The Task from the God


After everything was clear and done in world of Final Fantasy 7, and that was long time ago, leave only Vincent alone. But then, an event turns up that requires Vincent's strengths to join into battle once again.

Reason why I started this story is that there doesn't have any stories of Final Fantasy 7 and Mahou Sensei Negima crossover, and too many of stories of Naruto and Mahou Sensei Negima crossover.

So I decided to create one, and also, Vincent Valentine not much appears in any stories as the main character, so I decided to put Vincent as the main character in my crossover stories, and all the Final Fantasy series characters will be involved, and some villains too, not all exactly.

Main Character

Vincent ValentineFF7 (Have transforming powers (Galian Beast, Death Gigas, and Hell Masker [Lost Chaos Form in Dirge of Cerberus]), but gained new powers from my very own ideas, that makes him almost godlike)

Prologue Chapter

[Start Music: The Promised Land – Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children]

At the universe of Final Fantasy VII, which is called Gaia, the world of after the events of Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, Midgar, the ruin of the main ShinRa power plant company, has starting to changing back by repair through everyone's teamwork, citizens, and even soldiers, former soldiers, the WRO (World Regenesis Organization), everything's begin to construct back, every people's life has started to becoming nice, probably the Shinra has no more rules everything, the Slum Town also has started to renovate to a better place.

With the Sephiroth been banished forever, everyone's life has slowly becoming enjoyable; Cloud lost his emo emotion when he said good bye to both Zack and Aerith. Tifa, Nanaki, Barrett, Cid, Yuffie, Reeve as Cait Sith, and everyone's life was back to normal, Cloud and Tifa has married, and Marlene and Denzel as their child, except Vincent. Vincent Valentine, gained an immortality body through the experiments from ages ago, he was bring back to life through experiments by his love, Lucrecia Crescent, Sephiroth's real mother.

[End of the Music]

This story is held in thousand years to the future, and now, the story begins.

Outside Midgar, Wasteland

[V] εуλ Year 1048

[Start Music: Moonlight Wandering – Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core]

Somewhere around the cliff, there is a person shrouded in red cape standing up there, staring at the vast sky and land, inhabited with many living beings, that is Vincent, watching over the places.

Vincent Valentine, thousand years old the immortal human being who were the experiment conducted by a wicked scientist, and also the Chaos bearer, the ultimate being. Thousand years since after the Omega Weapon incident, alone, all of his comrades are gone, leaving him alone, the one and only left of ALAVANCHE member, the group that stopped the Meteor.

Now, the wasteland has become a greenery place, trees, grass, flowers, all the greenery grew from the grounds, and the whole place becomes livelier with wild and tenacious animals and monsters running and flying around, a land filled with many preys and predators.

[End of the Music]

'Nothing usual activities…' Vincent thought as he done checking around. 'Best I head back now.' Vincent then turns around to head back to the ruin Midgar,

Midgar, now it's a ruined capital city, all of the citizens of the Midgar had already moved from Midgar to other places to continue their living and no longer planning to coming back to the ruin, that was thousand years ago, they know it's not a very safe to live.

Vincent's current job is to hunt any wanted monsters that threaten humanity greatly, he's a very strong soloist combatant who used a triple barrels gun or other gunfire arsenals as his main weapons, and his left claw is his sub-weapon for close combat. With his gunslinger's skills, he is capable to kill any large creatures in one shot, distances between him and his targets, it doesn't matter to him, even the targets are far away from him couldn't escape from him. For over thousand years he has been horning his skills in order to perform better, he cannot fail in any missions, and his improvement potential is bottomless.

Right now, Vincent is walking back to his shelter place, which is inside the ruin Midgar. Then, out of nowhere there's a giant monster came out from the thick forest, a large brutally humanoid monster wielding a large and thick sword, Vincent just stare at that giant monster showing no fear, just his blank and emotionless face to monster. The monster roared loudly before it lift its sword and swung down vertically toward to Vincent, Vincent then just dodge the attack by side step, letting its sword landed beside him. Vincent then brought out his Cerberus, his main weapon, attempting to aim at the giant monster's head. Then, another monster came out from his right side, a tyrant monster charging toward him, seizing his attempt to shoot, Vincent then jump above the monster to avoid its charge, the charge just rammed at the giant's sword, causing both of them stumbled. Vincent uses this opportunity to aim at the giant's forehead and fired 3 bullets toward to the giant's head, the bullets shot into its forehead, instantly killed. One after another one, Vincent aimed the other one, the tyrant, right at the back of its head, and shoots it, another beast down.

