Author's Note: Oh my God! Can't believe that this is the last chapter! *wails* Bluefurryfeather and Tide3456, I hope you will be pleased of what I had done at the end. Right then I wasn't sure if Fi had powers but I stuck them in…

Chapter 40: The End

"Master Link, I have important information for you. Once you enter this portal, my analysis indicates a 0% chance that you will be able to return, unless you are able to vanquish your foe."

"Well then: let's bring it on."

"Understood, Master Link. Know that even in the place that lies beyond this portal, I will be with you…"

"Thanks Fi. You have been a great friend throughout this journey. I wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for you." I replied softly. "What will happen to you when this is over?"

She smiled. "You shall see, Master." but before she vanished she spoke. "And, Master…Good luck."

Going in the portal was definitely not the greatest feeling in the world. It gave off such bad vibes that I had to shudder violently to be able to get it off.

I didn't expect to have the environment to be all blue but the moment I took a step, it felt weird since it practically felt like you were walking on the water. There, in front of me, stood Demise.

"Ah, so you've decided to meet your end in battle after all. It pleases me greatly to see such misplaced valor, human." he greeted me, unpleasantly. "Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings, for where we stand shall serve as your tomb for eternity."

"I would never die. It's you. You're so full of malice and hatred…those things will bring you to your downfall."

He started to walk around for a bit until he spoke. "The hate for the gods that has boiled in my veins…You will taste all of it in the bite of my blade." he responded, cruelly. He then turned around. "The only question left is how long you will manage to remain standing before I take your life. Try to keep it interesting for me, would you?"

"I would if only you do it."

He twisted his normal expression into a twisted smile. "So be it, boy. And when you do fall, know that your world and everything in it is mine to dominate…Mine to subjugate…Mine to rule!" he lifted his hand up and then he brought close to him.

"When I finish with you, you can take solace in knowing your friends and kin will soon follow, as I wipe all who oppose me from the face of this world!" he replied, malevolently.

The friendly sky vanished from a quick swish of his hand and it was replaced by the horrible darkness.

"…It won't be long now. At last, the almighty power I've sought for millennia…"

"All that hard work you've done…it would go down anyways." I said coolly.

Breathing heavily, he spoke. "I will take the Triforce for my own…And the world shall be under my foot for eternity!" he let out a terrifying roar but it didn't faze me at all.

Despite his huge size, I managed to hit him sometimes but he blocked all my other attacks. He started to ram into me but I used my shield to block it. The battle went slow but I knew that it was just the beginning. Unluckily, I got rammed so hard that the wind was knocked out of me. It was hard to breathe until I remembered that I was still with Demise.

Rolling out of the way, I hear his sword striking the ground. I then scrambled up and prepared to do a jump attack. I did that though he was prepared since he turned around to block it. To tell you the truth, I never felt so frightened in my entire life.

How would you feel if you had to fight the ultimate boss? And you only have one chance at that.

If you weren't careful, that would be the end for you.

I looked at the black sword that sliced my cheek.

Damn it!

Such language.

Now is not the time! I screamed at the voice before I violently hacked away the demon.

He didn't do a very good job of blocking himself because I was able to hit him at least three times in the row before he decided to smack me in the face hard with his sword. So naturally, I fell down, slightly bleeding.

At last, I saw him brought to his knees and I took this chance to furiously slash at him. However, I was blind because I was once again hit since he painfully and I mean painfully ram the hilt of his sword into my chest again. I felt like I couldn't breathe so all I did was coughing while I grabbed the air eagerly.

That hurt…a lot.

He violently took two swings at me before I hit him again. Finally, the last powerful strike had send him down to the ground. I panted to catch my breath before he got up to begin another round.

He angrily stomped his foot and the blue lightning flashed at his every movement. Demise then raised his sword, allowing the lightning to hit it.

Quickly, he charged at me with an inhuman speed and I was lucky enough to dodge it. Abruptly, he swung his sword to release the huge amount of lightning. I did a backflip to avoid it but it wasn't enough since I got struck by it, brutally. I felt paralyzed for a moment; my body being stiff from such an impact.

Slowly getting up, I weakly held my sword up in the sky as I got an idea. I waited for the blue lightning to hit my sword and when it did, I released it and it damaged Demise a lot. Aggressively, I struck him with many hits as I can before he was able to move.

This is really too easy. I thought, smirking as I began to slash at him yet again.

I wouldn't be so cocky now.

