Rainstorm Chapter 1
Well, here I go again! I'm This story will follow Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan as a freak event causes them to have to escape Amegakure with Jiraiya. Also, for those who were wondering, I don't know about the pairings yet. This story is set back where there are no pairings I can mess with without effectively erasing canon characters, so… Yeah. Reviews welcome, I need to know if I'm doing this story right! Thanks,
Edit: Parings may or may not f*** canon over. *Shrugs.* What can you do?
Three children stared at a white haired man, tears barely concealed by the constant rain of Amegakure. The boy with orange hair sniffled.
"Why do you have to leave, Jiraiya-sensei? Can't you stay? We need you here!" he said, and Jiraiya sighed.
"I'm sorry, Yahiko, there's nothing I can do. I have to return to Konoha. Besides, if I stay any longer, Hanzo will be on to us."
"Jiraiya-sensei, please! I… We, don't want you to leave," the one with long, red hair covering his eyes said quietly.
When the blue-haired girl next to him nodded, Jiraiya sighed again. "Really, you two as well, Konan, Nagato? I expected this from Yahiko, but you two usually are fine with this stuff. Again, I'm sorry, but I'm a shinobi for another village and have duties to attend to," as the white-haired man turned around and began walking over the soaked ground, he raised his hand to wave. "I hope to see you again someday!"
As Jiraiya began walking away, the three orphans stood silently, tears flowing freely from their eyes, but not chasing him. Jiraiya suddenly stopped, pivoted on his foot and jumped back towards them, tackling them a few meters away. Where the orphans once stood, an explosive kunai was lodged, and Jiraiya used his long hair to shield them from the explosion.
Jiraiya got up, and turned to see a shinobi of average height with long, blonde hair and a mask-like respirator. He wore a long black cloak and had the Amegakure symbol engraved in his forehead protector. "You kids stay down and out of sight. This guy is real trouble." Jiraiya face the man, who stood waiting. "What do you want, Hanzo of the Salamander? I'm leaving your village now. You will not see me again."
"I wasn't supposed to see you now. It's been how long now, Jiraiya? Two years since you were originally supposed to leave? I would kill you now, but I'm a reasonable man. As for the spies you've been training, right under my nose, at that," Hanzo hissed, "I will kill them now. I will not have you leaving spies." The masked man lifted his chain sickle over his head, ready to strike.
"NO! Don't kill them, please! I only trained them so they could survive in this village in this time of need, not to spy on you!" Jiraiya panicked, putting himself between Hanzo and the children.
Hanzo lowered his weapon slightly. "I will give you two days. In that time you will leave this village, and you will take your spies with you. I will leave you two escorts to make sure you get out, with those three." Immediately two shinobi in cloaks resembling Hanzo's appeared behind the children, making Jiraiya hiss in annoyance. Hanzo disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving Jiraiya, Nagato, Yahiko and Konan alone with the two Ame-nin.
"Ugh. C'mon kiddies, let's go pack up your stuff," Jiraiya said, annoyed he had to take care of these three back at Konoha. He was planning on going on another research trip!
Konan and Nagato were still staring, stunned, at the shinobi behind them, but Yahiko quickly pushed Nagato slightly so his Rinnegan wouldn't show, whispering, "Watch your eyes, Nagato. Don't let them see them."
Nagato nodded near invisibly, while Konan got up and walked next to Jiraiya silently, clinging to him like he was a safety blanket. As they walked down the path of puddles, Jiraiya saw the shinobi disappear, but still felt their presence.
The group made their way to the hideout. They stopped at the entrance, then Yahiko pushed opened the door, followed by Nagato. Konan looked to Jiraiya for confirmation, and as he nodded she followed.
Yahiko spoke up as they walked by the "Hop-in" planks; Yahiko flipped his to the white side. "We're going to come back to this place, guys. No doubt about it."
"Definitely," Konan said with a forced smile, flipping hers over as well. Nagato nodded and did the same. Jiraiya ruffled Nagato and Yahiko's hair, smiling.
"It seems you guys got your wish. You're coming with me! Now get packed up! I'm still on a schedule here!"
They were done packing almost as soon as he told them to. Being orphans, they didn't have much to their name. In fact, they only had the clothes on their backs, bedrolls, and the frog suits Jiraiya gave them, which, surprisingly, they had all packed. Konan also had a collection of origami she kept in a small bag, and Nagato had a necklace that used to be his mothers. Once they were all packed, Jiraiya had them line up.
