Naruto: Will you keep it down! Some of us are trying to enjoy our ramen here, ttebayo!

MS: (Sigh) Let him be, he hasn't been himself ever since the laptop got the ghost screen, so let him enjoy the feeling of being a writer again for now.

Naruto: Fine, whatever you say Yū-

MS: DON'T SAY MY NAME YET YOU BAKA! I'll be showing up soon enough anyways right? (FND nods) There you go, by the way, your other two ramen bowls are about to go cold.

Naruto: MY RAMEN!

MS: Anyways… FND does not own Naruto or Shippūden, Kishimoto does. So now onto the new chapter, enjoy everybody

FND: Thanks dude.

*** Previously ***

"Naruto… that day, was the day you were born, but it was also the day that my last Jinchūriki's seal was broken and was killed. I was unleashed onto the village, controlled by the same man who broke the seal and took my Jinchūriki's life, using me as the tool to take not only hers, but her husband's life as well… that man… was Madara Uchiha… the same man who took not only the life of one who I considered a friend… but also destroyed not only mine, but your life as well…"


(Back at the Hokage Tower)

Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't know how things could get any worse for him, for standing in front of him was the Amekage, Nagato, bearer of the legendary Rinnegan, the original dōjutsu, Kushina's older brother and Naruto's uncle. But the coup de grace to top it all off, he was an Uzumaki, and he… was… PISSED!

Nagato was sitting in a chair in front of Sarutobi's desk; the old Hokage was sitting in his chair very uncomfortably because of the glare he kept getting from Nagato. Nagato sat cross legged; tapping his fingers on the arm rests, and tick mark still apparent on his right brow. The killing intent being released from Nagato that it could be felt by Izumo and Kotetsu, who were still guarding the village gate. Hiruzen was sweating heavily, he knew the rule about never pissing off an Uzumaki, their rage was on par with that of a Bijū, and his rage was just, the poor arm chair's arms were having holes drilled into them from Nagato repeatedly tapping his fingers into them.

"So let me get this straight… Naruto is indeed Kushina and Minato's son. He is indeed the new jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Kitsune. Not only does he not know anything about his parents, which I can understand, Minato and Kushina did acquire many enemies during the 3rd war, but I still do not like the fact that he cannot tap into a single ounce of his inheritance, not only that, but he's not even allowed to stay at the Namikaze estate, but instead lives in the southern district, the damn slums. But what really eats at me right now Hiruzen, was that he was kicked out of the Konoha Orphanage when he was 4 years old and wasn't even found until a week later, in an alleyway, starving… remind me to kill the orphanage caretaker when I see find in the worst ways possible."

"EH! Uh… Nagato, I'm sorry to inform you, but the caretaker who kicked Naruto out is dead. I had her executed for kicking him out on the streets, and for also breaking my law."

"AH YES! Your law pertaining to Naruto's jinchūriki status. Although it was made with the right mind at the time, your law however, was a failure. Your law failed when someone leaked out the information about him being a jinchūriki. Sure the adults can't talk or tell others, especially their children, about him being a jinchūriki, but that doesn't stop them from trying to make his life a living hell!"

"I know, I know, I truly want to lift the law, but if Naruto's teammates find out about his secret, then they might never want to work with him again, let alone be around him."

"Does he at least know?"

"… yes… during the time when he tried to graduate and become a genin, a chūnin sensei from the academy named Mizuki tricked him into stealing Konoha's forbidden scroll and tried to kill Naruto, but not before he revealed to Naruto his secret. If it wasn't for the intervention of one Iruka Umino, and the fact that Naruto mastered the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, Mizuki may have gotten away."

"… I see… Hiruzen, I need to discuss with you about a couple things about Naruto."

"Like what Nagato?"

"Hiruzen, Konan and I wish to take on the role as Naruto's guardians and care takers."


"Do not jump to conclusion Sarutobi, we do not wish to take him away from Konoha, although I definitely would love to do so, I do understand however, that it may cause a trouble in the balance of power between the 5 great shinobi nations, him being a jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Kitsune no less. Taking him may also cause a diplomatic situation and could damage the new relations between Ame and Konoha, especially with your 'council'. What Konan and I want to do is for Naruto to be legally placed under our name and relation, as well as care to when we visit, that way, what happened tonight won't happen again unless someone wants to cause an international incident, unless they wish to risk the wrath of the Amekage, much more the wrath of all of Ame. Although I do pray that matter doesn't' occur, I will not take the risk of it. Naruto is probably the last of my family, the only thing left of my imouto, and I WILL NOT lose him, Hiruzen!"

"… Alright Nagato, I will allow you to be placed as Naruto's legal guardians, I understand perfectly. I do pray that this will lessen the abuse the villagers put him through."

"It better, otherwise I will show them why the Rinnegan is still and forever will be the strongest and most revered of all of the dōjutsus."

"… I-I-I understand, so shall we move forward and try and discuss the treaty between our villages now?"

"… No, I have kept you here long enough, I can tell that you have family waiting for you at the Fox Festival and you yourself have become impatient. Go Hiruzen, if you need me later on, I shall be keeping my stay in Naruto's hospital room."

"I understand Nagato, and once again, I am sorry that this happened tonight of all nights…"

"… (sigh) I understand that it must have been difficult, even though you could have tried to have done better for him, at least you tried… I do however expect those that attacked him tonight to be punished properly, correct?"


"Then I shall take my leave for the night… and sorry for the door."

"You wouldn't be the first Uzumaki to burst through the door into the Hokage's office."

As Nagato and Hiruzen stood from their seats to take their leave for the night, a group of both jōnins, a chūnin, and genins with a blue haired woman, walked into the office and stood in front of the two kages.

"Hello Hokage-sama, we come here to see if you would like our genin to give a report of the events that occurred tonight." Kakashi reported, doing his best to avert his one visible eye from glancing at Nagato.

"There is no need to do such, the Amekage here has told me about the events tonight well enough to understand the situation. I do however; believe we would like to know of Naruto's condition right now." Hiruzen said, with both a curious and concerned tone about the situation Naruto was in.

"N-N-Naruto-kun was r-resting peacefully when we left the hospital n-not too long ago, H-Hokage-sama. Ano… Hokage-sama, where is N-Naruto-kun going to be s-staying from now on? I-I mean… we can't let him go back to his apartment."

"What do you mean Hinata?"

"H-Hokage-sama, when the others and I went to go f-find N-Naruto-kun, we found his a-apartment completely ruined, I-I don't think it is safe for him to go back to that p-place." When she finished talking, she noticed that both kages had their full attention on the genins. When Hiruzen and Nagato heard about Naruto's apartment, they both sent a look to each other, nodding in understanding what was to happen next.

"You all remember when I said that it was ok for you to leave without giving me a report of tonight?" All of the genins in the room nod to his question, giving him their response. "Well now it's not! I want all of you too describe to me, in the best detail you can, of the events that happened from your perspectives, from when you left the festival to look for Naruto, to when you found him!"

(15 minutes later… and a really bad 15 minutes at that)

After everyone gave their reports of the events that happened last night, everyone wanted to run from the Hokage's office as fast as they could because of the killing intent that was running off of Nagato as if he was a fountain, it took Konan a fair amount of time to calm him down from running out and killing the ones responsible for Naruto's condition.

