A/N: Last chapter, covers the rest of S04E12 and S04E13. (I'm posting this quickly before I go out, do drop me a PM if there's any horrendous mistakes!)
Gail's not prepared for this, going from feeling elated at seeing Holly in the bar to feeling what she can only think to describe as seething jealousy at seeing Holly with another woman in such a short space of time. It feels like her head is spinning and really it wouldn't be so bad seeing Holly with someone else, but this was obviously a date the brunette was on, a date that she hadn't told her about.
It's not just the fact that Holly is on a date she didn't know about, or that they've sat in the booth her and Holly use, she's frustrated with herself. Holly is gay and she... She's Gail Peck, so she knows she has no right to feel this jealousy. She keeps watching them though, zones out of whatever conversation Chris and the dorks are having, has to keep averting her eyes every time Holly looks over.
Her frustration is growing, it feels as if Holly is doing this on purpose, until finally her heart clenches when Holly's lips pull up into a half smile at something that skank says to her, a half smile she thought was just for her. Holly's eyes catch hers and she looks down at the table, hopes her eyes didn't give too much away, she needs to get out.
"I'm tired, and we have a shift tomorrow, can we go?"
Chris looks at her with an expression she can't place, it looks like he's about to ask her something, but Chloe cuts him off, "We probably should, tomorrow's going to be a long day I can tell already."
She doesn't look back when they leave the bar, because she's one flirty touch away from murder.
After her and Oliver took fire it was obvious Chloe's shooting wasn't a one off, someone was targeting police officers. She lets out another shaky breath as she listens to Franks speech, it had been so close to ending differently a few more inches and her and Oliver wouldn't have been here any more. Frank finishes and everyone starts filing out of the room, she catches his face as he leaves. She can't imagine how helpless Frank must be feeling, there's nothing he can do for Chloe but find the person who did this to her.
She remembers seeing Chloe, laying there on the ground, blood pouring from her neck and she would never have admitted to anyone, but she likes the girl. She's weird and Gail has a strong belief she was born in a Disney movie, but she knows there's nothing but love in Chloe Price's heart and that she didn't deserve to be shot, that she doesn't deserve to die because of a mad man.
"You ok darling?" Oliver breaks her out of her thoughts, it's only the two of them left in the room together.
"I'm fine, are we partnered together again?"
"Yeah, listen I need to call Celery, but we're going to find whoever is doing this Peck, no one else is going to get hurt ok?" She just smiles and watches him leave the room, she wants to believe him, but she can't stop the gut wrenching feeling that there's going to be more casualties before they find the shooter.
She's walking down the corridor adjusting her radio when she spots Holly.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" She's surprised to see the brunette in the station, can't think of any reason for her to be there.
"Oh I just had to drop off a report, murder case from a couple of weeks ago."
"Doesn't the courier usually bring that stuff over?"
"Yeah, he was, sick or something," Holly's suddenly grabbing her by the arm, "hey come here," and pulling her into one of the interrogation rooms.
The brunette throws the report down onto the table and turns to her. "Is it true? I heard a rumour some freak was shooting you guys." Gail feels guilty then, she didn't think to call Holly to tell her what was going on, to tell her she was fine.
"Yea- Holly, I'm not allowed to talk about this." The brunette just gives her an imploring look, she knows she can't not tell her anything. "There's an officer that was shot, she's in the hospital, and-" she has to pause briefly, doesn't want Holly to catch on that it was her that got shot at, "a few other officers took fire."
She's not sure what Holly sees when she looks into her eyes, but it's like she just knows that Gail was trying to hide something. "You mean you, someone shot at you?" Gail doesn't try to deny it, she knows that if Holly can tell she's not giving her the whole truth there's no way she won't see through a direct lie. "It, wha- well your going to go back out there?"
The question catches her off guard. "Yeah Holly, I'm a police officer."
"That doesn't mean you have to go out there and put yourself in danger."
"Yeah, kinda does."
"Oh, okay, well fine," she watches Holly tuck back a loose strand of hair, "but, lis-listen, that girl last night, I barely knew her ok? It was, it was a stupid setup." She's not sure why Holly is telling her this, but it still makes her smile slightly knowing that it was only a setup.
"Well anyway I just, I just thought you should know. I don't know why I didn't tell you, I mean, I mean we tell each other stuff right?" Gail tries to keep eye contact, but her gaze keeps dropping down to Holly's lips. Maybe it's because her feelings are already raw from the shootings, from being shot at, but now Holly's here in front of her, babbling incoherently and all she can think of is how much she wants to kiss her, because she might not get another chance.
"That's what's so great, is us hanging out and I, I guess that's why when I heard what was happening I just thought I should come down here and I dunno," it's getting harder to stop herself, her eyes dart down to Holly's lips again and she knows it's pointless to resist this any more, "just make sure you were ok or something-" She pulls the brunette forwards and cuts her off with a kiss. Holly's lips are soft on hers and her hands come up to grip around her arms as they both lose themselves in the feeling.
