This is yaoi again. My favourite pairing, I'll let you figure out by yourself.
Disclaimer: All of you know that I don't own Digimon, Digimon is Akiyoshi Hongo's creation, and he didn't include yaoi in the story, it was a pity...

part 1 The Coming of Christmas

chapter 1

After saving two worlds, the destined children resorted to a normal life. That meant they could solve normal kind of problems just like one on their hands.

"Can I pleaaase fight Belialvamdemon single-handed rather than er.. this?" Jyou asked.

"Like hell you would. Draw it."

Taichi held a fist with paper straws before the young boy.

It was a year since the mentioned Digimon's destruction and naturally it was Christmas, and naturally everybody wanted presents, OK?

The problem that they faced simply demanded - who would take up the pain to buy presents for 12 persons. The Digidestined settled down to drawing random names, and were occupied with that at the moment, the Original Digidestined meeting at Taichi's and the Younger at Daisuke's.

"It's Mimi," Jyou clutched his hair in panic, "I thought we choose among the present Digidestined. She's not present in Japan, that makes her fall out. AND! America's not next door to my apartment. Taichi!"

Koushiro shrugged. "I can send her an e-mail for a present."

"Thanks, Koushiro!" Jyou quickly got rid of Mimi and pulled another straw. "Oh, no, it's Hikari!!!"

Sora was stuck with a present to TK, Taichi to Daisuke and Yamato to Ken.

"What the hell do I give Ken for Christmas?" Yamato wondered sourly. "A Spanish dictionary? I spoke to him once in my life!"

"Dunno, better ask Daisuke," Taichi told him. "I think Hikari's swimsuit photo will do as a present to Daisuke."

"You're evil," Sora commented. "By the way, Yamato, what does Takeru like?"

"Er.. I'll call him tomorrow..."

In the meanwhile..

Daisuke tried to calculate what straw to take. He thoughtfully scratched his lower lip and flickered his eyes from left to right.

"Daisuke!" Hikari said with a strain. "There is only one left!"

"OK, it's Taichi," announced the boy, though everyone knew it already. "Here's a brilliant idea! We draw straws secretly, right? So, we exchange presents, right? It may happen that we'd have two people stuck in a pair, clear? So, let's dare them!! Roger?"

"Roger," Takeru nodded mockingly. "But it can be you as well," he pointed out.

"No way! Everybody's in? Good, now, let's go for Christmas!" Daisuke shouted.

Later that day...

Yamato called Takeru to ask what he wanted for Christmas.

A fishing rod (it's winter!), a basket ball (what, the seventh?), new trainers and a teddy-bear (WHAAAAAa?).

"OK, I'll tell her, but I think it'll be more like a Christmas pudding."

"Is it she?!" cried Takeru, "Pleeeaase, big brother, who's she? Tell me!!"

Remembering Daisuke's loony idea of hooking and daring couples Takeru got worried. He drew Miyako, and should Miyako draw him, Daisuke would have his petty pervert revenge on both of them this Christmas.

Yamato nearly became deaf with the receiver at his ear.

"Why should I!"

"Come on, I'll buy new strings for the guitar, anything - just tell me if it's not Miyako."

"It's not Miyako." Yamato's heart went soft and floppy when hearing about new guitar strings.

"Oh GOOD!"