"This does pose a problem, it is obvious that we need to provide him with a new residence, his current location has become too compromised, and I think the villagers are becoming more violent. Kuso! I'm getting to old for this shit… but I can't think of anywhere to place him that won't cause issues with the villagers while keeping him safe."Hiruzen said, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration

"I have a suggestion Hiruzen." Nagato stated.

"Yes Nagato?" Turning his attention from the others and giving it all to Nagato.

"Perhaps it is time that the village knows of who they have cursed, who they have turned ill will towards."

"What are you suggesting Nagato?"

"What I mean Hiruzen is that I think that it is high time that the village knows's of whom Naruto is, name, heritage, and all, and that he collects the beginning of his inheritance."



"W-What do you mean Nagato?"

Nagato turns towards the group of genin and their sensei behind him. "All of you step outside right now! Stay outside in the hallway until you are called back in, we are not done with you yet. Konan, if you wouldn't mind and stay with the group and make sure that none of them leave before we are done, I would deeply appreciate it." The group, plus an acknowledged nod from Konan to the Amekage and they started to file out into the hallway, outside of hearing distance for them to hear what the Amekage and Hokage were about to discuss.

"Man, what a drag. First Naruto is in the hospital after being attacked, and now we have to wait for those two to finish talking about whatever they are talking about, troublesome." Shikamaru said.

"Oh come on Shika, it's probably just kage stuff." Chouji said as he pulled a bag of barbecue chips out of thin air and started eating them.

"Yeah I know Chouji, but it's still troublesome, and what do you think they mean when they said that Kumogakure no Sato was already a threat if they found out about Naruto?" Shikamaru crossed his left arm across his chest and rested his right elbow on top, placing his right hand onto his chin, he began to try and come up with a reason for why Naruto would be a concern to other hidden villages? And what was a 'jinchūriki'?

(Back in the office)

Nagato finished placing suppression seals to exit all noise from coming in or out, and a placing a barrier on the door to keep everyone outside. Turning back to outside, he was about to explain more about the situation to the aged Hokage.

"Hiruzen, Kumo has two jinchūrikis, the Nibi and the Hachibi, both, praised and loved in their village because of their deeds. Kumo might have despised the Bijū because of their history and the damage that they have done in the past, as well as their jinchūriki, but now their jinchūriki are praised, loved, and treasured all throughout the entire of Kaminari no Kuni. Especially after they both showed their worth and devotion to Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni during the siege of Thunder Peak. Now imagine Hiruzen, the reaction of Kumo when they hear about Naruto, another jinchūriki, turned into Konoha's pariah, their outcast, and the treatment that he is receiving from this village, it is damn well likely that they will demand for him to be handed over to Kumo where he will properly be treated by its villagers, and trained in using the Kyūbi's power. If the village refuses, it's very well likely that Kumo's shinobi force will not fight that battle, but you will face the combined force of the jinchūriki of the Nibi and the Hachibi, who also so happen to have full control over their respective Bijū, they will both come and try their hardest to liberate their younger jinchūriki brother."

"THE NIBI AND THE HACHIBI?! BOTH?! WE BARELY STOOD OUR OWN AGAINST THE KYŪBI! ...Kami-sama, the damage those two would cause is nothing short of a disaster."

"I know that is a lot to take in Hiruzen, but none the less is it true. Besides Hiruzen, this may be one of the only options we have left now if we want to keep him safe inside of Konoha's walls, unless your village wants to hand over their jinchūriki and make Kumo's number rise from two to three."

"I-I just… tension with Kumo is still rough, so you are right about them raising their arms against us, especially if how you say they respect the status of a jinchūriki is true. But with this, Naruto's secret being released, then Iwa will defiantly wage war with us, we can't afford another one with them."

"I understand your concern Hiruzen, but is it better to leave things as they are, and to let Naruto suffer another year of this fucking villagers Kami damn 'Fox Hunt', Hiruzen, we all almost lost him tonight, please. Don't allow this to continue any longer."

"… Alright… Yes you are right Nagato, we almost lost one of our greatest hero's son tonight and we can't lose him, not to the blind fools who don't know the difference between the fox and the jailer, my only concern is how are we to announce this to the village?"

"Lift the law Hiruzen, and with it, reveal all of his secrets to the village… although, I think that it will be much better if we allow Naruto to learn the truth of his family first."

"… Yes, that would be best. I take it that you will tell him?"

"Indeed I am, and Hiruzen, don't worry about Iwa to much, I know old 'Fence Sitter' Ōnoki pretty well, and he still owes me and Ame a favor for what we did to help them a couple years back."

"… (sigh) Alright then Nagato, I'll start planning out on how to reveal the secret to the whole village. Are you planning on telling Naruto now or later?"

"I plan on telling him now, I think he has waited long enough for the truth to be revealed. And I know the best way to wake him up from his sleep." He turns his attention back to the seals and the barrier that he set up, placing his in the tora hand sign, he said "KAI!" as he sent out his chakra, releasing the barrier and canceling the suppression seals. "You all can come back in now." Nagato stated and watched as the genins, jōnins, and chūnin file into the room and stood at attention to the two Kages that were in front of them. "Alright, so Hiruzen and I haave finished talking, but now it seems that I need to discuss a matter with Naruto, since he is still asleep, I need to go to the hospital and wake him. Do any of you happen to know Naruto's favorite flavor of ramen?" Everyone was confused by his question, why would knowing Naruto's favorite ramen flavor help to wake him up, but once she heard his question, Hinata nodded and responded back to him.

"H-Hai A-Amekage-sama. I believe that it was miso r-ramen with p-pork cutlets if I am correct."

"Perfect," Nagato smiles in the name of Naruto's favorite ramen flavor; he was truly his mother's son. He then turns towards Konan; giving her a nod then turns back towards the genin and produces a 6 inch long scroll from his coat, with miso written on it. "Konan, you and the genins follow me to the hospital, if we wake up Naruto from his sleep, he may freak out with just seeing us alone, but if he sees his friends as well, then he might remain calm before his instincts kick in."

"Quick question Nagato… why did you have that scroll on you… and how much ramen is in there…"

"Um… a couple dozen…"

"A couple dozen huh?! THERE'S AT LEAST A HUNDRED BOWLS IN HERE! AND WHY IN KAMI'S NAME DID YOU NEED SO MUCH?!" Konan yelled in frustration at her husband's addiction to the salty meal.

"K-Konan-Chan, can we talk about this later, we have to go wake up Naruto. Now, all we need is a jutsu scroll."

"Excuse me Amekage-sama, but why do we need a jutsu scroll?" Asuma stated, slightly confused as to the necessity of a jutsu scroll needed to wake up a 12 year old (No one but Hinata, Kakashi, Hiruzen, Kakashi, Nagato and Konan, and the Ichurakus know that October 10th is Naruto's birthday).

"If Naruto is any bit an Uzumaki as me or his ancestors, then he'll be jumping out of bed like he was shot up with a fūton and katon combination jutsu."

