Sayonara daisuki na hito

Kiba, Ino, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino are all friends because of a certain blonde hair child, Naruto. It was because of him they became good friends, but one day as they were playing, something terrible happened to the blonde child, that was not suppose to take place, but it did. Because of this devastating outcome, the group split apart going their seperate ways forgetting about one another. However, Highschool begins and these, now, teenagers have encounter one another once again, because of a certain angel who has come to grant them one wish.

(AN: I'm sorry if you find any grammatical or spelling errors. I no longer have Microsoft words, so I am currently using Wordpad... :'( But beggars are not choosers.)

Chapter One: Blonde hair angel

"Hey guys!" a little small blonde was heard.

A group of children watched as the blond boy came running towards them. It was such a wonderful day for them, however the sun had set and it was soon time for them to part. The small blonde boy, known as Uzumaki Naruto, rushed up to them panting.

"What is it dobe? It's soon time for us to leave." Sasuke, a raven hair boy said, with a little smile on his face.
Naruto pouted. "Just because I'm the shortess, doesn't mean you can talk to me anyway you want too!" Naruto said sticking out his tongue.

Little giggles was heard throughout the small group.

"D-don't worry about them... Naru-Naruto-kun." stuttered a shy girl, named Hinata.

She walked slowly over to Naruto and patted him on his head. A tint of blush was noticeable on her cheeks. Naruto grinned at his shy friend.

"See why can't you guy be like Hinata-chan!" he said giving her his trademark fox grin.

Hinata squeaked as she ran behind a boy, Inuzuka Kiba a dog lover. Kiba smacked his forehead mentally.

'Naruto you're such a dimwit' Kiba thought.

"So what was it that you wanted Naruto-kun?" Sakura, the pink hair of the group asked.

"Oh yeah!" Naruto shouted. He had almost forgot what he wanted to show his friends.

He pulled out some necklaces and held it up for them to see. It was a baby blue shard, one was ruby, another was diamond and many other colors.

"Ohhh they are so cute!" Ino, the pale blonde said squeaking.

Naruto grinned at the compliment. "They're shards, but once you put them together, they made a rainbow diamond!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sasuke scoffed, which made Naruto glared at him.

"I figure it could be a sign of our friendship." Naruto said smiling. He rubbed his nose.

"I think it's amazing, Naruto." said Choji, the bigger one of the group.

A silent boy who was standing in the shade was seen nodding his head. "It is a nice gesture." Shino said.

Naruto smiled as he held out his hand. Each one of the children took a necklace. They were very content on what they had. It was a nice thing for the blonde boy to do. If it wasn't for him, they probably would have never met each other oe hung out.

The breeze was blowing back and forth out of control. Shikamaru, the lazy one of the group looked at the sky.

"It seems as if we are going to have an awful weather today." Shikamaru said sighing.

"We better get home." Sakura said worried.

Ino and her looked at one another and nodded. Choji had his hands in some chips, munching away. Shino turned around. Hinata looked at the sky and yelped as soon as she heard a thunder. Naruto looked at her.

"I can walk you home Hinata-chan." Naruto said smiling politely at the girl.

Hinata pushed her short hair behind her ears and smiled. "O-okay."

Everyone started to walk away, but stopped when Naruto had shouted, "Let's me up at the park tomorrow!"

He was waving and grinning at them. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Must you be so loud." he retorted it.

Naruto left eye twicthed. "Shut up teme!"

Sasuke turned around walked away, a small smile grace his face. He may have been an idiot, but he had a heart of gold. Something you couldn't find much these days. Everyone dispatched from the area.

Naruto and Hinata began to walk the opposite direction. Naruto had his hands behind his head and looked up at the dark clouds. Hinata stared at the blonde; she wasn't watching where she was walking and she tripped over a fairly size rock.


Naruto quickly got to her side. "Hinata! Are you okay?" he asked the girl as he helped her up.

