I know it's been a while, but I want to finish this during quarantine! Hope you enjoy. I made it a long chapter just for you!

December 27, 1774

"LAND AHOY!" was the masculine shout that startled Lily out of her slumber. She bolted up in bed, readied for the day in record speed, and bounded out of her room and up on deck. Nearly all of the men were bustling around quickly readying the ship to dock at port.

Lily paused to catch her breath, and looked around the deck searching for.. surely he couldn't still be in his cabin as he had been the last few days. There he was. James was at the wheel talking with Remus with a smirk on his face. She couldn't explain her need to see him, but she had stopped lying to herself about it after Christmas.

Lily had just begun to walk towards the captain when she was pushed from behind with such force that she fell forward on her hands, "Oi! sorry Lady Lily. Di'nt see yur there!" A strong arm helped her up and roughly set her back on her feet. She looked up at the tallest man she had ever seen.

Suddenly there was a presence behind her, "That will be enough Rubeus. Get back to work." Lily blushed as she turned towards Sirius. It was concerning how disappointed she was that it was not the captain. How did this happen? She should hate the captain for kidnapping her! Instead, she felt this confusing pull towards him.

"Can't be trusted above deck for even 5 minutes, huh Flower?"

Lily glared at him as his smirk grew. He glanced behind her, "Where were you heading in such a bloody hurry? Or should I ask, towards whom?"

Lily sputtered as she took a step towards Sirius, "I- have- no idea what you could possibly mean!" Unfortunately for Lily, Sirius had noticed when Lily had been concerned for the captain on the way home from the tavern on Christmas. After a while up on the cliff talking, Remus had led Lily back to the tavern to get James and Sirius to escort her back to the ship. James had seemed fine, but his eye was swollen nearly shut and there was blood on his shirt. There has been a moment when Remus had gone back into the tavern. Lily and James were alone and she thought he was going to kiss her... how silly she was! Also, the fact that James hurried the group back to the ship, and then disappeared into his cabin without anyone tending to his wounds had irritated Lily. She had been stupid enough to mention it to Sirius. He had not let the topic rest since.

"Regardless of what I may or may not be implying, we are about to arrive home. You may want to ready yourself. I'm sure there will be a welcome with many villagers present, and you seem to have just awoken. Very unlady like." Sirius glanced over her messy hair and raised his eyebrow.

Lily sputtered again before she stomped away. She attempted to block out Sirius' barking laughter behind her. She'd show him a lady.


Hours later, after the ship had been relieved of the cargo. There was a huge crowd of people near the docks. Lily barely had any time to breathe as she was ushered off of the ship by Remus into a nearby carriage. He made sure she was comfortably seated on the plush seat of the very richly appointed transportation. Then he began giving instructions to driver. Lily awkwardly smiled at the prim woman sitting opposite of her. Remus began to back away from the door, "Wait! Where am I going?" Lily was worried, and felt oddly alone. She was used to having the marauders from the ship around her.

Remus smiled and glanced beyond the carriage, "Welcome to Pirate Island Lily. Please make yourself at home. This is Fiona, and has been designated to be your lady's maid while here in port."

Lily couldn't keep the shock off of her face as Remus closed the door and hit the side. The coach stirred into movement. Lily glanced at the maid again trying to not feel abandoned. Sure she had been under their charge for the last few weeks, but she knew that was going to be coming to an end soon. She was just used to the bustle of the ship. That was why she was feeling lonely..

Lily glanced awkwardly towards her traveling partner, and then out the window. She almost appeared to be a proper chaperone. That was a humorous gesture considering she had been alone on a pirate ship for weeks.

Irritated by the situation, Lily looked back out the window. She gasped in shock of the city and was sufficiently distracted. There were many buildings along the road with many people out and about. She was surprised to find so many women and children on a "pirate island."

The carriage had not been traveling long when it rocked to a stop abruptly. Fiona moved to the other side as the door was opened by a finely dressed footman. She smiled her thanks as the footman helped her down the steps, but paused in shock as she looked up at the enormous manor in front of her.

She had never seen any residence this size besides the palace. It was a pristine white 3 story manor with 4 pillars evenly spaced on the front wall. There was a steep stair case leading to a spacious front porch and massive front entrance. She could not begin to guess the number of rooms in the manor. There were countless windows on the front, and the house seemed to extend back into a wooded area.

