Shuzen Sisters

Chapter 13: Survival

Hi People! So this is the last chapter you guys have been through a lot with me. But our journey isn't over yet! I will be making more stories and more everything you guys like to see! Hope you guys enjoy it!

"Tsukune..", Kahlua's couldn't stop herself from crying. He wasn't dead, she shook her head. "No one can kill Tsukune!", Kahlua laid down on the ground and closed her eyes. She had put everything she had into their fight and was exhausted, besides Tsukune would protect her no matter what. Akua was smiling at Tsukune, "So this is your highest point?" Tsukune stood next to Kahlua, his arm had turned into its metallic form.

The metal ran from his fingertips to the side of his neck, but where Akua had put her arm through Tsukune was also his metallic skin. "I will not let you hurt the girls anymore!", Tsukune dashed from where he was standing and made it to Akua in a blink of an eye. He swung his arm at Akua and just scraped the outside of his clothes. Akua backed away quickly and prepared herself for another attack, Tsukune had gotten stronger but how.

Tsukune stood up straight and dashed at Akua again, he slashed at her but missed. He stood just a little past her, Akua had attacked him as well. Tsukune's shoulder began to spray blood out of it, there was a deep gash where Akua had hit him. He fell to his knees and lifted his metallic arm to his wound, "Its time to end this for real!" Akua put her arm on the back of Tsukune's neck, she raised it up high in the air. 'is this it?', Tsukune thought to himself as he thought back to how he had gotten into this situation.


He didn't know what it was until he felt a pressure in his chest. He looked down and Akua had put her arm though his chest, "I guess this means you won't be keeping your promise after all." Tsukune put his hand on her shoulder trying to keep himself up, his grip slipped and he fell to the ground. Akua stood over his body with a smile on her face, if he was going to be with Moka then it would be in only memory.

Tsukune watched as Akua walked away whistling a happy tune. Tsukune's eyes began to close on their own, he tried to keep them open but for some reason they felt really heavy. He tried to move his body but even that felt heavy to him, all of his strength had drained from his body. Tsukune's eyes finally came crashing down and darkness arose. It was all he could see, he had given up on fighting there was nothing left to fight for.

Tsukune now stood in this darkness, not seeing or hearing anything. Tsukune sat down and pulled his knees to his chest, "Would you give up so easily?" Tsukune looked up from the darkness, a different form of himself stared back into his eyes. This form of Tsukune seemed different, yet there were no obvious changes to his body or appearance.

"I don't know what to do, she is impossible to fight!", Tsukune looked over his shoulder to see another form of himself walking up. "You're right, just give up and let Akua take care of the girls... I'm sure they will be fine!", this form of himself felt wrong in so many ways. Tsukune sat in-between these two persona of his right and wrong conscious.

His evil self was right, if Akua could kill him so easily then there would be no problem defeating anyone else who he couldn't beat. Then again his good self was also right, if Tsukune gave up the girls would have to live with the monster that killed him. Tsukune looked to his evil self, "How do I know she won't hurt the girls?"

His evil self thought for a minute, "Look how much she kicked you're ass when she though you were trying to hurt Kahlua!" Tsukune had to think about it for a minute, his good side reached his hand down to Tsukune. "We have to save the girls!", his evil side reached down with his metallic arm. "Give up, lets go see our real family!"

Tsukune reached his hand up, he grabbed onto the metallic arm and stood up. "I can't save the girls, I don't have the strength.", The good Tsukune looked away ashamed of how Tsukune was behaving. "That's why I need the both of you!", Tsukune grabbed onto both of their hands and held onto them.

His chest began to move, up when he took a large breath of air into his lungs, and down when he coughed it up. Tsukune panted on the ground for a minute or two before turning and laying down on his back. "I'm coming girls."

Tsukune sat up slowly, he was still injured and his body was sore. He lifted up his shirt and underneath it was a large scar, the scar was the same type of metal that his arm was made of. "So that's what it was.", Tsukune remembered back when his skin was red and really hard. It was getting worse every time he transformed his body was beginning to change all by its self.

