Hello again! I corrected the chapter and it should be better to read now.I'm working on an update for Elrond Stardome but I don't know if I can finish it today.

Disclaimer:Nothing belongs to me but to Tolkien!

This is for my best friend Maranwe, her Fanfiction name is Mikotsuki, but hasn't written anything yet.

Hope you enjoy the story Mellon-nin :P

"Elrond we will depart now from these shores you have to hurry, my friend", called Glorfindel.

"Wait just a second longer please I want to say my goodbye to these lands."answered Elrond sadly.

Elrond stared again at the sea. After a long second, he took a deep breath and went to the ship. Shortly after that the last ship of the elves departed from middle earth on the journey to Valinor.

Elrond was staring at the water. They had departed from middle earth two days ago. His was feelings were mixed. He was sailing to the west to find finally peace, but for what prize? His daughter was happily married to a king of men. He should be lucky for her. But not only has his daughter remained in middle earth. His sons came to him a day before he departed for the gray havens and announced their choice. Both chose to be mortal. So his children all belonged to the second born now. What should he tell his beloved wife Celebrian? What would she think of him? She left her children under his care and trusted him to take care of them and to protect them. He protected them from nearly everything. But he was not able to save Arwen from falling in love with a human. He had not been able to save his sons from fate. What kind of father was he? Would Celebrian even look at him when he arrived at Valinor? Did she still love him? There were so many questions without an answer.

Galadriel found him like this at dawn. She was concerned about her son in law. Elrond had not eaten since their departure. She could see by the way his shoulders slumped and the lack of emotion in his eyes that he was very tired and not happy with the journey to the west. She knew that he blamed himself for the decision of his children. So she brought him some food and a cup of tea. He ate silently while Galadriel spoke:

"Elrond, why do you blame yourself for the decisions of your children? You couldn't have changed their minds, you made the right decision. If you had tried to stop them, you would have done this more painful. Your daughter his happily married, you know that, and your sons will find love in their lives too. Now that the ring is destroyed, they won't have to suffer anymore. Why are you sad than? What do you fear?"

Elrond thought about that a moment. Galadriel was right, he couldn't change their fate, everything was meant to happen. But couldn't he have done anything to ease the pain? Shouldn't he be at Arwen's side and support her?

Elrond sighed: "It grieves me not to see my children again, you are right. But I fear our arrival in Valinor. What will Celebrian think of me? I broke my promise to protect our children from harm. She will not accept me in her life again. If she is fully healed, she can have a more beautiful, young, full elf, why should she even bother with me and my feelings?"

Galadriel studied him long. He had dark shadows under his eyes and looked exhausted. He definitely needed sleep and she would force him to sleep if it would be necessary. Finally she said:

"We will see what the future will bring, Elrond Earendilion. Now come with me I'll lead you to your cabin, you need to sleep."

Elrond nodded and followed her to his cabin, which he shared with Celeborn. After the half way, Elrond lean more and more on Galadriel. As they reached the cabin, Galadriel laid him on his bed. Only a few seconds later, he was fast asleep.

At nightfall everyone was sleeping, except Gandalf and Cirdan. They were standing at the sailing and were watching the waves.

"I think a storm is coming Gandalf, we should go inside or we will get wet, mellon-nin."

Said Cirdan. Gandalf agreed and they too, were soon lost in reverie.