A voice cleared across from her, drawing Lily's attention again. The footman bowed, "My Lady, we have a room and bath awaiting you. We hope to make you comfortable during your recovery."

"My recovery?" Lily felt confused. She was still a little more tired than normal after her fever, but how did this man know? Had Remus sent word ahead? Lily did not have time to thoroughly question that subject. She was immediately ushered up the stairs, into the grand marble entrance, up a winding stair case, down multiple hallways, and brought to her room by Fiona.

Lily sighed as she looked around her new prison. The accommodations were much improved, but the sentiment was the same. She was stuck here. Lily shook her head, and tried to focus on the positive. It was a beautiful room. The walls were a very pale purple with a comforter to match. The furniture was very grand, but the most glorious thing about the new room was the large tub by the fire.

"Is there something wrong my lady?" Fiona asked with concern. "I can get you anything you need."

Lily smiled at the woman, she really did seem very kind, "No, I simply require your assistance with the back of my dress, and then I think I will get in the bath. Later if you could make sure my trunk in delivered, that would be all that I need. Thank you."

Lily settled into the water, and felt herself relaxing. She had not had a proper bath in a very long time. The lavender soap was a pleasant surprise, and she enjoyed washing her hair. After soaking for quite some time, she dried off and put on the robe that Fiona had left out for her. There was a chair by the fire, and she sat there to dry her hair.

Next thing she knew. Lily was awoken by Fiona as she came in the room. "Oh good My Lady. I'm glad you are awake. This evening they would like you to dine with them in the dining room. Although, if you are not up for it, I'm sure you could have your dinner in your room."

Lily was confused, "Who wants me to dine with them?" She had no idea who's manor this was.

Fiona smiled and began to brush Lily's hair, "Governor Moody would like to welcome you to Pirate Island."

Lily glanced back at Fiona, "How did the Governor know I was arriving? Is that why I am staying in this grand Manor?"

Fiona paused, "Well .. he is James' uncle, and I'm sure he wants you to know you are safe here."

Lily was surprised that James was related to the Governor, but why should anything about James surprise her? She didn't truly know much about him. She nodded, "I would enjoy dinning in the dining room tonight to meet this Governor Moody. Is he kind?"

Fiona laughed, "He is a bit strict, but is worried about the safety of the people living on the island. If it is not too bold to say My Lady, I think you will enjoy it here."

Lily smiled, "I hope I will enjoy it, but also not be here too long. I must get home to my father. I'm sure he is as worried about me, as I am of him.

Fiona just nodded as she dressed Lily in her blue dress, which was not as formal as she would have worn at home to meet the governor of a city. It would do considering the circumstance. Fiona was efficient in hair styling, and Lily enjoyed how she arranged it. There was a little time until dinner, so Lily began to read a book that was in her room.


Lily woke with a start, and for a minute did not remember where she was. It suddenly all came rushing back to her. She laid back on the feather pillows and thought of her strange evening the night before. The dinner had been much more formal and proper than she ever imagined for a pirate island. Governor Moody had been exactly as Fiona said, welcoming but with an undertone of ... what she wasn't quite sure. He lectured her for nearly half an hour on the importance of safety and to not leave the manor without guards.

James had been the surprise to her. Sirius, Remus and James were all present and dressed in formal attire, but James seemed so distant. He bowed to her when she entered the room, but beyond that he simply discussed with his uncle the logistics and trading from their voyage and security for the upcoming New Year's Ball. Sirius, although dressed formally, was his usual joking self and kept her laughing throughout the meal. Remus simply pestered her with questions on how she was feeling, and continued to remind her to take it easy for the next couple of days. What did he think she was going to do? It's not as if she could do much of anything in this giant manor but read and lounge around.

Lily was startled out of her musings when Fiona entered the room quietly, "Oh, you are awake then! I will go and bring up your breakfast." Before she left the room, Fiona hurried to the windows and opened the blinds. Lily could not believe how bright it was outside. It must be nearly noon! How had she slept this long?!

Lily got out of bed, and donned her robe. She was determined not to waste the rest of her day. She sat down at the desk near the far window, and decided to write some letters while she waited for the food to arrive. She needed to write her father and Will to assure them that she was doing well. She probably couldn't write where she was, but they would understand. She needed to write her sister Petunia, and congratulate her on her happy circumstance of expecting. She also needed to send word to Ellie and Edgar, and let them know she was doing well, and wish the staff at home a Merry Christmas belatedly.

