Disclaimer: I neither own Naruto nor Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series
This disclaimer applies to all chapters in this fanfic:
The only thing I own is the plot and the members of the BloodSquad
I only mentioned the Modern Warfare series to make sure everything is covered.
WARNING: This is the first chapter. More like a prologue. The real Naruto action begins with the second and third chapter.
You have been warned! Skip this one and half of the next to enter the Narutoverse
For those who want to skip a small index:
Chapter 1-2: Introduction of my OC
Chapter 2-4: Land of Wave ARC
Chapter 5-10: Chunin exams (With a chase for Tsunade in chapter 8)
Chapter 11: Sasuke's Abduction
Chapter 12-15: Crescent Moon ARC + view into Sakura's heritage
Chapter 16-18: Sky Ninja ARC
Chapter 18-19: Gaara's Abduction
Chapter 19-20: Stone of Gelel ARC
Chapter 21-22:Pein's attack + Fight with Orochimaru + Time-Space-Travel
Chapter 23-ongoing: Will be published in the future
The only easy day was yesterday
Location: Classified, 20m above sea-level, 10:46:38 2045 Standard.
Operation White Eagle; Executive: Army Ranger/Navy Seal
Erik Winston observed the Scene in front of him. He lied next to Frank Davis. A heavily guarded Camp was their target. According to the CIA just an old bombed City.
"That's not a town, that's a kill zone."
"How did you guess that?", asked Frank Davis, an experienced NAVY-SEAL-sergeant.
Erik, new to the rank of an ARMY-RANGER-lieutenant-first-class, pointed towards the heavy artillery mounted on pick-Ups, while he adjusted his visor.
The operation "White Eagle" consisted of a company of Rangers and a team of Seals.
"Enough to wipe out these terrorists", General E. Gocenter said during the briefing in the plane on route to the target.
"About a hundred soldiers against more than 20000 militias? That's going to have casualties. Just think of the Black-Hawk-Down-Disaster in Somalia.", the minister of defense protested.
Erik carefully shifted his weight. He placed his G36ECHO-MOD assault rifle at his side and checked the surroundings with his heads-up-display. Frank checked the thermal scope on his sniper rifle, a Mk14 EBR. Both peered over the embankment. Their respective captains sent only one command over their head-sets: "ATTACK!"
The Rangers broke out of their cover and provided suppressing fire on the hostile gun positions, to provide cover for the running SEAL-members on their way to the harbor. Each member knew their checkpoints. Frank led his team to the ruins of a former depot to provide precise cover fire. Taking out the pick-ups they secured the way for their army-counterpart. Erik's legion moved slowly towards the secured harbor. Erik already emptied his second clip into the enemies.
With his thermal scope, Frank was able to take several enemies out, who were hiding behind the smokescreen created by destroyed vehicles.
"Rocket!", the warning was sufficient to get the Rangers to take cover inside the old building. Erik jumped behind the wall, before several rounds pierced it. With a short burst Frank shot the hostile riflemen.
"Thanks", the army-captain managed to pant. He placed his hand on Erik's shoulder. "That was close, Next time you go first."
"Sure", Erik murmured, while he reloaded his rifle and collected fresh rounds from fallen enemies within the room. The army-captain checked a 3D-Map of the area. Using different spots on it he explained his strategy: "We separate our forces. Group 1 consists of two thirds of the Rangers. The second group consists of the remaining forces. Lieutenant Winston commands the second group during this operation. Group one secures the mansion afterwards and group two takes the mines."
Slowly, the soldiers took their positions around the enemy.
Erik, ready to flank the position waited for his captain's signal. Because of the close proximity it was not possible to use the radio for further instructions. When their eyes met, Erik touched his helmet and pressed the radio button twice without saying a word. The captain raised a closed fist to confirm the received message.
"The others have reached their positions. Go, go, go!", he ordered.
Group one stormed up to the last line oh buildings and opened fire. The hostile patrols returned it and moved towards them.
That was the moment Erik waited for. Group two fired on sight and closed in. Cornered by two fronts the terrorists died one by one. Slowly the smoke cleared away.
Erik regrouped his men at the entrance of the mine. The mine was nearly 200 meters deep, but luckily for the soldiers only three levels were intact.
