was going to make it two separate ones, but I thought you deserved to get it all because I've been bad about posting. Sorry! We're getting to the good stuff now though, so it should be fun. And Christmas break is coming up for me, so I'll have more time to write then.
I hope you guys like Miranda. She is a character in the books. She shows up at the end of The Lost Hero in the meeting after the quest. I wanted a female character that wasn't a main one, so I hope you guys don't mind me putting her in here. She's not an OC and I have plans that should be rather humorous which involve her. Anyway... let me know what you think of the chapter!