Vincent landed on the ground beside the corpses, check on their bodies to try to loot anything useful components for his usages. '…Loot any goods before I burn these corpses to prevent any pest infestations.' Vincent thought as before he done looting, he use fire magic to set those corpses on fire, before he began to walk back toward to Midgar ruin.

Ruin of Midgar

Inside the Midgar lies with many ruins, bridges, buildings, signs, billboards, even the ShinRa headquarter building, everything were decayed and swallowed up by nature, it was a beautiful and elegant sight from top view views over the entire places.

There were still some wild animals living within these buildings for shelters and breeding grounds. However, there are still some buildings that aren't allowed to be entered or infiltrate, which is because Vincent has already occupied those buildings, those buildings will be the 7th Heaven in Edge, and also the Church in Sector 5.

Sector 5 - Church

Inside the church, there's a pool which is still active even after thousand years, a sacred pool of Lifestream which used to cure people with Geostigma disease. Lies behind the pool there were some old weapons, two giant thick swords which are Buster Sword, Fusion Sword, a spear, a four foot shuriken, a mechanical prosthesis arm, fighting gloves, a rusted robot cat, and a comb. Those are the weapons of his companions, and each weapon had a pink ribbon tied, indicating Aerith.

Vincent walks toward to the Church and entered, slowly proceeding toward to the pool and circled around before placing the flowers on each weapon. Vincent stares at those weapons for few seconds, then he walk toward to the bench and sat on it, continuing watching over those without doing anything till night.


At Night (12.50 AM)

Vincent stood up from the church and walks outside, wandering around in the night, watching nearby area, quiet and dark, cold breeze, and calm. Vincent walking toward to some high place to stand, he found, jump and keep jump till he reach to the highest place, where he can stare at the moon and in deep thought. 'It's been thousand years… The whole world has changed, there will be no more potential dangers that will threaten this world… no, none will threaten this planet, hopefully.' Vincent continues to staring at the moon for few minutes till an hour passed. '…I should head back to 7th Heaven.' Vincent thought as he jump down and land on the ground softly like a feather. He walks toward back to the 7th Heaven ruin.


7th Heaven

7th Heaven, a ruin bar and restaurant was run by his companion Tifa, located in the city of Edge. Vincent arrived at the 7th Heaven, he enter into the bar, everything was tidy, he had this bar clean up in honor of his companion, he knows Tifa always keep this place clean and tidy up, she doesn't like dirty and untidy. He walks to his room upstairs, entering into Cloud's old room. Inside the room, weapons and equipment of his are well tidied and hanged on the wall beside the bed, some Materias are on the desk there. Materia is a powerful support item that helps the wielder to assist them in battle. He lies on the bed and sleep, leaving the window widely opened.

Few hours later

A small light appeared from nowhere and begin move toward the 7th Heaven, Vincent felt an unrecognized presence, he having a hunch that the unknown being will come here, Vincent continue pretend to sleep with full alert, it went inside Vincent's room through the opened window, as the light stopped, Vincent woke up and readied his Cerberus, pointing at the unknown presence.

'…What?' Vincent surprised as he saw only a small light where the presence he sensing now. The light slowly becoming brighter and brighter, and suddenly, a bright flash of light, forcing Vincent covered his eyes to make sure he didn't get blinded and when it died down, Vincent slowly moves away his hand and saw a beautiful woman. "…What sorcery is this?" Vincent asked with calm tone and wide eye, before pointing the gun at her, and this caused the mysterious woman surprised to see Vincent pointing his gun onto her.

"Please, young one, I come with no harm." Mystery woman responded as she tries to calm Vincent down.

After few seconds, they both staring at each other eyes, Vincent felt that she speaks true that she bring no harm. "Hmph… Young one? Now this is the first time someone call me a young one… What's your objective here? I sense no killing intent from you. And who are you?" Vincent asked the unknown being with calm tone while lowering his Cerberus.

"I have seen through your life here, alone for thousand years." Mystery woman said.

"Please, you haven't told me your objective yet." Vincent repeats the question.

"My apologies, for I'm having a deep thought without realizing." Mystery woman apologized. "I am the goddess called Cosmos." Cosmos introduced herself with polite tone and polite way.

Vincent recalled the name of her, and he remembered an incident, "Cosmos… You're the Goddess of Harmony that summoned Cloud, and also other warriors in other dimensions to aid you to fight against the Chaos, the God of Discord?" Vincent asked intelligently. "That was happened thousand years ago. Why suddenly come out in these thousand years now?" He asked.

Cosmos totally impressed by Vincent's memories and intelligence. "I have expected that you are the smartest in your group called AVALANCHE, but to this, you really are the best." She responded. "And by your questions, yes, I'm indeed from other world to come here to seek your help." Cosmos explained.

