As I ran through the hallway, desperate to find Zach, I happened upon Dr Brennan. Wiping away the last of my tears, I met her seemingly harsh gaze.

"I've spoken with your father" she said, with a seemingly distant tone to her voice. She was coming across as cold and unwelcoming, just as she had before she met my dad. It was a tone that made me resent her. How was she to understand my problem? She was much older, in a steady job with all of the added extras, not to mention the love of my father.

"And? I suppose you want to tell me how stupid I am as well." I attempted to push past her, but she has strategically positioned herself so that she could cut me off at any moment. My tears started to flow again. First my dad, now Dr Brennan. Would no one see my point of view?

"I'm not here to tell you that. I want to help you" She said. For as much as she was trying to reassure me, I wasn't feeling any of it.

"I know you mean well, but unless you can tell me whether or not theirs a baby in my belly, I don't want to know"

"But that' exactly what I can do" she said, lifting up my chin so I would meet her eyes. She did not falter as she made the promise. I was wrong to yell at her; I knew that now. She would always be there for me, almost like a mother.

"How?" I pleaded. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you. You just looked like you were going to scream at me and I can't handle any more of that" I wept into her shoulder. The amount that I was crying was starting to get embarrassing. This wasn't Samantha Booth, future FBI agent. This was someone totally new. Perhaps it was a more sensitive side of me that came with being a possible mother. Or maybe it was Zach bringing out the best in me.

"Come with me" she said, her hand extended out towards me. I took it gratefully and she half led, half dragged me to her office. She opened the desk drawer and handed me,

"A pregnancy test? What are you doing with one of these?"

"We all have scares. Fortunately, I came onto my period before I took the test, so now it's all yours" she said, forcing the kit into my hands.

Five minutes later

I was staring into the bathroom mirror. The instructions had said to wait for two minutes for the results. That was a minute and thirty seconds ago. Dr Brennan had left me to it, seeing that I wanted some privacy. It was in moments like these that I really saw the effect my father was having on her. She was almost more human, reading people better than she ever had without seeing their bones.

My palms were beginning to get sweaty. I was not even slightly ready to have a baby. It would put my entire career on hold for at least six years, a sacrifice I was not willing to make. I hadn't even been accepted into the FBI, and I wouldn't be if they knew I had a kid on the way. This left me with and awful decision to make. What would I put first? My career or my future child and relationship with Zach?

Fifteen seconds. I thought back to how excited Zach had been at the prospect of being a father. Well, after he got over the initial shock. Could I have the baby if Zach wanted me to? I loved him, I knew that much, but did I love him enough to put my life on hold in order to appease his excitement? We'd only been together for a few months after all, how was I to know that he would even stay with me through the sleepless nights and the school runs and the swollen ankles. And the stretch marks. Who could love a girl who used to be hot when she had stretch marks?

5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I exhaled. Closing my eyes, I reached down the counter top where I had placed my test. I lifted it up, opening my eyes to see a single line. I wasn't pregnant. Once again, I started to cry. But this time they were tears of joy, not tears of sadness or fear or distress. I knew I could get my life on track, Zach would still be just as in love with me as he was before and no one would have to worry about stretch marks! And maybe my dad would apologise, but let's not get too ahead of myself.

I raced down the corridor, desperate to share what I thought was the best news we could've hoped for with Zach.

Remember when I said I would upload more frequently? Lol me too. I'M SO SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU WAITING FOR NEARLY A YEAR! I started college, then had exams, then more exams, then more exams. And I guess somewhere my passion for writing got lost. But hopefully I'll be back with a vengeance now and I will eventually finish this story. Sorry again :(