Tonk's POV

"Mad-Eye's dead."

"Mad-Eye's dead."

"Mad-Eye's dead."

It's been less than 24 hours since it was said. Since it happened.

That short, disgusting sentence seems to be on repeat in my head. I feel like it's caught in my throat, blocking off my airway.

When the hateful words left Bill's lips, I desperately looked around the room, hoping someone, anyone, would tell me it wasn't true. When there was nothing but silence, my legs carried me quickly to Molly's garden where I couldn't help but empty the contents of my stomach into her flower bed. When I finished, I raised my head, wiped my mouth, and began to cry.

I cried like I never had before. I tried to stay silent, but my breath came out in loud pants and ripping sobs tore free from my throat. I slapped my hands over my mouth, but the terrible noise continued to spill out.

Warm arms surrounded me suddenly; one forearm wrapped around my collarbones - pulling me against my husband's chest - and the other constricted around my waist.

"Stop Remus," I croaked. "just leave me be."

He kissed the back of my scalp sweetly.


I felt the distinct navel-pulling of apparation, and then we were home. When my feet hit the ground, I scrambled away from his embrace, and promptly bumped into a table and fell on my arse.

Tears of frustration mixed with my ones of grief.

Remus crossed the distance to me quickly, disregarded my outstretched arm, and picked me up. He cradled me to his chest and carried me bridal style to our bedroom. I banged my fists against his chest with all the ferocity I could manage at that time, but it appeared he did not notice.

He gently sat me on our bed and began to pull at my outer robes - preparing me for bed like a child.

"I can manage just bloody fine on my own, for fuck's sake!" I snapped.

Remus sighed, but continued with his task.

"I know that, my love. Let me help you." He replied.

"I don't need your help! All I need is for you to leave me the hell alone!" I screamed, slapping him away.

"Dora, I know you're in pain, but I'm begging you to think of your condition." Remus rested a large, warm hand over my stomach.

I saw genuine understanding and concern in his eyes, but his plea did nothing more than infuriate me.

"Don't you ever act as though I don't care about this baby! Unless I'm mistaken, you were the one who ran out on me and put our family in danger ... but none of it even matters now, does it? How in the bleeding hell are we supposed to raise a child in a world like this, Remus? TELL ME! How are we supposed to keep our baby safe when ... when he couldn't even survive?"

I doubled over into tears.

Remus eased my body gently onto the bed. There was a war raging inside of me then - the side desperately wanting to be alone, quickly lost to the side that found comfort in the touches of my husband.


I began to think about the beginning of my relationship with Mad-Eye.

I was the only girl in my recruit class at the Auror Academy. That, alone, slapped an expiration date on my back and seemed to give the instructors a right to completely ignore me.

This went on for weeks.

Mad-Eye Moody was the greatest and most famous Auror of our generation, and so it shocked everyone (including myself) when he decided to take me under his wing when he came to the academy to supervise. He never told me why he took me in, never gave an explanation for what everyone viewed as madness brought on by decades of stressful work and the natural order of aging. I never asked, either. I wish, now, that I did; I wish I did many things concerning him.

So Mad-Eye became my teacher. Years later, I can still say that everything I know about being an Auror, somehow relates back to him and his lessons.

He was my mentor, but also so much bloody more than that. I suppose he was something very much like a father. My real dad, Ted, was always present and loving in my life; but never completely supportive. When I told him I dreamt of becoming an Auror, he told me I was barking and left it at that.

Mad-Eye was different. He cut me no slack and pushed me harder than I knew was humanely possible toward my goal. I needed and appreciated that almost as much as when he picked me up after each time I fell.


Remus held me tight against his body - every part of me in contact with every part of him.

"What am I supposed to do without him?" I whispered.

"Oh, love ... I wish I could give you an answer. I know that doesn't help, but I'm here. I'll always be here."

I kissed his throat and fell into a deep and easy sleep, filled with dreams of the one eyed man I loved so much.

I wake alone.

Remus is mostly likely at the Burrow, helping prepare for the wedding.

I roll clumsily out of bed and wipe the sleep from my swollen and watery eyes. I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen where I find breakfast and a note.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you the space you needed last night, but hopefully this morning will suffice. I will be back in the afternoon to retrieve you for the wedding. If there is absolutley anything I can do, please don't hesitate to floo. I adore you.

I kiss the piece of parchment with no small amount of affection for my wonderful man. I sit down at the small wooden table and dig into my breakfast with ravenous ferocity.

In the middle of a spoonful of eggs, my eye is drawn to an old photo album of mine on the shelf next to the fireplace. I quickly finish eating, pick up the book, and flip open the leather bindings. Mad-Eye's scarred face blinks up at me - grimacing, and I burst into tears. It's irrational, I know, but I hug the album to my chest and sob until I run out of tears.

When I wake from my trance-like state, the sun is significantly lower in the sky and I know Remus will be home soon. I close the album quickly, kiss the front cover, and place it down on the coffee table.


I run upstairs and dress for the wedding, morphing to look as I did before I let my heartbreak get the better of me.

As I slide the last button on my jacket into the corresponding hole, a letter flies from the fireplace and levitates in front of me.

"Dear Nymphadora Lupin ... The death of Alastor William Moody was registered into the database at the Ministry of Magic late last evening ... In accordance with the update in his status of life, Mr. Moody's last will and testament was activated. You, Nymphadora Lupin, are the sole beneficiary of all possessions of Alastor William Moody. This inheritance includes but is not limited to: all investments, inventions, legal documents and deeds, and all contents of vault number 663 at Gringotts bank ... All legal transfers have been completed at this time. With regards and condolences, Hilda Hildrich ... Post Scriptum - in the event of his death, Alastor Moody gave intructions to have an additional document presented to you; said document is attached."

The envelope promply drops, lifeless, onto the floor.

I retrieve it, rip it open savagely, and gasp in delight as I see Mad-Eye's messy scrawl on slightly wrinkled piece of parchment.


If you're reading this, then they've gotten the better of me. And if I know you, and I damn well do, you're most likely a bleeding mess.

We all go out at some point Nymphadora, it's best you learn that now. None of us are invincible, and I'm no exception to that. At least I can say with certainty that if I'm gone, I went out fighting. That's what I always wanted, and I hope that brings you some peace.

I'm hoping you've cried yourself out already, because I'm telling you now - it's enough. I want no more tears on my behalf. You've better bloody things to do.

I want you to take care of yourself. Keep your wits about you and your head on straight and don't you ever forget - CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

The storm you lot are caught in is only going to get worse and you know it, but I've confidence in you. You should, too.

You can do anything you put your mind to. I've seen it.

No matter what happens - no matter how bad it gets, no matter how many more of us are put into the grave - I want you to fight. I want you to fight until the bitter end, until you can't fight anymore.

I never got to say it, and I'm sorry I didn't, but congratulations to you and Lupin. You'll be one hell of a mother.

Constant Vigilance, Tonks. Farewell.

-A. Moody

This story was edited and re-uploaded on 10/30/2014.

*I want to dedicate this story to my very own Mad-Eye Moody. C, I love you.