Vincent remained quiet, hearing her answer. '…Need my help? A goddess that actually needs a help from a mere human like me… Judging by her expression… something serious must have happened…' He thought as he surprised by Cosmos's request. "A goddess needed my help? What kind of threat that you're having?" He asked with curiosity.

"Aerith was right that you're that kind of people who's willing to help." Cosmos replied, and this caused Vincent surprised.

"Aerith?" Vincent asked.

Cosmos nodded and says, "Yes, she's the one who suggested this to me that your helps may aid me." Cosmos said. "And also, Minerva agreed with this."

"How is she?" Vincent asked about Aerith.

"She's fine… She was always watching over you up there." Cosmos replied. "And not only her, together with Minerva, both of them are agreed to have you to help assist me to against something much more threatening than your previous enemies, and this is also quite new to me." Cosmos explained in a summary without much further details, Vincent is listening to her words.

"…" Vincent remained silent hearing her explanation. "…Just what kind of threat there? Is it something much… greater than the enemies that I've faced so far?" He asked.

"I cannot explain now, Vincent." Cosmos said. "I will await your final decision, Vincent. I will give you some times to prepare your things, the venue will be at the Cave, where your beloved Lucrecia held there, the time will be tonight 9 P.M., and I will come to hear your answer Vincent." Cosmos said before she disappeared.

Vincent wasn't sure how to react of this. For him, this is something new for Vincent, a goddess that actually needed his help, which means a dangerous threat, is coming. '…Tonight 9 P.M., should I just say no or remain my life here…? Or just accept to help her?' Vincent thought heavily after hearing Cosmos' explanation. 'Aerith… what was in your mind? What kind of difficulty that goddess was actually facing now, what kind of threat…? If there's a threat that are more powerful than Omega Weapon…'


Morning (7.30 AM)

Vincent spent the entire night to think for the decision with given limited time, he got only two options; Accept and help, or decline to continue his living here watching over this world, depending on his decision here.

Vincent stood up and went out from the 7th Heaven. '…I should visit some places first…' Vincent thought. His first place to visit is the Wutai, the place where Yuffie are from, he just went there to visit her grave, he went to the garage nearby, open up the gate and there's a bike there, the Fenrir bike, an advanced and modified Fenrir bike which improved the maneuver and speed, he hop on the bike, put on the goggle and drove.

Wutai (11 AM)

Vincent arrived at the Wutai, everything have already become advanced, technology took over the traditional into futuristic, floating buildings, flying cars, and huge airships, except one thing haven't change, the mountain with demon faces, which is one of the famous wonders of this world, that makes Wutai becomes one of the famous and very advanced cities in this world. Vincent walks toward to the graveyard, and visits her grave to put some flowers.

Wutai Graveyard

Vincent arrived at the graveyard, walking amongst the graves and arrived in front of her grave, Yuffie Kisaragi's grave.

"Yuffie, I've come again. You won't believe this, for there is something just happened to me… I just want to hear your suggestions…" Vincent talks before he put some flowers on her grave, and he stand there for few minutes facing at the tomb. Then, a female visitor appeared beside him, and a friendly person along with two trustworthy bodyguards of her.

"Good morning Sir Vincent, came here to visit my ancestor's grave again?" The person said, she is one of the descendent and a young beautiful woman from the Kisaragi family who has a face that is almost similar to Yuffie, but much more mature. She greets and bows to Vincent. "You have been watching over our family for over centuries, my great-grandfather told me."

"Good morning." Vincent greets. "Yes, just to say something before I leave."

"Going somewhere far away?" The woman asked as she confused.

"…Yes, an urgent issue. I have to do." Vincent said. "Probably I am not able to come back."

"…I see what's going on." The woman responded for understanding what Vincent said.

"Well then, I beg my pardon." Vincent said before he leaves.

"Wait Sir Vincent, I have something to give to you." The woman told Vincent to hold on, she took out something from her purse, and it was a Materia. "My grandfather wants you to have this, it seems like he knew that you will be gone to somewhere. Please, take this before you leave." The woman offers the item to Vincent.

"…" Vincent paused for a while, then, he accepted it. "…Very well, thank you very much for this." Vincent takes the item and thanks her before he leave.

"Have you found the answers?" The woman asked as she knows.

"Yes." Vincent replied.

"Then stay safe Sir Vincent." The woman wish him farewell for his safety, Vincent look back and bow to her and left.

'…Now, next is the Cosmo Canyon, visit Nanaki's grave.' Vincent thought as he set his next destination, he hop on the bike and drove.