"… Ok…"

"Well since it looks like we're not necessarily needed right now, why don't Kurenai, Iruka, and I go back to the festival and wait for you all there."

"Sure Asuma-sensai." Shikamaru said looking back at his sensei

"Alright all of you, let's go." Nagato said as he and Konan headed out the door, all the genins and Kakashi following him to the hospital.

(Back in the Hospital: Naruto's Mindscape)

Naruto and was standing outside of Kurama's cage, talking with the Bijū, He has been talking with Kurama trying to understand what comes with being a jinchūriki, as well as the abilities and limitations gained with the status. He was right now talking with the beast about the condition of the seal and about removing it.

"So you don't want me to remove the seal yet?"

"As much as it would be enjoyable to have free roam again, even if it's within the confines of your mindscape, from what I can tell, my chakra reservoirs are much larger than yours, even though when I was sealed into you, your own reservoirs and coils have evolved to that of the level of a jōnin, if the seal between us was lifted, both of our reservoirs would mix, however, the brunt of the force of our two chakras mixing would put such a strain on your coils that it would cause them to both stretch and tear and the speed of the mix would cause both your reservoir and your coils to combust in one single motion."

"Uh… Can you explain it better, I'm kind of lost…"

"It means you'll die, which means I die."

"Oh… so what should we do?"

"From what I can tell, the seal has a function where I can give you my chakra to limit, I can give you my chakra when you need it most, or when it is necessary, it is better to limit when you use it as to not become addicted to it, luckily, your addiction to ramen and training would make it near impossible for you to become addicted to my chakra. I believe that when we get out of this hospital that we should go to a training ground so that I can train you in using my chakra."

"Sounds good!"

"Agreed. Now, onto other topics. What do you plan on doing when you see Hinata? Are you going to be blunt or try and build up to a relationship?"

"… I know she has strong feelings for me… but, I don't want to rush into anything, I'm not entirely sure as to what my feelings are for her yet, but I do know that I care for her, she is one of my precious people, especially after what you showed me. So I think it is better to build up to a relationship… that is, if she doesn't hate me for being a jinchūriki."

"Don't worry kit, I'm positive that she'll accept you, she seems like that type of girl who doesn't judge people by rumors or title, but rather, by whom they are."

"… Thanks Kurama. Now then, since we're talking about girls, what about you, there ever a girl for you fuzball"


"Hey, it's only fair! Besides… " Naruto said, turning his head and giving Kurama a mischievous fox grin. "Judging from your reaction, I'm guessing that there was once a girl from huh. And you didn't deny it either."

"Uh-Well-eh-ah-you see… (sigh) alright, you got me kit. When I was still outside in the world before I was sealed away, there was a mesugitsune once for me in my life… but that was a long time ago… and she probably hates me for what I've done."

"Your past huh?"

"Yup… she was one of, as you in say, one of my precious people in my life that I let down… her, the along with old man Rikudō and my Bijū brothers and sisters."

"Don't worry Kurama, I'm sure that they'll forgive you sooner or later, you're not the same Kyūbi that caused havoc and destruction anymore, you're the Kurama who's trying to make up for his past sins, they'll see that, and I'm sure that they'll forgive you."

"Hmph, thanks kit, that means a lot, now back to training. When you step back into reality and are a good distance away from viewing eyes, I will train you in using my chakra. When you are ready, come into the mindscape and I will take it from there. Remember, you must be alone, you should know that a Bijū's chakra is tied to their emotions, because of my past, my chakra is tied to fury, rage, hurt, and bloodlust, mainly large and very powerful negative emotions, even though I will not influence my emotions into you through my chakra, you should know that my chakra will very well likely enhance your emotions, probably making them unstable. One of the things we will both work on is keeping our emotions under control."

"I understand, and I promise to do my best, believe it!"

"Ha! I have no doubt about that kit! Now then, when controlling my chakra, here are some things that you want to keep in mind…"

(In Naruto's Hospital Room: Outside the Mindscape)

Nagato and company entered Naruto's hospital room, Nagato carrying the 6 inch ramen scroll and behind him were Konan and the rest of the Rookie 9 with Kakashi, holding a scroll as well. Once inside the room, they went closer to Naruto's bed and stood at least 5 feet away from him. Nagato turned his attention to the whole of the group and began to tell them the plan.

"Okay, so this is what is going to happen, I am going to unseal about a dozen bowls of ramen from this scroll and place them all right next to him on the floor, I will then use a light fūton jutsu to let the ramen's scent waft to his nose, provoking him to wake up. Kakashi, what jutsu do you have written down on that scroll?" Nagato turned more of his attention towards Kakashi, pointing his right hand at the scroll in Kakashi's hand.

"This scroll has all the details and instructions for someone to perform the Kage Shuriken no Jutsu, as well as the Kage Kunai no Jutsu. Both jutsus are either a high C-Ranked or a low B-Ranked and should be suitable, but I do have to re-ask Asuma's previous question, why do we need a jutsu scroll again?"

"Hmm… yes those two should do, and the reason why we would need a jutsu scroll is because an Uzumaki has two addictions that runs through our clan from parent to child, no matter what. Those two addictions are the addiction to ramen as I guess you all know." Everyone nodded their head, especially Team 7 and Hinata; they have definitely seen the way that Naruto eats ramen. "Well the other addiction happens to be the addiction to learn and train to master new jutsus. The Uzumaki clan, before it became endangered, was widely known throughout the world as one of the most powerful, overwhelming, and dangerous clan in the world, as well as legendary fuinjutsu users, only rivaled by the Senju and Uchiha clan, even a threat to both of them during the Clan Wars. The reason we were so powerful was because of our eagerness to teach ourselves as many jutsus as we can learn, master, and even perfect them. When I was a little boy back in Uzushiogakure, before it fell, I remember seeing several of my clan members training themselves into the ground trying to perfect the Shunshin no Jutsu by fighting each other with the clear intent to kill. I remember seeing that each one clearly were exhausted, and some of them had injuries while others had broken limbs, but instead of relenting and backing off, they continued to go at each other, showing each other such unrelenting force, but what caught my eye the most was that neither one seemed to become slower, in fact, their speed was increasing." Everyone was silent from Nagato's words, they had just learned that Naruto came from such a powerful clan, that it even rivaled the Senju and Uchiha clans, two of the founding clans in Konoha, Sasuke was silently seething under his skin, his teammate seemed to have some kind of ability that could very well make him stronger than the Uchiha, an ability that he was thinking should belong to him to make him stronger to achieve his goal. The silence was broken when Kakashi addressed Nagato a question.

"Nagato, you said your clan members were trying to perfect the Shunshin, did your clan accomplish it?"

"In fact we did, the Shunshin back then only aloud the user to move in a linear line, going continuously in a straight line instead of a zig zag that the Shunshin does nowadays, in fact, the Shunshin that Konoha jounins and chunins use is part of the perfected form of the jutsu that my clan was experimenting with, however, one factor was that the perfected Shunshin the Uzumaki came up with not only allowed us to move in a zig zag formation, it allowed us to also do 360s, complete x,y, and z axis maneuverability, and even slow down to a degree, and still keep the jutsu active, as well as increase our speed to a higher level than that of the original, or the normal Shunshin that Konoha uses." Once again, silence.

