This is the longest (single) chapter fanfic that I've ever written. This chapter was supposed to cover a short talk between Bo and Lauren, but I realized it would have been terribly insufficient. We never got 'the talk' between them, or at least not one that directly addresses their disastrous night together, so this is my take on it.
This ends the story - thanks for sticking around, I hope you've enjoyed it. Please let me know your thoughts, or if you have a particular comment or disagree on something. Special thanks for all of you who left reviews - I always welcome and cherish feedback, and will reply you as soon as I can.
They drifted in and out of sleep throughout the day, only getting up when Lauren's assistant visited in the evening. As Boston Harpy – Sarah – updated Lauren on their work, Bo excused herself to get some water. Sitting on the sofa, she scrolled through seven missed calls from Dyson, five voice messages and four texts.
She also received a few from Kenzi, with the girl's last text saying "HALE CAUGHT ME UP. REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR VAJAYJAY FROM THE SPECULUM'S CLUTCH THIS TIME."
Bo responded to that with a smiley face icon, then texted Dyson that she would call him when she was done. There wasn't any point in pretending they didn't know where she was – Hale would have told him, and she was still fuming over Dyson's half-lie of the doctor taking "time off".
She got back to Lauren's room to see Sarah help the doctor to the bathroom. She leaned on the door frame and watched, envious of the closeness between them, but relieved that the doctor had someone she could trust. Before Lauren noticed her, however, she stepped into the hallway and returned when she was sure Lauren was back in bed.
"Sorry, just replying some messages." She smiled and waved the actually-switched-off phone at Lauren.
"You don't have to stay, Bo." Unlike the last time she said it, Lauren's tone wasn't laced with a sharp edge. "I appreciate that you came, but I'm better now, so you should get back to your life. Go home."
Before Bo could think of a better reason than a pouty "don't wanna", the lab assistant spoke up: "She shouldn't." As Bo and Lauren looked at Sarah with wide eyes, she stammered, "Uh what I mean is…I already got dinner for her as well, so she should at least finish it."
Bo grinned at her and mouthed her thanks, and when she saw Lauren smile, she made a note to send the harpy a takeout feast.
"So," the succubus brought the paper bags to Lauren after Sarah left, "shall we see what's for dinner?"
"You go ahead," Lauren said and smiled to reassure the succubus that she was okay, "I'm not really hungry."
"Oh." Bo left the food on the table and returned to her chair, fearing that her visiting privileges would soon be revoked. "I'm not hungry either. I can wait."
As if to protest, her stomach then growled. She was halfway through a silent supercalifragi-length curse when she heard a soft giggle from the doctor. Conceding with a bashful smile, she asked, "If I eat, will you eat with me? Just a little?"
As soon as Lauren nodded, she made a beeline for the takeout. She noticed that Lauren's hands were still shaky when they started, so she concentrated on her food and only looked up after the chewing sounds ceased.
"You did well," Bo said encouragingly as she took the plate from the doctor. "Wait."
"Crumbs." She reached to brushed them off gently, her shivering fingers lingering on Lauren's cool face. She wasn't sure if the Lauren's cheek warmed up from her hand or from the doctor's blush, but she kept it there, and was almost sure she felt Lauren nudge into her palm.
"Lauren," she whispered, "I'm really sorry. I didn't know that they would…what exactly did they do to you?"
"Lots of things." With that, the doctor turned away, and Bo sat on the chair, keeping her hand on Lauren's.
"I…your assistant told me you had difficulty walking. Did they…?" Bo held her breath, dreading the answer. She expected to be relieved if the punishment didn't include a sexual element, or to go into a rage and beat The Ash into a pulp if it did, but she didn't expect to hear Lauren laugh.
"The light fae pride themselves on being evolved and not stooping to 'barbaric behavior', which includes physical punishment," Lauren said, gradually reverting to her professional demeanor. "They use much more refined methods, such as mental torture, or implementing techniques to make you feel like your whole being's an exposed nerve – a thousand times more sensitive and the pain a million times more intense."
Bo almost exploded from the conflicting emotions – she was glad there wasn't any sexual abuse, but appalled at the seemingly 'sophisticated' torture methods, and fearful that Lauren could state what she went through so matter-of-factly. One particular feeling was consistent, however, and she expressed the sentiment over and over again, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. That they would do that to you."
Lauren leaned on the bed frame and sighed. "The things you don't know, Bo."
"Well," the succubus wasn't backing down from that, "I would have known, if someone actually told me." She lashed out and grabbed Lauren's hand before the doctor could pull away completely. "I didn't mean…that. I was talking about all the fae stuff, my mom, and Vex."
Lauren relented but kept her eyes closed. "Bo, I only knew about Vex after your meeting with The Ash. But say we told you everything at the beginning, what would you have done?
"You would have gone after Vex, and he wouldn't have surrendered, so you'd fight. He would have killed you, or you could kill him, and The Morrigan would then kill you. I couldn't let that happen."
"You mean we couldn't let that happen. You and that asshat of a boss."
"Fine, we couldn't let that happen," Lauren said. "Look, Bo, there's so much more you don't know about the fae, and there are rules and customs dating to a long, long time.
"I admire your taking a stand and not letting anyone dictate the way you live, but being neutral doesn't mean it's carte blanche. If you want to live in this world, you have to at least know how things are done. What you do or say does have consequences."
"How things are done…? Lauren, please just tell me. Is that what you do for him? Did he ask you to –"
"No." It was soft and full of regret. "He's never asked that of me. He implied there were ways to keep you distracted, but…no."
"Then why?"
This time, the doctor looked right at her. "What I feel for you."
"So it didn't have anything to do with keeping me distracted?"