The rest of the day consisted of writing letters, eating, writing in her diary, and reading. Remus would be happy she was "taking it easy." The next two days would be very similar. All of the servants were very busy getting ready for the ball, but they wouldn't allow Lily to help in any way.


January 1, 1775

The manor had been bustling with energy that last few days. The New Year's Ball was a special occasion for the whole island. Lily had been excited when she heard from Fiona that she would be allowed to attend. Fiona had promised to press and ready Lily's green ball gown that she had been wearing the night of her capture. Fiona seemed just as excited for the ball as Lily, and had assured her that the ball gown would be the most grand one in attendance.

All afternoon Fiona was helping Lily to get ready. After Lily's hair was done to Fiona's meticulous standard, Fiona left to get ready for the ball herself. How odd, and yet interestingly fun that servants and the whole island would be in attendance tonight.

Lily stood and studied the reflection in the mirror. She loved this dress, but it also reminded her of the night she was kidnapped. Her hair was done amazingly, and the color was more bright from the sun while aboard the ship. Her face and body were still thinner than usual due to her fever, but she was still recovering. The corset on the dress insured that the dress still fit.

There was a knock on the door, and Lily walked over to answer it. Remus stood in the hallway next to a maid. "Good evening My Lady. I came to fetch you, so you would not have to arrive alone downstairs."

Lily smiled at him, and took his arm. It was nice to see a familiar face. She had been taking her meals in her room, since the servants were so busy preparing for the ball. Lily had not seen Remus, James, or Sirius since dinner 3 days ago. "You look very handsome tonight Remus."

He smiled and nodded, "You look as beautiful as the night we met."

Lily smirked, "You know this is the second ball we have both attended."

Remus looked a bit guilty and cleared his throat, "How have you been feeling? Fiona reported that the fever has not returned."

Lily shook her head, "No, I have been feeling much better. You will be happy to hear that I have been resting."

He smiled and continued to lead her through the winding hallways to the grand staircase. Lily gasped at the number of elaborately dressed guests mingling in the front entrance. She looked down at them all, "Wow, there are so many. Will there be enough room for dancing?"

Remus laughed, "There are two adjoining ballrooms, and plenty of room for dancing. Come let's get you below. I'm sure you will enjoy meeting everyone. The whole island can't stop talking about you."

They began down the stairs, and Lily was thankful that Remus was her escort. "They have heard of me?"

Remus nodded, "James was not happy about it, but the servants told their family of your arrival. Naturally now the whole island knows. Everyone is excited to see a princess."

Lily was suddenly nervous. She hadn't imagined anyone would notice her, let alone know of her family ties. Remus escorted her through the marble entry into the ballroom. He nodded to many who called to him a greeting, but he never stopped. They entered the ballroom, and continued until she was next to the Governor and a short, plump, friendly looking woman. "Moody, Lady Pomona, let me introduce Lady Lily."

Lily curtsied and smiled. Governor Moody was scanning the room as if looking for someone. Lady Pomona smiled, "Good evening, Princess. What a pleasure to meet you. You are as lovely as I had heard, I see."

Lily blushed, "It's a pleasure meeting you as well." Lily didn't know what to say to this woman, but was saved the trouble as Lady Pomona's friend Lady Rolanda came over to introduce herself. They began to subtly point out with their fans to people in the crowd to warn or joke with Lily about them. Lily felt like she was at a ball back in England!

Lily couldn't stop laughing as the older women were telling her about a woman who walked around with a crystal ball and pretended to tell the future. Suddenly she recognized Sirius in the crowd, but he was surrounded by at least five beautiful women. They all seemed to be vying for his attention. Then her heart stopped as she noticed even more women surrounding James all demanding his attention. He was so very handsome dressed in black formal wear, so she should not be surprised. Somehow it made her feel out of sorts. She noticed Remus a little ways off talking with a tall gentleman, but he was not surrounded by women. The women continued to talk, but Lily had a hard time concentrating on what they were saying. She nodded when it was appropriate and smiled, but was not enjoying herself near as much as before.

The band began to warn up and around the room men and women were pairing up. Remus was suddenly in front of Lily and bowed, "May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

Lily laughed, "Of course Remus."