"What does that have to do with the dobe waking up, I think his stupid addiction to ramen will be just enough to waking his pathetic butt up." Sasuke stated before he felt 2 large sources of killing intent aimed directly at him. He looked to see the Amekage and Konan staring at him, Konan was staring at him with a hard, cold, and terrifying glare that would cause the most battle harden shinobi to crack, but what took the cake was the Amekage, who was staring at him with a devilish and sadistic grin that made him want to crap his pants.

"I would refrain from insulting my nephew in front of me boy." Nagato's face went back to normal and he then turned back towards Kakashi, who nodded in understanding that he should prepare the scroll for Naruto to wake up. Nagato also proceeded to unseal about a dozen ramen bowls, large ramen bowls, along with a pair of chopsticks and place them all about 5 feet away from Naruto's bed, Kakashi placed the jutsu scroll by the ramen.

"Alright, that should do, food is hot, and the scroll should help getting his concentration up and running… so who wants to do it?" Nagato sheepishly asked while turning his gaze to Konan who saw him looking at her, and then she understood what he was referring to.


"What is she talking about?" Kakashi asked from the sidelines

"What I'm talking about is that I now remember this method to waking up an Uzumaki. Uzumaki's can sleep for days to gain their strength back, but they are so restless that they want to get up immediately and go back to training, one way to wake up an Uzumaki that I learned is too use their appetite on them. But if you get between an Uzumaki and his food, it's like getting trying to stop a Bijū, its damn near too impossible!"

"Konan-chan. I told you that I was sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I DON'T CARE! IT STILL HURT! YOU DIDN'T EVEN SEE ME IN THE WAY!" While Konan and Nagato continued their discussion, Konan arguing and Nagato apologizing, Hinata saw this and looked at Naruto, she thought it over for a while, built up enough courage to ask.

"A-Ano… Konan-san, Amekage-sama, what exactly do we need to do to wake Naruto-kun up?" Hinata asked timidly, poking her index fingers together, while looking down at the floor to avoid people noticing the large blush adorning her cheeks, a fruitless effort since everyone can see the blush. Konan noticed the blush and started becoming suspicious of the girls feelings towards Naruto, they were definitely good natured, but how far do they go. Konan decided to take advantage of the situation, and use it to see what happens and how she reacts.

"Come here… Hinata was it? Come here and I'll tell you what you need to do next." Hinata starts to walk over to Konan, who leaned forward to whisper into Hinata's ear, immediately, Hinata's previous blush increase to the point where she has discovered new shades of red. When Konan told her the final part, Hinata 'eeps' and covers her face in utter embarrassment from hearing what Konan just said to her.

"K-K-K-KONAN-S-S-SAN?! I-I-I C-CAN'T D-D-DO THAT! I-IT'S TO EMBARRASING!" Hinata shrieks out in embarrassment, causing Konan to chuckle at her reaction. Nagato sees what Konan just did, and sighed in exhaustion at her little prank.

"Konan-Chan, stop playing around, we need to wake Naruto up and inform him of the situation and position he is in." Konan pouted at Nagato's intervention in her fun. "Hinata, all you have to do is just go up to him, lean down to his ear, and tell him that breakfast is ready or something, the scent will kick in, and he'll wake up in no time flat. But be careful; when he wakes, he'll do so, so fast, that it is more than likely he'll accidently head butt you, probably knocking you out." Nagato said, resulting in Konan glaring at him with daggers in her eyes, remembering exactly how she was knocked out by Nagato, trying to wake him up so that he could resume his duties as the Amekage. After hearing the truth from Nagato, Hinata relaxed, but still held the massive blush on her face.

"I-I see… Okay, I-I'll do it." Hinata then turns towards Naruto, and begins walking towards him to help play out the final part of the plan in waking up Naruto.

(Back in the Mindscape)

While the others were setting up the room for the plan, Naruto altered the mindscape to make it more relaxing and natural. Naruto, with some instruction from Kurama, transformed the mindscape from its former sewer/cell state, to its new form of a forest clearing, with 2 small rivers; combining into a single pond, in the pond is the memory orb. Another new aspect that Naruto added was a ring of large trees that created a barrier, a way to relieve the feeling of being behind a jail cell. The new mindscape was a wide forest with a clear view of the sky, trees in the background covered the entire area, small openings and paths were there to either lead you out, or further into the mindscape. One of the main noticeable things was that the clearing was 2 ½ mile in length, plenty of room for Kurama to rest and do as he pleased to the mindscape. Currently, both Naruto and Kurama, who shrunk himself down to Naruto's height and was standing on his hind legs, were in the middle of the clearing, both glaring daggers at each other. Both of their bodies tense as they increased the power inside of them, such force coming off of the two was causing the ground to crack, rocks and pebbles to levitate into the air, the wind was becoming erratic, and an aura of pure power was surrounding them.

Naruto and Kurama continued this for another minute until a fire ignited inside of their eyes, and they both brought their fist forward, causing the wind to shriek around them.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" Both jinchūriki and Bijū exclaimed as they shook their fist's up and down 3 times, resulting in Kurama with rock, but Naruto with paper.


"GAH! KAMI DAMNIT! (Sigh)Alright kit, you win, the scores 5 to 4 in your favor." Kurama stated before yawning, he then began turning away from Naruto, increasing his size so he towered Naruto by three times, and heading over an area in the clearing that looked cushioned by patches of soft grass.

"Tired Kurama?" Naruto asked, walking towards the Bijū, trying to catch up. Kurama then started setting himself up on the cushioned grass. After he was in a comfortable position, he turned his head towards Naruto, who was only 5 feet away from him.

"Yeah… today was… tiresome, with healing your wounds, our long conversation on each other's lives, transforming this place to be more roomier, and that game of janken, I am whooped. I haven't been awake in 13 years, so I'm still a bit tired, not used to being so active yet. You should probably head out and get some rest, you've had a long day as well, go and get some sleep, we'll talk more tomorrow, for now, rest." Kurama stated before turning his head back onto his arms, trying to succumb to sleep.

"Is it alright if I rest here? I mean… it's a lot better than the dreamless sleep…" Kurama heard his question, and shrugged his shoulders, not bothered in the least in what Naruto does. Naruto went over to Kurama's side that was visible to him. When he reached it, he turned his back to Kurama and laid his back on Kurama's side. At first Kurama was going to yell at him, asking of what the hell he was doing, but when he looked at Naruto, he noticed that Naruto was already fast asleep, his back resting on Kurama's side, legs outstretched, arms at rest on his side, and snoring. Kurama was really tempted to yell at him, but something inside of him made him decide to just leave it be. When he decided to leave Naruto alone and let him rest on him, Kurama turned his head back to his crossed arms, and rested his head on them again, succumbing to sleep, but before he did, he rapped Naruto up with a couple of his tails to help the boy sleep, needless to say that the decision was a good one when Naruto cuddled into the warmth of Kurama's tails and his fur, a small smile on his face as continued to sleep.

