Diaryanjo: I've been getting a lot of demands for this story specifically.
Rising_Sun_Remix: Our deepest apology but we haven't been doing so well.
Diaryanjo: A lot happened the past few years of my Hiatus.
Rising_Sun_Remix: we will try to add chapters when motivations arrive.
Diaryanjo: Reviews and love for the stories helps a lot.
Rising_Sun_Remix: Thank you everyone who stuck with me and found interest in my fanfic stories.
WoAiNi: Thank you guys so much.
Diaryanjo: makes me wonder how you guys even find my stories now.
Rising_Sun_Remix: Now onto the story!
DISCLAIMER: The song title is Aimai na Mikaku by Girugamesh and I do not own it obviously. Just using it because it fits the scene. Everything from the songs to the characters besides the OCC that I make do not belong to me but to their respective creators and this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously okay?
(I'm going to call the President, Shachou so I don't have to type his name out every freaken time. Plus, it has a better ring.)
I Need to see you Cry
A week has passed since the incident with the director. Kyo somehow managed to convince the crazy director to not use the footage from the hidden cameras on one condition. That condition will be finalized once Kyo fully recovered. Therefore we find one Tsugura Ren escorting the red head boy to his company to meet his President.
Kyo was a nervous wreck every step he took towards the building of his demise. Incoherent, invisible words crawled out of his body seemingly leaking with his angry aura. Ren on the other hand kept his composure but kept on glancing back towards the young red head to check on him. He even wondered how he was even able to convince Kyo on the deal with his proposal. Ever since the day of the incident, Ren's thoughts were centered on the mysterious boy that fell out of the crowd. Nearly almost killing the boy almost brought back memories he did not want to surface. Ren's face darkened at that thought. The memories were boiling at the back burner of his mind. Just that urge to relapse back to his old distant self was almost instinctual until he turned his gaze back to Kyo. That snapped him out of his wondering mind to refocus on his current task.
Getting inside the building, Ren led Kyo to the elevator. Once inside, Ren pressed a button to indicate the floor number and the doors closed. Silence overcame the inside of the elevator. It was only the two of them. The elevator moved slowly upwards. There were not many floors in the building. The atmosphere became awkward and very uncomfortable, especially for Kyo. Deciding to break the silence, Ren spoke up.
"Mogami-kun. About my proposal..." he started.
Kyo snapped out of his train of thoughts to focus his attention on Ren. This wasn't the time for him to be cursing at the building and the company for being as they are. Kyo was there to sign the deal that Ren proposed to Kyo to convince him to act as part of the drama. It dawned on him as to why he even agreed to it in the first place.
Flashback to a week ago...
Kyo managed to get the tapes and was able to destroy most of them until Ren decided to lift him up bridal style and hold him there since Kyo still could not walk properly. He did manage to punch Ren at least 3 times to the cheek and knee his abs which were really well toned if only he wasn't in that awkward situation. To make it worse, the director even squealed at the close contact between the two. This stopped Kyo's attempt of struggles to blush at the situation. Ren had a slight pink hue on his cheeks as well after thinking over his quick actions. He really did not want the boy to hurt himself anymore or accidently harm another in his current condition. The boy did just recently wake up from his coma.
Yashiro quickly hid the tapes and recordings far away from the enraged red head. They silently settled down again at the table to discuss the offer they had for the teen. Finally calming down, Kyo was the first to speak what was on his mind. To get it off his chest with his most sincerest feelings towards the whole situation he spoke.
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart and apologize deeply for all the trouble I have caused for you Tsuruga-san and to Director Kikumara-san. My own selfish act has caused the delay of your film and major setbacks. I am willing to do anything to repay the debt of saving my life. It was a selfish spur of the moment decision due to my recklessness. I believe I was also running a fever at that time which also influenced my rashness." Kyo quickly spurted out in a respectful and grateful tone towards the older males.
The older males were astonished at how professional and sincere Kyo's words and posture were as he gracefully got up and deeply bowed with his whole body to them. It all looked natural and not forced. Like although he has done this plenty of times. All three of them knew that Kyo would make a great actor after everything they've seen so far. He sort of reminded them of how an immature child would behave but then snap it all together and turn professional the next second.
Ren's posture after Kyo's randomly out of the blue, sincere apology; went slack and he looked like he was ready to fall out of the chair. He felt like he was looking at a trained Lady from a wealthy household who is apologizing for one of their maid who probably broke something or created an accident which involved you and having seen that situation, the Lady of the house came over and deeply apologized for the maid for being an inconvenience to you. It was like a scene out of a film. Ren didn't need to look at the director to know that he was thinking the same.
