A/N: I meant for this to be a little longer, but considering I owe you guys for making you wait this long, I'll just split them in two. It might make the pacing better too; who knows?

The scene in the Vantas living room could best be described as:

"…Interesting." As that is exactly the word that left Dave Strider's mouth as Karkat pushed open the front door of the house.

"I'm so sorry…" Karkat sighed, watching the spectacle. His father was helplessly trapped, laughing as the oldest Makara held him and tickled his stomach in the always clichéd battle for the TV remote. Kurloz and Gamzee were on the other couch, Kurloz silently guiding Gamzee through a middle school level math textbook as if nothing was happening.

"No problem, dude; it's been too long since I came over anyway." Dave smirked. "Didn't really expect these guys to be here though."

"They're just crashing here until our dads come down from their romantic high."

The aforementioned Gavin Makara stuck his tongue out at the young Vantas, holding Karmene a little tighter.

"So, where's Kankri?" the small neko asked as he shrugged off his backpack.

"Probably still playing with Cronus." Gavin chuckled, finally releasing his captive. "I'm picking him up later."

Dave smirked. "So, Cronus actually did something? Eridan said he's been going on about Kankri for days."

"Funny." Karkat chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Kankri's journal goes on about Cronus too."

"You've been reading your brother's journal again?" Karmene asked with a scolding tone.

"…Maybe." The small Vantas shrugged, not sounding the slightest bit apologetic.

"You don't want to get into it about journals with Karamel, shorty." Gavin sneered. "I used to steal his all the time when we were kids. Apparently, he's still pouty about it."

Karmene blushed slightly and shoved him as the children snickered. He was almost relieved when the phone rang in the kitchen; he quickly separated himself from the small group and grabbed the phone on the second ring.

"Hello? Oh, good evening, Maryam; I thought you were working toni— What? W-What do you mean they—?!"

"What's going on?" Karkat asked quickly, running over. "Dad?!" His father was completely unresponsive, even when he took the phone from him. "Ms. Maryam, what's going on?"

"It's your brother…a-and Cronus; they were attacked. You guys need to get here as soon as possible."

"We'll be there soon; I think my dad might be having a heart attack." The instant he put the phone down, he shook his father's arm. "Everyone get in the car!"

"Wait, what's going on?" Gamzee called.

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND GET IN THE CAR! We have to get to the hospital!"


Kankri had just been through a short operation to remove the bullets that had been lodged deep in his torso when his family had shown up. They were made aware his condition; one shot had pierced a blood vessel, but the other had just barely missed damaging his heart. As it would appear, it was a matter of patience at that point; with all the blood loss, there was still a chance he might die.

They were directed to the room where Kankri was left to recover, where they were stopped by Damien Ampora.

"Shh…" he whispered, looking back into the room. Cronus was kneeling on the floor beside the bed, the bandages on his shoulder stained a slight red, and the bandages around his leg slightly visible above the waist of his jeans. The teenager rested his chin on the bed forlornly, gently running his fingers through Kankri's hair. He traced one of the catlike ears on his head, pulling away dejectedly when it didn't twitch away from his touch.

Karmene approached the teenager silently, resting a hand on his shoulder. His tail fell limply behind him as he stared emotionlessly down at his son.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Vantas…" Cronus murmured softly. "This is my fault."

"No, Cronus;" the adult sniffled. "I know you wouldn't let something like this happen intentionally."

"But if I hadn't talked him into sneaking out…"

"Cronus, please; you're all Kankri talks about these days. He trusted you enough to sneak him out in the middle of the night despite knowing I'd have a coronary when I found out." He smiled down at the young Ampora, his eyes sparkling with tears. "I trust you just as much."

Karkat approached the bed as well, growling softly. "What's wrong with people? Why does it have to be us?! We didn't do anything to them!"

"There isn't much that can really be done." Karmene sighed heavily. "Dolores called Rebecca for me; she'll be here any minute to talk to Cronus."

"Could I talk to her too? Doesn't take a genius to know who did this."

"Uh…Excuse us?" the mourning trio looked back at the door to see Porrim walking in with the Nitram family.

"Hello, Samuel." Karmene said politely, though he was clearly surprised to see the man there.

"Karmene." The adult nodded back as Rufioh took a place beside Cronus to look over the injured neko's paling face.

"Are you here for something?" Karmene asked, seeming a bit nervous now.

"Of course;" Samuel nodded. "Rufioh was hoping he'd be able to, ah, talk to Kankri. Now, as his father, you have the right to say no if you don't want him to communicate."

Karmene stared at him curiously, not even sure how to respond immediately. "…W-Why exactly does he want to talk to him? Why now, more importantly?"

"It is not easy to explain, but we assure you that no harm will come to him during the process."

"That doesn't answer the question at all."

"I can explain everything; that I can promise with all certainty, but we just need you to allow us. Yes or no, Karmene; that's all."

The adult looked down at his youngest son, who crossed his arms and looked away, sighing before he nodded.

"I…I suppose it couldn't hurt. But, Samuel, you had better start explaining."

"Of course."

Samuel and Tavros led the Vantas boys out, and Rufioh looked down at Cronus. "How are you, Ampora?"

"My boyfriend got shot up like a bad arcade game; how exactly do you think I am?"

"How do you think he is?"

"I don't know. If I were him, I'd be pissed at me."

"Cronus, it wasn't your fault. You know that."

"Rufioh, that bastard Arthur has been all over Kankri for over a year now. He's been getting more brazen; I told you how he and his goons broke into Kankri's house. And then he threatened him. We were there when he threatened him, and I still took Kankri out. If I'd left him alone—hell, even if we'd just stayed at my house all day—this wouldn't have happened."

