AN: This is my new story, and I hope all of you can enjoy it, as it is one of a kind, and features things that no other does, and combines four crossovers, three anime and one videogame, which are Naruto and Highschool of the Dead, Sekirei, and Fallout: New Vegas, with some cameo appearances from different characters.

(Chapter 1- From One to Another, the Introduction of Our Heroes)

Naruto growled as he was held down by two chains, connected to the floor of the council chamber as he struggled to escape. He had short and spiky black hair and pale blue eyes that was like a river of ice.

He was here because he had managed to bring the pathetic Uchiha back, but missing all his limbs and his eyes. After he had walked through the gate, he was immediately arrested and brought before the current Hokage, Tsunade Senju.

The sentence was clear after the meeting. He was to be executed via burning for his 'crimes' and there was nothing the fourteen year old could do to stop it. But, other beings had different ideas. They had just begun to burn him, leaving him terribly scarred on his body and face, before he glowed.

(Inside the seal)

The Kyuubi no Kitsune watched as her precious adopted Sochi glared into the face of the firing squad, moving her giant fox hands through several handsigns, she activated a special inter-dimensional jutsu that absorbed the two of them, sending them to an alternate earth.

(Back Outside)

Outside the seal, everyone watched as the glowing form of Naruto vanished, the fires pilfering out as the crowd cried in anger at his disappearance.


Naruto groaned as he opened his pale blue eyes, his body burning as he sat up. He looked around and saw he was in a rather pleasant looking hospital (Something that shocked him), a nurse nearby, who jumped at him sitting up. Her eyes widened as she gazed at his heavily bandaged form, the only thing being seen of his skin being his toes, fingertips, and his eyes and the bit of skin between them.

As for Naruto himself, he fought through the pain as he looked at the nurse. She was a pretty blonde woman that had honey colored eyes, maybe around twenty years of age, with massive J-Cup breasts. She wore a nurse uniform that did little to make her unattractive. her eyes were wide with worry as she bustled to his side. "Please! You'll hurt yourself if you push yourself too hard! Now lay back down and rest."

Naruto was unused to being talked to with worry, so he just nodded and sat back as she checked his vitals. After a moment, he asked. "What happened?"

The woman smiled as she said. "Well, a woman with dark red hair came running in, screaming about how her son had been burned. When we got to you, you had suffered some second degree burns on your torso, while your face and limbs had lesser second degree burns. I'm terribly sorry, but you will be scarred for life."

Sighing, the boy said. "It's fine. Better to be scarred and alive, than dead. And may I know your name?"

"My name is Shizuka Marikawa!"

Smiling under his bandages, Naruto said. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. It's a pleasure to meet you."

(Unknown Time Later)

After being reunited with Kyuubi, who had taken on the alias of Kushina Uzumaki, his mother, and having the situation explained to him as such.

Kushina had transported the two of them to an alternate reality where she spent some time in when she was younger, and where they would be staying. She had already taken care of the housing situation and the funds, using her illusion abilities she made it look like there had been a fire at the esteemed Uzumaki Residence, where she and her son had barely escaped, with Naruto receiving terrible burn scars. It worked well, fooling everyone in town into believing that it had actually happened, and after time and manipulation, it became a cemented fact. Not only did she do that, she also set up a heavily industrial company and bought a small, private island that had a well fortified bridge connecting it to Tonkonsou. She had it built to be a fortress, with high cement walls for both privacy and security, gardens for vegetables, a salt water purifier for water, and a small ranch where they raised some pigs and cattle, making it completely self sufficient.

Not only that, she had bought an armory of weapons, both guns and old school weapons, alongside enough MRIs and Dry food to feed a large army for a decade. She had, with the help of Shadow Clones, taught Naruto how to use all the weapons, but saw he favored twin .45 pistols and a katana.

Now, Naruto was being subjected to one of the universe's worst institutions:


(Fujimi High School- Class 3-A)

Rumor had it that a new student was entering their class, and that it was the son of the ever infamous Kushina Uzumaki and her dead husband, Genryusai Shikigami Yamamoto Uzumaki, ex-leader of the Self Defence Forces of Japan. The woman had a very fierce reputation, as she was a very independent and honorable woman who took nothing from anyone, having seized the Uzumaki fortunes, buying a large and heavily fortified island where she and her son lived alongside her personal bodyguards, starting a company called Mid Bioinformatics, or MBI for short.

Koichi Shido had a pleasant smile on his face, while inwardly he was plotting on what to do with his newest student, who he knew for a fact was the mysterious Naruto Uzumaki. If he could gain the young teens trust, then meet his mother, worm his way into her heart, he could easily gain control over the Uzumaki Fortune. Afterwards, both Mother and Son would die under 'mysterious' circumstances.