Kyo kept his head down for quite a while after apologizing. But he wasn't getting any response from them. Sweat began to develop on his face as he held that posture. He felt the need to sit back down but his pride said to hold it out until they said something. The muscles in his legs felt strained and were trembling. The sound of chairs shuffling startled Kyo, so he looked up to see what the commotion was about. Instead, he felt pressure behind his knees and then suddenly he was off balance and was being carried...again.
Yashiro had wanted to say something to the young boy but Ren cut him off with a single glance. Ren and the director wanted to test Kyo's endurance. Kyo passed with flying colors after they didn't respond for quite a while. Everything so far that Kyo has shown them were first rate performance and endurance in any situation. Besides Kyo's true self; to the three older gentlemen in the room, everything about Kyo shouted "hidden potential". They were worried though what Kyo would react to their offer for the role. Especially after the suicidal attempt from Kyo; they weren't so sure if Kyo was ready to come back to the showbiz world. It probably didn't cross Kyo's mind yet since he just woke up.
The trembling from Kyo's body meant that he was at his limit. Not moving your legs for a few months and bedridden for quite a while will do that. Ren was the first to get up, which startled the red head to try and look up to see the commotion. Quickly, Ren decided to carry Kyo over to the couch to ease the tingling in his legs from suddenly standing up for so long. Kyo didn't even protest this time since Ren randomly carrying him has become a regular thing to do as a quick transportation to places. He nodded and muttered out a quiet thank you to Ren as Ren settled Kyo into the couch while making sure that Kyo's legs were laid out on the couch. Ren gently massaged Kyo's quivering legs to ease the tension. No protest came out of the red head as Ren continued to massage his legs. It was a pleasant feeling for Kyo to have something be done for him and not the other way around.
Director Kikumara cleared his throat to catch their attention. Ren and Kyo snapped out of their state and gave their full attention to the older male. Finally having their attention; the director continued.
"I know this is sudden and you just woke up today. We accept your apology. A person's wellbeing is a more important matter then filming. Dates are pushed back a bit more, but now I have all the pieces I need to make this film perfect. And to make my dream and wish come true, it is up to you Kyo-kun on if you agree to partake in acting. Of course it would also benefit you to debut into the acting industry. But that is up to you if you decide to pursue the acting career instead of your current music career."
Kyo hesitated to answer to that response. Silence filled the air. Pressure began to build up in Kyo and without realizing it; silent tears started streaming down his face. This flustered the director and Yashiro into shock. Director Kikumara didn't mean to make the young boy cry. Yashiro was running conclusions through his mind to figure out what caused the tears. Ren did the next best thing he could think of. He kicked both the others out of the room they were staying in. Before Ren closed the door, Ren said something to them.
"I'll try to convince him for you Director. Yashiro please drive the director back to the hotel."
Ren closed the door and went back to the red head. He knelt down next to Kyo and gently placed his bigger hands on the smaller ones. Kyo slowly lifted his head to stare at Ren. Silent tears still ran down his beautiful face. Ren didn't like seeing the tears on the beautiful boy's face so; he slowly raised his left hand and cradled Kyo's cheek to wipe away the falling drops with his thumb. That gesture caused an unexpected reaction from Kyo. He leaned into the warmth of Ren's palm and a beautiful smile graced his lips at Ren's kind gesture. This time it was Ren's turn to be flustered with Kyo's reaction.
Ren finally then realized, 'This is definitely the same Kyo-chan'. So, he put that thought back into his treasured memories of his past that he can reminisce.
A few moments later, Kyo was up and moving around slowly to get his leg muscles to function again. He decided to cook instead since the room service apparently called back saying they were facing difficulties and could not complete their order. Ren insisted that he could cook, which brought up the hilarious effort from earlier and caused Kyo to laugh. Kyo's laughing was like music to Ren's ears. He would rather see the young boy be in high spirits then that beautifully sad state with tears.
Kyo went through the fridge and found some stuffs to make chicken soup. It would be easy to digest and consume since he didn't have anything to eat for quite a while. Getting out the pot, he filled it with water till it was 3/4 full and then set it to boil on the stove as he prepped the ingredients. Ren stood by the counter to watch Kyo work wonders in the kitchen. To Ren, what Kyo was doing looked so natural in a house setting, until Kyo started chopping vegetables and the chicken like a professional? Ren couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock and admiration at how quickly Kyo worked around the kitchen.
'He would make a good house wife.' was what Ren thought and then brushed that thought out since he didn't want to offend the young boy if he said that out loud.
