Hello everyone,

This story contains characters from ''the Powerpuff girls'' so all credits go to Craig McCracken, because without his creativity, this story would not exist. It is purely written for fan-based entertainment, not for Profit.

hope you enjoy!

(I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes. This is an old story that I'm going to rewrite pretty soon. Read at own risk!)

A long time ago there was a big battle between 3 good girls and 3 evil boys. One day the boys defeated the girls and the city of Townsville came down to its knees.

In desperation and despair a few people turned to evil it's self in hoop of a better future. Making a deal with HIM in exchange for the return of the Powerpuff girls.

HIM didn't want them back but ruling a city was hard and he needed order in his realm. People were conquering there fears and the joy of ruling was going away.

With the boy's doing nothing for HIM he eventually give in and recreated the Powerpuff girls in exchange for other things. So would Professor Utonium be HIM's slave whenever HIM wanted to and he would secretly stay major of Townsville at night.

When everyone had agreed, everything went a lot smoother in the city. With people happy they were more easily to scare and HIM liked that above all other things.

With the Powerpuff girls alive he didn't have to work hard to be a major and didn't have to protect his realm from monsters or other villains.

People adapted and continued their lives in the years beyond. Some even forgot about their deals with HIM. HIM never forgetting, always came back to claim what was his part of the deal. The Powerpuff girls did know that HIM had revived them in exchange for being mayor at night, but little did they know, there would be moreā€¦

That was more than 10 years ago and the Powerpuff girls are turning 16 today. Having the day off from crime fighting and not having to fight crime for ones was doing them good. Every time HIM spoke they were reminded that while they were fighting crime at night, they were also fighting for HIM. They hated the feeling of not serving Justice but could do nothing about it.

Luckily for the girls that feeling wasn't here today and they thought there birthday was going to be a success. Little did they now that from today everything they knew was about to change.

Bubbles ran to the kitchen and kissed her father on the cheek. ''Good morning dad. What's for breakfast?''

''Pancakes in your favorite symbol'' had the professor replied while the other girls came in. Bubbles got flower pancakes, Blossom got Heart pancakes and Buttercup got Football pancakes.

They happily ate the pancakes and with their bellies full they were about to leave when the professor announced that he had something to say and that it was time for presents.

When the Girls were sitting down again he said that he had to tell them good and bad news. He decided to go with the good news first and gave them there presents.

In every present there was a necklace with stones that were there signature color's and Bubbles and Blossom also got matching earrings. The two girls were out of control happy and even Buttercup liked it although she would never wear it in public.

Then he gave them another present and told the girls that this gift was from HIM. Bubbles, Buttercup and blossom looked at each other and were about to open it when the professor interrupted them. ''Before you open these gifts I need to tell you something. I told you a long time ago that when you were recreated most of us made a pact with HIM. ''

''Yes, we know you work for HIM all the time'' Bubbles said looking a bit confused. Then the Professor started talking again. ''To get you back I also had to promise HIM something else''

It went quit in the room as he had stopped talking and just kept staring at his hands.

''What did you promise HIM'' asked Blossom.

With his head now up he looked at the Girls and began speaking again.

''I promised that when you are turning eighteen you would marry his sons''

Looking at the Girls he saw three very surprised faces. He couldn't say something before Buttercup started yelling while she grabbed the collar of his lab cloth. ''You did what! How could you?!'' And after a fears discussion with the whole family they came to the conclusion that no matter how much they were going to argue, it would not make a difference.

The professor than ordered them to open their birthday presents witch they did with tension in their fingers. Wen there presents were open they saw a ring inside. Each of them had a different color stone. Blossom had a red stone, Buttercup a green stone and Bubbles a Blue. They looked at each other again and then took their rings out. In the light their stones began to glisten.

Buttercup and Bubbles put the rings on their fingers. Only Blossom kept the ring between her fingers and then she turned to the professor. ''Professor, you said that we would marry them at eighteen but we just turned sixteen.''

''Well'' said the professor. ''I want you to choose for yourself if you want to go throw with this or to run as far away as you can.''

With the girls processing the words from the Professor Buttercup tries to get the ring of her finger but it's stuck. '' I can't get it off'' she yelled while she kept pulling on her finger.

Bubbles tries too but has the same result. Blossom was not going to wear that, especially now she knew it was going to get stuck the minute you would put in on her finger.

She puts the ring back in the box and takes the box with her as she left the table. She went up the stairs and in her room. In her room she places the box on the bed.

Lying next to it on her belly she opened it again. She stared at the ring. I will never marry you Brick, I would rather go to hell'' she said and then closed the box again. '

With her sisters coming in, Blossom turns over to lay on her back and she starts staring at the ceiling. As silence filled the room as the three girls were all overthinking the situation. Blossom who was thinking about an solution, Bubbles who was thinking about an escape plan and Buttercup who was still trying to figure out how to remove the ring. The Silence finally broke when the professor entered the room.

You could see the tears gliding from his eyes over his cheeks as they went down to the floor. His crying noise was breaking Bubbles heart. She got next to him.

''I am not going to love you less because of this.'' He then smiled and hugged her. Her sisters saw it and also went in for a family hug. The four of them experienced so many feelings at the same time. The felt Love, Helplessness, anger, and above all they felt happy and relaxed to have each other's company. After the hug broke up the professor reminded them that it was supposed to be there birthday and that they needed to enjoy this day, no matter what the future would bring.