"Hola, Roma," Romano cringed at the sound of his ex-caregiver's cheerfull voice."I have surprise for you!"
Romano sighed and reluctantly closed the fridge door with only a single tomato in his hand. He took a bite of said fruit before answering the cheerful Spaniard.
"Whatever it is, it better be good. You're interrupting my breakfast."Romano said, walking into the front room and almost running head first into Spain, who was headed towards the kitchen.
"Watch where you're fucking going! You almost squished my tomato!"Romano yelled, checking it over.
"Lo siento, Roma. Don't worry, though. I have something that'll make up for it!"Spain smiled and moved so Romano could go into the front room. Romano huffed and continued eating his tomato. When he entered the room, he caught sight of the bag sitting on the table and stopped. He eyed the bad wearily, easily making out the shape of the box it contained. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him against a warm body.
"Surprise."Spain whispered, lowering his mouth to Romano's ear.
"B-bastard,"Romano stuttered, blushing."You know I don't like surprises."
Spain just chuckled and lead Romano to the couch. He sat the reluctant Italian down and instructed him to close his eyes. Romano did so and scowled in annoyance when he heard the sound of an opening box. However, when the smell of chocolate reached his nose, the annoyance drifted away. Chocolate was Romano's favorite thing to eat, after tomatoes. When he was instructed to open his mouth, Romano happily did so.
Romano chewed the piece of chocolate in his mouth and could barely keep said appendage from dropping open in shock. It could quite possibly be the most delicious chocolate he'd ever tasted. He looked over at Spain with wide eyes, making him chuckle again.
"What kind of chocolate is this?"Romano asked, wanting to get more than just a single box.
"Uh, well, actually,"Spain laughed nervously and gave Romano a small smile."It's German chocolate."
Romano stared at the Spanish man in his head as the information seeped it's way into his mind. How could anything so delicious be connected to that stupid potato eating bastard? Eventually the information was processed and Romano's face flooded with anger.
"Are you trying to poison me or something!?"Romano yelled, standing up from the couch.
"Y-you looked like you liked it."Spain said, shrinking away from his beloved Italian's fury.
Instead of answering, Romano grabbed his tomato from where it was sitting on the table and stormed upstairs to his room. Spain sighed and went into the kitchen, leaving the box of chocolates open on the table. Though Romano was mad, Spain was sure he'd liked the chocolate and would probably eat some more before too long. Spain smiled and shook his head affectionately at Romano's antics. His thought were proved right when, after making himself some breakfast, Spain walked in to find Romano sitting on the couch with the box of chocolates. He was eating them one by one, muttering angrily to himself all the while. Spain's laughter resulted with a box chucked at his head and angry words thrown at him in Italian. Still, Spain couldn't help but smile after that every time he recalled that the box had been completely empty when Romano had thrown it at him.

I liked writing this one. I planned to have Germany in it, to, but that ended up not happening. And Spain was actually a main character. He was not supposed to be. Anywho, this was mostly about Romano eating German chocolate, but it did have a bit of Spamano in it. I adore Spamano. I think they are a perfectly imperfect couple. X3 Hope you liked it!