Cosmo Canyon (12.10 PM)

Vincent arrived at the canyon, hometown of Nanaki (Red XIII) where he were live, along with his descendent. The place still hasn't much changed and remains as the same because of their traditions, but now is livelier than before. Humans are getting well along with them, the red wolves. Vincent walk on the stairs to head toward where Nanaki's grave lies. Then there are some of his descendent are come to greet him.

"Hello, Sir Vincent." One of the descendent greets, the eldest son of Nanaki.

"Good afternoon." Vincent greets back.

"We will escort you to our father's grave." One of them said as they began to walk, they know Vincent always visit their father's grave, and Vincent following them as usual. Shortly they are arrived at the Nanaki's grave. The tomb was a huge rock with Nanaki's name carved on it. The descendent are bowing to their father's grave with respect.

Vincent went ahead and stands in front of the tomb. "…Nanaki, I tell you about something bizarre… just need your opinions." Vincent said as he went and put down some flowers there, and sits on the ground in front of the tomb for few minutes. "Thank you." Vincent stood up from the ground, and began to leave. "I shall take my leave."

"Be safe, Sir Vincent." They said as they nodded.

"You need to take this." One of the descendent asked him to hold on while taking out an item. "Please take this with you." The descendent brought another Materia to Vincent. Vincent was a bit surprised to see them know that something happened. Before Vincent could say anything, one of them replied fast. "I know what you wanna ask, why do we know that you're going to leave? That is because we know everything."

Vincent remained silent before he takes their offer and thank. "Thank you for this." Vincent then left the place and head for his next destination. Once he exited out the Cosmo Canyon, he hops on the bike and head for his next destination. 'Next is the Rocket Town.'

Rocket City (1.31 PM)

Rocket Town, that was what it was been called, and now it's a Rocket City, and it is where Cid Highwind from. From a small town has become one of the famous cities in the Gaia. This is where the rocket ship that was first launched to the space from thousand years ago, now the town has become a huge city. The current situation is similar to Wutai, but no floating buildings, and so on. One thing that is unique that is the pictures of Cid are everywhere, because Cid is also one of the heroes that saved the world from the meteor that happened thousand years ago, same goes to Wutai and Cosmo Canyon.

'It's been a while.' Vincent thought as he looking around before he began to walk toward to his destination.

Shortly afterward, Vincent arrived at the Cid's grave. Vincent can see there are a lot of guards are patrolling around to guard the Cid's tomb, and beside Cid's tomb was Shera's, his wife. The moment they saw Vincent, they allowed Vincent to enter, because they acknowledged that Vincent is also one of the heroes that saved the world. Vincent then went and put down some flowers onto it; he sat in front of the tomb and speak.

"Cid, I want to ask about the travelling. How does it feel like when you're away from your birthplace and your home for travelling across the world? I want to know how that feels likes." Vincent asked this because he knows Cid that does travel a lot and most experiences about travelling, since he owned an airship. After few minutes later, "…I see, so that's how it feels like." Vincent said before he stood up and left, he believes the answers that were given. "I begged my pardon." Vincent politely greets at the guards, and the guards replied back with bowing. 'Next is the Nibelhelm…' Vincent thought as he drove away.

Nibelheim (2.49 PM)

Nibelheim, it was once a small gloomy town that are located at the foot of the Mountain Nibel thousand years ago, and now it has become one of the very famous cities that have the highest security safety rates, and because of that, the main headquarters of the WRO (World Regenesis Organization) has been moved to here, the headquarters built just beside Nibelheim, the headquarters' building height has reached one kilometer and seven hundred meters. The founder of this organization is Reeve Tuesti, Vincent's ally, also the one who had control Cait Sith, one of the companions. What makes the Nibelheim become one of the famous cities because of the entrance of the Mountain Nibel, most of the dangerous monsters are held there because of Mako, and also the rumored haunted mansion, where the group founded him lies in coffin in the basement.

'Nibelheim…' Vincent thought. Then, suddenly a group of soldiers of WRO arrived and greets at Vincent.

"Welcome back, Sir Vincent!" The soldiers saluted to Vincent.

"No need for the formalities." Vincent greets them. "I just come here to visit my friends' tombs."

"Then let us escort you Sir!" The captain of the group said.

"…" Vincent sighed, and he just accepted it. "Alright, lead me." Vincent said before he begins to follow them to the heroes' grave.

Heroes' Memorial Park

Vincent arrived at the Memorial Park, where they keep all the fallen heroes bodies. Vincent walks through every grave, and then, he stopped in front of those graves that he wanted to visits. The names that written on those graves are: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Barrett Wallace, Reeve Tuesti, Marlene, and Denzel.

