Will drove his car slowly, it was dark and drizzling lightly, the road ahead was soaking wet, harshly reflecting the light form other cars back into hiss eyes making him squint against them. His daughter was sound asleep in the back seat clutching to her chest a teddy bear she had since the day she was born, Will smiled and made sure he didn't drive over any pot holes, he didn't want to wake her so late, at least not then, when they still had a far way to go and so much to do. Will wasn't sure where he was going though, it had been such a long time since he had been back in town, everything seemed different, especially in the dark. He let his car cruise through the wet streets wondering what to do next.

He parked his car and checked his cell phone, it was eleven, late but not that late. Across from where he parked was a building lit up bright, 'a café', thought Will. The rain picked up, the small platters increased their pace, from a drizzle to a light shower. Will looked at his daughter sleeping soundly in the back seat, he thought about it, but a painful pang of hunger and a quick inventory of everything he had to do made up his mind. He got out of his car, absently wished he had an umbrella or a hoodie, he unstrapped his daughter and then made a run for it.

Will banged through the front door and stopped dead in his tracks. A man stood there, surprised, the broom he'd been using fell to the ground clattering loudly, his daughter flinched in his arms.

Will's eyes blew wide, he was beyond embarrassed, "I'm so sorry are you closed," he let his eyes roam around the empty building, chairs had been turned up and were now sitting atop the tables, the man just stood there attempting to recover from his fright, "of course your closed its late, oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you I'll just," Will tried to turn around and run.

"No," said the man, he walked up to Will, "It's okay I just closed the door a few minutes ago but if you want something I'm more than happy to get it for you."

Will wasn't sure why, but a deep blush spread across his face, "Uhh, thanks, I—can I get a hot chocolate and a coffee to go."

"Of course, but if you want to stay you can," Will was going to protest when his daughter whined. He shushed her and tried to get her to fall asleep but she didn't, wouldn't was more like it.

"Daddy," she said quietly, "I have to pee."

Will looked at the man who was desperately trying not to laugh, he pointed behind him towards a hall way and Will sent a silent thank you to the man before he carried his daughter to the bathrooms.

Sonny waited for the man and his daughter to finish their business. He had been trying to close up the shop early to get home since he also had to open the next day. When the man burst through the door Sonny flinched, he was sure he was about to get robbed, but then he noticed a young man soaking wet with a small child in his arms, and eyes so blue Sonny thought he was dreaming. The way he stammered and blushed might have been the most adorable thing Sonny had seen in a long time.

Sonny could stay open just a few minutes more.

Sonny turned when he heard the bathroom door opening and closing. A little girl all dressed in blue overalls and a pink shirt walked out on small feet, she wiped away at her sleep crusted eyes, her father was behind her looking sheepish and shy.

"Hi," said the little girl, and Sonny felt his biological clock tick loudly somewhere in his chest. "Daddy said I could have a hot chocolate if I said 'please'." The little girl smiled and her blue eyes shone with anticipation, this time Sonny did laugh.

"Of course, but only because your so polite." Sonny went to work on the hot chocolate. Steamed milk and real chocolate mixed together with a little water and some spices until it was delicious and savory.

"We're moving," said the little girl, "we had to get away from mommy and her—"

"Ari," interrupted the man, once again red in the face, "why don't you tell him about your uncle and aunts," the little girl then went into a long stammering speech about all the uncles and aunts she had and how much fun they were all going to have together.

Sonny placed a plate of cookies along with the hot chocolate in front of the little girl. The man looked apologetic but Sonny ignored him and instead paid full attention to the little girl. Behind him the coffee machine dispensed a new pot of strong coffee. Sonny watched as the man's face lit up, the smell alone was enough. Sonny poured a generous cup and slid it over to the blond who smiled shyly.

As the little girl spoke Sonny stole glances at her father who just stood at her side, he looked entirely too proud of his little girl, he really was adorable, thought Sonny.

"Thank you," said the little girl when she finished her cookies and chocolate. She turned to her father and raised her arms, the man lifted her up.

"We should go…" both men stood staring at each other, Sonny lost in the too blue eyes, Will lost in something he didn't quite understand. Will finally came to his sense, "what do I owe you?"

"…Well how about you just promise to get your coffee exclusively from here and nowhere else and…well, it'll be on the house,"

"You don't have to…But thanks," again a strange awkward silence settled between them when Will suddenly stuck out one of his hands, "I'm Will Horton…by the way. This little on is Arianna."

"Sonny Kiriakis," both men shook hands.

Will turned to leave but took one last look over his shoulder and at the man who stood there smiling warmly at him and Will couldn't help feeling that he was right to have come home.