Stargate: Atlantis. Siblings.
"So," Lieutenant Cornel John Sheppard looked at me amusingly, "first time through the gate, huh?"
My knuckles were white as I held my bag tightly, all color had drained from my face and I was clutching my chest as I began to hyperventilate. "Oh my god I am NEVER doing that again." I shut my eyes and began taking slow, deep, breathes in an attempt to slow my breathing.
John laughed lightly, "You'll get used to it."
"What, you mean I have to do that again?!" I spun around looking at the rest of the new recruits, "how are they so calm?! That was freaky as shit!"
"It's ooooookay, just breathe kiddo," John had a hold of my shoulders as he spoke. He and McKay handpicked me back on earth; top of my class in Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Ancient Studies. Plus I'm not bad with a hand-gun. Gate travel however seems to be my Achilles heel.
"Kiddo? Really? You're gunna call me kiddo?" I looked back at him incredulously as he shrugged, "youngest one, only seems right."
"Ugh." Throwing my head back as I sighed in frustration was a bad idea. An immediate wave of dizziness slammed my brain and my vision went black as I felt myself start to wobble. I ended up flopping down into an awkward seating position on the ground and sat there a moment; note to self: do not throw head back when already feeling nauseous.
When my eyes opened again and vision had returned I saw John in front of me, eyebrows disappearing under his shaggy hair and an amused expression plastered onto his face, "really? You feinted?"
"I didn't feint! I simply sat down in frustration."
"You feinted."
"I did not!"
Dr. Weir walked over, "alright, alright that's enough. I don't want to have to play Mother here. John, you said you guys could keep the childish bickering to a minimum."
I glared at my big brother as I stood up and regained my composure, "I apologize on my behalf Dr. Weir." I spoke as civil and grown up as possible, despite my inner frustration.
John glared at me, "Oh sure, be all mature and make me look like the bad guy."
"Well you are! You're the one patronizing me and arguing that-" he cut me off.
"Me?! You won't even admit to feinting how is THAT mature?! It's just a simple comment-"
"ENOUGH!" Everything went silent, "Both of you, drop it." John and I both looked away in embarrassment as Dr. Weir continued to speak. "John. You're Team Leader, show some maturity will you? And Claire, please don't make me regret this decision."
"Yes ma'am. And thank you for the opportunity to join your expedition." I mumbled, feeling rather embarrassed. I've only been on Atlantis 5 minutes and I'm already being reprimanded.
"You're welcome; and both of you please try and get along?" Weir glared at both of us as she begged for our maturity before walking away.
John and I stood stalk still, staring off as her form disappeared from view.
"You started it." John mumbled out of the corner of his mouth just before I glared at him and punched him lightly in the shoulder, "You suck."
"That punch was pathetic."
"Ohhhhh my god I hate you so much." I grabbed my bags off the ground and began marching forward before I realized I have no idea where to go, "hey… John?"
"Yea, yea, I'll show you to your room." I tripped slightly as he pushed me playfully ahead of him, "this way."