Erik and Frank led the group. The other SEALs joined group 1 since their marksman skills were of better use against the mansion. Avoiding several traps thanks to Erik's advanced HuD, they infiltrated the mountain. Just as Erik wanted to leave the stairs to the third level, Frank hold him back.
"No step further, its a pressure triggered mine." he whispered. Erik stopped and analyzed the trap. He cursed quietly and ordered his troops to retreat to a safe distance. Frank started an attempt to defuse the mine. He recognized the type as the same as those he worked with as a combat diver for the German Army, the Bundeswehr. "Lucky for you that it detonates after the trigger has been released."Suddenly a thick door closed, separating the soldiers from their commanding officer. While they tried to breach the door Frank opened the mine and studied the mechanism. He tried to find the pin which was supposed to secure the mine. Being armed by Erik's weight, the trigger has broken the respective securing pin. Searching for other possibilities to defuse the mine, Erik gave him a small pressurized bottle. "Use this, liquid nitrogen.", as a pioneer he always had his defuse-kit with him. Frank took the bottle and poured a few drops into the small hole, where the pin belonged. The coldness weld the metal parts together as effective as a tongue to a streetlight in deep winter.
Rising his foot, Erik feared for the explosion, but nothing happened. Ordering his platoon to regroup with the infantery he went to check the last level.
Erik checked the heartbeat-sensor on his HuD as he creep through the third level.
He signaled Frank to close up to him. He whispered: "30 meters forward to the left. 40 live beings."
They turned their tactical spotlights off and switched to night vision. Observing the room, they spotted 37 militia fighters and three civilians. Deciding to intervene both of them opened fire. The muzzle flash light up the room. Then it was dark and quiet. Frank found the light switch. His weapon was empty, same with Erik. Several cartridges rolled over the ground. Despite having just survived the fire, the group of civilians stayed very calm.
"Are you Americans? Are you looking for the samples of the poison?", the brown-haired man asked.
"We are US SPECOPS. Who are you and what samples are you talking about?" Frank asked.
"By the way, we are agents of the Cobra Command", the blond woman said and showed them her golden badge.
Erik wasn't convinced: "Isn't the Cobra Command subordinate to the Homeland Security?"
The red haired woman changed the topic: "We have to get our weapons and the classified information.
The man clarified the problem for the soldiers: "I was kidnapped on a mission and I was found here. These two were the nearest one and they were chosen as a rescue party because a retrieval team would need too much time."
This would clear up the sudden change of the missions parameters in the last moment. Erik explained the appearance of the armed forces: "Originally we were deployed to take out a cell of terrorists in this area, so the locals won't be bothered anymore. Just before we infiltrated the mission zone, we got a MedEvac-Order."
Due to the rescue and the explanation necessary, Erik and Frank both missed the RV-Point and time.
As highest ranking officer Erik decided to secure the agents' information.
They reloaded their rifles and checked their gear. The armed the agents with their personal sidearms. Erik lend one of his two Mk.23SOCOM to the blond-haired woman and Frank gave his two G18 to the remaining two agents, while he kept his MP7.
As they all were ready, they looked for the Information package. Erik went first, while Frank watched their backs. Spotting a checkpoint, Frank checked it with his thermal scope.
"4 Tangos, heavy weapons", he told them. Erik confirmed the report with his heartbeat-sensor. These enemies were relaxed and relaxed enemies were easy kills.
Behind them the agents took cover. Erik and Frank were so concentrated on the breach, that they didn't notice the talking agents.
"We can't interfere without making them suspicious"
"Still, we can't leave them on their own."
"Be quiet. Sometimes you have to sacrifice."
Erik prepared a breach charge on the door, while Frank got a nine-banger ready to throw in. The agents came next to them. They felt guilty because they couldn't warn them.
Erik triggered the detonator. 16 micro-charges blew the door from its frame. Immediately Frank threw the flash-bang. They got the targets in their sights and opened fire. For the agents it was as if time ran by slower in the following three seconds. They heard each shot, each cartridge jumping off the ground, and each hit. They entered the checkpoint behind the two SpecOps. Four corpses lied on the ground. All dead and pierced with rounds. Two were missing their faces.
"How did you do that?", redhead asked.
"titanium rounds." was the response.
"They can pierce most light armors and are very precise.", Frank added.
Erik relieved the dead people of their weapons and their information. While Frank tried to contact Supreme Command, he gave them to the agents. Their radios only received static sounds. Frank guessed, that the mountain was jamming their devices, because he used the same radios under water to a depth of one hundred meters.
