Here's Chapter 2

Aleucard: I have no idea what the Naruto ranking system is like. Also the races in the EAC alone is so diverse it is nearly impossible to properly place them in category rankings. Though if I must I'll suspect that most civilians have at least D-C ranks while Soldiers have B-As. As for the citadel races. Only Biotics and Spectres with have a proper chance to go Toe to Toe with a magician. The unpredictability and versatility of magic makes it hard for other races to match against the abilities they provide.

Guest: Just Read the chapter and there's my answer to giant mechs.

X: I have had difficulties on what race to choose and I didn't want to choose the Turians as much but I also wanted a battle for the first contact war so in the end I ended with this chapter.

So anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 2: Release the God of Wars

Saying General Desolas Arterius was frustrated would be considered a lie to most that know him. No, Desolas was beyond frustrated, he was bordering on furious. A few hours ago his patrol fleet caught word of Batarian pirates near his sector attacking merchant ships and as such was sent to investigate. At first, most Turians including himself thought that the information was suspicious as the area the pirates was said to be in could be considered a very remote location, far away from any known active Relay. Why merchant ships would be near that sector is beyond his comprehension. However, orders are orders and Turians never disobey orders.

As such when they got to the area, it surprised the General at the amount of ships in the area. There were easily 20 ships or so, about 5 cruisers and 10 frigates, clearly batarians and 3 smaller frigates and 2 merchant ships. For a military race like the Turians, they can instantly tell what was happening as the Batarians fire on the smaller frigates. Explosions and bright lights flood the screen as 1 of the defending frigates fell under constant cannon fire. Immediately Desolas ordered the batarians to surrender. As much as the General wants this to be done quickly, the batarians instead answered with mass accelerator rounds. His patrol fleet consisted of 4 cruisers and 12 frigates. While outnumbered the Turians had better ships and equipment and as a result they only lost 2 frigates in the engagement.

The Batarians lost 7 frigates and 4 cruisers before they retreated with the Turians giving chase. The chase led them to another sector where it soon revealed a bigger group of ships and to General Arterius surprise, a dreadnought. Being outnumbered Desolas ordered a retreat and sent word back to the hierarchy and the council for reinforcements. As such 2 more flotillas joined up with a total of 3 dreadnoughts 10 cruisers and 20 frigates. This temporary pirate suppression fleet soon gave a large engagement with the pirate fleet with the end result of the pirates escaping. What confused the turians was the fact that the pirates escaped to the borders of the council influence sectors instead of the batarian systems.

The answer soon came to light to the horror of Desolas when one of the captured frigates gave the answer. The pirates were planning on activating a dormant relay secretly from the Citadel Council as a way to gather more resources and most importantly, potential "imports". To prevent the chance of another Rachni wars, Desolas instantly gave the order to stop the pirates at whatever the cost. They soon found the rest of the pirates at Relay 314 with another dreadnought and more ships bringing the numbers a close match.

This now leads to the current situation as Desolas growled at the pirate ships that are currently fighting the suppression fleet. His officers have already told him that the Batarians have already started on activating the Relay and within a few minutes it will be completely active.

'Damn those slavers, why the council even allowed this race to keep their slavery culture is beyond me,' Desolas thought as his dreadnought the Unmovable Spirit shook as it fired its mass accelerator cannon destroying another frigate, 'By the spirits, even the Quarians would have been better than the batarians. At least they don't try to enslave other races or activate Relays.'

One of the soldiers called out, "Sir, the reading that I'm getting indicates that the relay will be active within a minute."

"Do we have any ships that can get close to stop them?" the General questioned. The pirates cannot be allowed to succeed. The ramifications of the act itself is already breaking a great law. If the batarians succeed in opening the relay who knows what sorts of horrors they could unleash.

"Negative sir. The dreadnoughts of theirs are getting in the way of our cruisers and dreadnoughts, and our frigates are not strong enough to punch through."