A few moments after, everything was thrown into the boiling pot and set to simmer. Kyo lowered the temperature and every so often, stirred the pot so that nothing burned or stuck to the sides and bottom. Ren decided to set the table so that Kyo didn't have to worry about it.
Kyo turned around to the sound of bowls clattering to see Ren setting the table. A smile graced Kyo's face for realizing how thoughtful Ren was. That was the scene Ren saw when he turned back around. Such a beautiful smile graced the young boy's face and contentment radiated off him. Ren was awestruck to the point that his thought process died. No words were forming in his throat and his lips felt dry. He was never caught off guard before, ever. Not even when he was acting with great actors and actresses. Not even in real life. The Great Tsuruga Ren will not be outdone by a novice!
Composing himself again, he returned back to the kitchen to grab the utensils needed. Kyo already turned his attention back to the simmering pot of soup. Once he deemed it stirred well enough, he set the lid on and left it to sit for a while. He noticed the rice cooker and opened it to check if anything was inside. And to astonish himself even more, there was nothing. Then again, Kyo thought back to earlier when Ren was attempting to cook. That made his cheeks puff out to stop himself from laughing.
A few moments later, dinner was ready once the rice was done. The timer went off to indicate the rice was done. They were both in the living room watching a random drama being aired about a girl who ran away from home with a boy who only turned out to be using her so that he could become famous (LOL I can't believe I did that!). Kyo was cursing the irony of that before the timer went off and he slowly got up to go check the rice.
Ren only chuckled at the mumbling boy. He got up as well to help him set the food on the table for them.
They were then silently eating the delicious food at the table. It was an uncomfortable silence between them. As they were trying to comfortable eat while figuring out a subject to discuss about, Ren cleared his throat to catch Kyo's attention.
"Mogami-kun about the Director's proposal…" Ren started.
There was sudden pressure in the air and it cut off Ren's words from just looking at the boy's face. It was a very unusual situation for Ren to be in. He's never dealt with another celebrity who had immediate mood swings as crazy as Kyo's. So, he decided to propose a deal with the younger boy after concluding what the problem would be.
"Do you want revenge?" Ren asked after that pause from Kyo's facial feature.
That snapped Kyo's head up to look at Ren. For him to hear the word "revenge", out loud awoken something in him. It was really unexpected for Kyo to hear it from Ren's mouth to voice his thoughts.
"I…don't know Tsuruga-san. I'm so angry at everything that I can't…" Kyo stuttered out the words. He couldn't collect his thoughts to create coherent sentences so that he could convey what he was feeling or thinking. It was chaotic in his mind even if he could actually think to himself in peace without interruptions.
Tears were on the verge of emerging as his thought process finally caught up to him. The whole day's event was a whole change for him. Waking up from a coma to find a hot shot, was nursing you and said hot shot was also the one who caused your coma. Finding out that Shou was an idiot and could care less about himself and his own wellbeing. Director of Tsuruga's film wants to scout him to act, and not just any minor role, a BIG role. Plus as a female! He just woke up from a damn coma and it just felt like yesterday that Shou broke his heart.
A single tear finally fell when that thought crossed his mind. Confused by the action and worried, Ren leaned across the table and gently rested his left hand on Kyo's right hand. The chopsticks that Kyo was holding were forgotten. A gentle squeeze got Kyo to look at Ren again. All Ren could think of at that moment was just how beautiful Kyo looked, even with tears falling.
"I can help you Mogami-kun. The President would understand. In fact he approves of you. You won't have to worry about getting the President's permission to work for him." Ren then realized he was rambling with useless information for Kyo since the boy didn't actually give him an answer yet.
"You can use this opportunity to get revenge against Shou. A way to rebel against him to say you're okay and doing fine without him." At this point; even Ren didn't know what in the world he was talking about. All he wanted to do was to get the smiling Kyo back. Even if he was beautiful when silently crying, he hated to see the reason why he was crying was all because of a stupid inferior person.
"Bu-but…I'm a guy…" Kyo finally spoke.
That stumped Ren. It finally clicked that all his rambling didn't even come close to Kyo's actual thought process. Of course, he gave away his own thought process and intention with his rambling but it seemed like Kyo wasn't really paying attention to anything he just said.
"It's alright Mogami-kun. If you would like, we can keep your gender anonymous from the media and in the film. Even if you are portrayed as a wo-…"
"No. I would like to be registered as a woman instead." Kyo interrupted.
He made up his mind. How did he come to that conclusion? Ren didn't know but it wouldn't be the first in the acting career for someone to hide their actual gender.