Tsukune stood up, it was a forest so it would take him a minute or two before he would find his way out of it. Tsukune looked down at his arm, it had changed into its metallic form all by itself. Tsukune raised it up to his face, "What's going on?" Tsukune couldn't deal with it right now, he could use it anyway. Tsukune began to make his way out of the forest by slicing tree, after tree down clearing a path for him.

Tsukune made it to a clearing and remembered how to get back from there, "I'm coming for you girl!", Tsukune clenched his fist and took off running towards the Shuzen castle.


Akua swung her arm down, she is using her moon crushing dimensional sword technique and if she lands this hit she would kill Tsukune simple as that. Akua's arm thrashed downwards and cut open the ground were Tsukune was kneeling. "What?", Tsukune hadn't gave up yet. He stood behind Akua and had the perfect attack, he hated her and knew she was going to do something terrible. Yet his arm stayed still, he couldn't bring himself to kill her.

His window was closing fast, Akua was beginning to turn around and in a second or two he wouldn't be able to attack her. Akua turned around and brought her hand up as fast as she could, her arm ripped through and blood splashed everywhere. "T...Tsukune... you're alive...", Akua pulled her arm back.

Tsukune's eyes began to water, "M...Moka.." Moka had jumped in front of Akua's attack to save Tsukune. "Why.. why did you do that idiot?", Akua yelled as loud as she could. Moka couldn't keep herself up, her body fell forward landing on Tsukune. He slowly fell with her until she was laying on the ground.

Kokoa had heard all of the co motion and went to get Moka, "BIG SISTER!" Kokoa ran over to Tsukune and Moka who were laying on the ground now, both Kokoa and Tsukune were crying over Moka. "Tsukune... will you keep your promise?", Moka asked as she smiled at him put her hand on his cheek. Tsukune smiled and leaned forward to kiss Moka, his lips touched hers and as he kissed her he felt her warm lips slowly turn cold.

Tsukune backed away from her, her body was cold and he couldn't feel or hear her heartbeat. "MOKAAAA", Kokoa stood up and clenched her fists. She was looking at Akua, she didn't seem like she was happy either. Kokoa began to walk towards Akua but was stopped, Tsukune put his hand in front of her and stopped her, "Take your sisters inside." Kokoa didn't want to but she listened and brought both of her sisters inside of the castle.

When she did this she took off running to Akasha, Kokoa had to let her know what was going on. Issa jumped out of the hole in the wall that Akua made, Tsukune was facing both of them. His hair covered his face and his fists were clenched. "Your mother is still alive.", Tsukune didn't move.

"Your father was killed to protect her and you, she was never killed. I want you to leave before your the cause of death for more of my children.", Issa waited to see if Tsukune wanted to fight or leave. Akua was still shook up by what she had done, 'kill him, show him what you can do.' Tsukune's evil side said to him, 'Show both of them, for Moka.' Tsukune's good side said.

Tsukune gave a slight smile, he began to clench his body up. Issa tossed his coat off of him and prepared for a fight. Tsukune ran at the two of them with everything he had, he swung his arm at Issa just missing. Tsukune dug his arm into the ground and pulled it out to swing it at Akua, he his her and she fell backwards with a large cut on her arm.

Akua had snapped out of it now, she is in a fight and needed to focus or she would be dead soon enough. Tsukune clenched his fist and swung at Issa, he caught Tsukune's fist and pulled Tsukune closer. Tsukune was brought in close and Issa put his knee into Tsukune's chest, Issa was no vampire to fool around with.

Tsukune fell on the ground next to Akua but it didn't stop him. Tsukune swung his claw at Akua just missing her, Akua kicked his claw away and put her foot down on his metallic arm. Issa began to walk over to them, "You should have went to find your mother boy." Issa stood above Tsukune, tears came to Tsukune eyes. "Moka...", Tsukune's tears ran down the side of his face. On his forehead thought, a raindrop fell from the sky and landed on his forehead.