'There's got to be a way,' General Arterius thought as he quickly looked over the tactical map sorting out several ideas in his head. One way would be to simply charge through with all their ships. This would guarantee victory fairly quickly but will come at the cost of many ships, and with the 2 enemy dreadnoughts in the way the cost of lives lost from this maneuver will rise exponentially. Another would be to flank the enemy with frigates, circling around the dreadnoughts to strike at the frigates that are concentrating on activating the relay. This while safer will take more time and by then the Relay could be active.

'Looks like I don't have much choice. While it will be dangerous and definitely costly, preventing the Relay from opening through the sacrifice of Turians as much as I hate it is a better solution,' Desolas decided.

Turning to the officers he ordered, "Give the order to all ships to charge in. Our dreadnoughts will distract theirs, the rest are to focus on taking out the frigates that is operating on the Relay. We must not let them succeed in opening it."

"Yes Sir!"

Batarian Dreadnought

The Batarian General snarled as one of the shots from the turian dreadnought destroyed another frigate. They have already lost many ships and if this keeps going they'll definitely loss this fight. This was originally a secret mission given by the Hegemony itself. They wanted to obtain worlds and resources that the Council will have no way of knowing about without extensive searching and yet still allows them to deny involvement. While some commanders and captains did think it was fool hardy and not worth opening a new relay for as the dangers of the Rachni wars still present, most were too afraid to complain or too greedy to care.

Some idiots however, were careless enough to be caught by Turian patrols while raiding and instead of fleeing to Hegemony Space they decided to fly over here attracting an entire fleet of ships to the Relay. Now they were trapped and with the Relay already started the batarian general decided to take the risk of finishing what he started already, and from the looks of it the Turians were about to charge in.

"General the Relay is active," one of the soldiers called out.

"Then get us out of here already," the General ordered as the great Tuning fork-like object started to spin the rings in the middle with a glowing blue orb of Eezo forming in the centre.


The General's eyes widen before quickly ordering, "All ships give chase, fire whatever you have at them don't let them escape!"

Blue lights of mass accelerated rounds flew out in open space, hitting the sides of turning ships as they move towards the relay with a few already jumping through. As quick as the Turian ships can be they were too late as the remaining pirate ships vanished in a blue light.

General Arterius slammed his fist on the tactical map as he quickly measures the options he has right now. The situation has gotten out of hand now that the Batarians have activated the Relay and escaped through it. He can either choose to follow the slavers through or he could wait for reinforcements to arrive from the Citadel. If by chance their is another species on the other side, unlikely as it is, it would mean a first contact protocol and with the batarian ships that will become very hard to achieve. Hopefully, there will only be rocks and a few dead planets.

After thinking for a minute, he decided to wait for reinforcements. Ordering one of the soldiers to send a message to the council about the recent developments. He then told the other ships to surround the Relay while any ships that need repairs quickly do so. Praying to the spirits, Desolas hopes that if by there is another race on the other side that they will be able to hold the batarians off until they come with the fleet.

Unknowingly, this decision made by the General would prevent him from seeing one of the most spectacular light shows to happen in space.


Captain Hannah Shepard is a red-haired woman who could be said to have a very serious and calm personality. She takes in dangerous situations with ease of a veteran officer, which she is, and calmly but quickly dissects it before finding solutions to the problems. Right now though she is twitching one of her eyebrows as she listen to the argument behind her from 2 officers about whether or not their favourite model is having an affair or whether that model had had breast implants.

Sighing she turns to her companion standing next to her. Another woman with black hair tied to a ponytail wearing a specially designed uniform. The uniform given to automatons. Standing next to her while typing on a holographic keyboard is the ship's main Synthetic Soul(SS) automaton Iona. Like all other automatons, she wears an emotionless face despite having the ability to show emotion.

"Hey Iona, any chance of chucking the 2 behind me into the airlocks?" Hannah ask half-jokingly. While chatting and building relationships with other crews were important, there was a time and place for it. Not while on duty.

