Hiya people! This is my first Divergent FanFic, so please be kind :) Also, most of this stuff is similar to my school, which is an international school in Italy. So stuff will be a combination of English school and Italian stuff. Nope, it's not set in Chicago. If it seems weird, just ask.

Well. First day of school. Faction International School. "Choose your school experience".

I'll be a sophomore, which would normally suck, especially if you change school. But my parents say it's a different school here. They say you take classes separately from sophomores, juniors and seniors when you're a freshman. These separate classes should prepare you for what will happen the next year, but no one knows what really happens. Except the teachers obviously.

Students transferring to this school, transfers, must be at school one day before classes actually start to understand better what will happen.

And so here I am, going to "pre-school", hoping to understand some of this complicated stuff.

"Caleb, do you want to go?" I nudge my brother, whose nose is in a book. He clumsily takes his bookmark and, after carefully marking the page, stuffs the book into his bag.

My brother walks towards my parents, sat at the breakfast table.

"Dad, Mum." Caleb politely waits my parents to acknowledge him and then continues. "Beatrice and I will be going to school. See you later." Mum and Dad wave goodbye and go back to doing what they were doing. Dad seems to be reading the newspaper, while Mum is cleaning the mess from our breakfast.

The door closes with a thud behind my brother and me. We walk in silence down our road. I really hate the silences between my brother and me. I wish he could be the one I could spill out all my thoughts to. During the past school years, it's been quite difficult in my grade. I never spoke to anyone in my grade. Only the younger kids, which was quite a stupid thing according to some of my girl classmates, and older kids I knew for a long time, which were often even closer to the girls in my class which I despised so much.

All this, I'd like to tell my brother, but there's also so much more.

"Do you know something about this mystery school?" Caleb looks at me for a second, opens his mouth as if to speak and then quickly shuts it.

"Our parents wouldn't like you being curious. But." I love when someone says but. It could be a positive or negative but. I still love it.


"I can say it's a stupid system. Dividing sophomores, juniors and seniors into five groups or," Caleb snorts his I don't agree and this is stupid snort, "factions." He says this so dramatically I crack up.

"Yes, factions." He says it again with that dramatic tone that I start laughing so badly I think someone will look out the window and tell me to stop.

We move on, sharing our funny experiences and laughing like there's no tomorrow. These are the free Caleb and Beatrice Prior. The ones who aren't under their parents' strict control, but the ones who are normal teenagers. I think they are closer than the obedient Caleb and Beatrice are.

We continue this way for another ten minutes until we reach the school.

1: stop talking.

2: wow.

3: again.

We both have these reactions, even though we're sixteen and we've seen what impressive can mean. Yeah, we've travelled a lot. The building has around six floors and is entirely made of glass. On the big front lawn there's a statue with five symbols linked, similarly to the symbol of the Olympics, but with some icons inside. I can recognise a tree, a fire and that's about it. The icons are too small and the colours are all the same. It's really tough to understand all of the symbols. Once the tour is over, I'll examine the symbols better.

"Might as well go in Beatrice... I don't wanna make a complete fool of myself the day before school begins." Caleb subtly points towards some other transfers behind and in front of us looking at us.

Caleb takes my hand and walks through the doors with me. I look at him questioningly.

"I wanted to start school with my sister." He seems so different, but I do not know why.

I walk up to the lady at the office. "Hello. We are Beatrice and Caleb Prior. We're going to be sophomores this year and have to take a tour of the school for pre-school orientation."

"Please wait a minute." The woman points toward the couch, so I plump down. I look at the walls. They are all covered in posters: parents' thoughts on the school, artwork by students, photos of students at work or during sports. It seems that everything is perfectly arranged to make you love the school even before you know it.

"Caleb Prior. Please take the door on your right. You will be showed around the school now, while your sister will wait here." The lady in the office speaks with authority that it's difficult not to listen or to answer. Caleb smiles politely and heads towards the door. "See you soon Beatrice."

A few minutes pass when the lady calls me. I see her nametag now. She's named Tori. I anagram her name and get the word Riot. She does seem a rebel: her curly hair is pulled up in a messy bun, her brown eyes seem determined and her mouth is pressed into a straight line, not showing any emotion at all.

"Please fill in this form. Your brother will do the same once he gets back. Take all the time you want. Tours often take a while." Tori looks back down and I understand that I am being dismissed, in a certain way.

The form asks basic things such as name and surname, date and place of birth, your home phone number in case anything happens. On the second page, though, it asks what I would like to be called. Beatrice. That's my name. Right? Wrong. It's too serious... Stiff! Bea sounds awful. Ce is plain stupid. Trice sounds nice but is awful once spelled out. I settle down on Tris.

I didn't think a name would be so hard to pick. I must've taken me at least ten minutes to decide it.

The second weird part of the sheet is a test. It just asks for my reaction to normal things in life. There are always five options, like the symbols on the lawn outside the school. I take my time in answering the questions and then look back at them, as if I could have possibly answered wrong. When I'm sure, I hand my sheet back to Tori.

"Nicely done Beatrice." She flips the page. "Or should I say Tris?" She says this smiling, as if she knows something I don't.

I have to wait a couple of minutes before my brother is back. I wave at him and make space on the couch to have him sit next to me.

"Don't get comfortable Beatrice, it's your turn for the tour." Tori points towards the door and I stand up. Why did she just call me Beatrice instead of Tris?

I walk past the door and find a girl waiting for me. She's tall. Her face is memorable: a straight nose, a square jaw softened by her loose dirty blonde hair resting on her shoulders. Her eyes are a beautiful brown with some hints of green.

"I'm Lauren, a senior in this school. Follow me for a tour of the school, Tris." How does she know my name? That's all I can ask myself, because I am too busy noticing what is past this door.

So, guys! This was my first chapter... Did you like it? I hope it's alright! I'm going to try to update 3 or 4 times a week, but I'm not sure I can. If I get a lot of reviews, favs and follows I'll probably update quicker... Hope you enjoyed it!