"Now, you guys, when you get to the village, I'll enroll you in the Academy. Though I think what they teach there is bogus compared to the survival techniques I taught you…" Jiraiya muttered under his breath, "It will be necessary for you to learn to become full-fledged shinobi of Konoha."
Yahiko growled, "I wanted to save Amegakure, not become a Konoha shinobi."
"Well, according to Hanzo, you can't do that if you stay in Amegakure. He would have killed you, so suck it up and learn how you can do it anyways," Jiraiya sated sternly, then he looked and Konan and Nagato. "Any other objections? No? Then let's get moving!"
It took less than five hours to get to the edge of the Amegakure border into the Land of Fire. As Jiraiya felt the shinobi behind them depart, he stopped the orphans. Yahiko nearly crashed into him, Konan skidded to a halt next to him, and Nagato fell to the ground. They were all out of breath, except for Jiraiya, since they weren't used to running for so long. Jiraiya had set a pretty fast pace, so once they were able to stop the slumped down against a rock together. That is, except for Nagato, who had to crawl a little bit then sit up next to Konan and Yahiko.
Jiraiya stared at his students, all lined up neatly against the rock, and smiled to himself. "Why aren't you three just cute all lined up like that," he taunted, watching as their faces turned red, but they were too tired to move away from each other. "Grab some food out of your packs, it's going to take a while for me to explain all of this." The orphans obeyed, each taking a small rice cake out of their packs and nibbling on it.
"For now, forget about going back to Amegakure. You have no ties there, and you need to be focused on Academy work."
Konan stopped mid-nibble and Yahiko's mouth was left gaping, and even Nagato's Rinnegan eyes widened.
"B-but sensei, that's the reason we're training to become ninja! We can't just give up on it!" Konan stuttered, her face flustered.
"Yeah sensei, we were going to go back and kick that bastard Hanzo's ass!" Yahiko yelled, raising his fist.
"Umm… I actually get where he's coming from…" Nagato muttered, "If we don't focus on the work in the moment, we will not be ready when we face Hanzo."
The other two stared at him in disbelief, but Jiraiya nodded. "This kid understand what I'm saying! If you don't focus on now, you will skip valuable information that could help you then. Besides, you need to be at least an A-rank shinobi to even escape Hanzo. It will be years before you even have a chance against him, even together! So, right now, say to me you will forget about going back to Amegakure!"
"I will forget about going back to Amegakure," Konan and Nagato said instantly, and after a brief delay Yahiko muttered it too.
"Good. Second, you must realize I might not be your teacher. In fact, I probably won't be. I leave often to go on research trips, so I haven't been assigned a genin team for a long while now. I would say you would be on separate teams, but you probably won't be. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, is understanding."
The three in front of him nodded in understanding.
"Last… Don't mess with Tsunade or Orochimaru. They're scary."
Nagato nodded, but Konan and Yahiko looked at him blankly. Tsunade is the blonde lady, right?" Konan asked. "I thought she was nice… I understand Orochimaru, though. He wanted to kill us!"
"Yeah! When can I take the snake jerk on!" Yahiko yelled.
Jiraiya quickly tried to change the subject. "It's getting late, we're setting up camp here. I'll be writing in my tent if you need me. Only a chapter left…"
"Umm… Jiraiya-sensei, we don't have tents, remember? We haven't needed them," Nagato reminded him.
Jiraiya sighed. "Sleep under the trees, for all I care. Just don't come into the tent!"
Ten minutes later, Jiraiya's tent was set up, and the three orphans had laid out their bedrolls next to each other, and were lying together watching the stars while Jiraiya wrote his novel on a folding table right outside his tent. Nagato was staring into the sky, slight grin on his face. "Just think of it. We'll have our own home! Now we won't have to live on the streets, we'll have food constantly! No one will treat us like rats anymore…"
Yahiko grunted. "We're also leaving our parents behind."
Konan looked at the orange-haired kid sadly. "Our parents are dead, Yahiko. Just because they died in Amegakure doesn't mean they would have wanted us to stay living as orphans. They would have wanted us to live happily… wherever that might be."
"Yeah… I guess you're right. Thanks, Konan," Konan blushed as he thanked her, and turned on her side to hide it.
"We had better go to sleep. We want to get to Konoha by morning!" Nagato said, a bit more energetic than he usually was.
"Goodnight guys!" Yahiko said.
"Goodnight," Konan said.
"See you in the morning," Nagato affirmed.
Together, the three orphans fell asleep, smiles lighting their faces.