"This way, Shou won't find me. I'll be close to him yet far out of his reach. I will taunt him with my rising fame and similar looks. Tsuruga-san!" he declared to Ren.
"Will you help me?" he asked him. Ren was about to reply and was cut off again…
"Will you teach me how to act?" That faltered Ren. He was thinking he wanted help with his revenge. It seemed like Ren wasn't on the same wavelength as Kyo. So, he nodded his head to show that he accepted. Kyo let out a soft breath after he realized he was holding it in anticipation at Ren's approval to train him.
"But.." Ren started.
Kyo gave him a questioning look.
"I have one condition. For me to tutor you on how to act; there should be a price." Ren stated.
It dawned on the red head that Ren was asking him to pay him for taking lessons. Well of course, it's not every day that someone would ask The Great Tsuruga Ren to teach them.
"Gah! I forgot my manners! What is your condition to train me then?" Kyo asked, not too sure about what he'll propose.
"My condition is that you allow me to call you by your first name." There was a pregnant pause before in a flustered state; Kyo finally responded.
"What?" Now it was Kyo's turn to look dumbfounded.
Back to the present…
That was the very reason why Kyo was quite angry with Ren. They just met for not even a couple of hours and he wants to call him by his first name. It takes time and trust to be able to call each other by first names! Then again, Ren was technically his senior and he's older so he has every right to call him by his first name. He doesn't even need to ask permission to use his first name when addressing him. Then again the age gap wasn't that wide. It made him frustrated. Ren did agree to help him officially sign with his company, LME. That was a good start. So he shoved Ren's proposal to give him lessons on acting, to the back of his mind.
Luckily the elevator reached the floor they needed to get off. The door dinged open and Kyo strolled out with Ren following behind. He sighed with a look of defeat.
After Ren proposed the deal to Kyo, he had looked horrified and at loss for words. Ren said it as a joke but Kyo didn't know it. So, right when he was about to apologize and tell him that it was a joke; Kyo had hurriedly finished his food and ran off to the sink to wash them. All the while stuttering out something along the lines…
"I-I-I-I'll s-s-saaaaay my answer with the P-President!" So Ren assumed that he'll give his answer when they meet the President to finalize the contract.
As they walked into the huge room, Kyo couldn't believe his eyes. Ren did give him fair warning that the President had an expensive hobby. Now he knows the true meaning of expensive hobby…
Everything was covered in elegant royal blue silk drapes with gold touches of drops all over. He felt like he was walking in a castle setting even though he knew for sure that he stepped into LME's company doors just 5 minutes ago. The whole floor was transformed and at the end of the only white with golden trims carpet, were steps that led to the throne. And sitting on the throne was someone even Kyo recognized from gatherings.
Kyo's first impression when he first officially saw the President of LME, was a culture shock to him. Until he found out that he normally cosplays and it wasn't unusual. After a couple of times seeing him, Kyo had gotten used to his bizarre cosplays. That was until now, after he realized how extensive his cosplay goes.
And there he was, dressed up in Royal Blue in royal clothing fit for a King. Don't know if that was the joke or not. Sitting on the throne with his secretary next to him he gazed down on them. How high was the ceiling on this floor again?
"Mogami Kyo-kun correct?" The President stated.
"Shachou, please don't intimidate the poor boy…" Ren asked politely.
"But-But Ren! I was just getting into the role of being Ki-…" as he glanced back at Kyo, since Ren took his attention for a brief moment, Kyo was just standing stiff frozen on the spot.
The boy didn't know what to take of the whole thing. It was so out of the world and fairy tale liked that it literally just blew his mind. It just took a brief moment and his eyes were glittering with glee at how magical and elegant and royal everything looked like.
"It's like a fantasy come true!" Kyo finally spoke.
Silence loomed after Kyo's exclamation.
'So Ren wasn't kidding about him liking fantasy related themes.' Shachou thought to himself. He was right to choose the color blue. It really made Kyo's hair stand out; like a rebel, an existence that stands against the flow.
Due to the silence, Kyo slapped his mouth with both hands to stop himself from saying something ridiculous and unmanly like again. A billion different scenarios flew through his mind on their reactions as he was crouching on the floor muffling his own dilemma. Then the next instance, he calmed down by taking two deep breaths. Slowly, he stood up and set his face to a neutral expression, as if by second nature, did a ninety degree bow with his right hand over his heart and replied to Shachou's earlier question.
"Yes, your highness. I am Mogami Kyo. I am here to be of service to you." Kyo fell into acting a role of a humble servant out of the blues.