"It's not that black and white." Lauren sighed. "After what you said about picket fences and kids, I – that pulled me towards you. But I also didn't want you to get hurt, so I did what I could. We were heading that way anyway."
"But it is black and white, Lauren." The doctor was surprised by the wounded look on Bo. "You either slept with me with an agenda or you didn't. I know you wanted to protect me, and I get what you meant about knowing the fae, but you can't just make my decisions for me.
"And knowing you used that…strategy just shows what you thought of me – an animal who can't overcome her primal instincts."
"It's not like that, Bo." Lauren tried to get out of bed, grunting at the pain but pushing through it.
"Hey, where are you going?" Bo rushed forward stopped her. "Stay. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it for you."
"Stay here with me, please?" Lauren asked. The succubus complied, but fussed over the doctor before she settled down. Lauren placed her hands on top of Bo's and said: "It's not like that. I never factored in your nature that night, and I'll never think of you as an animal. You're capable of self-control, and I meant everything I said throughout your training. You're not a monster."
"That's good to know, Lauren, but that's the problem," Bo said, lifting one hand to trace circles on Lauren's. "You were the first person who told me that, you never judged me, and you made me feel I was normal. I felt something for you, but I hesitated for the longest time because you're a human.
"And that's why it hurt so much, because the moment I finally went for it…knowing we were heading that way only makes it worse."
"Even if I know what you felt for me was real, the experience has been tainted." Bo looked up and saw the doctor's glistened eyes, but she wasn't sure if the tears were hers or Lauren's. "Lauren, it was special for me, for all those reasons, but it's especially because you're the first human I…
"For the first time, was hopeful. You were my first, Lauren."
"I – " the doctor lifted a hand to wipe her cheek, and Bo did the same for herself. "I'm sorry, Bo. I never thought about it that way," she said. "If it means anything to you, it was special for me too. All of it, every day."
"It's okay now – I just wanted you to understand how I feel," Bo said. "And yes, it means a lot to me. Is that why you didn't tell me about your…status?"
"Something like that. I've been in this world for so long that I haven't had to explain myself to an outsider for a while."
"I would never have judged you," Bo said as she placed her hand on Lauren's shoulder, smoothing some of her wayward hair.
"I know, but sometimes…do you have words that are so ugly and bitter to you, that you fear they'll burn a hole in your tongue when you say them?"
Bo nodded, knowing all too well from her experience. "But why? Why are you still here, knowing how they treat humans?"
The hesitation had found its way into Lauren's voice again. "I can't talk about that now."
"Why? Lauren, you'll tell me if your life is threatened, right? I can help you," she tightened her hold on the doctor's shoulders.
"I…I'm not ready yet, Bo. It's not the right time."
More secrets and omitted truths. It's never the right time. The succubus sighed and pulled her hands away. "I thought we were past that, but it seems that there are more things you can't reveal. I guess nothing's changed."
"And you're with Dyson now." A statement.
"You're right about our impasse," Lauren smiled in defeat. "I guess we really do have terrible timing." She comforted herself that they've at least resolved things, even if only partially.
"We don't need the right time to be friends though," the succubus offered.
"Why not? You could be my friend and fae-world tutor, and I'll bring you coffee and stories to distract you from a dreary life in the lab."
"Oh yes, you're going to save me from the unfortunate world of science?"
"Hey, don't make me quote Cyndi Lauper to you." Bo wagged her finger in warning. "And maybe someday…"
"Someday." For the first time in days, both doctor and succubus adorned smiles that reached their eyes.
"It's getting late," Lauren said. "You should get home."
"I should." Neither wanted to part, but their circumstances were now different. "But before I do, I just wanted to tell you I didn't mean any of those things I said." Bo placed her palm on the doctor's face.
"I know." Lauren nodded. "I'm sorry for everything too."
"I know." Bo leant towards Lauren, and their lips came together softly for a goodbye.
"Bo?" The doctor called out after they parted.
"I hope it works out for you and Dyson, and that you'll be happy. Really."
"Thanks," Bo said. "I hope the same for you too."
Despite the doctor's protest, Bo tucked her in, citing "friendship duties" as a reason. "Be good and maybe I'll tell you a nice bedtime story. Like the time I met another succubus."
"Yep. Hey settle down, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."
"You're coming again?"
"Of course. We didn't have dessert tonight."
"Oh? What do you have in mind?"
She gave Lauren a kiss on her cheek – a warm welcome to the start of their friendship.
"Why don't you tell me what you feel like when I call to check on you? Whatever it is, I'll make sure to bring you the best that I can find."
You deserve nothing but the best.
Author's note: I'd like to address some reviews here as I can't reply some directly (and I have to do it in a chapter due to rules). Please feel free to skip the below essay.
I write fic mainly to 'fill in the blanks', so I try as much as I can to stay close to canon, and weave the story to fit the prior and following episodes. Otherwise I write them as AUs or standalone one shots.
'Just deserts' was particularly tricky, because there was little space to insert 'the talk' and still have the events flow coherently. So the idea for the fic is Lauren doesn't explain her entire situation to Bo, which means there's still room - if you squint and disregard 'on one condition' - for Lauren's "explain myself fully" and kiss in 1x13. Then The Ash got injured, so there was no time for talks, but they still become chummier in S2 because the situation was partly resolved.
I didn't anticipate this length when I started writing this fic, but Bo and Lauren were never meant to be together in the end. They did have something, but whatever happened happened, and they missed their chance. Dyson was Bo's first non-casualty relationship and she wasn't going to give up that easily because she did have feelings for him. While the reasons surpass my understanding (I thought 1x12 was atrocious), it's still canon. And Bo wasn't going to let Lauren be a mistress, so that was the best scenario out of a shitty situation, for me anyway.
Thank you for all your feedback, and I apologize if the ending wasn't to your liking.