"A/U Dino Thunder"

Author: NCIS1990

Rated T.

Disclaimer: I don't own the power rangers franchise or the characters you see here, except Amy.

Chapter 1


(Amy Hart is walking down the halls looking at her schedule. She's so distracted she isn't looking where she is going and bumps into someone and drops her books.)

Amy: Oh man, I'm so sorry.

Girl: It's okay.

(They lean down and start picking up the books.)

Amy: Sorry, it's my first day and I can't find my first class

(They collect their respective books and stand up.)

Girl: That's alright, is there anything-

(She stops when she sees how young Amy is.)

Girl: Um, I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure you have the right school?

Amy: (Laughing) Yeah, I just moved here from Florida and my old school thought I could benefit from being moved ahead. I was always bored in the class.

Girl: That's cool, well I'm Kira, Kira Ford. (She sticks out her hand.)

Amy: (Shaking her hand.) I'm Amy Hart. Nice to meet you.

Kira: So, what were you looking for?

Amy: Uh, my homeroom. (She looks at the schedule.) Earth Science with Dr. Oliver.

Kira: Oh, that's where I'm going, I'll walk with you.

(They start walking down the hall.)

Kira: So, how long have you been here?

Amy: Um, we got here last week when my Mom started her new job.

Kira: Do you like it here so far?

Amy: It's good, it's different. Plus, my Mom's new boss is totally strict and makes her work these bizarre hours so I don't see her alot.

Kira: I'm sorry.

Amy: It's okay, we hang out on weekends. Although she was worried about me moving up in school.

Kira: Why?

Amy: Well, I'm only almost 11 and the kids at this school are 14 to 18 years old. My Mom was worried I would have no one to hang out with, especially since we just moved to a place where I don't know anyone..

Kira: Well, if you want my friends Connor, Ethan and I are going to the cyberspace cafe after school if you want to join us.

Amy: Um, sure, I'd just have to use a payphone to let my Mom know where I am. Thanks.

Kira: No problem. (She stops when she sees the classroom.) Here we are.

Amy: So, what's the teacher like?

Kira: Dr. Oliver? He's awesome, he's a little younger so it's easier for us to identify with him. He's the only teacher I don't feel like I'm about to fall asleep to.

(Amy laughs as they walk in. Kira leads her up to where Connor and Ethan are standing.)

Kira: Hey guys, this is Amy.

Amy: Hi.

Ethan: Hey.

Connor: Babysitting, Kira?

Amy: Uh no, I just met her, I'm a new student here.

Connor: Are you sure you're in the right school?

(Amy's about to answer when Tommy walks in.)

Tommy: Good morning everyone, take your seats and we'll get started.

Kira: Come on Amy, there's an extra seat next to me.

(They take their seats.)


(Connor, Ethan, Kira and Amy walk in and are greeted by Hayley.)

Hayley: Hey guys. (She notices Amy.) Who's your friend?

Kira: This is Amy, she's new at our school. Amy, this is Hayley, she owns this place.

Amy: Hi, wow, this place is amazing.

Hayley: Thank you, it's nice to meet you. Can I get you anything? First time customers are on the house.

Amy: Um, a vanilla milkshake sounds good.

Hayley: Coming right up.

Amy: Thanks, um, is there a payphone here? I want to call my Mom to let her know I'm here.

Hayley: Yeah, if you want you can use my phone in the back while I make your shake?

Amy: Sure, if you don't mind.

Hayley: Not at all, come on.

(Amy follows Hayley to the back.)

Hayley: Okay, here's the phone, help yourself.

Amy: Thanks Hayley.

(Hayley walks away as Amy dials.)

Amy: Yes, Kimberly Hart's office please, this is her daughter.

(She waits a few seconds.)

Kimberly: Hey sweetie, how was your first day?

Amy: Good, the people were nice and the teachers were good. Um, I just wanted to let you know I'm at Hayley's Cyberspace Cafe, it's just off of fifth. I'm here with some people from school.

Kimberly: Oh good! You've made some friends?

Amy: Kind of, I just met them today so I don't really know them, but they seem nice.

Kimberly: Good, I'm glad. So by some miracle it looks like I'll get home at a normal hour today, so can you be home by six?

Amy: Yeah. I'll make sure I'm out of here.

Kimberly: Do you know how to get home?

Amy: Yeah, it's not that far.

Kimberly: Okay, I'll see you soon honey, I love you.

Amy: I love you too Mom. Bye.

(Amy hangs up the phone just as Hayley walks up to her with her milkshake.)

Hayley: Here you go.

Amy: Thank you, and thank you for letting me use the phone.

Hayley: No problem.

(Amy walks back into the main room to see Kira, Connor, and Ethan sitting at the counter talking to Tommy.)

Amy: Oh, Hi Dr. Oliver.

Tommy: Hi Amy, how was your first day?

Amy: Good. The other teachers were nice, and I like my classes.

Ethan: And, she totally did better on a pop quiz in Algebra then Connor.

Connor: She didn't do that much better.

Ethan: The teacher asked "What is the formula of PI?" and you said flour, sugar, and crust.

Kira: (Laughing) Aw man, I'm switching Algebra classes.

(Tommy laughs.)

Kira: So, Amy, what do you like to do? You know as a hobby.

Amy: Uh, well, I like gymnastics, my Mom used to be a gymnast. And I take karate, I'm a purple belt.

Tommy: Really, well, I don't know what your plans are. But they offer karate classes at my gym and they have one for kids after school.

Amy: Really?

Tommy: Yeah, I'll get the information for you if you want.

Amy: That would be great, thanks.

Tommy: No problem. (He checks his watch.) I have to go guys. I'll see you later.

Amy: Bye Dr. Oliver.

(Tommy walks out.)


(Amy is talking to Connor Kira and Ethan when Kimberly walks in. Connor spots her.)

Connor: Woah.

(Ethan looks in that direction.)

Ethan: Dude, she's like in her late 20's.

Connor: Who cares? I think I'm in love.

Amy: Oh good, I always wanted a step father.

Connor: What?

Amy: (Laughing) Mom! Over here!

(Kimberly spots her and walks over.)

Kimberly: Hey sweets.

Amy: I thought we were going to meet at home?

Kimberly: Well, I got off work a little earlier than I thought so I thought I would give you a ride home.

Amy: Great, uh, Mom, this is Kira.

Kira: Hi.

Amy: Ethan.

Ethan: Hey.

Amy: And the one drooling is Connor.

(Connor wipes his mouth and crosses his arms over his chest.)

Connor: Sup?

Kimberly: (Laughing slightly) Uh, nothing much. It's nice to meet you all.

Kira: You too.

Kimberly: Well, uh, hon are you ready to head home?

Amy: Uh, yeah, I guess I'll see you guys in school tomorrow.

Kira: See you.

Kimberly: Bye guys.

(Amy and Kimberly walk out.)

Ethan: (To Connor) Sup? Really?

Connor: What? That's probably from her generation.

Kira: (Laughing) You are such a dork.

A/N: Well there's the first chapter. I'm sorry to everyone who has followed my other fics that I haven't written in so long. I started my first part time job so I've had difficulty managing my time. I'll try to update those soon. This fic started as a nostalgia fic since I loved "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." and T/K when I was little. Let me know what you think.