Jeff held the knife in his hand and looked at the blood that dripped from it's shined blade,blood dripped like wine onto his white hoodie staining it,he licked the blade clean of the blood and the victim looked up at him with their last amount of energy and courage their departing soul could muster."Who a-are you?"
"My name is not important,especially not to a dying person."Jeff wanted to let the person suffer,"but I suppose since you'll be dead anyway,you can call me Jeff,Jeff the killer."
Jeff laughed maniaclly then licked his cherry-red lips as he watched the person twitch before him until falling slung the blade into his hoodie pocket and walked to the open window staring out into the twinkling night stars looked as if they were tucked beneath a blanket of cuckled darkly as he took one last look at his actually took time with his killings,so he liked the was his victim's smile curved into her softened cheeks and her eyes stared back at him with lifeless power and her barley brown hair was a mess behind her back,cascading gently down her back,covering the shoulders with what looked like a chocolate at first thought he should take a picture and seal the moment forever,but then he quickly decided against it,he didn't have a phone or a camera anyway.
So Jeff eased himself out the window and snuck quietly back to his abandoned cabin near the forest's swung the door open noisily and kicked his shoes off by the mat as he slammed the lived all alone exept for his two friends BEN and Eyeless Jack.
Eyeless Jack was a brown haired,baby-faced conartist,but he was a great shoulder to lean on and usually took care of the house while BEN and Jeff were of absence.
BEN was a dirty blonded boy with ghostly baby-blue eyes,he looked alot like was usually busy hunting around in people's games to mess up the system and such for these matters.
"Jack,BEN!"Jeff yelled and flooped onto the couch in the living room.
"Stop yelling Jeff,your always too loud."Jack says looking up from his book.
"LALALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"Jeff sang in a very loud,twisted,manner."I CAN'T HEAR YOU."
Jack grunted and chuckled."Ok more chocolate cake for me and BEN."
Jeff started whining about how hard his job was,how hungry he was,how Jack always treats BEN better,how the roof leaks when it rains,how he hears sounds in the forest at night,and why the sky was blue.
Jack just laughed,"I was kidding Jeff,you know we can't deal with you being all skin and bones."
Jeff blushed slightly."Bitch do you want to die?"
Jack didn't have time to answer there was a strong knock at the front in the world knew they lived here?Was it little red riding hood looking for her grandma?Jeff could make an awesome grandma...
Jack sighed and stood up to look through the gasped and backed up,"Jeff,"He says as panic flooded his voice,"It's the fucking police dude!"
Jeff looked around nervously,"Where the hell is BEN?"
Jack was breathing rapidly,"What about the problem at hand?"
"This is the police,open the door or we will use force,we have a warrant."The officer behind the door says.
Jack shook his head,"Hide Jeff,in those woods,I'll handle this."
"But your a year you-"
"Just go,I look older anyway.I can handle it,BEN shouldn't be back until later anyway."Jack pointed,"Go through the back window and stay in one place in those woods,if I don't come get you,don't come back,GO!"
Jeff ran for the window and slid himself out into the thicket of bolted into the woods only stopping when he saw a note on a nearby tree.