Shaking her head she replied, "Unfortunately, the act while enjoyable would merely cause more of these pest to be born."

The captain only gave a short nod. It was an old rumour that started up during the early stages of the old war. It was implied that the higher ups decided to actively hire slackers as a way to deter other officers from becoming slackers themselves. It follows a gag study on ants about how 10-20% of the ants colonies are slackers and if those ants dies or are removed, then out of the remaining 80%, 20% of those ants become slackers. While the higher ups told the world that it was not true, even now the captain wonders if part of it was. It would certainly explain how some accidents can happen despite all the contingencies placed. Or how some would sneak certain pictures with each other. Both Male and Female.

She was about to ask something else when an alert sounded. "Iona what's going on?"

"I'm picking up movements from one of the Relays," Iona said as more holographic boards appear over the bridge area, each one showing various information, "I suspect it is being activated from the other side."

"What?" snapping her head towards the automaton. The Captain instantly gave out orders, "All ships, full alert, power shields and weapons. We are entering warning status and Iona send a message down to General Williams and tell him to activate the Aegis-class shields. Also get a message back to Yggdrasil command." Even as she finished speaking, flurries of movements occur throughout the entire 5,790ms ship. The defence fleet of Shanxi consist of 1 Bahamut-class and 2 Ziz-classes and 7 Jormungandr-classes.

Outside in space, people will see the slender but blocky shaped ships giving out a field of energy around the hull making it look like the ship is slicing through the sea in space. Hundreds of turrets turn themselves towards the Relay which soon began to spin its inner rings creating the blue element zero core.

"Iona prep the First Contact Package," Captain said. The SS nodded her head as she rapidly configure the ship towards the relay. Being the SS of a ships means she has a direct connection to the ship itself and as such she can control most of the system of the ship by herself if needed. However as this would slow her capabilities, most of the systems are given to other automatons or officers.

Soon the ships came. It started with the frigates, then the cruisers, and finally the dreadnoughts of the batarian fleet. In total, a group of 10 frigates, 8 cruisers and 2 dreadnoughts. A total of 18 ships against the 10.

As the ships show themselves, Captain Hannah slowly whispered to herself, "Well there goes my day off."

Batarian Dreadnought

For the batarians it was one of the worst situations they could be in. When they first thought about having first contact with an unknown race, they knew that the race they could meet have a chance for another Rachni war. As such was the reason why they prepared a large fleet in the first place. As such when they came into contact with what seems to be 10 ships of alien design all exceeding or near dreadnought size they were instantly on alert. 7 ships being just under 1 km in length, 2 being under 3 kms and 1 that seems to be up to 5 times the size of a Turian dreadnought. What's worst for the situation was the fact that they have just recently been in battle against the Turians and is definitely not fit for battle.

Still the batarian general can still hope, turning to one of the sensor officers, "What can you tell me on those ships?"

The officer quickly did a small scan, "They're definitely not made by any known species and from what I can currently scan, wait hold on...that's impossible..."

Growling impatiently the general shouted, "Well spit it out! What is it?"

Gulping, the officer turn towards his general, "Uhh, the scans seem to indicate that those ships seems to not utilise Element Zero, infact even now as the ships are flying towards us I'm detecting no traces of Element Zero."


In a quick moment, thousands of thoughts instantly flooded the general's mind. If this new race truly don't use Eezo then it will become the ultimate game changer. If the Hegemony have access to those technology they can quickly obtain superiority over the Council. However, as greedy as the general was, he didn't survive this long without being cautious. There is no way of determining the advancement of this new race, as there is nothing to compare to. Every race the Council have met both members and non-members have use Element Zero, it is the defining characteristic of a space-faring race and yet this one seems to ignore that all together. What's more is that judging from the size of their fleet it is definitely an advance race. Other than the Destiny Ascension by the Asari none have had anything close to their 3 big juggernauts crafts.

