Chapter 1 : The Trip To The Phantomhives
Disclaimer : I do not own Kuroshitsuji . All of the characters belong to Yana Toboso
I stand impatiently while holding my clipboard, rummaging through the papers i have in it. Reading the list of names in the order they appear. " Hmm... " I scan one paper in particular , " Mable ? ... Mable Candlewood? " I look up from my clipboard and scan the area. *Sigh* I look up at the sky . It was a light aquamarine color with big puffy white cloud scattered across the morning sky. The trees swaying gracefully . The ground is still covered with leftover snow from last night. A perfect winter day.
A young girl rushes towards me and stands straight and tall wearing what appears to be school uniform. She breathes heavily from running but manages to say a few words, " Sorry I am late Ms. Rosemary ! I-I ran here as fast as I could... I wouldn't miss your class for the world ! "
I shook my head , " Get in line Mable, class is starting . "
" Yes Ms. Rosemary ! " she exclaimed and rushed to sit in her seat. Class was outside today, because today is the final day of archery class for my students. Today is also my final day I will be teaching . I love teaching archery to young girls. I not only teach them this skill , I teach them how to be strong and never weak and how to be lady -like. I am known for teaching my girls these things , so it saddens me that this is their final day.
"Okay girls... Grab your arrows. Today, are target will be over there by that tree. I expect you all to hit at or near the center, " i addressed as I walked by each of the girls , who were seated in a straight line side by side. Each angling their arrows .
" Ready ...Set... Go! " The girls began firing their arrows . I walked to one student in particular and acknowledged her accuracy " Marvelous Gina " , I stand astonished at the flight of the arrows across the air while placing my hand on one of my students shoulder. She smiled as I praised her. From the corner of my eye I noticed a dark shadowy figure headed in my direction. " Hold on a second ," I let go of the student's shoulder and walked towards the figure, It was unlikely for visitors to come here unexpectedly so I felt like it was my responsibility to see why this person was here . Where they her about my school program ?
As the person got closer I realized the figure was in fact a man. He was relatively tall even from a distance, he was wearing a vest, tailcoat and white gloves. It appears he was wearing clothes that an average butler would wear. He had black hair and brownish red eyes, I had to admit this grey skinned man was very handsome. I blushed at the thought of it. I quickly snapped back to reality to realized he was right in front of me holding a letter with a smirk on his face.
" Good Afternoon , I am hear to deliver a message from the Earl of The Phantomhives," he handed me the letter with a smirk on his face.
" The Phantomhives? " I opened the letter and read the words that was written on it, every once and awhile looking up at this unfamiliar man.
" My master has sent me here to personally deliver this message to you so that you can give an immediate response. " He placed his hands behind his back, bowed and stared at me.
" I-I am sorry ... I do not understand... This letter looks like a job offer if I am not mistaken ." I looked at the man in disbelief .
He smiled and nodded, " In in fact it is, my master would like you to work at the Phantomhive Manor as a maid. " His unusually cheery voice made me a bit uneasy. Mainly because this strange man I have met out of nowhere has just offered me a job. It sounds great and all, considering that after today I will be unemployed.
I felt a warm breath on my neck " You will have full health coverage, a place to sleep , and you will be paid more than what you are paid here. " The man whispered in my ear.
A giant sweat drop appeared on my head, " Haha , well when you put it that way... I guess I can consider. "
" Excellent choice my lady , I suggest that you come with me to see the Earl " he gestured his hand to the carriage that was sitting a few feet away.
"Right now ? But ... I have a class ," I look back at the group of students who were listening in on the conversation . I could hear them saying things like , Who is that man? Is he her boyfriend? He is so hot . Look ! He is staring!
" Go On Ms. Rosemary !" yelled one voice.
" Yes Go Ms. Rosemary ! I will put way the arrows !" yelled another as she began to pick up the arrows from all the other students.
" Me Too ! I will wipe down the seats ! " The girls began saying different words of encouragement. I looked back at the man who seem to smile at the situation . " I-I guess I could dismiss class early ." I waved at the students as a tear strolled down my cheek. I'm going to miss these girls .
" Goodbye Ms. Rosemary! " the students yelled in unison as i followed the man and boarded the carriage.
The carriage inside had plush cushions and a decorated wallpapers . I sat close to the window looking at the beautiful scenery passing by . I adjusted myself in my seat so that i could sit in the ride comfortably. From the looks of this carriage, this had to belong to a rich noble . During the carriage ride I thought of how as of now, I am no longer a simple archery teacher who worked at old and small school.
My name is Leona Rosemary. Daughter of a pastry worker and a locksmith . I have long mid-back dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes, and a warm beige skin tone . I am a former archery teacher.
The carriage came abruptly to a stop and a calmed voice echoed above me, " Excuse me, My Lady, but I have failed to warn you ahead of time that we will be picking up a guest along the way"
" A guest you say ? " I thought while looking around outside .
The man hopped off the carriage to open the door, I manage to hear him say a few words before opening it, " Ms. Elizabeth please be careful when stepping inside . One foot at a time, see... " he held a young child's hand as the child hopped into the carriage. " Not so hard, right ? Now make sure your dress is all the way inside. We are now departing. "He said as he closed the door. The child was a young girl with curly blond ponytails with huge innocent emerald green eyes. she sat in the chair with a big smile on her face while swaying her feet. She appeared to be excited about something. Her dress was big and frilly with bows and ribbons around it. She was also carrying a bag.
" My name is Elizabeth !... You are very pretty . " she said in a bubbly tone, " You remind me of this cute bow I have ! See! " she pulled out a purple bow from the bag she was carrying.
" Thank you Elizabeth. That is a very pretty bow you have there. My name is Leona. "
" Please , call me Lizzy ! " she then began searching through her bag again and pulled out a navy blue ribbon " Doesn't this one look adorable ? It reminds me of Ciel. I am giving it to him . " she smiled warmly at the words she said.
" Ciel ? " I asked, " Who is that ?"
She giggled, " Ciel is my fiancee' ! I am absolutely surprised you don't know my darling Ciel. This is his carriage you are riding in ! "
" Oh really ? ", I smiled , " Well then I think he will love that bow , especially since it is coming from you. "
Her smile got big and wide and she suddenly gave me a hug. She then blurted out , " Sebastian ! Are we close to Ciel yet ? "
" Here we are Lady Elizabeth and Lady Rosemary." said the man above. I finally learned his name. Sebastian. I blushed slightly , the devilishly handsome man who has taken me to my new job is named Sebastian. He hopped of the carriage and opened the door, " Here we are... welcome to the Phantomhive Manor..."
Omg ! I have just finished my first chapter ! Sorry it's so short lol I will try to write more in my next chapter . This is my first fanfic ! I am like to ecstatic to finally write one . I am planning to make new chapters often . Depending on my schedule. School has gotten me tired and has made me and my bed very very best friends. xD Let me know whatcha' think!
* stomach growls * I am going to reward myself a sandwich !