Learning from a map on the table, Erik prepared counter measures for the jamming devices in their area.
Erik lifted his visor to put a chewing gum into his mouth. Thinking about the most effective way to take out the jamming device without collapsing the cave he decided to use an EMP-Charge, which was capable of destroying electric circuits without causing any geological damage.
Reaching a crack in the wall, through which they could see the jamming devices, they thought about a way to blow the charge. Should they throw it and risk to fail, or should one of them climb and risk capture.
Activating his holographic camouflage Erik started to climb down. To still see his limbs while being invisible, he used laser-scanning.
The agents were surprised, when one of their rescuers disappeared. Looking down towards the control panel, they noticed a slight shimmer in the air. The charge was hovering before it was planted on the backside of the panel and a red light flickered on.
Erik climbed back to his group. Scaling the wall he activated his intern Communication System, short ComSys, and send a written message to his friend: "EMP armed, Get them out of here."
Immediately Frank pushed the agents from their position in the direction of the exit. An Arrow on his 3D-Compass told him, that Erik was five meters behind them. But even the fastest human wasn't able to avoid the suddenly opened trapdoor, especially with 88 pounds of armor and equipment.
They saw, that Erik tried to grab the edge of the hole before he slipped and fell.
Frank watched hopefully as a cable shot out of the hole and drilled itself into the earth above it. But before Erik could pull himself up, cracks appeared and the grapple hook lost contact. Falling down with a few chunks of earth it disappeared in the darkness.
"ERIK!", Frank shouted desperately. He couldn't believe that his long term friend, who has accompanied him since their time as playmates, has died due to a wooden door.
He only received static on their private frequency. He stared into the precipice. Using his advanced filters, scanners and cameras he failed to find his friend. Now he had to make a choice: Attempt to rescue Erik and risk to fail their objective or abandon him and finish the mission. He was never able to make it since in this moment a few rebels spotted them and charged. In a trance Frank lifted his rifle, flipped the fire mode it to full-auto and pressed the trigger. The automatic of his Mk14 sniper rifle emptied his 20-rounds-clip in less than two seconds. Shaking his head he decided that it was not safe to stay on the spot and that they should start moving. On their escape route he left a few mines and claymores. On leaving the mine he saw the soldiers fending off the rebel reinforcement.
Taking cover behind a rock he noticed a Stryker-division of the marines closing in and providing cover fire.
Erik rubbed his aching head. He didn't fell this far since Moscow, he cursed under his breath. He couldn't tell where he was. Just that he was definitely below his last known position. He hoped, that Frank wouldn't follow him and leave the agents alone. He stood up and observed his surroundings. Something crunched under his feet. His tactical spotlights revealed the source: Bones. He was midst of dozens of skeletons. On moving he noticed traces of blood in the water below him. The Analysis made by his helmet computer traced the origin back to several years. Some traces were fresh, only a few weeks old. So that happened to the disappearing villagers. Put into a cage and left alone with their misery. Erik searched the wall for a weak point to break trough. Suddenly a faint grind reached his ears. The experienced Army Ranger spun around. A door wouldn't open itself. The meed the chanced combat conditions he changed from his rifle to his dual-wielded pistols. Two guns and the cameras mounted on them could be displayed on his HuD could cover a larger area in terms of observing and shooting. Several times he believed that he saw a human figure moving around, but instead, he always saw nothing or a corpse. Shutting down his spotlights he heard steps closing in on him. On short thinking he pulled a flare out of one of his pockets and ignited it. In an instant the room was filled with a dazzlingly bright light. A pained howl pierced the silence. He had heard animals with such a sound, but never a human being. Searching for the source of the cry he found an old rusty door. Peering into the tunnel, his body covered the flare. As soon, as his shadow covered the door, something crashed into him. The force of it threw him backwards. Looking around for the dropped flare, he saw a brunette woman fleeing from the light. Dimming his spotlights to a faint shimmer, just enough to see, he entered the tunnel again. There was a chained woman. Skidding back from his towering form she tried to push him away gently.
"Leave. I don't know how longer I can restrain myself!", she hissed.
