Chapter 8

Jace stormed into the library, throwing the doors wide open to the point where they hit the walls. If anyone disapproved of his anger or his actions, they did not show it; the group just wanted to stay out of his way. Jace walked right passed them on couches and leaned against Hodge's desk. Only is Hodge were here, he could lend an idea of what to do, especially now that the groups looked up to him to have their next plan of action. But Jace didn't know what to tell the others, he took the lead nonetheless because he just had to get his Clary back.

"Izzy did you get ahold of anyone that could help? Anyone at all, we need as many Shadowhunters as we can possibly get." Jace asked.

"No Jace I could not get ahold of anyone, everyone is too busy, afraid of Sebastian, or one of his minions. We are all alone on this one."

"Fine." He grunted. "What about you Magnus?" Are you up to see if you can track her, or if you know a spell to she if she's alright?

"Jace we are talking about Sebastian here, the most elusive person in the world. I'm pretty sure a regular tracking spell won't work, I need time to look through books, learn new spells, and maybe even create a new one. I can try to track her, but my guess is probably right. So if we start looking maybe something will turn up." Magus suggested.

"Please just do the spell if it works we are on our way to getting Clary back, if it doesn't we have lost five minutes, there is no harm in that." Jace pleaded with Magnus.

"Jace five minutes with Sebastian is torture, we don't know what he could be doing to her," Magnus replied. "so we should focus on finding the spells he would not think to prevent us from finding him."

"We should try everything Magnus!" Jace exploded. "Even something something as simple as a tracking spell can help."

"Calm down." Alec said soothingly.

"Do. Not. Say. That." Jace said through his teeth. "If it was Magnus you would not rest until you had him back."

"Jace." Alec blushed.

"Oh we all know you both still love each other. We are just waiting or both of you to realize how stupid this fight is." Jace said now irritated, he turned to an unusually quiet Isabelle. "And Izzy, if you would stop being stubborn about your feelings for the bloodsucker, you would understand how I feel too."

"Leave Simon out of this Jace." Izzy yelled back at him. "We are not saying to stop looking for her, its just that you need to think about this rationally." Isabelle chastised.

"Iz, you don't understand, the last time Sebastian was alone with Clary he tried to rape her." All of their faces turned white and they looked as if they wanted to ask questions all at once. "Of course she fought him off, she has my training."

"But he tried to take advantage of her!" Izzy screamed.

"I know!" Jace yelled. "It kills me to know that I wasn't there for her the first time, mentally or physically. Now I'm desperately trying to keep my mind off that Clary is with Sebastian and he could be doing Angel knows what to her. It pains me to know that and not be able to keep her away from him, keep her safe in my arms. But if I let myself dwell on the fact he almost took her pants off, I will go ballistic and end up doing something stupid or dangerous." Jace was barely whispering at this point.

"More like stupid and dangerous." Alec pointed out and the others nodded in agreement.

"See, you all know me so well to understand that I don't care about my life especially when it comes to who I love. I would not care who I hurt as long as I get Clary back, I would not care if I died if I knew she was ok and with you guys."

"Oh Jace…you see this is why we need a plan, we want you to be the one who holds Clary when she gets back." Izzy said softly.

"Thanks." Jace replied.


The rest of the day Isabelle spent in the weapons room with Alec planning, dismissing that idea, starting over again, and eventually throwing the next plan out the window.

"By the Angel! Why can't we come up with that has at least a twenty-five percent chance of all of us living?" Izzy shouted infuriated at herself.

"Sebastian is just too good… well not good, he's evil." Alec chuckled to himself.

"But there has always been a way before! Cut his hand off or stab him in the heart." Izzy numbered them off on her fingers.

"It won't ever be that simple again Izzy. Sebastian has what he wants most in the world right at this moment. Now he may not have Jace by his side but he has his sister, the only person he has loved, not to mention she is probably the most powerful one of us all with her runes. He is going to keep her as safe as the crown and jewels in the tower of London or Fort Knox." Alec told her.

"And thats exactly why we need better plans, I'm not going to let any of you die saving Clary. I know that sounds like me not wanting to save her but I really do, so I'm going to make some dinner and come back up here with a kick ass plan. Do you want to come?' Isabelle smiled at Alec.

"No thanks, I don't want to die early from your cooking." Alec snickered.

"Whatever." Izzy said as she left the room.


With his sweet darling little sister passed out from pain, Sebastian took this time to leave her some food and juice, he wasn't planning on starving her and if she refused to eat he would force her.

