Here is a new story to enjoy.
I got up and stretched, looking over at the wall clock and noticing that I was up a bit early than usual.
'Oh well,' I thought to myself as I carefully got out of the bed, wary of the kid that was on the top bunk of the beds.
I walked past some of the few kids that were awake in the little room of the old orphanage. I was in the room with the 5-13 year olds. And it sucked.
Most of the older kids picked on the smaller ones. Stole the little bit of money we got every Friday if we did out chores and were good for the week. Or would annoy us if they were bored.
"Hey fire boy! Any change for me today?" taunted Tim, he was one of the worst.
The name 'Fire Boy' stung. It happened once when I was mugged by a gang of the teenagers. They threatened me with knives for my little bit of money. I was scared and suddenly papers on the floor caught on fire, the teenagers had burns but I was untouched. Ever since then, they made the nickname Fire Boy stick.
"My name is CaptainSparklez. Not Fire Boy!" I yelled at him, trying to be as intimidating as possible, only being a fourth grader.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever. I need the money for some stuff I have to do after school. Now hand it over." Tim said annoyed. I could do nothing but hand over the two iron bits.
He flicked me on the nose and left with the money I was going to use to get something sweet at the store on my way home from school.
"Maybe I'll find some on the ground on my way home..." I sighed and pulled on my black jacket over my white shirt.
I pulled on the pair of red framed sunglasses that I had. They were a decent pair that I got for a cheap price. I saved up money that I earned and found for about a month an bought them from the lonely store on the corner of the street.
When I finally got to school, I had a bad feeling about the day. I sat in my seat between Kuledud3 and PauseUnpause. My friend Nick was behind Guude, who was behind me. In front of me was Sky.
I heard the teacher start talking about history. How our world was made by Notch who lived in the Aether. How his brother, Herobrine, lived in the Nether. Everyone knew that he was just a legend, a story to keep kids in bed at night.
She changed from the subject of history to Math. Two kids, Etho and Sethbling, were always answering the math questions. They could be considered friends, but I never really talked to them.
Etho was also in the orphanage with me, and he took a liking into some girl a few years younger than him and I, who was also at the orphanage at times. And by times I mean, someone would adopt her, something would happen to the family, bring her back and repeat.
The same has happened to myself, just not as much. People usually like the girls, or mature boys when they come to adopt.
I started to doze off, still feeling the tugging sense of dread, but pushing it off to the side.
"Psst," I feel a prod on my shoulder and look at Pause, who is holding out a slip of paper to me.
I take it and start to open it, until a quiet alarm starts going off in the classroom.
"Class, get to the wall beside the door. Quickly," Ms. Cupquake said while turning off the light, "we need to be silent, like a game of hide and seek."
I sat squashed between Pause and Sky and the wall. I started hearing a faint bang and occasional scream.
"Class, do not worry, everything is going to be all right." She said, I could detect worry in her voice.
The class turned when they heard a loud crash, right across the hall, then someone scream "Herobrine!" I swallowed.
The name was cut off and a small scream could be heard. Then another bang. The noise was close.
I could hear a few whimpers, including my own. Suddenly, the loudest bang could be heard and our door was blown to the opposite wall.
A man in a bloody teal shirt and jeans could be seen with a faint glow coming from his eyes. He turned and scanned us, looking for someone. His eyes were pure snowy white.
Suddenly, he crouches down in front of me and grabs my shirt collar. He drags me upwards and I started to scream.
"Kuledud3! Sky! Nick!" I yelled and started kicking. Kuledud3, with his lime green and hot pink hoodie, jumped up and started to try and free me.
Herobrine flicked his wrist and Kuledud3 hit the wall. His eyes started turning from their normal brown to white.
"No!" I yelled and kicked harder. Ms Cupquake grabbed an iron sword from behind her desk, but it was no use. Herobrine, while still holding onto my collar, disarmed her and flung the sword through her stomach, leaving it there as he dragged me through the school hallways.
He dragged me by the back of my collar, all of the way to the front doors and stopped. There were people in black uniforms surrounding the doors. They were all armed with either glowing swords or bows. They all had a full set of iron armor.
I could hear a cold laugh as Herobrine sent a firecharge at them. Suddenly I felt as light as air as we landed into some cave.
So, what's gonna happen next? R&R is much appreciated.