" I should be getting home…" Calla said, slowly getting up from the couch. They
had decided to play guitar hero after their little tickle fight Kenny had
started when he jumped her.
"Why?" Kyle asked.
He paused the game to look at her. Right before she could answer him, someone
began to bang on the door. Calla jumped slightly and quickly stood up. She
guessed it was her mother. Kyle stood up with her. "I'll get it." He said. Kenny
just sprawled out on the couch and stretched out his long legs.
"Um…maybe I should go," Calla whispered."It could be my mom."Kyle nodded with a
slight frown. He remembered that horrible woman. They made their way to the
front door. Calla opened it to unfortunately find her glaring Mother, holding a can of beer. The teen made a disgusted face at her mother, earning herself a solid punch to the face.

Calla stumbled back holding her
cheek as her bangs fell over her eyes. Kyle stood there mouth agape as Kenny ran
in to investigate the sound.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Her mother shouted.
"What the FUCK is your- "She was cut off when her mother punched her again. Calla felt herself wanting to hit the woman back. But
memories of her father saying ''It's NEVER right to hurt anybody''And how sweet and gentle
the man was, made her swallow her pride. She would not become the woman her mother is.
"I told you to get your SHIT out the car! NOT whore around with these boys! God.. and to think I gave birth to such a filthy thing..." Calla gritted her teeth, holding back tears. She was use to getting hit. but this? HOW could a MOTHER say that to her own CHILD? And in front of others?
Kyle pulled Calla away from the woman quickly as possible. Sheila walked into the room holding Ike, followed by
"What's going on?" The plump woman asked frowning. Olivia quickly put on a fake smile.
"OH. I'm sorry Mrs. Broflovski. I just came by to pick up my troublesome child…" She said as she
grabbed Calla roughly by the arm, yanking her away from Kyle. The two boys
frowned in disagreement. Sheila stepped forward,
"Oh. I don't mind her staying over for a while..." She said looking worriedly towards
"NO. uh. Haha no. She needs to come home and unpack. And I need to
TEACH her a lesson about disobeying me." Olivia said firmly and yanked Calla out
the house. GREAT. This will be a FUUUN night...

(Craig's P.O.V)

"Tweek!" Craig
shouted as he and the others entered the coffee shop.
"Arrgh! Oh god-Craig!" Tweek twitched. "What do you want? Don't be so loud..Y-you'll annoy the customers.." The blonde replied. Through the years he cut back on the coffee. Calla had scolded him in the past about it so he listened to her.
"I want coffee." Craig said rolling his eyes. He removed his blue hat that had a yellow puff ball and ran his hand through his shaggy
black hair. He placed his hat onto the table he and his friends occupied.
Since the inside of the café was warm, Clyde and Token removed their coats and hung them on the back of their chairs.
"I'd like French vanilla~" Clyde sang, slumping into his seat. Tweek twitched slightly and messily wrote
down the order.
"Normal coffee for me." Token said with a smile as he too sat down. Craig took his seat on the left side of the table. (Picture
yourself walking in and looking to ur left Craig's back would be facing
They looked up when the bell over the door rang, signaling someone had entered the café. It was a girl that appeared to be
around 17 or 18. She had long black, layered hair that went past her butt and dark blue
eyes. She had snake bites on her bottom lip: and wore a black scarf that was
wrapped around her neck, dark blue coat, black skinny jeans and blue high top
converses that stopped below her knees.
Craig watched her as she walked up to Mr. Tweak and ordered something. She turned to sit at the table next to Craig and his friends to wait for her drink and breakfast. The girl stared at him for about three
seconds and took her seat. Craig had noticed and unconsciously flipped her off. She frowned. Craig then noticed she had a small bruise on her cheek and red marks around her neck. He stared. She looked slightly familiar as well.

(Calla's P.O.V. before she arrived)

Sunday morning Calla decided to go get coffee, but
she had forgotten the location. She decided to walked over to Kyle's and asked him. He gladly gave it to her. He frowned when he had noticed the small bruise that had formed below her right eye.
"Would you like to come with me?" She asked him. He ignored her question and softly caressed the bruise with his
finger. She went silent and looked at the ground biting her bottom lip.
"She hit you?" He whispered. Calla looked back up at him with a smile, hiding her hatedred and disgust. Tch..that woman did more than
just hit her...
"It's fine. I'm ok." She lied, not wanting to upset him. The last thing she wants is to worry people.
"Don't lie to me god damn it." He hissed. Calla took a step back.
"I'm... really ok, Kyle. Um, thanks for the direction, I'll talk to you later." She turned to leave and said a quick,
She had finally made it to the coffee shop and entered. She walked straight to the man at the front desk and ordered herself an iced
mocha. She then went to take her seat closest to the door, which happened to be
next to a group of boys. She glanced at the boy in blue. He looked familiar. She
might have had him in her middle school classes...
She frowned when he flipped her off with a blank expression.