(Back on the Outside)

"Alright Hinata, are you ready?" Nagato asked, his arms ready to use his fūton jutsu to waft the scent of the ramen into Naruto's nose.

"H-Hai!" Hinata stuttered before turning her view back to Naruto, a giant blush adorning her cheeks. She closed her eyes tight and clenched her fists to help reinforce her resolve to do her part.

"Alright everyone, here we go. Fūton: Reppūshō" Nagato clapped his hands together and extended them out, creating a light gale and sending the scent of the ramen to Naruto. Immediately after, Naruto started to shift and smile from the scent of the salty noodles and warm broth. Hinata saw this and proceeded to Naruto's side. When she got there, she leaned forward so that she could whisper into his ear.

"N-N-Naruto-k-kun, b-b-breakfast is ready." Immediately after she said those words, Naruto's eyes shot open and he sprung up on the bed, nearly missing hitting his forehead with Hinata's.

"BREAKFAST?! WHERE?!"He looks around by turning his head back and forth, when he caught site of the ramen on the floor, his face became enlightened and started to drool, he soon moved himself onto all fours on the bed, looking like a fox ready to pounce on his prey, hunger clear as day in his eyes. "RAMEN!" Naruto then shot from the bed towards the ramen on the floor, what happened next shocked everyone in the room, as Naruto ate all 12 bowls of ramen in less than 5 minutes, and he still looked hungry.

"By Kami! He's almost as fast as me and Kushina!" Nagato blurted out, making everyone turn towards him wide eye, just thinking about someone eating ramen faster than what Naruto just accomplished, the thought was nearly impossible except for Konan and Naruto to imagine.

"Ah… I needed that." Naruto exclaimed, he then turned towards Hinata, who's voice was responsible for waking both Kurama and himself from their slumber, also making them both hungry as well. "Arigato Hinata-chan, the ramen was great!"Naruto said, giving her one of his famous 'fox grins', causing the girl to blush massively, but not only from the smile and compliment he gave her, but from the usage of the '–Chan' honorific. She was using every ounce of her being not to faint from the compliment. Now that he was out of bed, everyone can now see the full extent of his injuries, both of his arms and legs were completely wrapped in bandages, some even bloody, his torso was also wrapped from the top of his chest to his waist line, over all, it looked pretty bad. Naruto began to yawn and wanted to go back to sleep, but then caught sight of the jutsu scroll by him, just like before, he pounced at it like a fox seeing his prey. Once he opened it, he saw the similarities with both of the jutsus and his favorite one. "Huh. This shouldn't be too hard to perform, its similar to the Kage Bunshin no jutsu, the more chakra added, the more shurikens and kunai produced, the only difference is that instead of recreating a whole entire chakra system, you have to send chakra through the metal, and give it a shape to form… but that would make the jutsu less effective than the Kage Bunshin no jutsu. It would be more effective to give all the kunai and shurikens a system of chakra as well to make them stronger and more durable, like the shadow clones themselves, that way they don't disappear after impact, and could cause more damage to the target." Naruto stated, thinking out loud, stunning everyone, Naruto, the idiot of the Academy, the great prankster of Konoha, the class clown, just reviewed a jutsu, finds similarities to the Kage Bunshin to help him do it faster, but also a way to improve the jutsu. Everyone was stunned to hear this, but were brought out of their shock when they heard laughter coming from the Amekage.

"HAHAHAHAHA! OH KAMI! NOW THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, HE IS DEFINATLY AN UZUMAKI!" The Amekage continued to laugh at the situation, holding his ribs to hold back from the pain of laughing to hard. Nagato's laughing caused Naruto to realize that he and Hinata were not the only people in the room, that there were others and 2 people that he couldn't recognize.

"Who are you two; I don't recognize you from the village." Naruto said standing up while pointing to the Amekage and Konan.

"No. No you wouldn't know us indeed, we haven't even met face to face, the last time we saw you, you were still in Kushina's womb, only a couple months in." Nagato said, smiling at Naruto.

"K-Kushina… Wait?! Womb?! Was…was this Kushina… w-was she my mother?!" Asking desperately, Naruto walked forward, making sure that he wasn't hearing things and wanted to hear them loud and clear.

"Yes… Yes she was. Her full name was Kushina Uzumaki, she was the heiress of the Uzumaki clan, and daughter of the Uzukage of Uzushiogakure in Uzu no Kuni, before Uzu fell by both Iwa and Kumo's combined force. She was a strong and beautiful kunoichi, but her short temper always got the best of her all the time… and she was my little sister."

"T-Then that means-"

"Yes Naruto, My name is Nagato Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki's older brother… that makes me your uncle… that makes us family." When Naruto heard those words, that he was not alone, that he was part of a clan, that he has a family, he couldn't hold back the tears forming in his eyes. He began sniffling, trying his best to hold back the tears. As Naruto was wiping the tears away with his arms, as soon as he begun, he felt a pair of hands gently take hold of his shoulders, when he looked up, he saw Nagato holding him by the arms, kneeling down so that he could be more at eye level with Naruto, allowing Naruto to see the happiness in Nagato's eyes. "Naruto, you have no idea how happy I am right now. When word reached Ame about Konoha being attacked by the Kyūbi, I was so afraid that I lost my family, I fell into depression when I heard about Kushina's death, but something told me you were still alive somewhere. Seeing you now, I am so happy Naruto." Nagato then shifted his arms and pulled Naruto into a strong embrace, somewhat afraid of losing the boy after he just found him after so long. Naruto at first was shocked by the show of affection that he was receiving, since Naruto never was hugged as a child, he didn't know how to react, but a feeling of comfort and happiness washed over him, and unconsciously, he returned the embrace.

After a while, they broke apart and Naruto wiped away the stray tears that were still lingering around his eyes. Nagato stood back up to his full height still smiling at Naruto, glad to see that the boy wasn't lost to him. Nagato then took on a more serious look and looked around the room, to see everyone that came in with him, he put his hand to his chin and started going deep into thought about how he was going to tell Naruto the rest of his family, he needed to let the boy know the truth, he wanted him to know about who his parents were, and how much they loved him. Nagato decided that since the secret was going to be made public knowledge soon that the genin wouldn't need to leave the room and that they can hear everything from him right there. Nagato was trying to figure out how he was going to tell Naruto when he was brought out of his thoughts by said boy.

"Nagato-Oji, if you know who my mother was, does that mean you know you know who my father was?" When Kakashi heard the question, he stiffened up, if Naruto knew the truth, then that would spell trouble for Konoha in the future. Nagato saw Kakashi's reaction and turned towards the one-eyed jōnin.

"Relax Kakashi; it's going to be made public knowledge soon."


"Kakashi, do not worry about Iwa, I will deal with them, I've met with the Tsuchikage many times, let me deal with the 'Fence Sitter', he still owes me quite a debt after I saved him and a squad from an ambush." Kakashi still remained tense; Naruto who was watching this became even more curious about his father if just the mention of him caused Kakashi to react like that.