Remus led her out onto the floor, and a waltz began. Lily was a bit surprised at what a talented dancer Remus was, but smiled and closed her eyes as he led her around the floor. "It almost feels like I could be at home, and father is across the room trying to smooth over politics."

Remus frowned, "I'm sorry. I'm sure you miss him terribly."

Lily shook her head, "No, I don't want to ruin tonight by getting sad. You're supposed to comment on the weather or something, I believe."

Remus laughed, "As you wish, My Lady. The cloudless sky makes for a beautiful star gazing." He suddenly steered Lily to the left and rolled his eyes. Lily glanced back and saw Sirius gliding recklessly around the floor with a beautiful blonde.

Lily made herself not search the room for who James was dancing with. It wasn't her concern, and yet she couldn't stop herself from saying, "Is it always like that?"

Remus looked confused, "Always like what?"

Lily sighed, "There seems to be quite a crowd around your friends."

Remus shrugged with a sad knowing look, "Women can't seem to help themselves when it comes to James and Sirius. They can be quite charming when they put their minds to it.

Lily felt herself start to blush. She could be included in that statement, considering how she was feeling towards James. She hoped Remus didn't realize the extent of her feelings towards James. It was rather embarrassing.

At the end of the waltz Remus was beginning to escort her back to the ladies, but one of her favorite crew members Rubeus came up, "May aye escort you out on the 'loor Lady Lily?"

Lily smiled, and joined him out on the floor for the next country reel. She hadn't laughed so hard in quite some time. Poor Rubeus could not get his large body to keep time with the dancing. One dance after another members of the crew would ask her to dance, and Lily was very appreciative. This was the exact distraction she needed from the women throwing themselves at their captain. Yes, that's how she should think of him. Not as James.

Towards the end of the night, a man with long, black hair slicked with grease asked for a dance. He bowed deeply, and introduced himself as Severus. Lily did not recognize him from the crew. He had such a pale complexion she would be shocked if he had been aboard the ship. She smiled and accepted. He seemed nice. As Severus led her out onto the dance floor with a smile, she couldn't help but think how he would be considered very handsome if there weren't men like James and Sirius around.

Lily found herself enjoying the waltz as Severus began to tell her about life on Pirate Island. It all seemed so very adventurous.


Across the room James glared again at the dance floor. He found that as the night progressed, and Lily was passed from one dance partner to the next, he became more and more irritated. But how did Pettigrew think that it would be acceptable to pass her off to Severus Snape. The bloody bastard shouldn't have the privilege to dance with the Princess. There was no denying her status here in the ball room with her in that bloody dress. It had been so easy to forget aboard the ship, because she didn't act above anyone else.

Lily smiled up at Snape and James couldn't hold back a growl. Next to him, Remus cleared his throat, "You know, you could put a stop to this torture if you simply go over there and ask her to dance."

James turned his hazel glare to Remus, "I don't know why you are not more concerned with her dancing with Snape. He's a bloody pirate!"

Remus laughed, "At times, we are pirates as well. You know that. She's been dancing with pirates all night."

James made a sound of frustration, "You know the difference between us and them-" He stopped abruptly as the song came to an end. Snape bowed forward to kiss Lily's hand, but stayed with her out on the floor. He was going to stake a claim and have Lily dance with him twice!? James began to stride purposely across the room leaving Remus who was laughing.


Lily tried not to show her nervousness as this man Severus did not make a move to leave the dance floor before the next dance. At home a gentleman would never dance with a lady two dances in a row unless they were nearly engaged. She had to hope customs were different here on the island.

Suddenly James came up right besides her and bowed to her. He gave a very slight head nod to Severus, "Snape, I think I will cut in." James looked almost angry now that she really looked at him.

Severus' nostrils flared and he too looked angry, "Potter." He then turned back to Lily, "It was a pleasure meeting you Lady Lily. I will see you again soon, I hope."

"Thanks Severus," She nodded as James steered her away. His body language was stiff, and he almost seemed annoyed with her. He looked down at her with a frown as another waltz began. He pulled her closed, and Lily could not help but to notice how her body tingled where they touched. She glanced at their gloved hands in confusion. She had never felt this way before.

James was still frowning, so Lily smiled up at him, "Are you not enjoying your evening Captain Potter?"

James' frown deepened, "How am I Captain Potter and we have known each other for quite some time now? Your last partner you called by their first name."