'Did I do something to him…?' She thought and sat down. Then it clicked! It was Craige! Maybe she should
wait to talk to him...? A minute later a boy with long, blonde hair, sticking out of place, walked up to her table, shaking.
"Hello." She smiled. The boy had on a white dress shirt that had the buttons mix matched, black pants, and shoes. He smiled and twitched
as he pulled out a note pad to right down her order.
"Wh-what would your order be?" He asked smiling.
He looked familiar too..was it Twe-?
"Hey, Tweek! You forgot to give us our drinks!"
A brunette shouted, interrupting her thoughts. Ah...it IS
"Clyde! OH! I-I'm sorry!" The blonde shouted, dropping
his notepad. Calla leaned over in her seat to pick it up and hand it back to him. He slowly smiled in
gratitude. "Thank you.." He said shyly. Calla nodded with a smile.
"Tweek, get our orders before I start breaking into your house and terrorizing your parents." Craig said, in a monotone
"Oh, GOD! Craig!" Tweek spazzed, running into the kitchen. Craig let out a chuckle when he heard bangs of falling
pans. Calla frowned and turned to face him.
"You're such an ass, you know that?." She said. He shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm well aware of that." He smirked. Calla scoffed.
"There was no need to freak him out like that." She said sitting back in her
"No. He's a friend." Craig replied, folding his arms
behind his head and leaning back in his chair. He stared at her for a second.
"You wouldn't happen to be Calla Blackburn would you...?" He asked carefully. Calla looked up at him then
jumped up and hugged him, causing him to stumble back a few steps.
"Yes, I'm Calla! silly! It's been a while!" She laughed.
"I had a feeling that it was you, Craig!" She pulled away. If Stan and his lot were to busy for
her, she'd usually hung around Craig and his friends.
"That's Calla?! No way! I didn't recognize you!" The brunette shouted and standing up from his chair quickly.

He ran up to her and hugged her.
"Remember me?! CLYDE?!" He shouted excitedly with a huge grin. Calla laughed and hugged back.
"Of course!"
She laughed. She then faced the dark skinned boy who had on a purple shirt with
a yellow T. "And that's Token, right?" She smiled at him. He nodded and waved at her.
Clyde released her as Tweek made his way back with their coffee and her breakfast, shaking the tray.
"oh! be careful..." Called said, reaching for the tray. The blonde refused with a smile as he sat the tray down
on the table.
" I-I got it!" He said. Calla nodded and
waited for him to back away so she can attack him in a hug.
"TWEEEEEK!" She cooed. The blonde jumped, startled at her
"Don't you remember me?" Calla smiled, tilting her
head. Tweek stared at her for a second then hugged her back.
"Calla?!" He shouted.
"Yup!" She then frowned at his shirt. "Here, let me fix that..." she said, and began to undo his
shirt buttons. Tweek's cheeks began to flush red. "They were mix matched." She said as she began to redo them. Craig raised an eyebrow at
"Th-thank you.." Tweek smiled shyly.
"Oh, It was nothing." She patted his back and he thanked her again, and walked off.
The four of them sat back down at the table and grabbed their drinks.

"So.." Craig began, eyeing the marks and bruises on her milky skin. Calla noticed and stuffed her mouth with eggs.
Craig paused. "Attractive." He said sarcastically. Her cheeks looked like a chipmunk's when it stuffs it's face.
He decided to let it go, knowing how she is.

"Why didn't you tell us you were moving back?" Clyde asked, while sitting next to her. She smirked and ruffled his messy brown hair.

" I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Oh. I was wondering. Cause for a while you stopped texting us." Craig replied.

"Was busy dealing with my parent's shit."

"Tough." Replied Token.

"yeah.." She took a bite out of her pancake and finished her coffee. Calla Stood up. "Well, It was nice seeing you guys again, but I got to get going."

"Aw! But whhhyy!" Clyde whined.

"She probably has things to do, dude." Token scolded.

"Bye." Craig

said, simply. Calla laughed then quickly snatched Craig's unfinished coffee and rushed out the shop, shouting a quick
"Thank you, bye! See you later! AHAHAH!~ "
"That bitch." He growled.

"I missed her." Token laughed.
"She's cute!" Clyde smiled.
"And yoooou are fat." Craig stated as he stood up to leave.
"I AM NOT FAT, DAMMIT!" Clyde shouted and tried to punch him.