"Nagato… Hey, Nagato, wake up!" Yahiko whispered to the red head as he nudged him.
Nagato opened his purple eyes and looked around, noticing it was still dark. "What is it, Yahiko? Why didn't you wake Konan too?"
A sly smile emerged on Yahiko's face. "Sensei left the tent a while ago, and hasn't come back… and he left his novel in there! I figured, since he didn't want us to see it, we could go look at it now!"
Nagato, though he saw his friends reasoning, was still confused. "Again, why did you wake me?"
"Well… umm… Actually, it's because you can read better than I can," Yahiko sweatdropped.
After a moment of internal debate at his friend's expense, Nagato nodded. "Let's do this."
Quietly as they could, the two children tip-toed across the clearing that led to Jiraiya's tent, and Nagato peaked inside to check that the tent was still empty. Confirming that, he also caught sight of a pile of papers on the ground next to Jiraiya's bedroll.
"Okay, we're clear, Yahiko."
The two silently entered the tent, and Yahiko stayed by the entrance to make sure no one was coming. Nagato began reading, but stopped in confusion. "It's just a tale about a shinobi named 'Naruto.'" He began skimming through the pages. "It's just action. There's nothing we couldn't have- oh my gosh," Nagato stammered, eyes wide and mouth agape.
"What is it, Nagato?" Yahiko stepped over to look over the redhead's shoulder. "They're just kissing… What does that word mean?" Yahiko asked, pointing to a word on the paper. Nagato leaned over and whispered in his ear, causing the color to drain from Yahiko's face.
"And this one?" Nagato whispered the answer to him again, causing his eyes to widen.
"This one?" another whisper, and Yahiko's mouth hung open.
"WHAT THE HELL-" Yahiko's screams were silenced as Nagato clamped a hand over his mouth.
"Be quiet, or he'll hear you! Just read!" the Uzumaki said, not looking up from the paper, the stunned look in his face becoming more and more pronounced.
Yahiko nodded, and together they sat, staring blankly at the pages in front of them, when suddenly the entrance to the tent opened.
A bleary-eyed Konan walked in, yawning. "What are you guys doing?" she asked. Noticing the shocked looks on their faces and the novel in front of them, she pouted. "You didn't even wake me up?" she walked over so she was standing behind them. "Let me see!" As soon as she leaned her head over their shoulders, Nagato's hand went up in front of her eyes, blocking her view.
"Aww c'mon! I want to see it!" Konan moved so the was looking over Yahiko's out shoulder, Yahiko's did the same thing Nagato's did. Annoyed, Konan pushed them out of the way and grabbed the page they were reading. She turned so she was facing away from them, and held them back with one arm while she read the page with the other.
Her pleased look from her success was quickly replaced by one of horror. "How could… Who would do that to a woman… Sensei wrote this? WHAT-" Before she could yell, both boys had a hand over her mouth, but they hadn't realized something. It had started raining, and an annoyed looking soaked Jiraiya walked into the tent, stopping mid-step when he was his students reading his novel.
"Oh crap… Well kids, now that you've read that, we're going to have to have a little talk," Jiraiya tried to cover. All three of the kids took on a disappointed look and started pushing past him.
"Not happening," Nagato commented.
Yahiko grunted. "I never thought my sensei was a sick pervert."
"Remind me never to be in a room alone with that man," Konan said, making sure she didn't make eye contact with Jiraiya.
Almost a minute later, all three of them walked back into the tent, bedrolls in hand, wet with rain water. Yahiko moved over to Jiraiya's bedroll, picked it up, and threw it out into the rain.
"Hey! That was mine!" Jiraiya yelled.
"I'm not taking any chances. For all I know, you're a pedophile too. Pedophiles sleep in the rain, away from the children," Yahiko commented darkly. Nagato seemed somewhat sad about being mean to Jiraiya, but was quickly making himself at home, while Konan wouldn't even look at him.
Knowing he just needed to wait until they cooled off, Jiraiya left the tent, setting up a basic jutsu to keep the rain off of him while he slept. Unbeknownst to him, Yahiko had gotten right back into reading his novel, much to the disdain of Konan and Nagato, while Jiraiya was asleep. When he woke up, Jiraiya would find one of his best pages was missing!
Author's Notes: So how'd you like it? This was one of the stories I've been dying to write. I always like the Ame orphans, and this was too good of a story to pass up! Who knows, I might continue this story into the next generation… Who knows! Anyways, if you liked the story, favorite, follow and my favorite…. Review!