She nodded her head, as she brushed her baby blue sundress. Naruto gave her a soft smile, but it quickly faded when he saw there was a little scratch on Hinata's knee cap. Seeing his eyes wonder to her legs, she looked down only to notice she had a little scratch.

'Oh no... would will Naruto-kun think now...'

"You look beautiful no matter would kind of marks you have on you!" he said smiling.

This made Hinata smile. Naruto was so peaceful. Without thinking she gave him a hug. Her eyes nearly buldged out of her sockets, when she realized what she was doing. She quickly released him and looked down.


The rain started to pour softly. Naruto grabbed Hinata hand and the two quickly ran towards Hinata's house.

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The Konoha Park was a very popular park. The had severeal swings varying on age size, some slides (colorful) long, tall, short, monkey barsand many other things a child would want in a playground.

Naruto and the gang were standing underneath a tree.

"Where's Kiba?" Ino asked, irritated.

"Yea where is he?" Choji asked as he continued to smack on his chips.

"You never stop eating do you?" Ino asked sending glares at Choji.

"Nope." he replied.

Ino grumbled underneath her breath.

Sasuke looked up at the sky. It was such a wonderful day. The clouds were white as now, and the blueness of the sky just brought it out even more. It seems as if nothing could go wrong. There little ears perked up as they heard little footsteps walking slowly. Everyone turned around to the sound.

"There you are!" Naruto shouted grinning.

Kiba did not spoke a word. Everyone gave Kiba a worried expression. Naruto had stopped grinning. He walked up to the taller boy and blinked ever so cutely.

"Kiba, what's the matter?" asked Naruto tilting his head to the side.

The rest of the group surrounded the dog lover, looking at him sadly.

The boy lowered his head and started to rub his eyes, sniffling. They gasped. They had never seen Kiba sniffled or sad before.

Naruto tugged on Kiba shirt. By doing this, this made Kiba exploded into tears.

"Aka-akamaru is sick!" Kiba shouted as he let the tears flow freely down his stained cheek. "An-and t-they say he may not make it!" he sobbed.

Everyone lowered their head. Everyone knew Akamaru, they loved the small dog. Naruto gripped his fist.

"AKAMARU IS GOING TO BE OKAY!" he shouted at Kiba and the others. "When you think negative, you will get negative vibes.." Naruto said smiling. "If you think positive, then you will get positive vibes." he said pumping his fist in the air.

Kiba looked at the boy, his eyes were red from crying.

"When you reach home, Akamaru will be at the door waiting for you as always." Naruto said smiling up at Kiba.

These words made Kiba felt better. He wiped away his tears and smiled at Naruto.

"Thank you!" Kiba said as he rubbed the boy head.

Naruto frowned. He did not like this; everyone else around gave him a soft smile. This boy was certainly an angel sent by God.

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"Shino you're weird." said Naruto as he glared at the bug lover.

Shino, wearing a long trench coat, too long for a child, stared at a ladybug on his finger. Naruto stood up and smiled meekly at Shino.

"You should talk more and get to know the people around you." he said as he skipped away merryily.

Shino remained silent as he heard Naruto left. A small smile adored his face.

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"Ino-PIG! You can't keep hogging the ball." Sakura said, folding her arms.

A vien popped out of Ino's head. "Who are you calling pig, forehead!" she retorted.

The two stared at each other.

"I think we should get a chance of the ball." Choji said puffing out his chest.

Sasuke cleared his throat. "I think it would be best if I got the ball." he said smiling ever so sweetly.

Ino and Sakura blushed, but shook their head. "No way mister!" the two of them shouted.

Sasuke stared dumbfounded. (Hey what can I say? Never mess with a child and his/her ball.)

Shikamar lifed up his head, after hearing all the fuss. "Where's Naruto when you need him? He can settle this mess." he said as he rested his head back to rest.

Shino nodded in agreement with Shikamaru.