Still, the general knew that as this is First contact, if he play his cards right he has a chance to potentially make use of this race against the Turians, it will require quite a lot of lying and hopefully this race will initiate a conflict to the Turians. This will allow him to have a chance to acquire this race's technology.

Unfortunately for the general, this plan was quite literally shot to pieces as one of the cruisers on his side opened fired. Silence greet the once filled mind of the General before it restarted to comprehend what he just saw. One of his cruisers have fired a round. One of his cruisers have just possibly jeopardies any chance of alliance between this new race and the Batarian Hegemony. The round flew straight towards the 5 km long ship. Praying to his ancestors in an odd move, the general prays that this would not ended up too badly. The answer came when the round hit the ship. Everybody at the CIC wait with short breath as small smoke appeared from the explosion. When the smoke cleared however what they saw shock them. In front of the hull was a giant glowing blue circle with a triangle on the inside carry runic markings. The entire ship itself was not scratched and appeared with no damage.

'By the spirits,' was the thoughts of the general before steeling himself, "Who was the one who fired?"

"That'll be the Cruiser Spirits of Khar'shan, and from what I'm getting, it seems that the captain panicked and ordered his ship to fire."

"Damn it!" the Batarian General knew that he had no choice but to continue the attack now. While his fleet outnumbered the enemies, they have bigger ships and unknown technology, there is just no way of knowing what they could do in a space battle. Taking a deep breath he ordered, "All ships commence assault, dreadnoughts concentrate fire on the big one, the rest are to attack the others. This is for the Hegemony!"

Captain Shepard looked at the unknown ships with judging eyes. From what she can see, those ships seems to have recently been in battle and from the scans it shows that they rely on Element Zero. Turning to her XO, "What do you think Iona?"

The automaton replied, "I think that those ships have recently been in a fight and have just managed to escape from the battle. I would suggest to keep the defences up at the very least."

Shepard nodded in agreement, "I see, very well prepare the first cont-"

"Unknowns have fired!"

The moment those words hit her ears, the Captain reacted at the speed of lightning, "Shields to full, evasive action!"

The blue light of a mass accelerator round flew at extremely high speeds towards them. Just when the round was about to be hit, the defence spells came online activating the gravity shield along with the first of the basic magic defences, Active Inertia Canceller. It is a spell designed to remove the Inertia from attack strikes. While it seems to be powerful, it has a limit to what the spell is capable of handling. Their is only a certain amount of inertia it can handle before it will be overwhelm.

As the round came close a runic magic circle came into existence in front of it. When the round hit, the spell quickly reduced the kinetic force behind the round before fully destroying the attack.

Captain Hannah asked, "Did we take any damage?"

"Negative, it appears the AIC was able to take the full strength of the attack though I suspect it won't be able to handle several of the same attacks at the same time, not unless we place several more AICs at the front." Iona replied. While the defence spell was capable of blocking the attack it drain quite a bit of energy in the spell itself. The spell can recharge itself quickly but once it's been broken it will take a long time for the spell to repair.

"What did they hit us with?"

"Scans indicate they use a mass accelerator cannon similar to the gravity cannons we use. It seems they also use energy weapons but they appear to be only for Point defence."

"I see." Hannah was quickly formulating a plan throughout the entire conversation, "Get all ships to War Status immediately, aim the Grav cannons at them, both kinetic and energy. Also prep the Port Drive."

On the hull of the ships various cannons split apart and reconfigured themselves into a different platform in order to fire a different type of ammo. Some transformed into a rectangular shape with a slit as the opening while others shaped into the more traditional circular shape of a kinetic cannon.

"All weapons are ready."


"Sir the enemy ships seem to be powering their weapons."

"Sir, I'm detecting large amounts of energy, its...spirits its producing more energy then anything we have ever seen."

"Sir enemy ships firing!"

