The British Host of Ouran

Disclaimer: Neither I nor Coin of Light and Darkness own Yu-Gi-Oh GX or Ouran High School Host Club.

Summary: Bastion has had enough. He leaves Duel Academy and goes to the high school that his grandfather wanted him to go to, Ouran Academy. There he runs into the Host Club. Will he make new friends, or will his past catch up to him?

Chapter 1: The New Host

Bastion was walking down the corridor doors of Ouran Academy. He had had enough of the strangeness of Duel Academy. He had wanted to follow his dream of becoming a Dueling Physicists but because of the incidents of his first year he dropped out. He had not signed up to deal with spirits; duels that made you lose your soul, Amazons who broke your heart, or Sacred Beasts that ate up the life force of your Duel Monsters. So he let his grandfather enroll him in Ouran Academy.

His grandfather owned a microchip company, where the microchips that the company made were used in many electronic devices. Such devices included laptops, smart phones, desktop computers and tons of other high-tech equipment. But the biggest buyer of his grandfather's microchips was Seto Kaiba and because of his grandfather's deal with Seto, well, Bastion was guaranteed a place in Obelisk Blue. But Bastion wanted to make his own name so he turned down the place in Obelisk and took the entrance exam.

Bastion thought that he had made some real friends but realize later on in the year that his friends were only acquaintances. He realized that no matter how hard he tried that the others would only care mainly about Jaden. Jaden proved time and time again that he only cared about dueling, that and food and sleep. Every time Bastion tried to stand up to others for Ra Yellow his so-called friends would never help him out. So after first year Bastion left Duel Academy, his pleased grandfather then enrolled him in Ouran Academy. While it didn't have the interesting classes of Duel Academy is still challenged him nonetheless and he found some interesting students attended Ouran. Those twins in his class, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin were interesting. He also got along well with the honors student, Haruhi Fujioka.

Right now he was trying to find a quiet place to study but all the libraries and study halls were filled with students talking. He had been walking for a few hours and wanted to get back to his studies. Then he came upon a seemingly abandoned music room and decided to study in there. As soon as he opened the door rose petals came flowing out and he saw his fellow classmates.

"Welcome," they said in unison.

He blinked and looked closer at the room and the students in it. There were a lot of expensive things on display and he recognized his classmates to be the Hitachiin twins, Fujioka, upper classmen Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka and Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka.

"Well, this is different, we don't often get a boy here at the Host Club," said the handsome blonde boy sitting in the throne in the center of the room. Tamaki Suoh.

"Sorry, I didn't know this room was occupied," Bastion apologized.

"Quite alright Mr. Misawa," said the boy with glasses and a black book in his hands. Kyoya Ootori.

"Hmm, Kyoya, you know this young man?" asked Tamaki, interested.

"He's new here at Ouran," said Hikaru.

"He's in our class," said Kaoru.

"Mr. Misawa here is the grandson of Thomas Misawa; the Misawa Company's products, the microchips are used in almost anything and everything. Mr. Misawa is also a certified genius. Isn't that right Mr. Misawa?" asked Kyoya.

"Yes, you know a lot about me," said Bastion.

"He knows a lot about everyone," said Hikaru from his right and Bastion started, he hadn't noticed the boy come up to him.

"So it would make sense that he'd know about you Misawa," said Kaoru from his left. Ok, that was just creepy, how had they managed to sneak up on him like that?

"Please, it's just Bastion and by the way do you know of a place where I can study in peace?" asked Bastion moving away from the twins.

"Wow, a genius, Bastion-chan you must be like Haru-chan, but you're not an honors student so maybe you're not exactly like Haru-chan," said Honey bouncing up to him with Mori watching silently.

"Um, well…" and Bastion blushed, he knew he was a genius and he wasn't normally shy about it but hearing his Sempai talk about his genius in such a voice of wonder made him blush.

'Why am I getting a feeling of Déjà vu?' wondered Haruhi as Bastion backed away.

"So we have a genius in our midst, a British Genius, oh wonderful day. Now Bastion, tell us, which one of us do you prefer, the princely type, the cool type, the little devil type, the strong silent type, the loli-shota type or the natural type?" asked Tamaki putting his hands on Bastion's shoulders with a smile.

Bastion fidgeted, this was getting unnerving, "Look, Sempai, I told you, I was looking for a place to study and I thought this room was empty. I am most definitely not gay, so I don't have a type. I just want a quiet place to study," said Bastion jerking out of Tamaki's hands and Haruhi knew what was going to happen before it happened, for as Bastion jerked, his shoulder knocked into a fragile looking statue and in slow motion the statue fell to the floor, breaking on contact. Bastion stared in horror at what he'd done.

'Yup, déjà vu,' thought Haruhi, knowing what fate Bastion was in for now and feeling sorry for him.

"Bastion Misawa, you are aware that that statue was worth your entire family fortune and the amount your company makes in a day?" asked Kyoya, the light reflecting off his glasses.

Bastion gulped, he'd never ever had that much money or even spent that much, his grandfather was kind but firm and often said that he wasn't going to let his only grandson and heir go around with millions in his pockets. So he was given an allowance of two thousand a month by his grandfather. It didn't matter though; he was never going to pay this off.

"Bastion Misawa, can you afford to pay us for this statue right now?" asked Tamaki Sempai. Bastion gulped and shook his head.

"Very well then, Mr. Bastion Misawa, you shall be like Haruhi and pay off your debt to us by working for us as a Host," said Kyoya. Bastion sweat dropped, this was not what he had in mind when he came to Ouran.

"Yes and I declare you to be the Genius British Gentleman type," said Tamaki, pointing at Bastion who sweat dropped again.

'Oh brother,' Bastion sighed, "Very well."

"Wow, I never thought this type of thing could happen twice," said Hikaru.

"First Haruhi and now Bastion," said Kaoru.

"Don't worry Bastion chan, you'll do it," said Honey, leaping onto Bastion and hugging him before being pulled off by Mori.

"I know how you feel," said Haruhi and Bastion sighed.

'This is going to be a long year,' he thought.

A/N: I hope you like this. Read and Review please.