What do you-

The brute charged into me, making me to gasp in pain as I felt the sword slicing at my side and it allowed the blood to flow out. I twirled around when he struck me and then I fell to the floor; my sword scattering out of my hand. Gasping, I clutched my side so that it wouldn't bleed that much.

"This is the end for you, boy." he thundered, walking slowly towards me. When he reached me, he grabbed my head back to feel his cold blade touching my neck.

"It never is." I gritted through my teeth as I felt the sword pressing against my throat.

"Oh I think it is."

I tried to cough but it proved to be painful since the sword kept pressing harder against my throat. Eventually, the blood came out of it but it wasn't a lot so I was still living.


Abruptly, the monster let out a roar as he suddenly flew away from me. I massaged my throat and looked at Fi who was smirking.

"Master…" she said.

"Thanks…Fi…" I replied shakily.

Suddenly, as soon as I got up, I immediately got back down from a hard impact. I realized that he was grabbing my neck, hoping to choke me to death and he began to smash me at the ground brutally.

"If I can't kill you with my powers, boy," he hissed dangerously as he brought me close to his malice face. "Then I could kill you…physically!"

I was for sure that my bones were shattered by now after he smashed me so many times that blood started seep at the side of my forehead. My vision became blurry and all I could make out was the wicked face of Demise.

I can't die now…

All the people…



I just…can't…

Fi's scream barely became audible since I was losing so much oxygen.

I can't… die…

I won't…

Just when I thought I would die, something attacked Demise once again. I fell down to the ground with a hard THUD and I gasped, choking as I eagerly took the air once again.

The familiar touch touched my shoulder and I looked up to see Fi's face filled with worry.


"F…Fi…" I croaked. I weakly turned to see Demise struggling to get up. Shakily, I replied.

"Time…t-…time to end this."

Nodding, I weakly got up but as soon as I did, I fell back to the floor.

Goddesses, please give me strength!

As if they had heard me, I suddenly had enough strength to end him.

Running towards him, I leaped in the air with my sword that was being in contact with the blue lightning and then I struck him with the sword.

The blue light expanded, ending him.

The lightning flashed dangerously and I got off him. Agonizingly, he got back up but he would stagger and he raised his sword, hoping to get me dead.

The sword then hit the ground and the crackling light outlined the sword and then it vanished. He stared with utter disbelief, not wanting to accept that he had been defeated by a mere child.

This can't be…true!

"Extraordinary. You stand as a paragon of your kind, human." he replied, wheezing. "You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end. My…hate…never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end!" he panted, heavily as he tried to breath.

I stared at him or rather glared at him as I still clutched my bleeding wound. It didn't bleed like before…but I still couldn't believe it. I…I…


"I will rise again!" he roared. "Those like you…Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero…They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"

"I will be sure that it will never happen."

With a roar of agony, he finally…collapsed into dust.

The light had returned and something glowed. Gasping, I looked at my sword that glowed and I raised it into the sky, allowing the black mist to be sucked into the sacred blade.

"I have confirmed the eradication of the demon king. His residual consciousness has been absorbed into the Master Sword…and is now sealed away."

I felt myself being transported and I was back into the temple with Impa looking at me.

"You have done well, Link."

Turning around, I gasped at the two figures.


"Link…" Zelda said as joy ran through her body. "Thank you. I think it's over…Finally…it's all over."

Zelda burst out, crying with joy and I walked towards her while Groose walked past by us.

"Nice going, you two. You guys were totally amazing in this little adventure. I like to call the Legend of Groose." he stated, boasting. "That's a little joke."

I hardly paid attention to him since I was focusing on the weeping Zelda.

"Zelda don't cry." I whispered.

"Joke or not, your contributions to our efforts were heroic. You have my thanks." Impa thanked us as I turned around to see her.

Groose blushed a little which kinda freaked me out a little.

"Aww, well, you know…Just glad I could make myself useful. I'm happy things turned out ok." Groose then turned around. "Hey, so things look pretty sewn up here. What do you say, guys? Ready to head back to our own time?"

I nodded. "Am I ever!"

"Grannie was really worried about you two. We don't want to keep the old girl in suspense too long."

A bright light glowed at the top of my sword and Fi came out, slightly bowing.

"Hylia, Your Grace…Or perhaps you prefer "Zelda". It pleases me to know you are safe…Master, I must speak with you."

I followed her and we reached to where the pedestal was.

"Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend. My purpose here is complete."

"What? Fi…" I replied, shocked.

