All that I can say is that this story is going to have some major ups and downs. I have read some stories where I have lost my memory or it is implied, but not once have I seen a story about Tamora losing her memory. But today, she died in her game. When I saw that happen a million worst case scenarios ran through my head. But the one thing that bothered me the most was what if she died for good. Luckily she was in her own game and able to regenerate. I just couldn't stand the thought of losing my wife. At least she was in her game. Anyway, here is chapter one to my first multiple chapter story...

(Mixed POV's)

Chapter 1-The accident


Felix's eyes glanced over the players, which was a boy, shoulder to get a glimpse at his wife over in Hero's Duty. Once he saw her as the ending sequence began, their gazes were locked onto each other. Tamora smiled at Felix who smiled back. The player over at Hero's Duty saw Tamora smiling and raised an eyebrow. Tamora chuckled and looked back at the girl.

She lead the teen into the last level where the final boss rested and drew her gun; aiming for the ugly beast.

The teen did the same and started to fire at it. Once she hit the monster, it awoke and started to buzz uncontrollably. It came towards them and started to attack. Tamora led the FPS bot towards the flying beast. Both her and the girl aimed and fired at the bug. It shrieked and knocked some of the soldiers into walls, crates, boxes, etc...

And then it happened.

One of the bugs claws swooped in and swept her right off of her feet. Tamora flew into the wall and knocked her out.

Frozen to his spot, Felix heard Mr. Litwak call last game and led the rest of the children out of the arcade being that it was closing time.

The repairman could barley breath. He needed to check on Tamora. What if this time, she really did die and wouldn't be able to regenerate? That would just be awful. Not only would her game be unplayable, but her close friends would be devastated. The one person who would be most affected by this would obviously be Felix.

He couldn't live without her to guide him. Help him. Fix his problems. Nothing...

Ralph glanced up at Felix and raised an eyebrow. Felix scrambled down the emergency ladder on the side of the apartment building and ran right past the wrecker. He pulled out his small cruiser and watched as it disassembled. He then hopped onto the cruiser and flew out of Fix-It Felix Jr. to Hero's Duty.

"Sarge isn't doing to good, Fix-It." Kohut told Felix as the handyman walked into the Hero's Duty infirmary and saw his wife asleep on one of the beds. Felix felt his heart drop a million feet. Tamora looked vulnerable. He hated that. He also knew that if Tamora was conscious, she'd hate it to.

Felix slowly walked over to Tamora. He went right by her side and sighed. Her head was wrapped inside a bandage and her arm was also done up in a similar bandage.

"Oh Tammy..."

"I think it's best we let her be. I'll take over the game for a while until Sarge feels better. But she hasn't gotten up yet..."

Felix's head snapped back to look at Kohut; worry and confusion plastered on his face. "What do you mean she hasn't gotten up yet...?" He asked slowly. Kohut sighed. "I think that the blow might have knocked her out. She may have a concussion but I'm not all that sure. For all we know, she could be fine meaning that nothing would be wrong with her. Just...don't worry to much. She wouldn't want that. That's one thing I know for sure."

Nodding, Felix looked back at his seemingly unconsious wife and leaned down to kiss her head. "I'll be back soon. I promise..."


I couldn't bare to see her like that. She looked so...vulnerable. Poor Tammy. I hate that. To her, vulnerability is a huge form of weakness. And weakness to my Tammy-Jean is a last resort. Always.

She still looked beautiful, though. She always is. No matter what. But I knew that I needed to tell Ralph and Vanellope so they didn't get to worried about her.

I went to Sugar Rush and found Vanellope. And, no surprise, Ralph was there with Van to.

"Hey Hammer-Time!" Vanellope exclaimed. I smiled. "Hi, Van. Ralph." I silently cursed myself for looking suspiciously upset. Ralph raised an eyebrow. Darn! Excuse my potty mouth, but he noticed. So did Vanellope. I was in a really bad place right now. And the worst part, they're going to start questioning me on why Tamora isn't with me after they ask why I'm upset.

"Alright, Felix. Why do you seem so upset?" Ralph asked me. I sighed. "It's Tammy..."

"What's wrong with Sarge?" Poor Vanellope. The young girl saw Tamora as a huge role model. They were like sisters. Unrepeatable. I knew that Vanellope would be devastated. But I also knew that I had to tell them before they got to suspicious.

I took a deep breath. "She got knocked out by a Cy-Bug and is asleep in Hero's Duty. I don't really know whether or not she's oka-"

"SARGE!" Vanellope yelled as she glitched out of Sugar Rush and into Game Central Station. Ralph looked at me and nodded for me to follow as we made our way into Hero's Duty.

When we finally got there, I led them to the infirmary where Tammy was still sleeping. Vanellope ran over to Tamora and hovered over her sleeping form. I saw Vanellope's hazel eyes grow wide with concern.

Ralph walked behind the young girl and lifted her in his arms.

"Has she woken up yet?" He asked. Vanellope settled herself on his shoulder and waited for me to answer. I sighed. "No, Kohut told me that she hasn't woken up yet."

Suddenly, Tamora's eyes fluttered open and slowly scanned the room.

Kohut was behind me and watched in just as much amazement as me when Tamora sat up. "Wh-where am I...?"

I took my time as I walked over to her. "Tammy...are you okay?" My hands rang together as I waited for her to speak. She only looked even more confused as I went over to her. "Who are you talking to?"

I tilted my head. "You." I said slowly. She arched an eyebrow. "Who are you? Where am I?"

My heart sank. 'No...This, this can't be happening...'

"Tammy, it's me. Felix." Just then I felt Kohut put an arm on my shoulder. "No, Felix. She needs to find out on her own. If you tell her then she might short circuit and never regenerate. Her code will be flushed and nothing could bring her back. It's fine if you try to jog her memory a little with hints. But you can't tell her. Trust me."

Trying my hardest to fight my tears back, I nodded. I then looked back at Tamora. "Never mind. But, how are you feeling?"

She shrugged. "Not to bad. But, where am I?" She repeated. "Your in Hero's Duty. It's a first person shooter game. In Litwak's Arcade. Meaning that you are a video game character. If that makes any sense." Ralph explained. Tamora nodded. "And who are you? All of you."

Kohut left which meant that Ralph, Vanellope and I were alone with Tammy.

Vanellope went first. Then Ralph. And then it was my turn.

"Fix-It Felix Jr. from the game Fix-It Felix Jr."

Tamora chuckled. "I guess that explains that gold hammer of yours and name tag. Your hat too." A small smile found it's way onto my face. 'This won't be so bad. So long as she founds out soon, everything will be fine...I hope...'

Like I had mentioned before I started this chapter, Tammy is just fine. This is just a what if scenario. And this is pretty dark, come to think of it. For me anyways...I am usually the one who writes the sweeter stuff. I guess that this was coming. Anyway...I should have the next chapter up soon so don't worry.