"I've come to visit you all." Vincent said as he put flowers to each grave and stood there for few minutes, "I see…" and later he bowed down to all of them respectively.

"Erm, hello." A female voice calls for Vincent sudden.

Vincent looks to his left side where the voice came from, two men, three women, along with five children, and also a large black man appeared behind them, the Marshal of the Air Force of the World Regenesis Organization, "I apologize for my presence here." He apologized.

"No no, there's no need for apology." The man said, those two men, three women, and also five children, they are the descendent of Cloud and Tifa.

"Big brother Vincent~" The girl approaches at him, Vincent kneel down to her height and pat on her head.

"Good girl." Vincent said.

"Sir Vincent." Marshal of the air force of World Regenesis Organization calls, "Or should I say, President of the World Regenesis Organization. It's been a while." He greets.

"It's been a while too, how is it going?" Vincent asked as he stood up.

"Still same, the world is peacefully now." The Marshal replied. "Too peaceful I say."

Vincent smirked, "Glad to hear that."

"…And I can see that you have something to tell, right?" The Marshal said as he sees through Vincent.

"…You got that right." Vincent replied.

"Sir Vincent, you have been watching over our family for over centuries, is there something that bothers you? Please tell us." The man asked as he willingly offer any helps.

"Thank you for asking, but it's not really a bother here, I'm just here to visit only." Vincent replied. '…I have decided…' Vincent thought as he thought of the decision. "Everyone, there's something that I must do, so I'm afraid that I will be unable to come back here." Vincent announced to them that he have accepted to do the goddess's task.

They are remaining silent. "…"

"Is it something important?" One of them asked.

"Yes, from what I know that is something that is much more dangerous, and I have to do it alone without endangering you all." Vincent replied.

"Is there an enemy that is strong?" The Marshal asked as he narrowed his eyes, hearing this news.

"I'm not certain of that, and that's where I am going to find out." Vincent replied. "Marshal Albert, take care and protect them in my place." Vincent asked a request from the leader.

Marshal Albert can see Vincent's eyes, he is serious about this. "Alright, I will look after them in your place. Stay safe for your mission there." He responded.

Vincent closed his eyes for glad that leader accepted his request. "Thank you."

"Then, I want you to have this." The woman said as she takes out an item, another Materia. "Please accept this item." The woman offers a materia for Vincent.

'…This is a Master Summon Materia… Why…?' Vincent thought widening his eyes, he look at their faces. "Why…? Isn't this an important item for your family?" He asked.

"I think it's time for you to accept this, Sir Vincent." The man helped answer this time. "We do not need it anymore."

"…" Vincent went silent for a moment, and then he accepted it. "Thanks." He thanked them. "I better go prepare." Vincent said as he's about to leave the place.

"Big brother, where are you going?" The little girl asked.

"There there, princess." The father of the girl went and carries his princess, "Big brother here has something to do, and he is very busy."

The little girl stare at Vincent, then she wave hand at him. "Bye bye, big brother." The little girl is saying good bye to Vincent for safety going back.

"Thank you little girl, you'll be a fine lady one day." Vincent said, and he looks at others. "I'll be going now."

"Take care, Sir Vincent." Marshal Albert said. Vincent nodded before he leaves the place and drove away. From all the way from Nibelheim to his place the ruin Midgar, he quickly head back to prepare all the equipment and items before he went to the meeting tonight.

Midgar (5.37 PM)

Vincent arrived to ruin Midgar then he straight head back to the 7th Heaven, to prepare all his items.

'Make sure to prepare all the necessary items that I might require, like potions, ointment item that cure diseases and illness, Materia… yeah, I think I need those…' Vincent thought as he packing all his items into his backpack. Then, while he's looking around to see any items that he wanted to bring, he then saw those pictures on the desk, the pictures of him and his companions. He stares at those pictures for a while, and then he decided to bring those with him. Thousand years since they are gone, and his last time talk with them was Nanaki, unfortunately for him he only lasted for around 800 years. When he has done preparing, he exit out the 7th Heaven tavern, step outside of the building, then he look back at the tavern. 'This will be my last view of the 7th Heaven. Thank you for everything.' Vincent thought before he walk toward to his bike, hop on the droves away, and when he droves outside and at the outskirt of the Midgar, he stopped and look back at the Midgar, took a last view of his place before he begins to drive away. "Goodbye Midgar."