"Well, Kankri must've been having a good time; I remember that smile he had on when you guys got into my car, and the way you two wouldn't stop goofing around and giggling the whole way to the mall."

Cronus smirked slightly at the memory of just a few hours ago, softly taking Kankri's hand and tracing little shapes in his palm. He felt a smile cross his face when he just barely felt a muscle twitch at this stimulation.

"Cronus." Rufioh called softly, wrapping an arm around his friend's shoulder. "Ms. Pyrope is going to be here soon to ask you questions."

"I know; I know; I heard." Cronus got up from his position on the floor, having to stretch his leg since his knee had gone numb from kneeling.

"Don't worry;" Rufioh assured him, patting his back as he walked toward the door. "Kankri's in good hands. You'll be the first to know how he's doing."

Cronus looked back at him. "Shouldn't you tell his dad first?"

"I should…But you're my bro." The Nitram boy winked, and Cronus couldn't help but give a slight smile before leaving.

Rufioh sighed heavily, pulling up a chair and sitting beside the bed. He pressed his palms together, leaning to rest his forehead against the bed. He hadn't done this in, well, God knows how long, so hopefully, it went smoothly. He relaxed his body, and felt himself slip out of the physical realm.


Kankri was standing in a doorway in the hospital's inner halls, where a few conference rooms were located. He watched solemnly as the boy he had just barely gotten a chance to kiss recounted the traumatizing incident with Chief Pyrope. An awful burning sensation was present in his back and one of his legs, and the new white robes and pants he was wearing were stained red in those same places; but it was nothing compared to how utterly miserable and scared he was. None of them could hear or even see him, and listening to them discuss his fate was nerve-wracking.

"Here you are." A familiar, concerned voice spoke with relief. Kankri spun around, his eyes widening in shock as he saw Cronus's friend Rufioh behind him, most of the surprise coming from the sight of the long, feathered wings stretching from the taller boy's back. The Nitram, cloaked in light brown robes seeming more elaborate than Kankri's, looked on the mutant with sympathy. "I've been looking for you, cupcake."

"H-How can you see me?" Kankri asked nervously, taking a nervous step back.

Rufioh held out his hands welcomingly. "Relax…I'm just here to talk to you."

The neko boy stared, still clearly terrified.

The angel sighed. "Will you at least take a walk with me?" he asked. Kankri glanced back at his family and acquaintances, and finally, he decided to follow.

"How are you feeling?" Rufioh asked softly as they just walked, eventually walking out of the hospital.

"How do you mean?" Kankri murmured, though his tone suggested that he just didn't want to talk about it.

"Angry? Sad? Scared? At peace?"

The young mutant kept shaking his head as Rufioh rattled off theories about his potential mental state, actually giving a disbelieving laugh at the suggestion that he was at peace. He actually surprised himself by not feeling any of what must have been the normal feelings. Now that Rufioh was here with him, his fear was gone; and the more he thought on the matter, he realized his misery was kind of pointless. Now he was simply at a sort of sad neutrality.

"I feel okay, I guess." He murmured. "Nothing really stands out."

"No vengeance, or anything?"

"Not right now…"

"Well, if you say so." Rufioh said, though he sounded a bit uncertain. He softly took Kankri's hand, and the neko held on tightly as the angel pulled him off the ground, placing him gently on some kind of invisible plane above the physical world. His watch immediately fell on Cronus and his family again.

"If it's alright with you," Rufioh said softly, watching him. "I'd like you to stay up here for the time being. I'll keep checking in on you to make sure you're getting along okay."

"Do I have to stay here?" Kankri mumbled, watching as Chief Pyrope gathered up the files she'd brought with her before shaking hands with Cronus, giving him a sympathetic hug, and finally leaving.

"I would appreciate it." Rufioh shrugged. "My dad calls this place a Reflection Plane. He says you're supposed to watch what goes on and think about your life, and tomorrow, I'll come back to ask you the question.

"Sounds like I'm going to be lonely…"

"I'm sorry, cupcake, but your body needs a bit of time. I'll be back to see you in about 24 hours."

Kankri didn't respond at first, he was still fixated on watching Cronus. The Ampora was slouching in his chair, trying to pass off the fact that he was crying.

"Rufioh." Kankri sighed, making the angel glance back at him. "I want him to smile…"

Rufioh tapped his chin and nodded in understanding, a smile gracing his face. "I'll work on it."

Kankri watched as his friend spread his wings and flew off, disappearing into the white void. He looked down again to see Rufioh back in the hospital's halls.


"There you are." The Nitram boy smirked as he found Cronus still in the conference room.

"Hey…" Cronus said with a slightly choked voice. "Did he say anything?"

"Yeah, actually. He had a message for you specifically."

"That's good to hear. Did he want something?"

"Indeed." The boy's smirk turned a bit sinister—unbecoming for a young angel—and he lunged, mercilessly tickling Cronus's sides.

The Ampora nearly choked on his own laughter, one hand shoving Rufioh's shoulder. "You bastard! Get off me!" he practically cackled.

"What? He told me he wanted to see you smile."

I said I wanted him to smile; you didn't have to be so forceful.

Rufioh could just barely hear, deep within his mind, Kankri's chuckling voice; and with a smile of his own, he let his friend go.

Cronus panted heavily, a small grin on his tearstained face, despite the heaviness still in his heart. "You tell him…" he sighed, sitting up. "I will get him back for that."

You better not have gotten me in trouble…

Rufioh couldn't help chuckling; he could barely understand Kankri's words when the neko was laughing so much.