Erik saw no point in that sentence and crouched in front of her. He lifted his pistol and checked his ammunition. A bang echoed through the cave. The lock of the woman's chains were no match to the full force of a 9mm-round. Before Erik left trough the door behind her, he gave her his first-aid-kit.
Scanning his sectors, he moved slowly to an exit. Climbing up several ladders, he ended up in a kind of garage.
"Where the hell did they get an exo-skeleton?", he asked quietly. The flag on the shoulder plate was too dirty for identification even for the cameras. A few pilots booted the machine and got ready for combat.
After collecting the last remaining surviving rebels, they prepared a last charge to take down as much as they could with them. The cannon on one arm roared as it teared a hole into the wall.
Frank fired without a break. Till now he only stopped firing to reload or to cool down the barrel.
Luckily there haven't been any casualties so far, but many were badly wounded. The heavy armed Stryker MGS had expended most of their 105mm-rounds and limited themselves to self-defense, relying on their heavy machine guns. The drivers hold their positions even under enormous fire. The Stryker next to Frank featured several bullet holes and scratches. The tires on another was shredded to small pieces. Suddenly the earth quacked and a part of the mountain was teared apart. A gigantic exo-skeleton came out. Reacting to the new threat, all heavy artillery opened their fire on it.
The rounds drilled themselves into the armor, but it cared less about it than a simple sting.
The cannon of it fired on a tank. The force ripped it apart and caused an explosion. Cries of pain were heard when the burning remains rained from the sky.
Frank switched to armor-piercing rounds and opened fire on the pilots' cabin. A bullet hit the tire next to him and the flow of pressured air threw of his aim and the shot missed its target. Desperately he tried to get the target into his sight again. The reflexion on the front glass gave away the enemies' position. He pressed his trigger hard and left the automatic do its work to fire all remaining rounds in his clip, while he was hard pressed to keep the glass in his sights.
Erik tried to flank the remaining rebels, when a brave one jumped him from behind. Pulling him down, several others jumped on him to bury him under their bodies. Feeling the pressure on his lungs he tried free himself. Suddenly the pressure was relieved from him. Turning on his back panting, he saw the brunette killing them off with her unarmed hands. She reached for Erik and set him on his feet with no visible effort.
"I still owe you one, lad" she said smiling. Erik didn't answer and shouldered his rifle in its mounting on his backpack. He pointed outwards.
"Take this chip. It will identify you as a friend to differ from foes. Take the most direct way to that tank over there." he ordered, as he placed a small device in her hand. Shoving her into the open, he urged her to run.
She ran. On her six she could hear the bangs of the dual-wielded pistols and the bullets shit past her head. Close to the hair. Killing several hostiles in front of her that the soldier missed with powerful punches and uppercuts which threw them back several meters she cleared a way towards the cover.
A loud noise made her look back, where she saw the collapsing colossus with its shattered glass front. Just as she turned to continue her run, the Army Ranger crashed into her back, sending both of them rolling on the ground. Turning into his direction with a hiss, she noticed the two holes in his chest which were losing blood rapidly.
Erik saw the machine gun on the mech aiming at the woman in front of him. Reacting in the moment the muzzle flashed, he jumped into the flight path of the bullets. Spinning in the air he faced the projectiles with the better protected front armor.
If it had been a regular round, his west would have resisted the force. But the full metal jacket round was big enough to pierce the layers of composite armor effortlessly, drilling itself through his lungs like a hot spike of agony before it got stuck in his huge combat-backpack. The force of the impact sent him flying several meters and ended up with him rolling on the ground.
Suddenly his head rocked back as someone kicked it. His riot-helmet deadened the hit and he rolled over on his back.
WARNING: This is the first chapter. More like a prologue. The real Naruto action begins with the second and third chapter.
You have been warned! Skip this one and half of the next to enter the Narutoverse
For those who want to skip a small index:
Chapter 1-2: Introduction of my OC
Chapter 2-4: Land of Wave ARC
Chapter 5-10: Chunin exams (With a chase for Tsunade in chapter 8)
Chapter 11: Sasuke's Abduction
Chapter 12-15: Crescent Moon ARC + view into Sakura's heritage
Chapter 16-18: Sky Ninja ARC
Chapter 18-19: Gaara's Abduction
Chapter 19-20: Stone of Gelel ARC
Chapter 21-22:Pein's attack + Fight with Orochimaru + Time-Space-Travel
Chapter 23-ongoing: Will be published in the future