Hey people of Fanfiction! This is my new story: Big Brothers, a series of one-shots about the big brothers of PJO. There will be a lot of sweetness and hurt/comfort in here. Be warned, I have some OC's, mainly Hailee Stoll, twin of Connor. (This one's even about her and Travis.) A couple of them aren't actually BIG brothers, but... details, details. Anyway, READ AWAY!
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or any of the characters mentioned except for Hailee and Eddie. Actually, I don't even own Eddie. He's my sister's... DX
Siblings: Travis, Connor, and Hailee. (mostly Travis and Hailee)
Pairings (if any): N/A
Time: Way before PJO
Atop the Washing Machine
Travis was mad at his little brother and sister. Hailee and Connor had stolen a ton of his things, including his favorite CD, his cheapo camera from Wal*Mart, and his wallet. Not the money. Just the wallet. He was okay with them stealing from other kids in the foster home, but not him. After he yelled at them and they yelled back, he had retreated to the room he shared with Connor and two other boys, Eddie and Lucas. He sat on his bed, playing Mario Kart on his DS Lite, which he had gotten the previous year, when someone donated enough for all the kids.
An hour later, Connor came into the bedroom, tears running down his face. Travis sat up quickly, forgetting his anger with his brother.
"Connor, what's wrong? Where's Lee?" he asked, frantic. Connor and Hailee were always together. They were twins after all.
"In trouble. We need you." he said, and started pulling Travis's hand. Travis stood and followed the six-year-old out of the room and down to the basement. It was dark down there, which worried Travis. Hailee was terrified of the dark. He ran his hand along the wall, and found the light. He flicked it on, and walked down the stairs. Connor led him around the corner to the washing machine.
Sitting atop of the washing machine, was Hailee, bound with rope, so tightly that her skin was turning red. Her eyes were closed tightly, as if trying to block out the darkness.
Whoever did this was cruel, and knew too much about her. She was terrified of the dark, and of being unable to move. The basement scared her to death, which is why Travis went with her when she did the laundry to get spending money. Tied in rope, on top of a washing machine so she couldn't get upstairs or turn on a light would freak her out to no end. Never mind that she knew how to untie herself, or that she had a Swiss Army knife in the pocket of her shorts. The terror had paralyzed her.
Travis hurried over with Connor at his side, muttering "It's okay Lee, it'll be fine." repeatedly. He dug in his pocket, desperately trying to find his own knife. When he didn't find it, he glared at Connor, who sheepishly removed it from his pocket.
Travis snatched his knife, and fingered the "Travis" engraved on the side, before sawing away at Hailee's ropes. He made sure he didn't cut her curly brown hair or soft skin in the process. Her clothes weren't as lucky, as her green t-shirt had a few holes now, and her cargo shorts had rib on the edge. When he finished, he pulled her off of the machine, and they walked upstairs.
The next night, Eddie went to bed to find mud in his sheets. The night after that there were spiders in his hair. Every night until Travis, Hailee, and Connor Stoll ran away from the foster home three months later, something happened to him. He knew it was because Travis found out it was him that tied up his little sister. He never forgot about her and her overprotective big brother.