Lily felt the annoyance of being ignored by him all evening bubble over, "Well Severus actually asked me to dance, unlike you who just announced it. He also was not frowning at me like I had done something wrong. He was quite friendly."

James shook his head, "Looks can be deceiving. I think you should trust me and stay away from Snape."

Lily laughed, "Trust you? You're the man who took me away from my father, and has yet to bring me back. Why should I trust you?"

James looked alarmed, "Do you believe I would ever let any harm come to you?"

Lily felt nervous under his intent gaze as she decided on her answer, "Well I .. No James, I believe you would always protect me. I didn't mean that. I know you take this kidnapping business very seriously, but when will you take me home to my father in the colonies? We haven't had a chance to discuss my future since arriving here."

James glanced around the room. Then he was guiding her off the dance floor and out onto the balcony terrace. It is dimly lit with lanterns placed near the railing with large pots of flowers here and there. Instead of staying, James steered her off to the shadows to the left. The stair case took them down into a beautiful, elaborate garden with lanterns lit sporadically.

Lily took a deep breath and followed James through the paths among the flowers. It smelled like back home in the gardens her mother worked in occasionally. She wondered if Moody would allow her to come out here during the day. He seemed very concerned about her leaving the manor, and had even mentioned it earlier at the ball. James was winding his way now off of the main path, and Lily was confused where they were going, "Wait James. The fresh air is nice, but my gown is getting caught on the flowers."

James made a sound on impatience, "There is a bench right up here Lily. I can't answer your questions where others could overhear."

Lily was surprised he was actually going to answer her questions. She had figured he would evade them at all costs. They finally reached a lovely stone bench under a cherry tree. The blossoms smelled delicious. Lily sat, but was surprised when James began to pace.

Lily frowned. He only ever paced on the ship when he and Sirius were arguing, or when bad weather was approaching on the horizon. Lily knew from experience not to bother him when he was pacing.

Suddenly James stopped and looked at Lily. His gaze was pleading something of her, but what she did not know, "What would you say if I told you that I took you away from those wretched colonies and you father for your safety?" He paused for a minute, but not long enough for Lily to think of a response in her shock. "I cannot promise to bring you back to your father, because I know how much danger you will be in. There is so much I cannot say, but Lily, I hope you know it is best for your safety to be here."

Lily felt a terrible dread and her breathing increased in rate. She could only manage a whisper, "Not take me back? You promised you would take me back to father from the very beginning."

James cleared his throat and sat beside her on the stone bench, "I promise you. I would take you back if I could. At this time, I cannot say when I will be able to. There is too much going on."

Lily frowned, "You should tell me what I don't know, so I can decide for myself what is best for me."

James smiled. He reached over and tucked a stray curl behind her ear, "I would tell you if I could." Lily was confused by his response. Why couldn't he? She looked down at her hands folded in her lap. He did whatever he wanted. He should let her make decisions for her life. James reached over and put his finger under her chin. He angled her chin up, so she was no longer looking down at her lap, but into his eyes. "I haven't had the chance to tell you this evening how beautiful you look."

Lily hoped he could not see her blush in the dim light. James' smile turned to a smirk. Lily narrowed her eyes and tried to focus on her frustration, and not the tingling she felt from his touch or the nervousness she felt at their closeness. " I'm surprised you noticed from across the room with all those ladies around you."

James shook his head and leaned forward with a soft laugh. He smelled of the sea and the spices he transported to sell in port. His left hand moved from under her chin, along her jaw and to the back of her neck as he leaned in for a kiss. Lily felt as if she couldn't breathe, but then his lips gently met hers and she forgot she needed to. She closed her eyes and leaned towards James with a sigh. His lips began to move against hers, and Lily couldn't help but love the feeling.

After a second of surprise she attempted to match what he was doing when suddenly he pulled back breathing fast. Lily couldn't stop the grin spreading across her face. Her first kiss had been amazing. Who knew that's what she had been miss all this time. When her friends would be whispering about the different men they had kissed, she thought they were exaggerating.

James frowned and cleared his throat as he leaned back, "I apologize for that. I shouldn't have kissed you. It won't happen again."

Lily paused. Had she done it wrong? Is that why he stopped, and didn't want to continue? She had no idea what to say, "It won't?"