He realized then that he needed her more than anything, she filled the black void in his heart. She brought light and a new sense of self to him, he had a new reason to destroy the free world. He wanted to give the barren land to Clary as a gift. A wedding gift to his queen, with her slim artists fingers she could mold and shape a new Earth to her heart desire. Then they would rule her creation for the rest of their lives and possibly pass it down to the next pureblood Morgenstern. They would have to continue their lineage otherwise the line would die with them. He would need at least one son to rule and a daughter to be beside him, keeping the blood pure.

Sebastian looked to the spot where Clary lay, whimpering in her sleep. She would stir every so often but with her back in pain she tended to keep still. What he wouldn't give to help her, to put an iratze on her to take the pain away. More importantly he wanted her to want him in the same way he wants her. The pain was almost unbearable, he wanted to run his fingers through her beautiful red hair, while he marked her neck with his love nips. Then he would untangle his hands from her hair, one would go to her neck and pull her head up for a passionate kiss while the other traveled down the side of her body caressing every soft inch of her until it snaked around and rested on the small of her back, where he would grab and bring their bodies flush against one another. Or better yet Clary moaning into his mouth with her legs wrapped around his waist…

"Sebastian what the hell are you doing here?" Said a groggy Clary.

"I can be wherever I want to be in my house." He said as got up from where he was sitting and walked out the door locking it behind him.

Before he did something serious with her, he wanted Clary to love him. He did not want to take her forcefully, but he would not wait for ever.


"Jace if you pace any more you'll damage the carpet." Alec pointed out.

Jace glared looking around the library, "This whole place damaged, it is quite old." Jace sneered.

Magnus burst through the doors of the library not looking like his usual glittery self, more disheveled with his hair all droopy. Though he looked pleased with himself nonetheless, Jace observed.

"Hey sexy," He winked at Alec, who blushed a little. "Jace." Said Magnus.

"Ah, no name for me?" Jace grumbled. Why the heck was Magnus so chipper when Clary was still with the devils incarnate?

"Oh, I have a nickname for you but Alec made me promise to not use it in front of you. I guess it was too mean for his taste."

"Well whatever, why are you so gosh dang happy?" He said as he grew more and more irritated with the warlock.

"I took what you said earlier to heart about doing anything and everything to help."

"And?" Jace said. "I don't need all the backstory on how I inspired you, just the good stuff, the news about Clary."

"This is only somewhat related to Clary. I was trying a few spells just to see if anything would get through an—"

"And, What?" Jace interrupted excitedly. "Is it good? Do you know anything about how she is doing?"

"Blondie if you wouldn't interrupt me again I could tell you what I found out. But if your so adamant on hearing your own voice, go right ahead. I'll wait, or maybe I'll get Clary back without you."

"Ok, go on Magnus, please." Jace pleaded.

"Alright, while I was searching for Clary, using every spell I know, just for your information." Magnus looked at Jace pointedly. "Sebastian messed up for a second he popped up on my radar then disappeared but I was able to see where he was.

"How do you know it was him?" Asked Alec.

"Everyone has a distinct signature, Jace has an arrogant-know-it-all vibe. While Sebastian's is covered in pure evil with a dash of maliciousness."

"Where was he?" Jace roared.

"He popped up in Germany but like last time how can we count on him staying there?" Magnus replied.

"He won't stay there for long." Alec chimed in.

"When did he show up." Jace asked.

"About twenty min—"

"Twenty minutes and you didn't tell me until now?" Jace thundered.

"Hold on, don't Hulk out on me. Jace I tried to get the signal back and trace the magic he was using, then when I got here you wasted five minutes with your rude interruptions. So don't get mad at me when you caused time to go by."

"Fine. But we have to go. Now. They probably won't stay there forever and he doesn't mess up often." Jace said quickly. "Gather everyone who wants to come, get plenty of weapons, Magnus get ready to portal us, and be ready to kill somethings."

To my lovely followers,

I can't begin to tell you how late this is. I had lost my passion to write while in Senior year of high school between applying for college, studying, and sports. It felt like a chore to try and write in-between all of that. Plus I needed a lot of naps. So the reason I haven't posted in so long is because I believe you deserve me at my best. Not when I throw together a chapter. Please forgive me. I'll try and do better. The story shall go on, I pinkie promise.

With all my love,


P.S. Reading all of the nice reviews really inspired me to keep going and want to get back into writing. I read all the reviews good and bad (thank goodness more good than bad) and take what you all say to heart. That also gives me the advantage to know who is reviewing more than once, to all of you who have reviewed or sent a private message, thank you. Here are some reviewers that wrote what I needed to hear to wake me up:




Grace giffin



Human being


There were many many more that I would love to list! Thank you, I feel the love! So close to 100 followers! Lets do this, lets get to 100 followers and 100 reviews!