The Puppy That Ruined My Life

This is what happens when Ally gets a new puppy. The puppy talks to her through its thoughts.

Today I get my new puppy. A Keeshond. It took a lot of convincing but Dad finally let me get one. It's being delivered to my house. I am waiting for my puppy at the door. The breeder will be here any second.

The doorbell rings. I rush to the door. "Hi, I'm Ally." I say. "I'm the breeder you requested the puppy from. Would you like to see it now?" The breeder says. "Yes. I would." I say.

The breeder takes the puppy out of the small cage it came with. "It's so cute!" I say excitedly. The puppy is so small, but I know it will get much bigger soon. "I have to deliver five more puppies, so I'll be on my way." The breeder says. "OK, bye." I say.

"Hi." I hear a voice. Probably just in my head.

I show Austin the puppy today. He probably doesn't really care, but since we got back together he tolerates everything I say and at least pretends to listen. "I wish I had a puppy." He says. I reply "You can come into the practice room and see it when we write songs. It will be here until I go home." "That's great!" He says.

The puppy is really good. While we write songs she just sits there and listens. (The puppy is a girl.) One of the words in the song is "mystic". That's a great name for a dog! Mystic, or Misty for short.

"Well, that's it for the day." I say. "Yep. Hey, do you want to go to that restauraunt?" Austin asks. "Sure, when?" "Friday." He says. We haven't been on a date since we got back together. This will be fun. "It's a date!" I say.

When I get home, I turn on my favorite TV show. I love it. My life is perfect. I have a boyfriend who works with me, a cute puppy, and a home theater system in my room. I have at least 1000 fans, and work with someone at least 5 times as famous.

"I'm your puppy." There's that voice again. "Huh? Is this a prank?" I say. "No, you are in danger. There are werewolves hunting you." "Why would that happen? Werewolves aren't real." I say. "Yes they are. I am a runaway who refused to hunt." "No, you're just my puppy, and if this is real, why would werewolves be hunting me?" I say. "You are a vampire."