This surprised the audience in the room. How quickly he fell into a character that no one asked him to do. It really was unexpected. But then they concluded that maybe he thought they were testing him? It was silly but why not play along and see how far he could go?
Shachou cleared his throat to gain the attention of the occupants of the room. It was a clear sign from him to them on what he wants.
"What do you have in particular that you can only offer to me from yourself that no one else has? I have plenty of maids, servants, warriors, doctors, concubines, blades, shields, food, water, riches, jewels, gold, and all the treasures in the world is at my door step. But what. Do you. Have? That I want?" He stretched the last few words to add a dramatic feel to them.
Kyo was still in his ninety degree bow and has yet to look up. Even Ren was slightly panicking. How would Kyo respond to that? Ren was about to interfere with a dialogue he just came up with to give Kyo a clue on how to respond. But the red head did the unexpected.
"Your Majesty, I offer you my music. To soothe your heart and soul, I will use my gift of music for your ears only if that is what you wish. And if my gift does not please you, you may behead me for displeasing you." Kyo held a humble and respectful with graced tone as if really addressing a royalty.
Even Ren didn't think of that. Shachou didn't think of that either. Thinking back on what he listed off, music wasn't even on the list. He made sure to add the doctor to the list and he totally forgot about the art of music. How could he have forgotten such a thing? Then again they didn't produce many musicians from their company…
"Prove it to me." Shachou boomed in a commanding voice. It startled Kyo to lift his head up and gave him an exasperated look which was quickly covered up with a slight shake of the head to clear his mind.
"I do not have my instrument with me at this moment, Your Majesty. If I may be able to go and…" Kyo tried to reason with as much confidence he could muster to get out of the sticky situation. Guess he didn't think that far.
"Ah, no need too. Sebastian! Bring me it." Shachou commanded.
"As you command; Your Majesty." And Sebastian took off one second and then reappeared the next with an electric guitar. Out of all the guitars to choose from; it had to be electric. It didn't fit with the setting one bit…And out of nowhere it was already hooked up to boom boxes that were miraculously set up around the room within a few seconds of his return.
Kyo couldn't keep the shock off his face at the lightning speed of Shachou's assistant running to set everything up perfectly. Shachou only gave his nod of approval at Sebastian's quick and perfect work. Even Ren was speechless at the quick turn of event. One moment, Shachou was demanding Kyo to find a way to please him in his own unique way. Then suddenly everything in the room was set up for a mini concert.
Sebastian pulled out a remote control and hit a silver button (yes it was silver!) and a stage came out of the floor behind Kyo. A microphone emerged from the ground when the stage stopped rising. Seats emerged near Shachou and Sebastian hurriedly grabbed Ren and ushered him to sit on one of the front row seats. Then Sebastian proceeded to shove the confused and dumbfound Kyo onto the stage, behind the mic, and gave him the electric guitar. Once that was done, he quickly found his way back to the side of Shachou without breaking a sweat.
Shachou snapped his fingers and spot lights were on Kyo.
Kyo took the moment of silence as a chance to observe the color and decorations on the electric guitar. It was beautifully made and looked to be untouched. The strings were new and it looked like it was polished regularly. He tested the strings by strumming them gently.
The audience waited patiently for him to begin. Of course he may be nervous but that is to be expected of a novice. But Kyo wasn't a novice in the music industry. But the question is…can he sing? They were aware of the fact that he played the bass for Sho's band when performing. But it wasn't on his profile if he was vocally talented as well. So they waited to see if he would just play the guitar or…
Then Kyo started playing a familiar song on the guitar. They waited a while to see if anything else would occur. And waited…and waited…
Shachou had a look of disappointment on his face which then turned into a rage of fury at the lack of vocal notes from Kyo. He was so disappointed and angry for expecting so much that he threw a mini-tantrum at Kyo. He broke out of character while doing so, which startled Kyo who was really getting in tune with the instrument in his hands.
"No. No. No. No. NO! This doesn't please me at all! I want to hear you sing! Sing like a bird! Whistle like the wind! Bellow like a storm! I want to hear what sound you can make with not just the instrument! But with your voice too! I want to hear you SING!" Shachou emphasized.
Ren couldn't say anything to cover for Kyo. Shachou was correct. If Kyo wanted to impress Shachou, he would have to at least sing to convey the 'Art of Music' he was offering to him. So Ren stayed silent while Shachou was throwing his mini-tantrum in the background behind him. Sebastian was trying to calm down their childish president and succeeded on getting him to sit down but not his fuming.
A slow strumming started. That got their attention. It seemed like Kyo finally made up his mind. A smirk embraced Shachou's face. Sebastian got the signal and clapped twice. Don't question it but a full set of instruments for a rock band appeared on the stage and started playing accordingly to the beat that Kyo had set.
