God, he is so hot!

I watched in hot guy- inspired awe as Captain Jack Sparrow sashayed his way across the TV screen. I've always had a thing for Johnny Depp, but give that man a pirate costume and my god I found myself wishing I could be a lowly kitchen wench just to be near him…mmmm…The things I would do to him….No!

Dammit, I've got to focus on my work! I have this super important paper due tomorrow and I had put it off to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. I quickly switched off the TV and walked downstairs to my room. I sat on my bed, flipped open my laptop and stared blankly at the cursor blink over and over again as I tried to come up with something to write. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 9:14. Shit. It's going to take me at least another hour and a half to write this. I sighed. I began just to write meaningless sentences to fill the page. My eyes began to droop. I glanced at the clock again. 9:37. Okay, I thought to myself, I can close my eyes for the next 8 minutes, that's it!

I closed my eyes and leaned against the headboard. I slowly drifted off….

My eyes popped open. SHIT SHIT SHIT! I thought, my mind in a haze. What time is it? I glanced at my clock, but all I saw was dark, damp wooden panels. Where am I? I sat up…or at least, I tried to. What the- The ground seemed to move underneath me and I ended up staring at a damp wooden floor. I rolled onto my back and stared at the room around me. Hammocks were strapped between thick wooden pillars. Men lay sleeping and snoring as they swayed lazily with the rocking of the room. Am I… am I on a boat? I glanced toward a window and saw….water! Holy mother of God, I'm on a boat! (As soon as I thought this, a verse of The Lonely Island's "I'm On A Boat" popped into my head, but I promptly dismissed it as it was definitely not the time.) I stood up carefully, trying to keep my balance as the ship knocked and tossed on the water. I took a step forward and accidently fell onto a sleeping man peacefully holding his teddy bear. His eyes cracked open.

"Will ye watch where yer going!?" he said, angry to have been awoken.

"Sorry!" I whispered and removed myself clumsily from his hammock.

This gave him ample time to look me up and down. I was wearing what was regular pjs to me: a pair of grey shorts and a baggy light blue t-shirt, but I wasn't wearing a bra. His eyes widen as he saw that I was in fact, female. His gaze stopped at my chest and I felt a heat rise in my face as my heart began to beat faster. Thankfully, his gaze continued and a wave of realization overtook his face as he saw something on my wrist. He sighed and turned over, muttering to himself.

"He always takes the best ones for 'imself,'e does."

What? What's going on? I looked down at my wrist. There is a red cord strung with many oddly shaped beads tied around my wrist. The fuck is this? I wasn't wearing any bracelets before! I needed some air. I located a staircase which seemed to lead to the main deck of the ship. Carefully, I picked my way through the maze of hammocks, cautious not to wake up anymore of the men.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I found myself on the deck of a very large old-fashioned pirate ship. I looked up and noted that it even had a skull & crossbones flag flying above the crows-nest. Suddenly, I heard a grunt behind me and then a pair of thickly muscular arms wrapped around me and picked me up. I started to scream, but one of the arms held my weight so the other could cover my mouth.

"Quiet now, pretty lady," a deep masculine voice whispered into my ear. "We don't want to wake the rest of the crew, now, would we?"

I silently nodded, tears starting to form in my eyes and my heart beating at hyper speed.

"Good lass," came the voice once more. "Come along, the captain wishes to see you."