Lucrecia's Cave (7.42 PM)

Lucrecia's Cave, where he was first met Lucrecia in the crystal state, there were no name for this cave, and Vincent named the cave as Lucrecia's Cave. Vincent entered the cave, inside the cave, many crystals embedded everywhere, and there's a larger crystal lies in the center among the crystals, and also there's a humanoid figure inside the crystal, inside the crystal is Lucrecia, Vincent's former lover, and also Hojo's wife, the mad scientist that twisted their life. Vincent stares at Lucrecia's crystal there. "Lucrecia…" Vincent muttered while staring at Lucrecia, then later, he sit on the ground there and staring at Lucrecia's Crystal there and wait the time till 9 P.M.

9 P.M

The time reached 9 PM, and sudden, the bright flash of light appeared from center, forcing him covered his, and when the light dies down, the goddess Cosmos punctually appeared.

"Lady Cosmos." Vincent calls.

"Vincent. May I hear your decision?" Cosmos asked.

"…I'll help." Vincent answered as he decided to help. "I don't know what kind of threat that you were facing, if this threat is really serious that even gods and goddess like you couldn't handle, I will offer my help to fight against this threat." Vincent continues.

"I'm glad to hear that, Vincent." Cosmos responded for his answer. "You need to prepare for this, are you prepare?" She asked.

"…I've prepared for the worse." Vincent replied.

"Alright, but first, we will go somewhere first, where I can chant my spells on you." Cosmos said, Vincent got a bit confused about she will chant some spells onto him, he just nodded.

The floor has started to shine brightly, Vincent look back at the Lucrecia's Crystal there. Vincent muttered. "Goodbye… Lucrecia."

The lights shine more brightly and then flash of light blinded the others, when the lights die down, both of them gone. Within the crystal, a tear came out from Lucrecia's eye.


Gods' Realm

They both arrived at somewhere, a place where no mortals has ever ventured before. Vincent looked around and examines the area that he has never seen before, from his view this place like in heaven, with the clouds and columns, like the Greek god's place, roaring thunder skies. He can see that both of them are at the highest place, he went to the edge and look below.

"This is the realm of the gods, where all the gods and angels are belonged to." Cosmos stated.

"Gods…" Vincent muttered, then, he can see all the angels below are flying around, and by Vincent's view, he can see the situation is in chaos, all the angel warriors Valkyries are running and flying around in busy. '…I can see that this threat… is really serious…'

"Alright Vincent, put your stuffs over there and stand at the circle over there to begin the chant." Vincent followed what Cosmos said.

Vincent looked back to Cosmos, "Can you reply back the question? What's this threat you talked before?" Vincent asked serious as he points his finger at the edge.

"…I will begin to tell the truth." Cosmos started. "In this realm of the gods, here lies with the 3 great dark crystals that imprison each of the souls of the greatest monsters in the whole universes. But, all of a sudden, all the 3 crystals disappeared, and I believe that someone has infiltrated into the realm of the gods, managed to penetrate through the barrier which seal the crystals, and have been scattered to 3 worlds, each of them sent into a world. The culprit is escaped as well, the details about the culprit is still unknown." Cosmos explained the current situation.

'What…? Strongest monsters…?' Vincent thought as his eyes widen.

"To retrieve back the crystals, I need a candidate to help me find those crystals and retrieve them, doesn't matter how long will need to find those, as long as the crystals have been found and bring them back here." Cosmos continues, "You, Vincent, that is you, you are the only suitable and strong candidate here that are able to do this task. Please find those back before those monsters manage to escape, and if the monsters escape, all hell will set loose, and the monsters' capabilities, are much stronger than any of you have ever faced before." Cosmos replied as her expression turned serious. "Even Chaos, the God of Discord."

Vincent was surprised for he learned that a monster much stronger than Omega Weapon or Sephiroth is actually existed, or might even stronger than Chaos the Lord of Discord, and if the three of those monsters has been freed from the crystal imprisonments, his task is to eliminate them. "Unbelievable… Something much stronger than…" Vincent said.

"…Vincent, I know that this task is too much for you…" Cosmos expect that Vincent will feel uneasy and worry, but what she expect was wrong, she see his expression, filled with interested and excitement.

"…No, I will retrieve those for you." Vincent agreed as he walking toward to the circle. "…I won't allow something like that happen… if they managed to break out, I will eliminate those." Vincent replied with words that satisfy Cosmos. "I will be your warrior, Lady Cosmos. I will stand and fight against enemies, doesn't matter how strong are them."

"…Thank you…" Cosmos was glad at Vincent's decision.