The next scene that the batarian general saw was something he will never forget. Large blue beams of light shone through the darkness of space and pierced several of the cruisers and the frigates, bypassing the kinetic shields and enveloping the ships in a massive explosion of fire. Smaller yellow lights streaked through in between the larger beams and hit the frigates, this time the kinetic barriers activate but soon collapsed under under a constant barrage.

"Direct Energy weapons..." he trailed off. Not one known race have ever manage to completely create an energy weapon that is capable of that much fire power and range. The Salarians have tried but have yet to succeed. His ships returned fire but most of the shots were blocked by the enemies unique shields. Some that manage to get through merely hit another shield behind it. Within minutes he had already lost over 9 ships and is in the process of losing more.

His survival instincts running a full speed he quickly gave the order, "Retreat back to the Relay!"

One of his officers argued, "But sir the Turians are on the other side."

"Better the Turians and get arrested then be killed. Besides, if we're lucky enough, the Turians will take care of this."

His fleet slowly turned themselves towards the Relay. What he didn't know is that the enemy he is facing carries technology that can easily cut off his escape.

The battle was going well. Most of the plasma beams managed to pierce straight through the enemy though some of the kinetic rounds encountered enemy shields. Interestingly enough the shields seems to not affect the beams.

Directed this question to Iona she answered, "The enemies' shields seems to be based off against kinetic attacks and not energy weapons."

"I see, get all guns to turn to energy. Is the Port Drive ready yet?"

"The Port Drive is charged and ready to jump."

"Good, get us between the 1 km ship and the Relay. We're going to capture that one so tell the boys down stairs to ready the Gods of War."


Iona's Hanger bay

Jack Harper, a human pilot was fixing his suit as he looked over his friends. Ben Hislop another human and Eva Core, a half-elf woman. The three of them form a small team of pilots, best known for their coordination. All three have been friends and have stuck together for over 100 years. They have been pilots for the first generation God of Wars and were survivors of the Trinity War. Now they were peace keeping troops that has just recently been brought back to service. Ever since the increase in life span the war service system under went a few changes. One such change was the service time. Any individual can serve for a set amount of time before temporary leaving to allow younger troops to move up. After a temporary vacation they can rejoin and serve the military once again if they want to.

Quickly double checking his equipment he turned to his team, "Alright soon Iona will jump us right in front of the enemy ship, our mission is to disable it and take out their PDWs to provide an area for boarding crafts. They're using energy weapons for PDs so be careful not to get hit. Understood?"

The other two quickly confirmed "Judge!"

"Good now saddle up!"

Turning away from the team he settle his eyes upon the great 15 metre tall machine. It is composed of a white bulky body with black armour and 2 crucifix like legs. On its back are 4 cross shaped wings that are highly manoeuvrable allowed almost omni-directional movement. In its hands are a giant ether gun. The designs of a God of War has changed a lot since its first prototype. It was originally suppose to be a giant mechanic suit piloted inside a chamber. However, it instead changed to a highly mobile suit capable of real-time reaction movements of the pilots control. This is because to pilot a God of War, the pilot needs to be disintegrated into data to be downloaded into the machine. As a result the pilot and the machine are inseparable unless the pilots converts himself back into physical format or the machine is destroyed in which the pilot dies as well.

Climbing onto the back of the neck, Jack placed his palm on the machine before he slowly glowed and dissolved into light particles. The God of War jerked before the arms started to move.

"This is Jack, I'm ready, how are you two?" he asked through the communications.

"This is Ben, I'm good as well."

"This is Eva, Ditto."

Beside Jack are 2 more machines, 1 is a 17 metre tall one with much heavier armour and is holding a giant cannon in its arms. Another is instead shorter at 13 metres and is much slimmer than the other two but has 6 wings instead of 4 and strapped to the shoulders what seems to be missile launchers. A heavy class and a light class along with his medium class. A textbook basic balance group.

"Team Cerberus, we are going to jump soon. Prepare yourself.

The team tightens their grips as the count down started.








*COUGH*COUGH* Sorry about that.

