AN: Hiya there, It's the Author of this little short story you are about to read. Be prepared for sick and twisted time while reading this. I want you to keep in mind all my characters are made up, if you have just stumbled upon this. They are real people yes, but played by (meaning role players) So if you want you can go and check them out, I'll leave the name of the characters on a list below so you can see who they are and what they are about. If you don't want to do that, no worries. You don't have too, the story unravels who they are by themselves! Anyway, no copy right intended from Fall Out Boy's new album, enjoy!

Main Characters & Links;

Rebecca Redway - Looks like Selena Gomez, just darker version of her.

Sarena Moreau - six foot even french girl, best friends with Meliane and Rebecca. Twenty two years of age, olive tone skin, dirty blonde/or brown hair depends. Deep dark grey eyes, heart shaped model like face. Skinny, scrawny. She looks like Jessie Anne Gravel.

Meliane Summers - Tall blonde headed girl, curvy but skinny. Deep brown eyes, and heart shaped face, perfect plump pink lips.

Most of the characters are described in the story but those are a little views of the main ones, if you have any questions just PM me.

Oh, PS. At the top of most chapters will be the name of the person's POV it is in.

Young Chronicles -

I thought of angels, choking on their halos, get them drunk off of rose water. – Anything you say can and will be held against you, ~Fall Out Boy.



Tied tightly around her wrists was black nylon rope nearly piercing her skin with each move she tried to make, blood ran down the right side of her face from the tip of her hair-line, and her teeth were stained with it each time she had opened her mouth for a small breath of air, tears filled her eyes but they never really escaped. Covered from head to toe in dirt, and still dressed in her concert attire.

She'd only gone out back stage for a bit of fresh air earlier that night, because of the pain she was feeling on stage, she didn't want to risk ruining it for her fans, but she had figured she'd already did.

Now she was stuck in some basement like room, with her hands tied behind her, on a non-sturdy wooden chair shaking nearly each time she moved as well, the rope piercing her skin, and nothing but the cool sweat and warm tears dripping down her face to keep her company. She was alone, and didn't know where she was or what to do. She wouldn't be able to explain this to anyone, because she wouldn't know how, and she reviled that, that was her first thought.

Come on, Rebecca, can't you fucking think of anything else other than how you would explain this to everyone? You are such a super star, letting the fame get to your head, interviews on when they would find you and what you would say? God, Awful. How about, how to get out of this fucking mess? Hm? Wow, Rebecca. Wow.

The sound of a door opening and closing, clacking against the wall as it did so caught her attention, and she craned her neck up to see nothing but high-black heel stilettos' and black skinny jeans, the rest of the body was a black shadow hidden, until she stepped forward.

This face was unfamiliar, she'd never seen her before in her entire life, but the woman that stood in front of her was absolutely gorgeous, stunning, beaming with an evil but seductive glow. A smirk played on her face, her cheek bones rising, her dark grey eyes glowing as she kneeled down to Rebecca's height.

Rebecca wouldn't let this woman strip her pride of whom she was, sure she was a celebrity, she was someone known, but that didn't mean she was easy to get by, and some bubbly dumb girl who didn't know what she was doing. Rebecca sat up tall, and almost glared down at the girl, if it weren't for her height it would have worked.

The laugh coming from the woman's mouth almost startled Rebecca but she didn't show it. It was mechanically mischievous, and it sort of wanted to make you gag, hide, jump of a cliff, any of those things.

"You're almost like a scared puppy," The woman said, her eyes dancing as she watched Rebecca. "So wipe that brave emotion off your face and play yourself, don't worry I won't harm you, as long as you play by my rules."

Rebecca watched as the woman walked over to a table, and played with different surgical instruments, some not even surgical, some where just simple home appliances, or tools. Her eyes widened just a bit and she set back a gulp raising her eyebrow. "Y-You better stay away, I have people who will come—"

"No one is going to come and find you, sure play the celebrity roll, you have fans who will go crazy looking for you wanting to help, wanting to save you, your husband, Oh your poor husband, he'll be crying for you every night, not seeing you next to him in bed, don't worry. The only cries he will have are the cries of love from another woman that's not you." She smiled charmingly. "My names, Stevie, nice to meet you, Rebecca." The worlds slipped through her mouth so quickly, like venom, so slick.

Rebecca's heart dropped as she ran out of words to say to Stevie nothing was coming to her thoughts, nothing was running through her brain, she was completely blank after that, she blinked back and looked up at the woman again. "I'—I'll do anything."