"Therefore, I ask you to dissolve your arrangement as master and servant. Drive the sword into the pedestal before you, and I will return to the sword to enter a sleep without end."

"What…but…" tears rolled down my cheeks. This is just like Zelda…

"I…can't…Fi…" I pleaded.

"Master, you have achieved the purpose you were chosen to fulfill. Please, set the sword in the pedestal and bring the goddess's mission to an end." she replied, quietly. "Now, Master. It is time to conclude our necessary companionship."

"Fi…no!" this time, I lost it as I cried uncontrollably. "No…please…I can't…because of you, I got this far. I can't let you sleep eternally."

"Don't worry, Master. I will be awaken when the time comes again. With a new hero, perhaps."

Flashes of images zoomed through my mind of all the time we had spent time together. An image appeared which was when the Scrapper and I fought. It made Fi to be angry at us.

"Let's see here…This cargo looks very heavy, but it's well within my payload tolerances, bzzrrt!"

I started to mock him but then I immediately close my mouth shut when it turned.

"Master Shortpants! Watch carefully while I demonstrate what a real hero looks like, bzzzzat!" I kept on opening and closing my mouth at the insult.

"You calling me a fake?! Why you little twit! I should send you to Eldin Volcano to let you burn! I'm more of a hero than you will ever be!"

"Yeah, a hero wouldn't be constantly getting injured." it sneered.

"Well sorry if I had to go through the hardships!" I argued back.

"Enough!" the Water Dragon roared which we instantly shut our mouths closed. "I don't care who the real hero is. By my instincts, Link is the real deal. You're just a weasel robot who takes from a…inhuman creature. Now begone from here!"

Fi looked like she wanted to slap us both while we both put our heads down in shame. We just got scolded from Her Majesty…

Scrapper…how will I tell him that Fi…that Fi…

All those…times…will be wasted away as a memory.

She disappeared into a ball of light and went back into my sword. I slightly staggered from the force of it. I stared sadly at the sword until something caught my eye. It was Zelda who nodded and I slowly nodded back.

Slowly, I pulled the sacred blade out of its place and stared at it as tears fell down on my cheeks. With one last look, I thrust the blade into the pedestal. The blue glow expanded, sealing it away. Not sealing, but you know.

"Fi…" I whispered, sobbing.

I walked down the stairs, feeling suddenly empty again.

"Link…" the familiar voice called. I turned around to see Fi talking in the sword. "Link, hear me. My purpose was to obey the command of the goddess and lead you, the chosen hero of this land, on your quest. When I first awoke and began this task, I perceived it as merely serving my function as a servant to Her Grace. However, I have come to consider the information corresponding to our time together among the most precious data I have on record." she told me.

I slightly stopped crying but the tears were still there. I walked up the stairs and smiled at Fi.

"I do not have the capability to fully understand the human spirit, Link. But now, at the end of my journey with you, as I prepare to sleep within the Master Sword forever, I experience a feeling I am unable to identify. I lack sufficient date to be sure of my conclusion, but I believe this feeling correlates closest to what your people call…happiness."

"That's great, Fi…" I blubbered through my sobs. It hurts to cry, considering that I have that wound still. "Fi, I'm gonna miss you!" I cried.

"Me too, Link. Our partnership is at an end, and even as we speak, I feel my consciousness fading away. Before I enter the sleep that calls me to the sword, I wish to relay to you words that I recorded many times over the course of our journey."

"I will never forget this. I swear, Fi. I swear." I cried. "Please don't go! Please!"

"Many have said them to you thus far, but I now wish to say them for myself…Thank you, Master Link. May we meet again in another life…"

I closed my eyes, reliving all the memories I had with Fi but as I opened them, Fi was gone. I cried to the fullest, walking to my once beloved sword and hugged the sword as I was falling down.

"What? Impa, why? Come with us!" Zelda's voice pleaded and I looked around to see them.

"Zelda, Your Grace, you possess the memories of the goddess. You must understand why that is not possible. I am a being of this age. My place is here." Impa replied.

"I…I know that, but…" Zelda begged, saddened.

"You must return to your own time. I will take care of the gate once you have passed through."

Zelda ran up to her but stopped.

"I…can't do that. You and I have been through so much together. I don't want to leave you alone." she begged. "Please, Impa. Come back with us." she begged again.