Vincent stood still on the circle as Cosmos ordered, he did not know why he had to stand in the circle, until Cosmos begun her chanting the magic, as the Cosmos keep on chanting, the circle below the Vincent suddenly glow the lights out, and Vincent felt something like powerful magic flow inside Vincent's body, but emitting some pain, Vincent felt the pain keep on increasing largely as the chanting keep continues, more powerful magic keep on flowing inside his body. Vincent keeps on struggling and holding the pain till Cosmos finish her chanting. Minutes and minutes keep on flowing; Vincent was still holding the pains, blood coming from his mouth.

"Ahh…!" Vincent cried out the pain gritting his teeth. "…What is this? My brain! It's overloading with something! What's going on…?" Vincent asked while bearing the immense pain.

"Keep holding the pain Vincent!" Cosmos shouted at Vincent.

"…!" Vincent replied back before he screams loudly. In his life, he had never felt this kind of pain before. That kind of pain will make him unleash his Limit Breaks, but, he didn't.


Almost an hour elapsed, the chanting has stopped and Vincent falls on the ground lying unconsciously and resting from those pains. Cosmos walks toward Vincent and examines his body. "…Congratulation, Vincent, I've granted you the God's Abilities, this will greatly boost your capabilities." Cosmos said, and then she casted a spell, 8 belts appeared, and she tied those on both Vincent's arms. Vincent was now resting on the lap of Cosmos. "It's only a matter of time, you will need to learn and adapt it, Vincent."

Few hours later

Vincent opened his eyes as he remembers that he collapsed when Cosmos's finished her chanting and falls on the ground unconsciously. He realized he lying on the Cosmos's lap when he see Cosmos's beautiful face. He quickly stood up and asks.

"…How long was I resting, Lady Cosmos?" Vincent asked, he noticed that his voice changed much younger, and he noticed himself that his upper body was naked.

"5 hours, Vincent." Cosmos replied.

"5 hours while I was lying here on your lap?" Vincent said and Cosmos nodded.

Vincent noticed her legs have become stiffed and quickly raised her up from the ground and carries her with a bridal style, Cosmos blushed from his action. Vincent found a soft spot for her resting; he put her down and massages her leg. "There's no need for this, Vincent."

While Vincent massaging, he felt something changes within him. "…?" Vincent stopped his massage, he looked at his hands, and he noticed there are 8 belts on both of his arms, "Lady Cosmos, may I ask?" Vincent asked.

"Yes what is it?" Cosmos responded as she knows what question he will ask.

"…Why do I feel like my body so different than before? It's like my body suddenly powered up." Vincent asked as he slowly clenches his fist tightly. "That chanting just now… that one empowers me or something?"

Cosmos was surprised, "You really are the expert one here… for you able to noticed very quickly. Yes, what I did to you before was giving you the God's Abilities, that ability will greatly boost your capabilities." Cosmos replied.

Vincent surprised, "You mention God's Abilities, in other words, god's powers?" Vincent asked.

"Yes." Cosmos replied.

Vincent then looked back at his hands, "…So… This God's Abilities, are the only ability to fight against the monster? And also, why you're entrusted this power to me…?" Vincent asked. "Why not entrusting to any of those angels down there?"

"Yes. Because you seem worthy to have the god's power, and you're a person who is not obsessed with powers the most, and that is why I entrusted these to you, and these abilities for you to use when you arrive at the next world that you'd going. I got a hunch that some 'people' on the worlds might need your help." Cosmos replied. "And between you and angels, you have more experiences."

"Hm… I see… there is always someone needs help…" Vincent said.

"…The reason why Aerith had chosen you, because you are a person who's able to understand people, and also I'm agreed with her." Cosmos answered.

"I see…" Vincent responded from her answer.

"Alright, are you ready now Vincent? Are you ready to go to the first world?" Cosmos asked, and he nodded for ready. "Let me ask you something before you depart, I heard you were the bearer of Chaos, which grants you the immortality and the power of Chaos, and after you defeats the Omega Weapon, the Chaos leaved your body and back to the Lifestream together with the Omega Weapon, right?"

"…Yes, what you said is true." Vincent replied.

"And you lost your immortality?" Cosmos asked.

"No." Vincent replied as he uncertain. "I have lived through thousand years, clearly I am still an immortal. But… For this task, I need it, and the power of Chaos."

"Yes. The god's powers also required a much very high durability body to withstand, and that is you, the Chaos bearer." Cosmos explains. "The ritual that I performed just now it also helped you regain back the power of Chaos, so that it might assist you in your missions."

Vincent widens his eyes, hearing that his Chaos power has returned back, he looked down on his hands, "I see…" Vincent said. 'So… Welcome back, Chaos. I will be needed you once again.' Vincent thought.

"…I'm sorry that you have to carry this heavy task." Cosmos said.