"Nagato-Oji, Kakashi-sensei, what does Iwa have to do with anything about my father? Who was he?" Nagato and Kakashi turned their attention back to Naruto. Kakashi saw the look in Naruto's eyes, eyes filled with hope, hope after thirteen years of lies and mistreatment. He knew that there was no way out of avoiding this question without raising suspicion, so Kakashi took a sigh, turned to Nagato and giving him a nod, telling him to go ahead and explain. Nagato accepted the go ahead and turned his attention back to Naruto.

"Naruto… what do you know about the Yondaime Hokage?"

"The Yondaime? He was the villages greatest hero, he was the hero of the 3rd Shinobi War against Iwagakure no Sato, he was able to eliminate 500 soldiers in 5 seconds when he stepped onto the battle field, using a technique that made him disappear in a flash of light, earning him the title 'The Yellow Flash'. He was a master of Fuinjutsu and Ninjutsu, making him one of the strongest shinobi ever. The Yondaime was also the one who sea- I mean destroyed the Kyūbi no Kitsune and saved this village from his rampage. He's my hero and idle, and someday, I will surpass him and make this village recognize and respect me."

"As if dobe, you can barely last a second against me, you'll never even come close to surpassing the Yondaime."


"Why you-"

"Naruto, you seemed too have forgotten something about the Yondaime in your description of him. His name was Minato Namikaze, last of the Namikaze clan after he lost his family in the 2nd Shinobi War, orphaned, he was taught by the Gama-Sennin Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin. His personality, I can saw he was always a kind and caring person, letting people solve their problems themselves, only getting involved when it gets to out of hand. However, he was also one of the densest people in the world, damn fool, I remember my sister telling me that he didn't even know that she liked him, HELL, he didn't even know when he even saved her life! Minato may have been a genius with Fuinjutsu, yes, but with women, NO! Kushina literally slapped him out of shock when she told that she was in love with him, funniest thing that I have ever heard! hahaha!" Nagato continued to laugh at the memory, but the way he was talking about the Yondaime as if he was friends with him, and telling him how familiar Yondaime was with his mother, it all suddenly clicked.

"Nagato-Oji… are you saying that Yondaime was-"

"Hai." Nagato then turned his attention to the other genins in the room behind him. "This is a SS-Class secret that is about to be shared with all of you, you must promise to never reveal this secret to anyone unless told you can. Especially you, Yamanaka. If you are anything like your mother, I don't want you spreading this like your everyday gossip. The penalty of releasing this secret to anyone who was not allowed to know will be punishable by death." Everyone looked a little scared, especially Ino since she loved to spread the most juiciest type of gossip and now that they were about to learn such a high classed secret the fear of the responsibility grew, but the curiosity in wondering what it was making them stay and here what it was.

Before Nagato was about to reveal the secret, the hospital door slid open, revealing one Hiashi Hyūga.

"Hinata, there you are."

"F-F-Father! W-Why are you here?"

"Hinata, it is half an hour to midnight. You were supposed to be back at the compound by now."

"G-Gomenosai Otou-sama…" Hinata said, lowering her head in shame of failing her father, much to the agitation of one Uzumaki Naruto of seeing her feel down because of her old man.

"(Sigh)… Come Hinata, let us return to-" Hiashi ordered his daughter, before turning around to leave the room, but was stopped when he heard a familiar voice behind him

"Hello Hiashi, long time no see." Nagato said bringing Hiashi's attention to him. When Hiashi looked behind him, he saw a man with deep red and long hair, cut slightly at his shoulders, but what really caught Hiashi's attention were the man's eyes, the man bore the Rinnegan, he only new one man in his life that had those legendary eyes.

"N-N-N-NAGATO! DEAR KAMI! IS-IS THAT REALLY YOU!" Hiashi stated loudly, losing the stoic mask for a brief moment of shock.

"Indeed old friend. It is nice to see you again, I take it this girl here is your daughter, must say, she really doesn't look like you at all. In fact, she's the spitting image of Hitomi." Nagato stated, unaware that he struck a low and sensitive cord in Hiashi.

"… Yes… yes she is…" Hiashi said, lowering his head slightly, allowing the old feelings and memories of his late wife flow over him, still keeping stoic mask on, but his eyes told a different story, this did not go unnoticed by Nagato.

"Hiashi… I am so sorry; I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

"It is alright Nagato, you did not know, so it is not your fault, by the way, why is my daughter and all of these genins here in this room?"

"Well Hiashi, you just interrupted a session of story time, and I was just about to tell them about some very good friends of ours."

"WAIT! Y-You weren't actually going to tell them about Minato were you!"

"Indeed I was, now before you start objecting, just know that I will handle all the heat that may come from Iwa, and if this doesn't happen sooner or later, it could lead to a battle between the jinchūriki of the Nibi and the Hachibi."

"NANI! The Nibi is one thing, BUT THE HACHIBI! If those two come here, it will be almost as bad as the Kyūbi attack 13 years ago! What would Kumo want that would lead them to such a strike?"

"Naruto, and his liberation from Konoha's walls."

"And them?"

"I see that they are the closest thing that Naruto has to friends in this village. And I for know that he'll need them on the road to come."

"… Alright Nagato, I'll have your back in this decision, I just hope you know what you are doing your doing."

"Don't worry Hiashi; I know this is the right decision." "Naruto Uzumaki, on this very day, 13 years you were brought into this world by your mother, my sister, Kushina Uzumaki, the heiress of Uzu no Kuni and Uzushiogakure, your father, Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, from what I have been told, was by her side the entire time, watching and waiting to finally be able to hold you in his arms. Your parents loved you very much Naruto, they waited everyday to meet you, to give you the child hood you should have been given, but that life and those dreams were cut and destroyed the day that Kyūbi attacked."

'Kurama, didn't you tell me that my mother was once a good friend of yours and your former jinchūriki?'

"That she was kit… that she was. Kushina was one of my first friends in centuries, she was the first to ever see me as another person, instead of the Kyūbi no Yōko, when we first met, I thought she would be like Mito, but instead, she just wanted to get to know me. From there on forward, we became friends, I would protect her from the inside, and she would protect me from falling into the hands of someone who planned on treating me nothing less than a weapon. Plus, the ramen wasn't half bad either. She really got agitated when anyone started calling me a demon, or the Bakegitsune, although she couldn't do it, I could tell she wanted to say something in my defense, that's what I always admired about her, no matter what, she would always do her best to protect her friends, whether directly, or indirectly."

"She sounds really nice… I wish… I wish I got to meet her myself."

"You would have Kit, but then that son of bitch Madara had to come back into everyone's lives and ruin them like he always does! The day we find him and make him pay for what he did to Kushina will be the best day in all of my 1,000 years alive!"

"Yeah! He won't get away with what he did too Kaa-san, Tou-san, you, me, and everyone else, we will find him, and make him pay, that's a promise of a life time! DATTEBAYO!"

"Naruto… are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah… it's just… it's just a lot to take in."

"I know Naruto, and I'm sorry that this secret was kept from you for so long. Naruto, you need to understand that both Kushina and Minato had many enemies, some that are still around and desire to have their revenge appeased, and would very likely take it out on you and everyone around you if they had the chance."

"… Yeah, I understand…. I just can't believe it… the Yondaime… was my Dad-Wait! …THAT SON OF A BITCH!"


