"Tony its 4:38 man better get back and put the armor back" Rhodey said. " Fine I'm tired any ways." "Okay get back here quic"-shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. "Rhodey". "Rhodey". "RHODEY"! Crap I have to get back to the armory. Tony entered the armory to find that Rhodey wasn't there, but there was a tab next to the Mark 1 armor Tony then put the tab in the tv he had in the armory and played it.

Hallo Anthony as you can see I have your friends and father ,but if you ever wish to see your friends and father again come to Berlin Military base and bring the War Machine armor as well as the Mark 2 armor. Other wise your friends and father will be killed were they stand, "Don't do it Tony" Pepper said, "Shut her up", the man said "I will give 10 hours to come to the base and drop off the armor".

"Wait, Berlin, Germany." "Jarvis check for fingerprints on the tab and scan them throw German police files as well as Military". "Yes Sir". Inrick Von Ludwig top General of the German army, and destroyer of Ladvaria. 8 hours later. Jarvis were behind the German border. Now lets gets to the Military Base. Five minutes later. Iron Man this Sgt. Shmittser land now or we have orders to shot you done. Then I jetted away. So that's how its going to be, boys looks like your going to get some target practice today.

General Ludwig we have problem. "What is it Corporal". "It's Iron Man sir he's past the border 25 minutes ago sir ,and there are three fighter jets chasing him sir". "Disengage the fighters and let him come". "Yes Sir". Said the Corporal. After the general disengage the fighter jets Tony was able to get to the base spying throw the War Room window where eight men were standing and Tony noticed General Ludwig ,but he was quite easy to spot sense he was the only one sitting down in his elegant chair there was also a table in the middle of the room where there was a map of earth. And after a few minutes Tony overheard Ludwig planing an attack on New York City ,but after overhearing the General's plan every man in the War Room noticed Tony outside the window. "Shot Him", the general ordered ,then an alarm went off. "I have to get Pepper ,Rhodey ,and Dad and fast otherwise I'm done for".

Hope you like this chapter because there are more to come. and send me reviews