Her hands are still holding onto the sides of Holly's face when she pulls back and releases a sigh of relief at finally being able to kiss Holly again. "I'm sorry, you just- you just had to stop talking."
"I won't say another word." Her voice barely rises about a whisper as they lean in again.
It was softer this time, Gail can feel Holly's lips responding to her own, opening and closing, caressing her as they kiss. Gail lets her hands drop down to the brunettes waist as they deepen the kiss, she feels Holly release a murmur of appreciation when her thumbs push into her hip bones. The kiss eventually slows until they both pull back and she rests her forehead against Holly's.
"I had a speech planned." The comment makes her smile.
"You could have just called you know?" She feels Holly's brow crease.
"I did, you didn't answer, so I sort of, may have, well did, panic a little." They move apart and Holly looks down clearly embarrassed, so she brings one of her hands up to the side of Holly's face and strokes her thumb across her cheek until she looks up again, "The speech was very articulate and coherent."
"I need to- Oliver and me are meant to be going out on patrol in a few minutes." She hasn't moved her hand yet, her thumb still tracing patterns on Holly's skin.
"Do you want to go first, I'll follow you out?" Gail can feel herself nodding, but she's concentrating on Holly's lips again, she can't help pulling Holly into a final kiss before leaving.
"Stay safe Gail"
"You called Holly?" Chris's question causes her eyes to widen, he hadn't mentioned Holly or the incident in the squad room when they had been out on patrol earlier.
"Excuse me?"
"Look I called my mum, Christian, hell I even talked to Denise, I'm lucky everyone else I care about is right here at this division." She knows what he's trying to say is that he's called everyone he loves. "Gail I'm just saying, call her." They don't say anything else until they reach the squad car, where she stops him. He was right, she needs to call Holly, she should have called her earlier, knows it wouldn't be fair for the brunette to find out about the raid from rumours as well.
"Chris, can you give me like two minutes?"
"Yeah sure," he puts his hand on her arm before she can get in the car, "and Gail, it's ok, I get why you're calling her and really it's ok." Even though he doesn't say it directly she knows what he's implying. She hadn't had time to think about it, but really, no one at the station would care about this thing between her and Holly. She slides into the squad and watches Chris walk over to the car park exit as she calls Holly's mobile.
She answers after the second ring. "Gail? You ok?"
"I'm fine," she hears Holly release a sigh of relief down the phone, "it's just, we're about to do a raid, we think we've found Oliver."
"Is the psycho who's after you guys going to be there?" She thinks about lying.
"I, yeah, yeah he might be, so I thought I should call, just in case, just to let you know," she knows she's stalling, "I mean about earlier, I don't regret it, I just, I haven't-"
"Gail, it's ok, I get it." She pinches the bridge of her nose.
"How are you always so understanding with me?"
"I think we both know why now, don't we?" Gail watches the last squad car pull out of the car park.
"I've got to go Holly, we're the last car to leave."
"Be safe Gail."
"Yeah, I-" she cuts herself off from what she was about to say, "I will, bye Holly."
She pushes her head back into the car seat, she doesn't have time to think about what she was going to say to Holly. With a final sigh she starts the car and lets Chris in on the way out.
"All sorted?" She hits the sirens so she can catch up with the convoy.
"Yeah, lets go get this over with."
Everything is tense, nobody dares to ask what happens now. She was one of the first to arrive at the hospital having followed the ambulance with Oliver in. She's been starting at the double doors into the main hospital for what feels like hours. She'd been staring at them when they pulled Sam through, she'd been staring at them as almost the whole division started packing into the waiting room. She sighs, behind those double doors Oliver is unconscious, Sam is bleeding out and Chloe is a blood clot away from dying, she can feel tears brimming in her eyes.
Steve and Chris had been stood with her since they'd arrived, she knew they were both keeping an eye on her, they both knew her well enough to know she was in turmoil at the moment, but that she would never willing show it. The double doors open again, but it's just another nurse handing some files over to the reception desk. She can't take it any more and bolts for the bathroom, she hears Steve calling out behind her as the door locks behind her.
The phone is against her ear, there's only one person she wants here, one person she wants to tell her everything is going to be ok. Holly's mobile keeps ringing, she isn't picking up and the swell of sadness catches in her throat when the messaging service connects.
"Holly? I'm at the hospital, I'm ok, I'm fine, I just, he broke into the station, he, he shot Sam and, I just-" Despite her best attempts to hold it together during the call, she's crying. "I didn't say it earlier, but I'm sorry, I'm in the waiting room with the rest of the guys, Holly please can you come here?" She takes a shuddering breath tries to control the waver in her voice, "I need you."
She hangs up and leans over the sink, she's sobbing and wishes Holly was already here.
Gail's back in the foyer with Chris and Steve when Holly shows out of the blue.
