Sequel Chapter 9

A/N: This is it! This is the chapter I know you have been waiting for.

Disclaimer: don't own the series :(

A few weeks later

Larry went into work by himself one day, still nervous. When he walked into the door, Bob could tell that his friend was nervous, so he went to talk to him.

"Larry, what's up? How's Petunia doing?" he asked.

"She's fine. We are getting into the last few days, now." He said nervously. Bob caught on to the nervous tone in his voice and decided that they should go to his office and talk. He urged Larry to come with him as they went to his office. When they got there, Larry immediately sat in the extra chair and slumped over.

"Larry, what's wrong? You look upset." His friend informed him, concerned.

"Not quite upset, more like worried. I just have this feeling that it is going to happen today." Larry admitted, with a nervous and worried look in his eyes. Bob had a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Larry. If something were to happen, one of them would call and let you know." He said, calming his friend down. A few moments later, the phone rang.


Petunia and Grace were sitting in the bedroom, just talking and playing a game. Grace's foot was almost completely healed at this point, and she didn't need the crutches anymore. They were talking about possible names for the twins while they were playing.

"So, what do you think about Luke and Dylan if they are twin boys?" Petunia suggested. Grace thought for a moment before she responded.

"I like the name 'Luke', but not a big fan of the name 'Dylan'." She admitted. "At least we have one definite idea for a boy's name. Now, for the girl's names'." She said before thinking for a moment. "I've got one in mind: Adriana. Do you like that one?" she asked Petunia, who was preoccupied, thinking about another boy's name. She responded after a moment.

"I love that name. Okay, so we have one boy's name and one girl's name. We need one more of each." They thought for a few moments more, before they both gave up and just resumed playing their game. All at once, Petunia got a pain similar to what she felt a few weeks before. She doubled over, nearly screaming from the pain. Grace looked on in terror before knowing what to do. First, she called 9-1-1 and told them to come immediately. Then, she made sure that it was true contractions (as in, she has more than one pain) and once that had been confirmed, she called Bob in his office, because she knew, by some means, that they were talking in his office.

On the phone


"Bob, it's Grace. Put Larry on right away."

"….oh dear. Hold on a second. Larry, it's for you, and you better hurry. He's on his way"

"Larry, here. What's going on?"

"Larry, thank goodness. It's time."

"Time for what?"

"*face palm* time for your twins! Go to the hospital right away. We will meet you there."

"Oh my gosh! It's time. Okay, listen very carefully to what I'm saying. Her bag is next to the bed and it already has everything she needs. Get it before the ambulance comes."

"Will do. See you in a little while."

"Okay. Good luck."

"Bob, I need to go right away. Am I in any of the scenes today?"

"No, Larry, you're not. You go, and we will see you in a day or two." He replied, walking him out.

"I knew something was going to happen while I was gone today." Larry said to himself as he went to the car. He drove as quickly as he could, without going over the speed limit, to the hospital. When he got there, we went straight to the front desk. "Is my wife here? Her name is Petunia. She was here a few weeks ago." He said quickly, panicked.

"Not yet, Mr. Cucumber. However, the ambulance is on the way here with her. Go have a seat for a moment, and you will see her when she comes in." the man said before gesturing to the lobby waiting area. A few minutes later, Grace came in and did the same thing as Larry had done a few moments before and received the same answer. She rolled her eyes before she sat down, frustrated. Larry looked at her for a moment before turning back towards the door. Then, he heard slight banging on the wall, turned, and saw her hitting the back of her head on the wall. His eyes widened slightly before responding.

"Stop it. You are going to get a headache if you keep doing that." He said. She sighed before responding.

"Thanks for your concern, but I have a headache already. It can't get any worse." She said before turning around in the chair. He looked on in slight sympathy before turning his head back towards the door. A few moments later, the ambulance that brought in Petunia finally arrived and they wheeled her into the room.


(A/N: before I continue, I want to say that I am going to skip the majority of the actual birth of the twins for, hopefully, obvious reasons. Okay, continue!)

About 15 minutes after Petunia arrived in the room, she got transferred to the Labor and Delivery part of the hospital. At that point, Larry followed them into the room, while Grace waited outside just in case she was needed. Sure enough, a little bit later, she heard a thud and heard Petunia yell Larry's name. He had fainted again. She sighed and rolled her eyes before she went in to help how she could. First thing first, she needed to get Larry to wake up. After a few attempts, he started to come around. When he woke up, he realized that he had fainted again, and got back up. Then, Grace decided to stay just in case it happened again. Thankfully it didn't, and 40 minutes later, the twins were born: it was a boy and a girl. Thankfully, they had already picked a girl's name and a boy's name. They were both cucumbers like their father, and the girl had a little bit of red hair like their mother. They both had a single, tiny tooth. After they both received a clean bill of health, they were handed back to their parents. Larry got their son and Petunia got their daughter. Grace, seeing she was not needed, turned to leave.

"Grace, wait." She heard Petunia say before she turned back around towards the new family. "Would you like to hold one of them?" she asked. Grace nodded eagerly before she gently got the son from Larry.

"What are their names?" Grace asked after a moment, looking down at the little boy.

"Well, we went with the girl name we picked, Adriana, for this little one." Petunia replied, looking down at Adriana. "We still haven't decided for the boy's name yet, though. Would you like to choose?" she asked. Again, Grace nodded eagerly before thinking for a moment while looking down at him. Then, it hit her.

"How about Dylan? I know I didn't like that one in the past, but now that I see him, I think that it would be a perfect name for him." She replied. Larry and Petunia looked at each other before nodding, agreeing that they liked that name as well. "Adriana and Dylan it is, then." She said, confirming the names.

A/N: Well, that's it. That's the last chapter of the story. Don't fret, though. I will be working on another story hopefully today, so that should work just fine.