Title: Not on your Life

Rating: T for some language

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Author's note: This is a continuation of my story from last week's prompt "hurt." I kinda grew attached to that story and wanted to expand it.

Abby was still sleeping deeply when Gibbs awoke. She had had a terrible nightmare in the middle of the night and had woken crying and shivering. Gibbs had rocked her to sleep, and told her over and over he wouldn't leave. The car crash she had been in the previous night had shaken her more than she would admit, even to herself, he suspected. She had been surprisingly stoic about the fact that her friends had left her to fend for herself after she had been hurt. She was usually passionate and vocal, so Gibbs knew that a breakdown may be coming, and wanted to be prepared for it.

He himself hadn't been this angry in as long as he could remember. Medieval forms of torture weren't enough for what her friends had done. Abby was the kindest person; how could they leave her by the side of the road after they had been in a wreck? After all that, and the pain she was in, Abby was worried about the other driver, who had had a stroke. Her kindness was one of the many reasons he had fallen in love with her.

He hoped she knew how much he cared about her. He did tell her last night and had kissed her, but he had failed to tell her that he really loved her. He had been too nervous, and it was probably too soon for that. He didn't want to scare her off. And what if she didn't feel the same? This uncertainty was new for him. He'd always had what Mike Franks had called "a way with the ladies" but it was different with Abby. She was so different from him; so full of life while he was worn and had his heart broken more than once. He had become closed off.

"Stop," A weak voice murmured.

"Abbs? You awake? How do you feel?"

"Like crap. And stop."

"Stop what? What do you need? What can I do?"

"I can see you think. You're tearing yourself down in your head. You get this look in your eye, stop. I treasure you. You're kind and honest and brilliant and nervy and shrewd and second to none and you need to believe that."


"Ya think I would have come to you if you weren't the best?" Abby sat up slowly and winced. "I hate appearing weak but I trust you."

"What can I get? Another pain pill?"

"No, it'll make me too goofy, and they make me feel nauseous if I don't go to sleep after taking one. A few Advil and a hot bath?"

Gibbs nodded and got up to start the bath. He found he couldn't give voice to the emotions swirling around after Abby had told him so many positive and admirable things about him. Abby saw through his facade, and it warmed his heart.

Gibbs helped Abby to the bathroom. He turned while she undressed and settled in the bubble bath he had drawn for her. She had swept her hair into a bun and the bubbles reached her chin. Her green eyes glittered at him as he sat on the toilet.

"I feel better already."

"I'll have to re-bandage a few of those cuts."

"S'okay. You're gentle."

"Abbs, about earlier, I wanted to say thank you. It's been a long time since somebody's complimented me like that and it felt good."

"Anytime. You should never be told otherwise."

"This, us, Abbs, I want it to be permanent. I'm in. I want you to know."

"I want that too. I'm in. I've always been in." Gibbs ducked his head and smiled at her words. Once Abby finished with her bath, Gibbs put a new bandage on the cuts that needed it and kissed her bruises in turn.

When he reached her mouth, he whispered "My girl" before kissing her gently.

"Always. Gibbs, promise me you won't leave me."

"I won't."

"Please don't. Everyone did. My parents died, Kate died, Stan Burley went away and we don't talk much. My friends left, last night...Please don't leave me."

"I won't, Abbs, never, not ever. Not on your life. I love you, didn't you know?"

"I'd hoped. I love you too, Jethro Gibbs!" He kissed her with a little more heat this time, but didn't crush her against his chest like he wanted too. That would have to wait until she wasn't hurt.

"I'm sorry I'm fragile now, Gibbs. When I feel better, you better watch out!"

"I look forward to it. Now, though, we have to get you healthy. Hungry?" She nodded, and Gibbs made her a bagel with cream cheese and some fruit. He found some tea and swirled some sugar in it. She looked at him gratefully and kissed him lightly.

Gibbs found a game of trivial pursuit and they had an enjoyable afternoon. He made a fire for them, since it was heading into fall, and it was a rainy, chilly day. Abby wore a pair of sweats she had left at Gibbs' house and one of his long sleeved Marine Corps shirts. He was gorgeous.

The quiet was disrupted by Abby's cell phone. Gibbs, who was closest to it, looked at the display. Mona. Gibbs went to answer it with a scowl.


"Abbs, I have to." She nodded, recognizing defeat."

"Abby's phone."

"Is Abby there?"

"Yeah, but you're going to talk to me."

"And you are?"


"Oh..." A quiver had crept into her voice, and she fell silent. Good.

Gibbs couldn't keep his temper in check. "What the hell were you thinking? Why would you leave Abby by the side of the road? She was obviously hurt and needed the hospital. You were driving, weren't you? Seems like that accident could have been avoided. There was room to stop when you saw the other car had become out of control and yet you didn't." Abby had told him the specifics from the night before, which had pissed him off even more. "What kind of fucking friend are you? You had medics on the scene and didn't advocate for a friend. How was the Christian speaker? Give you pause at all? You should have called damn well before this to check on her!"

Gibbs was shouting by now, and Abby looked at him, her eyes wide. He reached over to swipe his fingers across his cheek to tell her it was okay. "Abby is the kindest person I have ever met and you treat her like this? I have half a mind to report you for reckless driving and for leaving a hurt individual behind." Abby pulled his arm and shook her head.

Mona found her voice again, but it was shaky. "I called to apologize to Abby. What we did was wrong."

"No shit. You're just figuring that out?"

"I don't need a lecture."

"Excuse me?" Gibbs thundered.

"I mean, you got your point across, sir."


"Can I talk to Abby now?"

Gibbs looked at Abby, the question in his eyes. She grabbed the phone from him and continued on from where Gibbs left off. She told her Mona how disappointed she was in all of them and how hurt she was. Mona apologized over and over and they left it with Abby and her friends setting up a lunch date to talk it over more next week. Abby hung up and crawled into Gibbs' lap. "Thank you. It's been a long time since somebody stuck up for me like that.

"I always will."

"Love you Abbs."

"Love you Gibbs. You won't leave?"


Gibbs took care of her for the rest of the weekend. It made him so happy to know that he's be a permanent in his life, and they'd never desert each other.