"IT'S ALL HIS FALT! HE'S THE REASON MY LIFE HAS BEEN HELL! THAT BASTARD! WHY?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THIS TO ME?! I WAS HIS FUCKING SON!" Naruto yelled as he started to leak a slight amount of the Kyūbi's chakra into his system, only enough to change his vibrant blue eyes, to the red and black slit version.

"N-N-NARUTO-KUN?" Hinata screamed in worry as she saw her crush start to become enraged by the secret he just learned about himself.

"That bastard… was I… was I just a means to an end to him… or maybe… he didn't want me anymore… who would want a demon for a son…" Letting more of the Kyūbi's chakra out, his whisker marks became more pronounced, his hair slightly wilder, and his canines became slightly more longer

"Kit? What's wrong?" Kurama asked, noticing the pull on his chakra from his jinchūriki.

"Naruto, why would you think that? He was your father, of course he wanted you, he and your mother both were anxious to see you the day you were born." Kakashi said in hopes of calming Naruto down, but his words fell upon deaf ears.

"Why? WHY?! THAT SON OF A BITCH LEFT ME ALONE, ALL ALONE! HE MADE ME INTO WHAT I AM TODAY! HE LEFT ME WITH NO FAMILY TO WATCH OVER ME! NO ONE TO TAKE CARE OF ME! NO ONE! I HAD TO TEACH MYSELF EVERYTHING I KNOW! I learned how to hunt when I was 3 years old. THREE YEARS! All so I wouldn't starve every night because the villagers refused to sell me anything. It was like that for all until I was 6 years old when I found old man Teuchi, but even then, all those fuckers in the village would ever sell me where packets of ramen that cost me 5 times the amount it should have been. And that wasn't even the worst of it! Did you all know that I taught myself how to run, just so I could avoid the beatings the villagers would give me, every day I couldn't walk down the streets without fear of being jumped by a bunch of drunks! What made it worse was that no one helped! NO ONE FUCKING HELPED ME! THE VILLAGERS CHEERED FOR MY DEATH! THEY WATCHED WITH SICK PLEASURE WATCHING ME GETTING BEATEN WITHIN AN INCH OF MY LIFE! EVEN THE FUCKING ANBU JUST STOOD IDLE BY AND WATCHED ME GETTING BEATEN! THE SAME ANBU WHO WERE ASSIGNED TO PROTECT ME, TO PREVENT ME FROM BEING BEATEN TO DEATH! The only one who actually helped me was Inu, but then he upped and left, leaving me alone. HE FUCKING LEFT ME ALONE TO DIE!"

"NARUTO" Kakashi and the rest of the adults yelled in worry when they started seeing Naruto pull even more chakra in his rage, enough for him to start forming the beginning of the version 1 Kyūbi cloak. Hiashi was in the Hyūga's traditional Jyuken stance, Kakashi had his hands hovering his kunai pouch, Konan had some paper suppression seals already floating around her, and Nagato had raised both arms, open palmed, and ready to use his Shinra Tensei.


"N-N-Naruto-kun, what do you mean?" Hinata said as she drew closer to him, not scared of him at all, only worried.

"Naruto, what are you talking about? What burden?" Shikamaru asked, trying to piece together what could have caused Naruto to feel so much pain.

"Dude calm down!" Kiba told Naruto as he saw that the mass amount of red chakra was freaking out Akamaru and himself

"Naruto?" Sakura and Ino asked as they were taken aback by Naruto's chakra cloak, and the way he was unleashing his pained voice upon them was not the Naruto they knew who would always say that he will become Hokage.

"Dobe, what are you talking about? What burden could possibly make your life this bad?" Sasuke said in shock by the outburst of pent up pain that Naruto was releasing in full motion at the moment, Naruto, the Naruto that everyone knew was always a happy go lucky guy who didn't give a care in the world unless it involved ninja stuff, training, our becoming Hokage, but the Naruto they were seeing, was one who saw years worth of pain in his life, and was unleashing all of the pain he ever felt.

'October 10th, the day the Yondaime died, Naruto's birthday, the day of the Kyūbi attacked the village… it just doesn't add up, why would the villagers treat Naruto like this? Why would they call him a demon?' Shikamaru asked himself as he continued to try and connect the dots.

"Shikamaru, can you think of anything?"

"I can and did, but it just doesn't add up? The reason why the call him a demon is what is preventing me from making a proper conclusion, the only demon in the leaf that I can think of was the Kyūbi, but it died 13 years ago." Shikamaru continued to puzzle at the question out loud, but his efforts would be saved by Naruto's next words. At hearing the question, Naruto's chakra shroud calmed down and began to recede back into the seal, leaving enough to keep showing his enhanced features.

"… No… no it didn't, Shikamaru, the Kyūbi is still very much alive."

"EEEEHHH! What did you say?!" All the genin stated in fear and shock, they had just heard for one of their own, that the Kyūbi was never killed, and that it was still alive.

"What do you mean Naruto-kun? I thought your father killed the Kyūbi."

"You can't kill the Kyūbi because he was a Bijū. One of nine of the strongest chakra beast in the Elemental Nations, Bijūs can't be killed… they can only be sealed away."

"Sealed away? So are you saying that somewhere in this village the Kyūbi is sealed away."

"… No… not somewhere… someone…"

"Naruto what do you mean 'someone'?" Kiba asked not understanding at all what he meant.

"… Wait… Naruto, you don't mean-" Naruto cut Shikamaru off, seeing as how he figured it out, not wanting to waste his friends breath, he confirmed what Shikamaru expected as the

"Yes… yes I do… on the day I was born, the Kyūbi was released onto the village in a horrible rage, destroying everything in his path. The Yondaime tried to fight him off, but the Kyūbi was just too strong, so he decided that there was only one choice left, to seal the Kyūbi away… except not in an 'it' but in a 'whom'."

"Naruto, are you saying that-"


"THAT'S WHY EVERYONE HATES ME! WHY THEY WANT ME DEAD! IT DIDN'T MATTER WHO, EVERYONE WANTED ME DEAD, EVEN THE FUCKING CLANS HYŪGA, UCHIHA, INUZUKA, NARA, YAMANAKA, AKAMICHI, EVEN THE ABURAME, ALL CLANS HAVE TRIED TO KILL ME! THE HYŪGA TRIED TO KILL ME BY DESTROYING MY HEART, THE UCHIHA TRIED TO FUCKING BURN ME ALIVE, THE INUZUKA TRIED TO FEED ME TO THEIR DOGS, THE NARA TRIED TO STRANGLE ME TO DEATH AND PULL ME APART, THE YAMANAKA TRIED TO DESTROY MY MIND, THE AKAMICHI TRIED TO CRUSH ME, BREAK EVERY SINGLE BONE IN MY BODY, AND THE ABURAMA TRIED TO LET THEIR FUCKING BUGS EAT ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT! I DIDN'T DIE, I COULDN'T, BUT IT STILL FUCKING HURT! EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE I, I HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN FEAR, EVERYDAY I WEAR THIS FUCKING MASK BECAUSE I WANT TO SHOW THIS VILLAGE I AM NOT THE FOX, AND THAT NO MATTER WHAT THEY THROW AT ME, I WILL NOT BOW, THAT I WILL NOT FALL!… I'm practically fighting for my life every day, just trying to make it… I thought…that maybe becoming a ninja would make things easier on me, that maybe the attacks will stop… that maybe they'll recognize me as Naruto Uzumaki, and not the Kyūbi no Kitsune. I… I just want to be normal… I'm so tired of fighting… I'm so tired of not making any progress… maybe… maybe it would have been better if I just stayed quiet, to just not resist and except the pain… maybe…maybe… I should have just faded away-"

"NO!" Hinata yelled at him while she closed the distance between them by lunging at him and putting him into an embrace, her general shyness forgotten in the back of her mind.