Ushirogami…hikareru yubi to (I pull your fingers through my hair)
Tsukihanasu…ude ga tomadou (and push you away in hesitation)
Koko de…kubi wo…yoko ni furou! (slowly shaking my head side to side!)
That took their breath away. It was a slow rock but it was heavy. And they all could feel it. All the emotions brimming with that voice coming out of that little body. It was unexpected but it brought tremendous results beyond what they imagined. The pressure they put on the young male was finally showing the reward they were waiting for. It wasn't uncommon to see great singers debut but this was a one of a kind unique and beautiful voice that would put even Shou's vocals and songs to shame.
Atoaji wo nakushita konomi (A fruit that's lost its aftertaste)
Sutesatta kankaku ga kururi (Abandoned senses spin round and round)
Kaketa kubomi wo ume (Fill the empty hole)
Kutsuu dake demo kieru nara (If at least the pain will disappear)
The lyrics were full of description of Kyo's emotions and thoughts. Songs were always a way to tell a short tale. And it was telling them the turmoil Kyo was currently going through and his solution to it all.
Nanimo kanjinaku natta… (I can't feel anything anymore…)
Hitotsu futatsu kazoette otoshita kioku(I count the memories one by one as they fall)
Jibun ni uso wo tsuite ima ga yokereba ii to (I lie to myself and say things are great right now)
The screams that are used in rock to exclaim a part was heavy on their heart at how emotional he sang it. With every fiber of his being, Kyo sung his stress and resolve through the song to relieve himself of the heavy emotion.
Singing was always his stress reliever and even though he usually did so when he was alone; this time he had an audience to impress but should he care? No he didn't. It didn't even register that they were there the moment the lyrics fell out of his lips. He was lost in his emotions and the poem that came to him. Of course, they've never heard of this song so the extra band members were struggling to find the right rhythm to keep up with the red head.
Kuroku somatta hitotsubu no hai (A single fragment of black ash)
Yura yura mata furitsumotte (Fluttering and falling down)
Takaku nobashita yubisaki furue (My outstretched fingers tremble)
Tsuyoku yowaku sabireta koe wo (With a rusty voice, both weak and strong)
Kyo's suddenly slowed down the beat and then just gently plucked the strings on the guitar. The other temporary members slowed to a stop realizing this part was important. The drum kept the constant sound of a heartbeat going…
Kyo then locked eyes with Ren, even though he didn't realize it because of the light of the stage on his eyes. Ren knew he was looking at him as he sang the next part with sadness and suspicion.
Aimai na kotoba aimai na hitomi (Vague words and vague eyes)
Aimai na uso aimai ni hagurakasu (Vague lies and vague evasions)
His voice rose with the accusation at the last word and then back to the whispering scream that tore right at the core of your soul.
Nanimo kanjinaku natta… (I can't feel anything anymore…)
Hitotsu futatsu kazoette otoshita kioku(I count the memories one by one as they fall)
Jibun ni uso wo tsuite ima ga yokereba ii to (I lie to myself and say things are great right now)
Itsu mademo ano shiawase ga tsuzuitara… (If that happiness had continued forever…)
Itsu no hi ka egao ni nareru no ka na? (Would I be able to smile one of these days?)
Ren felt fear to his core. He dreaded the thought of Kyo continuing to be by Shou's side. To hold back his own happiness for the sake of Shou's, Ren couldn't stomach that. But, he had to be rational, now that Kyo's here with him instead of by Shou's side. Kyo wouldn't have to be held back anymore. With that concluded, Ren relaxed his tensed body to hear the rest of the dark emotional melody and let it consume him.
Toki ga tomatta utsuro na sekai (An empty world where time has stopped)
Yura yura ashimoto ga yugamu (The ground beneath my feet warps and shakes)
Tooku kieteku atataka na kokoro (A faint heart disappears into the distance)
Tsuyoku yowaku sabireta koe wo (With a rusty voice, both weak and strong)
With a sorrowful last note, he finished the song with the strum of the guitar. Everyone was captivated by his musical talent. Even the temporary band members (who were professionals) were awed throughout the whole song. They struggled to remember the tempo and beat to keep up with Kyo's strumming due to being distracted by the hidden talent that the mysterious boy had.
Shachou was the first to clap followed by very enthusiastic cheers and claps with energetic whistles. Ren had a genuine smile on as he clapped with the small crowd.