Impa placed her hand on her shoulder, gently. "Zelda, at the command of the goddess, I passed through the Gate of Time. I did so protect you and aid the fight to prevent the world's destruction. The last remnants of Demise are decaying slowly within the sword. Someone must stay behind to watch over this blade. His spirit must not reawaken. He must never be allowed to threaten the world again. This is the nature of the task given to my tribe." she told her, her eyes looking through Zelda's saddened ones.

"As a member of the Sheikah, the goddess's chosen guardians, I gladly welcome this duty."

Zelda bowed her head, trying to not have the tears to escape.

"Zelda, I shall watch over the Triforce. Its power is too great to leave in the grasp of man. Dependence on its might is an invitation to disaster. When it has served its purpose, it must be secreted away to lie dormant once again…the knowledge of its existence hidden from mortal history. These are the words the goddess spoke to me long ago, I remember them well. As do you, I'm sure." Impa said, softly.

Zelda lifted her head, nodding. She then started to take something out and handed to Impa who stared at it. It was a bracelet from her.

"Do not despair, Zelda. You and I will surely meet again someday." she promised, taking the bracelet. She then turned around and opened the gate.

Going through the portal was probably one of the hardest things I had done. Other than losing Zelda a couple of times, of course.

The Gate then closed and then a huge light had covered the circle completely and it vanished into dust. Groose and I ran to the other end as we saw the elderly women. Zelda however, stayed there. It saddened that she wouldn't be able to see her again. Her mentor. Her friend. However, she smiled when she saw something familiar on the old lady's hand.

It was that…


Smiling though her eyes still held that sadness, she walked towards us. Groose painfully shoved me as he laughed. Zelda then walked between us, her hands reaching out to the bracelet.

"…See? I told you we'd meet again." the women replied, smiling. However, after staring at her, she started to disappear into sparkles. Zelda tried to hold on to her but she felt her hand, slipping away. The only sound that was heard was the falling from the bracelet.

Groose fell down, unable to believe that she had disappeared. Heart aching, Zelda lowered her head as she softly spoke.

"Impa…Thank you. Thank you for everything."

Unbeknownst to us, something glowed at the Master Sword and the great doors that stood ahead of us opened to reveal the bright light. It revealed the Master Sword that stood proudly among us.

Gaepora watched at the sudden piece that went missing. He closed his eyes for a few minutes until he heard footsteps.

He turned around and was shocked. He couldn't believe it…but it was true! With every real step and with every real heartbeat…she was there…

"Zelda…?" he asked, shocked.

"Yes, Father. It's me." Zelda spoke.

Gasping happily, he ran to his daughter and hugged her for a long time. Our birds came behind them, watching the scene.

Groose was also filled with happiness when he saw his two buds. Cawlin and Strich.

"Ack, Groose what's that!?" Cawlin shouted, seeing small birds.

"That's a bird." he chuckled as he remembered his own freaking.

"But why's it so small!?"

Groose then started to explain. The music from the harp had soothed Zelda's soul. Yeap, we were on the hands of the statue of the Goddess with the Triforce behind us.

Zelda waved at Groose who flew past by us. All of a sudden, Zelda exclaimed happily.

"Look around us! As a child, I always dreamed of a world below. I wanted to see the surface with my own eyes and feel the land's warm breeze on my skin. I…I think I want to live here. I always want to feel solid ground beneath my feet, see the clouds above my head, and watch over the Triforce." she admitted as I stared into her.

"What about you, Link?" she asked. "What will you do now?"

"I…" I stared at the ground, thinking of my answer.

What do I want to do? After all these little adventures, I had… I always said to myself that I couldn't wait to finish this so that I could finally return back to my home. After looking through that, I…didn't realize how hard it was to say good bye.

My goodbyes to Fi and to Impa who apparently was that old women who had also helped me through my journey. My goodbyes to the Master Sword…

But I now know what I want to do.

Besides, we could always go back…

I then made my way towards Zelda and stared into her blue eyes. I always loved her eyes. Just something about them makes me so…

So…wonderful? I don't know.

I cupped her cheeks with my hands and pulled her into a kiss…

And that my friends, is...

The End.

Author's Note: *blubbers* My Gawd! I don't think I had ever cried that much! This is the first time I had ever cried in my entire life! I literally cried when I wrote the goodbye of Fi. Like noooo Fiiiiiiiiiiiii! Whyyyy!? Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the novelization as much as I did too. I hate to say goodbyes but it's not really a goodbye… Thank you so much for pulling through this long novel! My thanks to you! If you want me to do some side-quests like the Gratitude Crystals, let me know.