Tsukune couldn't feel the pain but he knew that it was a vampires weakness. Tsukune lifted his up and kicked Akua in the stomach, knocking her off of his arm. Issa's fist came crashing down on Tsukune's metallic arm. The rain had began and all three of them were getting wet, the only one not getting effected was Tsukune though. The cut that Akua had gave him had healed up, the skin that closed the wound up was his metallic skin.

Akua stood in the rain with it hurting her and draining her power. Tsukune raised his claw up and let it rip through her shoulder. Akua clenched her teeth and went along with the pain, "You deserve to die!" Tsukune pulled his claw out of her shoulder and let Akua bleed and feel the pain of the water and the cut. His next target was Issa, he was still standing but he was weaker. This is the true test, what will Tsukune do?

Kokoa got Akasha and took her to Moka and Kahlua, Akasha bent over and put her ear to Moka's chest. "Where is Tsukune?", Akasha asked not concerned about Moka at all. "He is outside fighting Akua.", Kokoa had listened to him and it might save his life. Akasha looked outside, she saw Tsukune and Issa exchanging attacks one after another. "You killed my family!", Tsukune yelled as he sliced open Issa's forearm.

"If you would have just died my daughter would still be alive!", Issa and Tsukune both swung their fists at each other. When their fists collided the air and water around them was blown away, when the rain continued to fall Tsukune remained standing. Issa was laying on the ground, he had a small amount of blood coming from his lip. Rain fell down on his face and sparks were flying off of him, "You won... give me a respectful death."

Tsukune put his claw up against Issa's throat, his metal claws were piercing Issa's neck. Tsukune lifted his claw up and let it come crashing down, all of his anger, all of his pain. It was all gone in less then a second, he hated himself but everything was gone. Tsukune pulled his claw out of the mud, he fell off of Issa and laid next to him in the mud.

"Your father, killed other vampires.", Issa looked over at Tsukune. "He saved humans at the cost of vampires life, he had killed a vampire protected by the Shuzen house and for that he met his end." Issa was beaten and broken but not lying, "You are not like your father and I know that now, so leave here and find your family, boy."

Tsukune let tears roll off of his face. They mixed with the water, Tsukune somehow knew what Issa was saying is true. He wanted to deny it but his father is a murderer, he couldn't deny that. "Tsukune! Come quick!", Issa and Tsukune looked over to the garden where Kokoa had taken Moka and Kahlua.

Both Issa and Tsukune had made it to the garden room, Akasha had Moka in her arms and was rocking her back and forth. "She will be fine, in two or three weeks she will be back to her normal self again.", Tsukune sat down next to Kokoa and Kahlua.


It has been three months since Tsukune has been to the Shuzen Castle. After finding out that his mother is alive he left the next night, Tsukune searched high and low for Akua but couldn't find her. After a month of looking Tsukune had found his mother and had started his life up again with her. Moka had healed up and was back to normal just like her mother said, Moka was giving more of her mothers blood to save her life. It was a close call but she made it, "Moka dinner time!" Moka sat on the edge of a cliff, her feet hung off the edge of the cliff.

"I'm coming.", Moka stood up and began to make her way to the castle. Moka made it to the door to go into the castle, she turned around and looked at the sunset... just like when she first saw Tsukune. Moka walked inside of the castle, she followed her sister Kokoa who was in a good mood for some reason. They both walked into the dinning hall and standing just past the doorway was, "Tsukune.."

Moka hadn't seen him since she was attacked by Akua, he wore a tuxedo and had a smile on his face as Moka ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Moka began to cry as she looked at Tsukune and kissed him. "HEY! I don't remember saying that you could HAVE him!", Kahlua said as she pulled on Tsukune's arm trying to pull him away from Moka. "Who are you kidding, Tsukune I need a training dummy!", Kokoa said as she pulled on the other side of his arm.

Just another day with the Shuzen Sisters...

So I hope you guys like it! I will be continuing with my other story now and I'm so glad to everyone who left a review or everyone who read my story! I will be putting up and alternate ending as well, it is actually the way that it was planned to end but I changed it for you guys!

Until next time