The class heard footsteps coming down the hall and quieted down. The door opened and everyone got a good look at the teen. He was tall, standing at about 5'9", covered head to toe in bandages, revealing his eyes and fingertips. He wore a modified version of the school uniform, which consisted of a black vest that had many pockets sewn onto it, with a white button up shirt underneath, the sleeves rolled back to above his elbows. He wore a pair of patched up jeans and black shoes, his hands covered in wrapped fingerless gloves. His sharp, pale blue eyes made everyone fidget as they passed over them, feeling as if they had just been submerged in a pool of icy water, and pulled into the coldest of winters.

He watched as most of them shrunk back from his gaze, and gave a mental sigh, before he noticed a brown haired teen with glasses, who had the same build as his old 'comrade' Choji, reading a magazine on military grade weapons. That gave him some hope for this class, as he turned to look at the teacher.

Shido nearly shuddered under the boy's gaze before snapping back to attention and saying. "Well, Mister Uzumaki, care to introduce yourself?"

Nodding, Naruto spoke in a rather cold and emotionless voice. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I have many likes, such things as my family and friends. I have a great many dislikes, such things including, but not limited to, fools, ignorance, and anyone who annoys me. I have several hobbies that include bokken practice, shooting, and on occasion, writing. My dreams for the future are none of your concern."

His introduction didn't really reveal much about him, but it did gain him some respect from some of the students, and the beginnings of a fangirl base.

He walked past Shido and sat in front of the brown haired teen, catching his attention. He payed attention and answered some questions asked as he wrote notes on the small amounts of biology they were taught in between the bullshit Shido spouted.

By the time that lunch was to begin, he had nearly lost all of his patience and beaten the shit out of the teacher for his pathetic attempts at brainwashing his students.

Grabbing his bag, he walked with long strides outside, looking for a place to sit and eat. Noticing the brown haired teen off by himself, he made his way silently over there. Standing tall over the pudgy teen, who looked up, he asked in his normal tone. "May I sit here?"

The teen nodded and gestured to the bench seat, where Naruto sat down and opened his bento to reveal a bag of ramen, the bottom of the bento to be a heater, a thermos of water, chopsticks, and a rice roll. Setting his ramen to cook, he turned to the other teen and extended his hand, while the other boy did so too, shaking his hand. "You most likely already know this information, but my name is Naruto Uzumaki."

"Kohta Hirano."

Removing his hand, Naruto asked the now named Kohta. "I noticed in class that you read a magazine on Military Weapons, and was curious. Do you know much about weapons?"

It was then that Naruto both made a friend, and learned that Kohta was an Otaku when it came to weapons and military things. After lunch, Naruto examined his schedule and saw that it was time for his English Class with Kyoko Hayashi.

Arriving at the class, he noticed a form by the door for applications for the newly made Disciplinary Squad for the school, and saw that Kyoko was the person to speak to about joining. Grabbing the flyer, he entered and approached her desk, before he put the flyer in front of her. The woman looked up and Naruto got a good look at her.

She had red hair and brown eyes behind glasses, wearing a grey business top over a yellow dress shirt, a grey skirt, pantyhose, and heels finishing her professional attire. She looked at him before she let a smile on her face as he said. "I wish to join the Disciplinary Squad."

(One Month Later)

After Naruto had joined the Disciplinary Force, the school had been subjected to his Iron Clad rules, and any infraction would nearly one hundred percent of the time land you in his office after he had been placed as the Captain of the organization. No one was safe, not even teachers, as evidenced by the numerous reports against Shido, with people beginning to fear Naruto as he walked the halls like like a predator searching for prey.

But he wasn't the only one, as he had recruited Kohta to join the Squad. The weapon loving teen had been ecstatic, as he and Naruto were best friends, and he had been to the Uzumaki Compound, where he met Zurui who treated him kindly and motherly, and shown the weapons room.

We find Naruto on the roof, frowning as he thought over the situation he found himself in. There was a girl skipping class on the roof, breaking the rules, but she was crying, making Naruto hesitate in his approach. Deciding to wait, he examined her.

She had light orange hair pulled back by a black headband, with yellow eyes. She had a very voluptuous figure, with at least E-Cup breasts, wearing the normal Fujimi Uniform for girls. He remembered her name was Yuuki Miku, a girl in his year.

Approaching her, he let his shadow cover her, garnering her attention as she looked up at his imposing form. Her eyes widened before she glared at him. "What do you want?"

He remained cool and composed as he said. "I was going to give you a reprimand for skipping class, but noticed your current emotional state, and decided to inquire as to why you are in such a state of distress?"

Yuuki looked at him for a moment, before she glared harder. "Why do you care? We've never even spoken to each other!"

