I should not have chosen Abnegation.

I am too selfish.

Or maybe, I am not. Surely choosing Abnegation for my parents is selfless? Isn't Caleb the selfish one for leaving?

I work to push the thought from my mind. I should not be condemning anyone's choices, it is selfish of me.

I twist my blonde hair into a bun at the nape of my neck, it is time for me to start my day. Still, I can't help but wish for another glimpse of my face in the mirror, just as I had on the day of my test.

My days are too repetitive. I am still trying to learn how to repress my selfish tendencies. My initiation is different than the ones transfers undergo, not that we have many transfers – I think it was three this year.

I am strapping on my watch as I walk, it is too hard to stay in this house any longer. I know I don't belong here, but the woman who administered my test, Tori, her voice rings in my head. Divergent. Divergent. Divergent.

I frown, desperately wanting to tell someone, anyone, about my results. Maybe if I wasn't Abnegation, I could have told my mother; she seemed to have an odd gleam in her eye when I chose my faction.

No. Don't think like that, Beatrice. You will keep your Divergence to yourself, and you will learn how to properly become a part of the Abnegation faction. This is the life you chose.

I am stern with myself because I know that I need discipline. I worry that it won't be enough.

"Good morning, Beatrice." My mother greets me as I slip into my seat at the table. I purposely avoid looking at Caleb's empty seat as I greet her back.

Now that I have officially chosen my faction, I am treated as an adult. It has only been a couple of weeks since I made the choice, making me almost uncomfortable when someone addresses me. I am so used to speaking out of turn, my name sounds almost foreign without it's usual inflection of disapproval attached.

After our usual breakfast, it is now my responsibility to extend an offer of help to anyone that needs it. This is part of my Abnegation initiation. This is also where I come across difficulty.

Everyone knows me as Beatrice Prior, the abnegation girl that was always a little too selfish, a little too outspoken, a little to discontented with her life.

This is why they are not always sure of my offers, if they are genuine or not. The others always accept, they wouldn't be a part of Abnegation if they refused. But I can sense their hesitation with trusting me.

It doesn't bother me. I know I am an outsider.

Because of this lack of trust, I usually head out for initiation with Susan. She's quiet, but pleasant.

"How are you today, Susan?" I ask, keeping my gaze trained on the ground.

"I am well. Thank you for asking, Beatrice."

And that is the extent of our conversation. I spend hours a day with this girl, and we barely say two words to each other. Susan acts exactly how an Abnegation member should…the way I should…the way I can't.

Leaving Susan's company at night is my favorite part of the day. I know I am selfish for thinking this way, but being around her makes me angry. I hate that I have subjected myself to this way of living. I should have chosen Dauntless when I had the chance.

I am suddenly overcome with the desire to run. To run as fast as I possibly can and to jump onto the train, just like a Dauntless, and see where it takes me.

But, no. I am Beatrice Prior, and I am Abnegation.

A/N: Before we start, I can't believe this is my 60th story posting on FF (I know my profile says 61, but the Gossip Girl story was written by my sister), So in light of that, I'd love it if we could get the first chapter to between 5-15 reviews! I'll make a bigger effort to get chapter 2 out if I know there are a lot of people who want to read it. =D

Well hi there! So, this is a big step for me. I just read Divergent and Insurgent over the weekend, and this concept really stuck with me. When Tris thinks that she and Tobias could have met if they both chose differently, I knew immediately that I would want to read that story. Instead I'm writing it.

This will probably be a couple of chapters, and they'll probably be a big gap in between them. I'm a full time college student and I have some family stuff going on that takes up all of my free time (and what little time I have left, I spend it sleeping =D )

I really need and want your commentary and thoughts on this. I need to know what you guys think about this AU version of Tris and eventually, Tobias. So, thanks in advance =D

And, just as an FYI- Tobias will definitely be appearing in the next chapter. I wanted to put him here, but instead I used this chapter to establish Tris a little bit.