Kyo was still dazed from the empty but filled feeling he had in his chest. He has never sung in so long due to the busy schedule (mostly Shou's full Idol schedule and him and his band members were dragged along everywhere) that he never got any privacy to just sing it all away. He finally registered the clapping audience and turned bright red the moment he made eye contact with Ren.
Shachou ushered out the band members with three sharp claps once the round of applause died down. He was very impressed beyond his imagination. He was right in discovering a talent. He had discovered that Kyo was a Jack of Trades. Vocally and musically talent the boy was and possibly he could help polish him in the art of acting as well. This hidden talent that went undiscovered because of a selfish childhood friend has finally found its way to him, the President to decide. Should he introduce this hidden jewel to the world? Why would he pass up on that? He's an agency meant for discovering rare jewels to polish and allow them to glow to greater lengths.
But even if he approves of it; does the boy want to sign the contract? It all depends on if he consents now.
Kyo's face was as red as the color of his hair. He kept on stuttering out some random words out of fear. The performance itself blew away the audience but Kyo wasn't aware of that. He wasn't confident with his singing ability. The only one who has ever heard him sing was Shou.
There were times when Kyo would sing. It was for Shou. The blondie would ask him to sing for him especially when he's stressed. It apparently inspired Shou especially when he was stressed out and pressured or at lost on what to do next. It's been a few months now, it made Kyo pondered if Shou was doing fine without him to sing for him only. But that didn't matter anymore.
It was strange to sing for strangers. That's why he wasn't confident of his singing ability. He was aware that Shou was a top artist and singer. And again he only sang for him a couple of times. Shou never did tell him if his singing was good or not. Apparently the surprised audience thought positively of his singing ability if they were whistling and clapping in joy just a few moments after he ended the song. So it had to be decent enough, right?
"That was the most breath taking performance I have ever seen in my life time." Shachou stated to ease the stuttering boy.
Kyo let out a sigh of relief from hearing the best compliment he has ever heard. But that wasn't the end of the endless compliment he'll ever hear from Shachou. The President then went on and started exaggerating Kyo's performance with many different praises he could think of to describe his spectacular performance he just performed.
Ren cleared his throat to get the younger boy's attention. When he finally turned to give him his attention, Ren gave him a warm smile.
"The performance was wonderful Mogami-kun." Ren said to the frighten boy. He looked like a scared little mouse that was caught between a lion and a tiger with his shivering small frame and big watery eyes. Ren guessed that the younger boy probably has never had anyone give him such high worthy praises that he just didn't know how to react.
"Ahem, Shachou the contract?" Sebastian asked their President.
"Yes! Of course! My sincere apology for going off side track Kyo-kun. If you would like to take a seat, we can start discussing the terms of your contract. There is no need to evaluate your musical ability any further. What you just displayed brought me great pleasure on discovering a hidden diamond in our world of showbiz. It is my job to make sure you are polished and displayed for the world, NO the universe to see what you are capable of! And further improve from there!" Shachou got excited at that proclamation.
So they got settled in after Sebastian swiftly rearranged the room. A table fit for a King and his guest. Sebastian stealthily arranged documents and pens onto the table for Shachou and Kyo to use. Ren just sat on the opposite of Kyo and observed the red head. He didn't entirely tune out the discussion but in favor of doing so he got to watch different type of facial features that crossed the young boy's face. Sachou knows how to entertain his company for sure. Pure happiness radiated off the boy as he seemed to have fun during the discussion. It seemed that Shachou was a lot easier and care free to talk to for Kyo. It gave Ren an impression that maybe he wasn't able to freely talk with his previous employer like this before. Right on cue with that thought process, Shachou brought that topic up.
"Kyo-kun. Your previous work. How was it overall? Were you happy?" He asked out of the blue.
It caught the young boy off guard. He wasn't expecting it; scratch that, he knew it would eventually be brought up. But not during the finalization of the contract. He slowly dropped the pen in his hand that he was just using to scribble down and correcting errors on the document in front of him. His eyes were down casted and his bangs covered his eyes. Just from that reaction; Shachou knew the answer. The young boy was shaken.
"I-I don't know. I loved music as much as baka-Shoutarou. I met the P-President formally. That was only when we were signing the contract. After that, he kept on putting so much pressure on us once he realized that baka-Shou was able to rake in money. I-I didn't deal with the President m-much but Shou was the one who w-would meet with him every o-once in a while to d-discuss. T-Then I heard that he was replaced with someone else. S-So…" Kyo stuttered out an answer.
The residence in the room knew something wasn't right. The answer could have been a simple yes or no. But to go as far as to specifically recall an interaction with someone from his previous workplace could only mean one thing. That person left a scar on the poor boy. He wasn't telling the whole truth but the keywords to the situation were 'work' and 'happy'.