"Hi-Hinata?" Naruto asked, slightly taken aback by Hinata's lunge at him.

"How-How could say that Naruto-kun? How could you just say that it would have been better if you just faded away? Naruto-kun, didn't you even think about us when you said those words, how they would make us feel? Naruto-kun, we're your friends-" She was interrupted when Naruto pulled back from the embrace and looked into her eyes.

"Friends? What friends? Hinata, I've always been alone! There has only been me, no one noticed me unless I did something stupid, no one cared about me unless I did something for them, but then they would forget me the next moment when I am of no use to them, what type of a friend is that! Hinata, if anything, I HAVE NO FRIENDS! Who even wants to be friends with a jinchūriki, NO ONE!"When Naruto finished his rant, noticed that her eyes began to tear up and tears were running down her cheeks. The next thing he knew was that Hinata hid her face in his chest and began to silently weep.

"Th-That's not true, N-Naruto-kun, I'm your friend. I always wanted to be your friend ever since you saved me from those bullies all those years ago. N-Naruto-kun, have you (sob) any idea how much it hurt (sob) me to just leave you there, to not be able to help you, when (sob) you didn't even have to help me. (sob) You got hurt that day because you protected me… and I… (sob) I… I'm so sorry Naruto-kun, if only I was stronger, if I wasn't so afraid, I could have helped you (sob)… I could've stood by your side as your friend… I could've… I could've helped you not feel alone anymore!" She continued to weep into his chest, adding to his growing shock. Because of Hinata's actions, a slight glint of hope was apparent in his eyes, but one could still see the fear in it.

"Hinata… aren't you afraid of me? Didn't you just hear what I said, weren't you listening at all? I am a jinchūriki. A living sacrifice to keep the Kyūbi himself sealed inside of me, KYŪBI! Doesn't that scare you at all?"

"No, no it doesn't. Just because you have the Kyūbi sealed inside of you, doesn't mean that you are the Kyūbi. Naruto-kun, (sob) you kept us all safe by keeping the fox at bay through yourself. Naruto-kun, I have always admired you, (sob) I have always admired how strong you are by not letting anything or anyone put you down, learning your secret, Naruto-kun, makes me admire you more. I actually feel glad," Hinata tightens the embrace around Naruto, showing that she was there for him, and that she wasn't afraid at all "because now, I can stand by your side, and help you with your pain, to help you feel not so alone anymore."

"Hinata… I… Arigato… Arigato, Hinata-chan." He raised his arms and returned the embrace, feeling a warmth inside of him he never experienced, much to the snickering of Kurama. They continued to hug each other for a minute before Hinata

"A-And not just me N-Naruto-kun, but everyone here feels the same, we're your friends. So don't worry about feeling alone, because we will always be there for you."

"She's right Naruto." Naruto turns away from Hinata and looks to see his uncle Nagato standing next to both of them "I know that I wasn't able to play the role as your uncle in your life as early as I should have, but know that Konan and I do care for deeply, and I can tell that everyone else here cares for you as well, otherwise, what are they even doing here." Nagato stated, while both he and Naruto and Hinata turn back towards the group.

"He's got a point there, Naruto. Even though you can be troublesome, you are one of us. Still though, hard to believe everything we just heard right now, your father, the Yondaime Hokage, and you being a, what did you call it, a jinchūriki? And to the Kyūbi no less"

"… Yeah… Hey guys, I'm really sorry about my outburst a while ago, I guess I let my anger and frustrations get the best of me, and I'm really sorry I scared you guys back there, especially you Hinata-chan, I didn't mean to make you worry about me, and I'm sorry I made you cry." Naruto said to the group, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. When Hinata heard Naruto's apology, she blushed and lowered her head to hide her blush.

"I-It's alright, Naruto-kun. I-I'm j-just glad th-that your ok now."

"Your mate's right kit, glad you finally calmed down, it started to feel like a hurricane in here, I was worried you would never calm down. You had me worried for a moment kit, but it seems you forgot something while in your rage but that I am always here for you to, so you're never alone. Oh, and you owe me 5 Mega Beef Bowls."

"Thanks Hinata-chan" "Oh Sure~ ignore me… tsk, gaki. Hehe." Naruto said, doing his best to ignore Kurama, even though he was thankful to him and his words. Everyone however finally noticed that Naruto was adding the '-chan' honorific at the end of her name. Everyone smirked, seeing that Naruto might have finally caught on to her crush. The moment ended when a thought crossed Kiba's head.

"Dude, how does it feel, to have that 'thing' sealed inside of you? Actually, where is it sealed in you anyway?" Kiba asked in complete curiosity, not noticing how uncomfortable he was making Naruto with that question.

"Oh that punk did not just call me a 'thing' just now, did he?! THAT'S IT, LET ME AT HIM KIT, LET ME AT HIM"

"Eh… ano… he's kind of sealed inside of my stomach, right at my chakra core… and you kind of pissed him off when you called him a 'thing'." Naruto said sheepishly while scratching his cheek with his index finger

"Wait… you can talk to him?!"

"Uh… yeah… it kind of happened just recently. Actually, he wasn't that bad really, in fact he was alright. For a giant, destructive, and angry fox, he's actually kind of a softy, hehe." Naruto said sheepishly and little mischievously at the end when he dared to call Kurama a softy. A SOFTY!

"Oh… Oh you did not just-! THAT'S IT KIT! You are ALL coming in here NOW!"

When Naruto heard Kurama's threat, he became worried and looked down at his stomach "EH!" Kurama, what does that mean?!" Everyone around him look at him questioningly, wondering who he was talking to. And who was Kurama? Their answer was answered when everyone heard a booming roar throughout the room.

"GET YOUR SORRY ASSES IN HERE, NOW!" and before they could register what was happening, everyone's mind felt a tug, and they fell into unconsciousness.

And that's all for now!

I know, I am evil J but Cliffhanger no jutsu is so~ fun to use.

MS: You jerk! Stop doing that! You just got back from a hiatus and you're already using THAT jutsu again? You really are crazy.

FND: Crazy, insane, psychotic, evil, they are all part of me, I just so happened to be crazy today. Anyways, since I got my new desktop, I am officially back in business, and with Thanksgiving break coming, expect the chapters. Also since the chapters are getting closer to the main plot, I'm going to have to change the story's rating to 'M' for language and other stuff, but there will still be NaruHina fluffiness. ja ne