(1) Judge- This is a military short term way of saying Understand or understood. It also replaced the words of Yes. It originated back during the Trinity Wars and each factions in the war had their own version. Judge for Judgement was for the Neutral Atlantis group. As they were the ones that looked at the war from the sidelines. Judging things through their own eyes and not through the words of others.

This is merely a prelude to the storm chapter. The next one will official start the battle in space and possibly in Shanxi as well.

For those that thought the reactions and thought process of the Batarian General was weird is because I wanted to make it so that my General was a survivor and not an arrogant one that believes in superiority simply because they have 4 eyes. I wanted it to make it seem like my General has experience and knows to search for the best solution that'll keep him alive. Whether I succeed or not I'll check the reviews.

For those who are still confuse about the magic system here's more information about it. Part's of these are copied from Wiki's and some being modified to fit this world.


Magic Categories: Magic is split between 4 main groups and 3 outliers.

The 4 mains are:

Absorption-Emission: All spells that absorb or emit anything, fall into this category.

Movement-Oscillation: All spells that heat up things until a certain point, and all movement spells, where the speed is designated, while it is not in the acceleration-category fall into this category.

Convergence-Diffusion: All spells that use the movement of the molecules to create or dismiss things fall into this category.

Acceleration-Aggravation: All spells that use acceleration, pressure or gravitation fall into this category.

The 3 outliers are:

Irregular Magic:

Irregular Magic does not change a phenomeon itself, but interferes and manipulates the Psion. It is often used to break and interfere with the activation sequence of another spell, and cannot be stopped. Once used, for example as a cluster-shot of Psion against the activation, it will break any spell, as long as the user has a larger output than the aimed spell.

Perception Type Magic:

Also known as ESP, perception is a Practical Skill; people gifted with it can read the Activation Sequence of a Spell, assemble the Data, and analyse it. You have to train to be become skilled in "Sequence Reading", "Awareness" and "Comprehension". Perception floods the mind of the user with data about the spell, type, strenght, output and if the caster is using maximal power.

It is no common skill, and when you have it, you can react to spells faster, and know how to jam and/or evade them.

Outersystematic Magic:

Unlike other types of magic, Outersystematic-type magic affects the spirits instead of the eidos. Examples include manipulating spiritual beings, mind reading, spirit separations and mind control. Informational Manipulative Outersystematic-type magic is a mental interference type magic, that can control thoughts and feelings. There are first class restrictions in regards to this type of magic, as the ability to influence others' thoughts is extremely dangerous. Permits must be granted to use any mental interference-type magic. Occulmency is one such example.

Magic Sequence: Magic Sequence is the equation that Psion and Pushion follows to an Eidos.

The sequence is usually depicted as a ring of runic language representing the calculations. Those that are capable of reading it can instantly know what spell is being cast, strength, output and other information about the spell itself.

An example of a full sequence is moving an egg from 1 table to another.

The magician first uses an acceleration spell to give movement to the Egg

Then he uses a movement spell to designate a target for the egg to travel to and how the egg travels.

The next step is to use a deceleration spell to slow down the egg's speed.

The final step is a suspension spell to stop the egg from moving and thus safely landing on the table.

By removing the last 2 steps one can turn that egg into a projectile.

In combat a magician simply uses the acceleration spell or movement spell to launch an enemy at a wall. A large concentration of psion or ether can interfere with this sequence.

Gods of War: Giant 13-17 metre tall mechanical robots. They can be both pilot controlled or remote controlled by an SS or Artificial Intelligence.

Design-wise, ground type Gods of War are mostly different to each other, with only the systems inside as the common trait among Gods of War. However, the anatomy of most Gods of War somewhat resembles a human body, with a humanoid shape and a nervous system wherein the pilot is "downloaded", and this would ease the pilot in controlling the God of War, which would replace the human body of the pilot while inside the God of War.