James took a deep breath and glanced back towards the path, "Of course not. I had only brought you out here to reassure you that you were safe, and everything was going to be okay while we were gone."

Lily touched her lips to see if the tingling would lessen with a contact that was not from James. His gaze followed her hand and stayed on her mouth. There was a long silence that was not awkward. Lily was just having a hard time processing what had all just occurred. "Wait, you're leaving?!"

James nodded and glanced back towards the manor, "Yes, we leave with the tide in the early morning."

For some reason Lily did not like this. She had a feeling she was getting left behind, "Are you taking me with you?"

James did not turn back towards her, but continued to look around the garden, "No. You will stay here where is it safe."

His decision was final. She could tell by the set in his jaw. There was no use arguing, "When will you return? Will it be a long time?"

He shook his head and closed his eyes, "We will return in time for the ball on the Governor's birthday, which is the 21st of this month."

So that would mean she would be on this island till at least the 22nd. There was no way he could sail to take her home until after the next ball. "Will I still be on the island when you return? Or if the key from my father is delivered, will someone else bring me home?"

James stood up and made a sound of annoyance, "No one will see to your safety but me until you are returned to your father. We need not discuss the key further."

Lily stood as well and began to walk towards James, "Then I am to be imprisoned here until the 21st."

James sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he did when he was frustrated, "It won't be as bad as that. There will be much entertainment, and you will receive the very best care as you continue your recovery."

"Ah yes, my recovery." Lily had a hard time not rolling her eyes. These pirates all sounded like old nurse maids when talking about her recovery. Suddenly she turned away from James and began to quickly return to the manor.

Lily could hear James following behind her. Good, she had one last thing to do before she said goodnight. Lily had decided that James had in fact not enjoyed their kiss, which was why he pulled away. Despite that, she was bound and determined to practice with him because she had enjoyed kissing him very much. Maybe if she got better, he would want to continue?

When she could barely see the stairs ahead of her Lily abruptly stopped and turned towards James. He nearly ran into her. James raised his eyebrow in question, "I can see you're ready to return to the ball room, and do not wish to be questioned on your health. Remus informed me the other day you were quite exasperated about the topic. It is a topic of major importance though, so please be honest with Fiona while we are away."

Lily nodded with a smirk, "Yes, of course Captain."

James smiled, "And I'm back to being 'Captain' again, I see."

Lily shrugged and looked up towards the full moon, "That's what a woman says when she's given orders."

James laughed, "What am I going to do with you Lily?"

Lily took a step towards him and smiled, "Well since you cannot take me home, and you are leaving in the morning. I think what you need to do is quite clear."

James stilled. He seemed nervous, "What?

Lily took another step towards James, so that they were nearly touching. She put her hand up on his chest, and he automatically covered it with his own. Lily took a deep breath and gathered all of her courage, "I would say a good luck kiss for safety and fair weather on your voyage is needed. There aren't many princesses around, and you've heard the fable of the sailor if you do not."

James smirked as he leaned in, "But alas, I am a pirate. Not a sailor."

Lily smiled, "Are you willing to take that chance?"

James gazed an her intently and then closed his eyes and kissed her. This kiss was not nearly as controlled as the one earlier. His lips moved against hers and Lily felt on fire as he held her close in his arms. She did not hesitate to kiss him back this time. When his tongue touched her lip, she opened her mouth and touched her tongue to his.

James groaned and pulled away suddenly. He took a couple of steps back taking a deep breath as he ran his hands though his hair. "You need to go back inside to the ball Lily."

Lily felt like crying. Why had he pulled back again so soon? She had never wanted the kiss to end. She could have sworn he had enjoyed it this time. Was she really so terrible? "But I ..."

James interrupted her and took another step back, " You return inside, and I'm going to my ship to prepare sailing. We leave in just a few short hours."

Lily nodded and began to hurry back towards the stairs. She did not want him to see the tears in her eyes.

James watched her flee, and fought with himself to call out to her to return. His Lily was so perfect in every way. He could not let himself reach out and take her. She had a future in England with her cousin and family. He turned and quickly made his way to the back gate. He really did need to get back to the ship. The walk there would be good for him.

James would always regret not watching Lily make it all the way up the stairs, and safely back into the ballroom. Since he hurried to leave, he missed the man who came out of the shadows and carried Lily away into the night.

Please Review and let me know what you think! Let me know if you see any mistakes!