Hinata stayed with Shino and pushed her index finger together. "M-may...maybe... we can s-hare..." she said whispering underneath breath, that know one heard her.

"Pass me the ball!" shouted Kiba. His brown hair started to blow in the wind. He rested his two hands on his kimba. "After all I was the one who found it. I even got a hole in my favorite red shirt." he said pointing at the hole in his t-shirt.

The children growled at one another, minus Hinata, Shino and Shikamaru. They jumped on top of each other and started hissing, clawing and pulling at each other's hair. Sasuke finally got the ball.

"I want to play with it!" he said hogging the ball.

Kiba growled. "No! I do."

Sasuke stuck out his tongue, which made Kiba twitched. Choji glared at Sasuke, in which Sasuke just looked the other way. Kiba went to aim for the ball, but Sasuke held it up in the air. The others came for it, trying to get it, but this upset the Uchiha. Hinata, Shino and Shikamaru watched from the sidelines.

"IF YOU GUYS WANT THE BALL... GO AND GET IT!" Sasuke shouted at them, throwing the ball down to the riverside.

They frowned.

"That was so unfair Sasuke-kun!" Sakura exclaimed.

He scoffed.

The group argued about the ball, until Naruto came.

"I finally found the bathroom." he said as he walked next to Hinata.

"Took you long enough." Shikamaru replied.

Naruto looked at the group fussing. "What's going on with them?"

Shino adjusted the glasses on his face. "They're fighting over a ball."

Naruto tilted his head as he walked up to the group arguing. He took a glimpse at them, then a glimpse at a yellow ball with a red star on it, next to Konoha's river. He smiled.

'We can all share the ball together.' he thought.

He walked away from the group and went down a slanted path to get the ball. Naruto then grabbed the ball. He turned around and shouted at the group. "GUYS! ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS SHARE THE BALL. WE CAN PLAY CATCH OR TAG WITH IT!" he shouted.

The group looked at Naruto, including Hinata, Shikamaru and Shino.

"Sounds like a plan!" Choji said.

Naruto grinned. As he began to walk back up the slanted path, the ball fel out of his hand.

"Stupid ball." he mumbled to himself.

This slanted path was very dangerous. It was hard to come down and up.

The group watched as Naruto went to grab the ball.

'Be careful Naruto-kun.' Hinata thought.

As he tried to reach for the ball, a fierced wind came and made the ball roll into the river. The group groaned. Naruto looked up at them.

"I'll get it." he said as he leaned into the swift current.

"It's okay Naruto!" Sakura shouted.

"Yeah... the water looks kind of dangerous." Ino said lookng down at the boy.

Naruto turning the deaf ear, strecthed further for the ball, however, he had lost his balance and fell into the river.

"NARUTO!" they shouted.

Naruto kicked and splashed as the current swept him away like a rag doll.

The boys of the group came rushing down, some almost rolling as the went down that slanted path. Hinata stared wide eye as Naruto was seen waving his hand in the river. She stood still, paralyzed.

The girls came down the hill trying to help the boys who was running to catch up with Naruto.

"I- I can-" was all Naruto kept saying as the river tried to drown him.

"Naruto!" Sasuke shouted.

'This is bad."Kiba thought.

Naruto tried to keep his self on top of the river, but the current was just to strong for his little body to handle. He soon found his self at the bottom. Bubbles came out of his mouth as he gasped for air.

Sasuke stopped running. They had lost track of Naruto.

"NARUTO!" Sasuke shouted, looking vaguely around the river.

The other's followed suit.

"NARUTO!" they all shouted.

Soon a group of men came, along with Hinata who was crying.

"Where did you last seen him?" the men asked.

Sasuke and the others tried to point in the direction, but were lost. The men ran further down the path as they entered a boat. The current was very stuff, the boat had nearly tumbled over a few times.. The men searched and searched, but had to evacuate the river, because of the strong waved.

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~Please review and tell me would you think about the chapter.