His eyes went cold as he looked at her, making her shiver, before he said. "You're right, I don't care. But far be it from me to act like a gentleman and try to help a girl in distress. If that is all, I will be going back to my office and doing paperwork."

He turned to leave, but a gentle hand grasping his stopped him, and made him turn to look at the apologetic looking girl. "I'm sorry, it's just...there are these rumors going around that have given me a...less than reputable reputation."

"Please, explain."

As he listened, Naruto became more and more angry. Apparently, Yuuki had been subjected to false rumors about being a virgin, and no one did the intelligent thing and checked to see if they were correct. Such ignorance infuriated Naruto, as it reminded him of Konoha before his mother had saved him and taken him here. After an amount of time had passed, Naruto took Yuuki to the Disciplinary Office and added her to the roster, officially making her a member, and giving her the ability to fight back against the bullies, if only for a small amount of time.

Before he went to his personal office, Yuuki leaned up and kissed his bandaged cheek, smiling with a blush as she thanked him.

(Two Months later)

Life went on after that, and Yuuki became a valuable member of the squad, as she helped with the paperwork by weeding through it and finding the ones that actually pertained to the squad, and not the paperwork submitted by Shido to slow them down. She also monitored Naruto's Fangirl mail, and disposed of them. No way was she letting a group of mindless sluts near HER Naruto. But, she was open minded and had thought of maybe eventually getting Naruto and a few other girls together.

But first, she had to catch his attention.

(Five Months later)

Naruto had been called into the Principal's Office again, only this time not for the usual update of events, paperwork, or tea. He was called to be informed of several new students who had signed up for the Disciplinary Squad, and he was to meet with them.

He had changed the Squad Uniform to fit his sense of what the organization meant. Now, he wore a black combat vest that had numerous pockets and the letters FHDS on the front right side, over his normal attire, bandages included. he still wore them if only for the fact that his burns scars still hadn't healed completely. Every time he changed them, it was as if he had been lit on fire again. But, to him at least, it was worth it, if only to prevent himself from dying of infection.

Knocking politely on the door and waiting to be let in, and after the okay, opening the door, Naruto gave a respectful nod to the Principal of the Academy, Saito Hajime. He was a tall, and lean man with a long face, and sharp, piercing eyes. He had black hair that was slicked back, except for four bangs at the front. He wore a black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie. The man was Naruto's role model in terms of justice, although he did take things a bit extreme at times.

Looking around at the gathered people in the office, Naruto recognised several important figures: Yuriko and Souichiro Takagi, Issei Busujima, Kiriko and Tadashi Miyamoto, and finally Hikaru Igou, the low level politician, alongside all of their children who, he assumed, would be joining his squad. His pale eyes looked each and every one of the teens in the eye, making several of them flinch at their intensity.

Hajime gestured to Naruto and spoke in his normal tone, which to some may have sounded cold. "This young man here is Naruto Uzumaki, the current Captain of the Disciplinary Squad. he is the man you refer to, and in turn he refers to me."

Yuriko looked at Naruto's bandaged form for a moment, before her cool gaze returned to Hajime. "Isn't he a bit young? He is, afterall, a first year student."

"That may be, , but I have absolute and complete faith in Naruto, and his abilities as a leader. When your children signed up for the Squad, I knew that Naruto was the best to lead them. As it stands, we only have three members at the moment, Naruto, Kohta Hirano, and Yuuki Miku. So the inclusion of your children will greatly help-"

"With all due respect, ." Naruto said, surprising them all by his butting in of the conversation. "But they haven't been accepted yet. They have to pass my test first."

Hajime looked intrigued as he nodded and gestured for the teen to begin. Striding across the room with the grace of a warrior, and a predator, Naruto locked eyes with each of the students before he began. The test he had in mind was based off of the one that his old 'sensei' Kakashi had given Team 7. Looking at them, his eyes froze over as he closed off all of his emotions, shocking the occupants of the room by the dead gaze that was his eyes. He spoke, his words soft and hard at the same time, so cold that even the coldest winter in the coldest tundra paled in comparison to his words. "This is a hypothetical question, based upon actual events. You are in the hall, walking with your partner. You come across several pieces of trash bullying a younger student. In the ensuing chaos of attempting to apprehend the pieces of trash, you are separated from your partner, and have the ability to, by the what the rules state, find a teacher and break it up. But, in doing so, your partner is hurt. What is the proper thing to do in this situation?"

It was a difficult question for sure. One that tested them on their morals against the rules. What did they do? Hajime watched, interested in what his young protege had decided was the answer, and was even thinking of one himself, just like the others in the room. It was one of the girls who answered, the daughter of Issei, Saeko Busujima, who answered. "I would stay and help my partner. Even if we both got hurt, I wouldn't abandon them."