A pilot "rides" a God of War by converting him/her into data through disintegration, and downloading the converted pilot into the God of War's nervous system. After this, the pilot and the God of War is an inseparable pair that can only be separated when the pilot is converted back into its physical form, or when the God of War is destroyed, resulting in the death of the pilot.

Aerial Type God of Wars are similar to each other due to necessity of flight capabilities than personal preference. Unlike many of the other military units, Gods of Wars are usually sent in small groups than large armies of them. This is due to both cost of production and to find good pilots.

The newest advance Gods of Wars are equipped with its own miniature Port Drive however the energy required takes time to charge and is only used as either a last resort to escape or to surprise the enemy.

God of Wars are usually classified through Light, Medium and Heavies.

Ship Classifications:

Ships are classified by its length, and is designated a name based on mythological serpent-like creatures from Middle Age literature.

Unclassified - shorter than 12 meters

Wyvern-class - 12 to 36 meters

Dragon-class - 36 to 108 meters

Kraken-class - 108 to 324 meters

Jormungandr-class - 324 to 972 meters

Ziz-class - 972 to 2916 meters

Bahamut-class - 2916 to 9748 meters

Leviathan-class - longer than 9748 meters

MP5 Gravity Cannon: Also known as Multi-Purpose Type 5 Gravity Cannon. It is a special cannon that can reconfigure its barrel into different forms allowing it to fire different rounds when needed. It does this through a number of runes and enchantments placed along the entire length of the barrel. There are special runes that allow strengthening to keep the barrel combined while there are those that allow it to change shape.

It uses gravity as the main form of propulsion for the rounds both Kinetic and Energy. Due to its versatility it is very popular among gunners as it can freely change itself to suit the role it needed.

It is nicknamed the Grav Gun

Automatons: They are a mechanic race that possesses a soul inside their bodies. They were first introduced by Japan as a way to help look after elderly.

Automatons are most often artificially created, with the soul either artificially created as well or a soul extracted from a dead person. This soul is compressed into a small marble-sized ball that can be placed anywhere in the automaton.

Physically, they have almost no distinguishable features from normal humans on the surface. Inside however the entire body is mechanical but they also have certain functions that replicate the human systems such as the digestive system giving them the ability to eat. Aside from this, they also have additional functions like heat management and others. Automatons can also be programmed to share memories with each other like computers in a network

All automatons are powered by Ether and can absorb ether through the air as a result they can operate almost indefinitely without charging.

If the body is damage they can undergo repairs or can simply be reallocated to another body. Also, the soul can be extracted from the body at any time without any harm done to the soul or the automaton. However, any damage that the soul would receive is irreversible, and excessive temperatures would also severely damage the automaton.

Commonly, automatons can acquire the skills from a soul that has been integrated into it. Such as the soul of a pilot will give the automaton great piloting skills.

Another ability that all automatons have is the ability to manipulate gravity. This ability allows the automatons to lift up heavy objects with ease and can also give them great combat activities. One such example is during the Trinity Wars, one of the Automatons using her gravity ability fought with a aerial God of War to a standstill.

AIC: Active Inertia Canceller. One of the basic ship defence spells it is one of the most commonly used spells. It works by generating a field that uses gravity to decelerate projectiles removing the inertia behind it. As the field is a gravity one it can affect both energy and kinetics strikes. It usually appears in the form of a blue magic circle with a triangle in the middle and the runic language for decelerate in the centre. It is not invincible as it can only hold off a certain amount of energy before needing to recharge. If the spell is broken through, it will enter a state of self-repair and will not be usable until it is repaired.

This spell is usually used in conjunction with other defence spells in a row. It is possible to overcharge the shield or recharge it manually by pouring ether directly into the spell itself.

And that's all I have for you today.

Hope you enjoyed that, please review and I'm about 2/3 done with another Alternate Humanity story. Guess what I've crossed over it with.

Its called Alternate Humanity: Independence Effect.

That's all!

-This is Orez

Signing Out