Stevie turned on her heel, and walked over to Rebecca. "Of course you will, because this is my game, and we are only just beginning sweetheart." She smiled warmly and cocked her head to the side watching her, as she walked back over to the table.

Rebecca sat there nervously her heart pounding against her chest aching to get out, her nose flared in fear, and she bit her lip every so often. Her hands clutched the old wooden chair she was tied to, closing her eyes and trying to steady her breathing, trying to calm herself down and make herself believe she would be out in no time, but before she could even get her heart to slow to a rhythm, a shock of searing pain ran through her hand, as she felt something sharp puncture just the middle right through her palm.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She screamed and her nose began to flare again as she saw a blurred Stevie in her view almost panting, looking down to where her hand would be and seeing a sharp scalpel punctured in the middle of her hand. Blood dripping down it, and off the chair, as her eyes caught back up to Stevie. "What the fuck!" Was all that left her mouth, she couldn't think of anything else to say, morbidly confused and in pain.

Stevie just smirked, and walked over to her, "Let's play a game, Like in kindergarten, where we all sat in a circle and introduced ourselves.." She kept the smile on her face and sat down, legs crossed pretzel style, watching as Rebecca panted, and look at her as if she had five heads and was crazy, which in most situations you would, for the love of God she just shoved a scalpel in the girls hand.

Rebecca continued to breath heavily, not daring to move an inch. "Are you insane?" She breathed.

Stevie raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, and pursed her lips, leaning back on her hands and looking at Rebecca. "Don't speak, I'm first and if you interrupt me, I will hurt you."

Rebecca sat back and let out a sigh through her clenched teeth, watching Stevie as she began to talk.

"I'm Stevie, like I said earlier before. You are Rebecca, correct?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," She said through her still clenched teeth, "What do you want from me?"

"Tsk," Stevie had shook her head and leaned up off of her hands, standing up seductively and leaning over her close to her ear, her lips nearly brushing against her ear lightly, a house hold knife in her right hand, as she brushed it on her neck and down her torso, towards her stomach. "Anything you say will be and held against you, Don't hide who you are," She leaned back, as she sliced Rebecca's stomach with a quick flick of her wrist, and turned around, pulling a cloth from her back pocket and cleaning off the remains of Rebecca's blood.

Rebecca chocked and leaned forward spitting blood that had backed up from her stomach inside her and dripped from her lips, panting vigorously, her hand still attached to the chair, the other unable to pull the scalpel from it. "Y-Yo—"

"I wouldn't speak, all that blood might back up again and cause more harm.." She sauntered back over to Rebecca and wiped her mouth free of blood with the dirty cloth held in her hand that she used for the remains of the blood on the house-hold knife, frowning lightly. "You look so innocent, yet you aren't. Poor you."

"This is fucked up what is this? Some kind of horror movie?" Rebecca coughed out and watched Stevie.

"You just don't listen to warning don't you?" She raised an eyebrow and sighed shaking her head. "It'd be a shame to waste you like all the others,"

All the others? This is it, she was dead, whatever this weird ritual, colt, thing was, had had others in on it too, and for her, what did she do that could have possibly got her into this mess? She couldn't think of a damn thing.

'C'mon Rebecca, think..'

The feel of relief lifted off her hand, before she could process anymore thoughts and she looked quickly to her hand, and then back up towards Stevie, now there was another girl in the room and that person still didn't look familiar, tall with long luscious blonde hair, and deep ocean blue eyes, red plump lips and a heart shaped face, heavy eye-liner and same black attire as Stevie.

Both Girls muttered amongst each other, Rebecca dropped her head and breathed lightly closing her eyes and driving to ignore anything they were saying, trying to catch her breath and keep herself alive, from all the pain that was searing through her. Before she knew it the tight nylon ropes were lifted from her and she brought her shaking hand to her chest that was covered in her own dry blood, looking up at Stevie and the other woman, gulping and her nose flaring as there lips moved but she didn't hear any words come from their mouth.

"We will let you go, but you have to teach your loved one's a lesson in the worst kind of way, and no one can know anything, not one person. This isn't something to share amongst anyone, from now on you are one of us, you are with us, and you will be us.. let's keep this conversation understandable?" Stevie raised an eyebrow and looked over at Rebecca and then the other lady.

Rebecca simply nodded and breathed again standing up, almost wobbling from loosing so much blood, she looked at both of them, her eyes darker than when she first came here, her determination to escape was no longer within her soul, all she was focused on was to finish the mission they had declared her to do.

Teach a lesson to the ones she loved.

AN: What did you think? Let me know in the reviews, I'd like to hear your thoughts! Thank you so much for taking your time to read this!