It was the answer that the others voiced, and they were silenced as Naruto's already frozen eyes, if it was even possible, froze even more. Finally, he gave them the answer. "You all...Pass."

He eye smiled at them, the tension gone as everyone looked at him. Deciding to explain, he said. "In the world, so many people are too concerned with enforcing or following the rules, that they become mindless fools who follow without thinking of where they're being lead. Because you see..." His voice became so soft, so fragile, that everyone didn't see the imposing teenager from before, they saw a wounded, hurt person who had lived a long life. But as soon as it was there, it was gone and his eyes became the frozen pools that they were before. "...Those who break the rules are trash..." That made the gathered families almost recoil in shock at the cruelty of the statement, but seeing he wasn't finished, they stayed silent. "...However, those who would so willingly abandon their friends and comrades..." They almost leaned in to hear his next words, so enraptured by them. "...Are worse than trash."

(Three Months Later- Beginning of the Next School Year)

A now fifteen year old Naruto walked down the halls of Fujimi Academy, on his way to meet the new nurse at the school and explain the rules. Not much changed aside from growing taller and now standing at a respectable 6'0" even, he hadn't changed much. He had become slightly kinder, thanks in no small part to the females who were constantly in his life. Yuuki had made it her mission to get him to remove the bandages around his head to see his face, something that Rei Miyamoto and Saeko Busujima had taken to doing as well.

The relationship between the newest members of the Disciplinary Squad and the older ones was...interesting, to say the least. Immediately upon entering the office, Saya takagi attempted to show her superiority to everyone, and had gotten glares in return. All of the girls had, unbeknownst to the teen himself, major crushes on Naruto. Even Kyoko had a crush on the teen, believing him to be an honorable person. Kohta had the bullying that had plagued him by being in Shido's class stop by personally detaining the students who did the actual bullying, and he had gotten some muscle on him, making him a stocky teen instead of being fat, compliments to the exercises that Naruto had everyone go through to stay in shape.

Opening the door to the Infirmary, Naruto looked around at the neat and tidy room, filled with typical things that a Nurse's Office had. Knocking politely on the door, Naruto heard shuffling as he looked at a face he hadn't seen in years.

Shizuka Marikawa was still an amazing beauty. Her blonde hair fell to mid back, and her J-Cup breasts were still every man's dream. She wore a white button up blouse, a brown skirt, and brown shoes. Her honey eyes looked at Naruto, wide with shock at his rather intimidating form. Finally, she smiled and moved to hug him, making him stiffen as he felt searing pain shoot through his body. Despite being mostly healed, his skin was still very tender and hurt, making physical contact very difficult for him. It wasn't like he couldn't hug people, it was just that he had to be careful when doing it, or else he felt the sensation of being lit on fire all over again. So when Shizuka had given him the tight hug, he had nearly screamed in pain.

"Naruto! It's been so long!" The Busty blonde said in a happy tone. "But, why are you still wearing your bandages?"

Taking a ragged breath, Naruto said in a strained voice. "My skin is still very, VERY sensitive to things. I wear them so that I don't get infection, and to act as a slight buffer from physical contact."

Realizing what he was implying, Shizuka let him go with a sorry expression, that turned sad as she saw him take a deep breath to hold in the pain. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
"It's fine." He said. "But it is good to know that it's YOU being the new nurse. Now, I don't have to worry about someone breaking the rules as often."

After explaining the rules of the school, Naruto invited her to his office for some tea and biscuits. The blonde agreed, if only to speak to him more as she gave him a farewell smile.

Neither having any idea of what hell was coming their way in three years time.

AN: Got this stuck in my head for a long time, and had to write it. Tell me what you think, and even suggest who you want to be seen. But, I already have the harem decided on who it's going to be.

As for Naruto, he is wearing Joshua Graham's clothing, and will use the mans pistol, A Shining Light in the Darkness, as well as Maria, and a machete in the game called the the Machete Gladius. Other weapons he will have are the Anti-Material rifle, the Gauss Rifle, and an original weapon called the thermic blade, based off of the Thermic Lance.

Some characters that will appear from the game are:

Red Lucy
Christine Royce
Three Dog

And yes, two of those are from Fallout 3, but I thought that they would go good in the story.

(Preview of next chapter)

Naruto gazed at the city as it burned from the top of the Academy, his pale blue eyes reflecting the flames and giving them a monstrous, demonic look as he folds his hands behind his back and watches.

Finally, after a moment of silence, shuffling is heard behind him. Turning, he expects to see one of Them, but instead sees all of his friends looking at him for leadership. Standing tall, Naruto shifts the blade in his hand, a gift from Hajime, and looks at them all, his eyes burning with a cold fire that made them shiver.

It was Yuuki who asked the question on all of their minds. "What do we do, Naruto?"

It was simple for him to answer. "We survive."

(End Preview)