"It's alright… I've already gotten used to this kind of situation, so… you don't have to worry about me." Vincent said as he went to pick up his outfit and wears back. "Besides, if I said no, who will be carrying this task?" Vincent said.

She sighed as she relieved, "Alright then, before you go, see the both arms of yours." Cosmos tells Vincent to see his own arms, and apparently, he saw there are 8 belts tattoos on his both arms.

"I noticed that. Lady Cosmos, are those some kinds of power sealing things?" Vincent asked.

"Correct." Cosmos replied as she expected Vincent will predict correctly. "Those are the belts that seal your mighty power, each of those belts sealing about 10% of your powers. This means I've sealed away your power about 80%, includes your capabilities." Cosmos replied.

"…What?" Vincent surprised. "With this, the enemies will immediately notice my presence."

"I expected you said that. On the world that you are about to go, when you arrived into the world, some peoples who have magic will felt for your amazing powerful presence and they will come and hunt you." Cosmos continues. "Do not worry. The people or enemies will not able to detect the presence of that power within you."

Vincent understood as he sighed of relief, "I see… how to unbind these when I need it for emergency?" Vincent asked as he unfolds his left arm, revealing a belt.

"Simple, use your blood and cross the marking on it, it will help you unlock it and release the power, and when you want to bind it back, just say 'reseal'." Cosmos replied and Vincent nodded for understood. "Unlock one of the belts, it will greatly improve your god's abilities and expand the limits of your other abilities, use it wisely, because your body might not able to withstands against the powers, it may cripple your body fatally if you unlock all belts and use 100%. And also, don't unlock two belts at once or more, you have to unlock the belts one by one to let the energy slowly flow into your body, or your inner body may get chance to burst. You have to wait an hour for releasing another belt after releasing the first belt. Please Vincent, do not overuse it, there's a possibility it may take your life, even though you're immortal." Cosmos warns as she concerns.

Vincent nodded for understanding as he hears the explanation. "I understand."

"Good. Also there's something I want to tell you about the crystals' presences." Cosmos mentioned something. "Each crystal has a self-defensive mechanism which hid its own presence to prevent any enemies to find it and seize the crystal."

"…Does that mean us too?" Vincent said, and Cosmos nodded. "That will be impossible to find."

"Yes. But, I have a faith that your absolute instinct can help you track down the crystal. Which there's a high possibility that you able to find the crystal. And also, the effect of obtaining the God's Abilities changed your appearance and your age." Cosmos said, and Vincent surprised as he heard.

"…Pardon?" Vincent asked as he confused.

Cosmos raised her hand to show out a large standing mirror coming from the ground, to allow Vincent see himself, he went and check on his appearance, from his point of view, his face has become younger and brighter, his hair was no longer in messy form and has become smooth like the woman's silk hair and has grew longer, and his height has grown much taller, estimation around 190 cm. Vincent felt some changes with his body, he take off his clothes and revealed that his body has become slightly muscular and much slimmer, and his voice become much younger but still deep. Cosmos was totally blushed for him having such a nice body.

"How nostalgic… back to my 21 years old body… and… I grew taller by 5 centimeters…" Vincent said while he takes off the headband, which Cosmos got blushed again for seeing Vincent has angelic face without the headband disturbed the entire view of his face, because the headband has partially hidden part of his face.

"You're no more an EMO person anymore, Vincent. I have fixed that from you." Cosmos teased a little, and he remained silent, staring at her quietly, and Cosmos correcting herself. "Ahem, alright Vincent, go and ready your stuffs, I will send you to other world." Cosmos stands up from her seat and ready to chant. "Before this, let me poke your head first." Cosmos said before she poke Vincent's forehead.

"…Did you just insert something inside my mind?" Vincent asked before he wears back his headband.

"…I'm still impressed by your intelligence… Yes. Insert some knowledge inside your mind that you will need them, and take this." Cosmos handle a book labeled "God's Abilities" that which is contain god's abilities that Cosmos has given to Vincent just now for him to learn. "Learn all of these abilities, Vincent. I know you can do it. And that's all. Stand on the circle." Vincent prepared his stuffs, rearrange his clothes, and stand on the circle as she told. She do some chanting again, and this time is the teleportation, the lights on the ground become brighter and brighter, and a flash of lights appeared again, when the lights dies down, Vincent gone and the teleportation was successful.

"Good luck Vincent… and Lucrecia will be proud of you…" Cosmos prays for his luck. 'Good luck Vincent Valentine, may my blessing guide you to those crystals.'

End of the Prologue

End of my first story and first chapter, please read and review.