Ren was the first to react and grabbed the younger boy's hand. The action startled the red head but he looked up with tear stained eyes at the older male.
"If you don't want to tell us that's fine Mogami-kun. You are no longer within that guy's reach. He cannot harm you here if you choose to tell us." Ren assured the younger boy.
"I-I…" he started.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cover what I meant to say. I'm sorry. It's just. This is the first time I was able to talk to a person with power freely without fear of being reprimanded for it. I-I didn't have a great experience with meeting the President. He kept on talking to me and never looked at Shou's way during the whole signing. More like flirting with me since he kept on asking personal questions instead…"
He didn't need to say anymore for them to understand. Their facial features morphed into a look of understanding and anger. They processed the look on Kyo's face as well. Judging from the younger boy's reaction and facial features; the incident turned out positive and maybe, just maybe the horrible man didn't leave a scar on the boy. Considering that he continued to stay by Shou's side, it was most likely dealt with and he did say the man himself was fired.
"So you're saying the reason why your President was replaced was because of you?" Ren asked to clarify and maybe to get a better understanding of how scarred the boy was.
"He was caught having an affair with one of the artist. I just…happened to stumbled upon them. They ended up pulling me into the room to silence me…" Kyo replied without missing a heartbeat.
"So I guess you can say it was me who caught him…What they did…I do not wish to speak about but before they could do any worse to me; Shou came barging in. He punched the President so hard that his wisdom teeth flew out and the artist was stomped…god knows where…" Kyo continued his explanation. There was no need for him to hide these facts. It's not as if Shachou or Ren or even Sebastian would rat him out that he was the cause of that incident from about 2 years ago.
It was a well-known incident. Only those in the show biz world could come to many possible conclusions as to why it happened. For the public; the media is their only source of information regarding any major news. And it is the media that can be influenced from the truth to something believable to keep appearances and reputations intact.
Kyo's President was apparently retiring at the age of 45 and someone was taking over at the young age of 25. He was in training to be a possible heir to the entertainment and passed all the tests with flying colors at a young age. He was what so ever, not related to the ex-President by any means. And they made sure to stress that clearly. For those who understood that meaning, it meant that the ex-President has no influence over the company through any means. The new President who took his place would not be official until he was 26 which would be some time this year. This meant that his name would not be released until after his coming of age, as they dubbed it in the media.
Then the following news was that, the artist that Kyo mentioned could only be one. Right after the news of the new "President", was the news about a famous artist who was caught having an affair at work, even though he was married. He even had two kids at home, twins. Apparently after the grave news about him, his wife demanded a divorce and their case was still fresh on the court to this day. The only reason why the case was still going on is because of the custody of the children. The twins wanted to live with daddy because "daddy's boyfriend is nice and buys them whatever they want" was what got the whole media into an uproar. His scandal escalated to a whole new level of harsh gossip. Poor guy's career was ruined and wrecked to a billion pieces. Doubt he no longer had any job offers from any company with that record. He wasn't that globally popular anyway so no one paid his work any heed until the scandal.
So in the end, the two separate cases were actually connected. Many had thought of that possibility but it was never confirmed. Typical of the media. They're getting paid to just read what's in the script and news. Not the actual truth behind such events. It would do more harm than good if the public knew. It'll ruin the company's reputation, especially when they have hot topic stars under their company name.
Sachou let out a sigh. He already came to a conclusion with all the pieces of information. His information network was well informed regarding that "incident" but he really didn't have concrete information on whom it was that was at the center of it all till now. And the poor boy was barely sixteen. The dark side of the show biz world was cruel and to experience it at an early age tends to either scar or scare away young talents or they are able to learn from it and grow. And Kyo here for a fact was the later at least. He didn't give up on his passion. Wait his passion? What did he have a passion for?
Sachou had to think on that fact. What was driving Kyo to stay in the show biz world? The President did do a background check on the young boy before officially meeting him. Kyo left home at the age of 14 and did not attend high school but instead was working full time at the agency as Shou's band member. But why?
"So why are you in this industry in the first place Kyo-kun?" Shachou blurted out without realizing he did.
Kyo just gave him a quizzical look. He never really thought about it. Never had the time to actually think about it. It was always work, work, and more work. And…
"To support Shou's dream…" Kyo blurted out as well without realizing it.
On reflex, he quickly slapped his mouth with both his hands as it dawned on him that, that was the only reason why he even started in the industry. It was all for Shoutaro.
Ren had his Emperor face on. He did not like Kyo's reason at all.