"Hey I came as soon as I heard." The brunette stops short of her, but Gail doesn't care right now, she doesn't care who's in the room watching, she doesn't care that her brother is stood right behind her and is just going to know something is going on between her and Holly. She pulls the brunette towards her and wraps her arms around her neck, relaxes as she feels Holly's arms come up around here waist.
She can feel the tears welling up in her eyes again. "I'm really glad that you're here." She doesn't need to say it outloud, she knows Holly will take the double meaning, she's glad to have Holly here in her life and the look in Holly's eyes when they pull apart confirms it.
"Steve this is Holly, Chris this is Holly." She thinks they both greet her back, but she's not sure, because her eyes are back on Holly.
"Hey, can we talk somewhere real quick?"
"Yeah, sure." She sees Holly smile at Steve and Chris before following her into the bathroom.
She locks the door and turns to face the brunette, "I wanted to apologise properly, about earlier in the squad room, I-" she has to look away from the brunette and closes her eyes as a tear falls down her cheek, "I just panicked, and I-"
"No, Gail, hey look at me." Gail keeps her eyes closed, but she can feel Holly's fingers skimming the skin under her eyes wiping the tears away. Finally she relents, and feels her body relax, Holly is wearing her half smile. "It's ok, like I said earlier I get it, I don't think now is the best time to talk about this, but I'm here for you ok? If you need help figuring things out, or just anything you need, even if it's space, just ask."
Three words catch in her throat, it's too soon. "Can you stay with me tonight?" She can tell Holly is about to cut her off, maybe say something about it not being a good time. "I just, I don't want to be alone and you make me feel better, less alone I mean, I just, please Holly?" She doesn't mean to sound so desperate, but she needs this.
Holly takes hold of her hand and pulls her forwards so their lips can meet. It's slow and Gail can taste the salt from her tears, neither move to deepen the kiss as they settle into a gentle rhythm until the need for air breaks them apart.
"Yes, I was going to say yes."
Holly's thumb is tracing patterns over the back of her hand as they sit together in the waiting area.
"I'm in so much trouble, this is the third time today I've taken one of the office cars." Gail smiles, remembers one of the first conversations they had back when she was giving her a lift home from the lab, when she discovered the brunette owned a car, but chose to take the bus anyway.
"Well if you weren't so tight that wouldn't be a problem." Gail feels the brunettes hand squeeze hers.
"It's cheaper to get the bus, plus if I take my car, they make me use it to get to crime scenes and people like to dump bodies in the middle of nowhere, normally with lots of mud." She remembers the first time they met then, on that muddy hill with Robbie Robbins. She wonders what she would have done back then if she knew what was going to happen between them, thinks she would have never have gone back to Holly's lab if she had. It was only a few months ago, but she was so angry at everyone, including herself, she has no doubt she would have laughed and rejected the idea that she could ever have these feelings for anyone.
"Hey," Holly's hand squeezes hers again, she must have realised she was getting lost in her own thoughts. "Everything's going to be ok you know?" She closes her eyes then, it's what she's been waiting to hear and she believes it, because Holly's here with her and her thumb is still tracing patterns across her hand and she's never felt safer, she's never felt more hope that everything is going to work out, and she's never been more in love.
A/N: And that's it! Finished! It was always the plan to end You Are Insane where the writers of Rookie Blue left season four, the whole fic is meant to slot between and into the scenes that already existed without changing the shows storyline, so I couldn't really take it any further. I wanted this to be a light, fluffy and hopefully humorous story that didn't take itself to seriously, sort of an island in the lesbian lands of angst and drama (except for the last two chapters where things got angtsy!). So three things:
1) Some of my Peckly (it's the ship name I chose to bear) thoughts: I always felt that their feelings for each other developed differently. For Gail it was the friendship first that slowly became something more, then later on the physical attraction started. Holly was the other way around, I think the first time she saw Gail she wanted to sleep with her, but as they became friends the feelings started to develop. I think towards the end of the season they both knew they had feelings for the other, but they needed something to give them that final push to see if the other felt the same. I really hope that next season we don't get a Gail 'gay panic', because I don't think that's the sort of person she is, if anything I think she's going to have a panic at falling in love with someone rather than the fact they're a girl.
2) Other fics: I'm posting a one shot next week, more on that in point 3. There is another one shot I'm working on involving Holly visiting Gail at work... Sort of, which should be up around Christmas time. Finally, looking way into the future! If there is an interest for it then I'll probably do the same style fic for season five?
3) You guyzzz: The response to this has been more that I ever could have expected, there's so many good Gail/Holly fics out there, it's amazing this one gets any views! So thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and a special thanks to everyone that took the time review, it really does mean a lot. I have a present for you being uploaded next weekend, it has very little plot, but lots of er, words about touching things ;)
Laters alligators! If anyone is seeing the Pixies on Monday, look for the down right sexy girl with a stupid hat drinking too much beer in the seated area, it's me! You're all diamonds! And thanks again!