"Hi Everyone My names Zander Darke, formerly Alex I've been involved in the Ranger Agency since I was 15 6 months ago I went rogue, My best friend Ax Came After me and took me down, Then Sailor Moon Healed my Darkness Issue

Ax helped me. He put a good word in as a character witness at my trial I got 5 months detention.

I've been training with Ax for a month Todays the day I Rebond with the power of the Silver Python, I owe it all to Ax and he knows it.

Zander Presses Stop on the Video recorder He'd taken to recording video diaries it helped him move on after all that had happened at this Moment his House mate Ax Wilson Walks in in his usual Black Shirt Crimson Trousers and a Crimson Armband

"Zander You Ready Mate?" Ax says to his best friend

"Oh Yeah Brother Born Ready" Zander Replies

Later the two Arrive at the HQ Central Room

"Zander you've come a long way
and I know it's time to reactivate you as the Silver Python Power Ranger" Team Advisor Sara Gold Said

"Thank you Everyone I regret mu going rogue and mostly fighting against you Ax We're a team we have been since Day 1 it will be an honour to take up the power with you again Ax" Alex replies as his new Python Morpher is fitted to his wrist

Suddenly an alarm begins blaring
Sara looks at the Screen

"No better time than now Zander, a call from Tokyo Is in it Specifies Ax to respond" She Notes

"Tokyo Eh let's do it Zander" Ax

"Alright let's do this" Zander Grins

"Can you teleport us Sara?" Ax asks the blonde

"Absolutely I'll drop you two outside the town you'll have to take Zanders Jeep" She replies

"Wait What? I have a JEEP?" Zander Replies Shocked

Ax with a Giant Smirk Answers
"Yep Twas My Idea, I figured you needed transport and A bit of a welcome Home present"

Zander cannot hide the excitement
"Thanks Man I can't wait to get to Work"

"Ax you're team Leader You Decide best calls and Zander Welcome Home" Sara Smiles as the two men Teleport in Coloured Streaks

In Tokyo

The two Rangers Land in Tokyo alongside a Shiny Silver Range Rover with No Roof and the rear Seating Removed and replaced with a backward facing Seat

"My god its Stunning" Zander Grins

"Sara's Finest Work yet, but let's get to Work the Location is set let's get there eh Zand?" Ax Ads hopping on the Rear Ride along Section

Zander gets in the Driver's Seat
"Oh Yeah Lets Go, Looks like a Park it says Unidentified. Creatures are Draining Civilians"

The Two Rangers Speed to the Park Pulling up outside and enabling the Vipers Cloak (Zander named it on the ride over)

"We best are on our Alert Get your Shepherd Out" Ax Instructs

Both Men Remove Blasters from their Jackets Both wearing the same outfit Black Shirt with Ranger Coloured Trousers and an arm band in their Colour Both wore a weapon Holster which held a blaster and their International Police ID

The two Men entered the park stealthily into the Park doing a search keeping blasters Raised until they spotted a Pro Wrestler sized Monster seemingly sucking a man's soul out there was a mirror in front and the Monster Had its head in the Mirror

"Excuse Us Buddy but put that Man down Right Bloody Now

Zander Called out

The creature looked at Ax and Zander and Smirked
"Ah two more Humans to Check" It growled

"I'm Afraid not Sir we're International Police and Your Time is Up" Ax Said with authority

"And how will you two stop me?"
The Creature said as several. Smaller Creatures Appeared and Surrounded the Two Rangers.

"Hey Zander?" Ax called looking at his Partner

"You think it's Time Ax?" Zander Followed

"Absolutely" Ax Added
"It's Morphin Time" Both Men Shout Raising Their Morphers,

"Crimson Lion Power Activate"
"Silver Serpent Power Activate"

The two men Shout as their Suits Appear Both are in their Colour with Black Trousers and Sleeves

Their Helmets have their Animal logo and black Visors

"The Crimson Lion Roars the Call of Honour" Ax yells in a fight stance

"The Silver Serpent Constricts Wrong Doers with Crushing Power"
Zanders Says in his own stance

"Together As one Lion and Serpent We Will Defeat you for the good of humanity"

(Play Fight redeux by Ron Wasserman Now, it's the best fight scene music I used it when writing)

The Smaller Creatures Charge the Rangers as they begin to combat them dodging their hits and Connecting with Karate Kicks and Power Punches

Zander is grabbed by two he runs up a play park Slide pulling them into the wall he jumps does the splits and double kicks them.

Ax Power bombs one into the pond and turns is hit by two grabs their feet pulling the down into a double Ankle Lock breaking their feet off "Crap bit brittle Eh lads?" Ax Quips

Zander Has Five surround him and Spins on his head taking them out with kicks

"Ooh bit dizzy there but hey it's all fun" Zander laughs as he Joins Ax and the ten remaining Creatures

Zander Jumps Ax Catches his and Lawn Darts him at the Creatures He cross bodies four of them
"Two Each Ax?" Zander Asks

"Totally" Ax Replies following up with a double Choke slam on two Creatures

Zander Trips his two up and does the Worm towards them splashing them both.

Ax and Zander pull out Blasters as they Approach the bigger Creature

"No more underlings Brother time to give up" Zander announced

"You two have no chance I will take your pure hearts" The creature growled

Both Rangers Pull out Blasters setting them to stun and turning them to maximum

Firing blasters hitting the Creature Freezing it in a stasis field.

"That should hold it for 12 hours; we should leave before anyone else turns up" Ax Says receiving a Nod from Zander

Both Rangers Dash round a Corner observing as the Senshi Arrive Look at the Stunned Creature Confused Purify it and Leave

Zander looks at his Partner and Speaks honestly
"What's going on Ax, why hide from them we should work with them unless there's something you aren't telling me?"

Ax looks into his best friends eyes and says "Alright look when we were here last time I got too close to one of them, it got a little awkward"

Both Rangers get into Zanders Jeep
Zander probes further
"How close we talking Ax did you bang her? And which one?"

Ax looks horrified
"No I didn't bang one, and mercury the Blue haired one, we just Kissed but it felt real wrong instantly, thing is I'm not sure if it'll be Comfortable" he says

Zander decides
"alright next incident we wait around for them to show up and we simply let them know we're here don't mention anything and just see if its brought up it's been 6 months it's probably all forgotten.

Like it or not mate we gotta work with those girls, we cannot purify those bad guys and We can't keep doing the Spiderman Act forever, so let's get this Command Centre Set up I could do with a Kip and a Sandwich" Zander says that last bit with a signature Smirk

So Ax is showing Emotion There's a first

I stole Allot of the Green Mystic force rangers characterisation and some of his name but it was getting strange having an Ax and an Alex so I used a different short name I thought Al would make him sound 60 which wouldn't fit his jokester personality he's going to be polar opposite to. How he was in Crimson lion because he was corrupted

But you got a fight scene which was fun to write I tried to go for like every ranger fight scene ever hope it worked out.

As of now Zander has no pairing but I'm leaning towards Minako/Sailor Venus I think she'd be his Type I just can't see this jokey playboy with any of the others.