A/N: Thank you to NinjaFANatic, Intangible Kittens, Ruby 1334, Layra, YoshiJFD, DaEpicNinja, RowdyRuff Girl Raven Cross, ExpertoftheBlade, and RandyCunningham IsTheCheese for reviewing the previous chapter, and thank you to Ruby 1334, Intangible Kittens, wisedrow, RandyCunningham IsTheCheese, Rodimusthe2nd, NinjaFANatic, KindHeartedJenny, SariSpy56, and desastre777 for reviewing Chapter 2 (since I forgot to do that last time).

Sorry for taking a ridiculously long time to finish this. I'm not going to come up with an excuse this time. I'm just a lazy person -_-

"I have to go to the bathroom," I used the first excuse that came into my mind, and ran to the bathroom, ducking into a stall and slipping the ninja mask over my head.

I ran out, throwing down a smokebomb in the place which I appeared. "I don't know why you're stanked this time, Bucky, but you're going down! Ninja hot balls!"

(3rd person POV)

Heidi gasped. "The ninja!" she murmured under her breath, and ran after him.


"Ok, where the juice is Randy?" Theresa turned to see the ninja fighting a monster. "Looks like-" she started. "Oh, I don't have time for this!"

(Randy's POV (5 minutes later))

"Enough of this!" I looked around for the stanked item. "Stanked corsage… how original," I muttered, finally catching sight of it. "Ninja scarf!" I reached out my ninja scarf to grab it, but he ran away. I chased after him.

Eventually, we ended up on the roof.

"Alright, there's nowhere left to run!"

After that, it all happened very fast. The Bucky-monster stepped backwards, and off the roof, and he started to fall, but then a stream of water caught him. (Yes, you read that right) I turned to see none other than my fellow Elemental Ninja, the Water Ninja bending over the roof with water coming out of her hands and grabbing the Bucky-monster, pulling him up. Then, the water stopped it's flow out of her left hand, which she then used to reach inside her ninja suit and grab her own ninja sword, which looked exactly like mine, only where mine was red, hers was ocean blue. She threw it down, and it landed tip down on the corsage, which had fallen to the ground, de-stanking Bucky, who the Water Ninja set down safely on the roof next to her.

She turned to look at me. "You're welcome." She prepared to throw down a smokebomb (which I assumed would be blue).



"How did you do that?"

"Well, I've had years of training, unlike someone I know…"

"No no no, not that- Hey! That was an insult! But I meant how did you know I was going to be here?"

"Oh. That." She hesitated. "I'm not going to lie to you, that part was easy. It was this-" she gestured to a shaking Bucky- "that was hard. However, despite what… I just said… it was easy. It's just that finding you was easier…" her eyes darted all around while she talked. "You know what I'm saying, right?" she asked, looking straight into my eyes for what I think was the first time.

With the suit on, of course.

She kept staring at me. Why? What did she think I was, a shoob? And then I realized she was waiting for an answer.

"That wasn't the question."

"You'll know."

"Is that your idea of an answer? I need to know who you are and how you learned all this!"

"My predecessor taught me."

"That's not- predecessor? Wait, what?"

"Umm… I hate to interrupt, but… I have no idea what's going on." The Water Ninja and I turned towards the sound, which came from Bucky's direction.

The Water Ninja sighed. "I have to go. Take care of Bucky."

"This isn't fair! You'll have to tell me someday."

"Someone is waiting for me." That was the last I heard before she threw down the smokebomb.

"That explains so much," I muttered in a sarcastic tone, turning around on my heel, coming face-to-face with Bucky. "You been on the roof before?" I doubted he had, but it didn't hurt to ask.

"I don't think so, Ninja."

"Alright, so here's how you get down. You see that door over there? It leads to a staircase. Go down the stairs. After a short time you'll see a door, which leads to a hallway on the third floor, and the door after that leads to the second. The third door is the one you want to go through, but don't go down any farther, you'll end up in the basement," I explained. "Or worse," I murmured under my breath.

"Ok. See you later, Ninja," Bucky said as a farewell, opening the door. But I wasn't alone for long, since as Bucky left, someone else entered.

"Ninja!" a familiar voice echoed into the night. No, I thought. It can't be…

But it was. I turned around to see none other than Heidi Weinerman advancing towards me. I prepared a smokebomb in my hand, ready to throw it down at any second to make an escape.

"Ninja, I need to talk to you." She had reached me. And then her eyes shifted, landing on the hand that held the smokebomb, sighing. "I give up; obviously you don't want to talk to me. If you wanna leave, then you can leave, I won't stop you."

"Heidi…" I trailed off with a sigh. "Do we really need to have this conversation? You don't have to spell it out for me. I came here to turn Bucky back to normal, in case you hadn't seen him rampaging around as a monster."

"I already know that! And I already said, if you don't wanna have this conversation, I won't force you."

"I thought that that was kinda the idea, you know, to tell me how it's going to be, what I'm supposed to know, and don't worry, I do."

"Is that what you think of me? It's not like I was going to wrap you up in chains and force you to be my date to the dance!"

"I know I- wait, say what now?"

"I was just going to offer you a chance, I wasn't going to make you come!"

"Wait… you wanted me to be your date to the dance?"

"…You mean you didn't know?"

"But I thought you already had one…"

"Why would you think that?"

"I saw you reject Luke for the reason of: you already had a date."

"Oh, that? Ninja, my date was you. Or at least, I hoped it would be…"

I put my hands on her shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Heidi."

"No, you don't have to apologize, I should have actually asked you."

"Don't say that, we both know you tried to get my attention earlier, but I was too busy to listen, and I'm sorry."


(3rd person POV)

"Ok, seriously, where is he?" Theresa thought aloud with more sadness than before. She glanced at the door to the boy's bathroom where Randy had disappeared into 15 minutes ago. She wondered what had happened. Likely he was ditching her, but she shoved that possibility to the back of her mind, not wanting to think about that.

"Hello Theresa," a voice said from behind her. "Enjoying the dance?"

"Oh, hey Julian." Theresa turned around to face her gothic friend.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh, well, it's just that Randy, who is also my date, by the way, left to go to the bathroom 15 minutes ago and is now nowhere to be seen."

"Do you want me to check for you?"

"You would do that?"

"Anything for a fellow member of Der Monster Klub."

"Thanks," Theresa replied as Julian left to find her missing man. She sighed as she sat down on the chair beside her. What exactly is Randy doing that's taking him so long? She thought. He probably is ditching me.


"I was so close!" a certain sorcerer shouted from underneath the school. In reality, he hadn't been as close as he'd imagined, but he liked to think breaking out of his miserable hole was a lot easier than it had proved to actually be. But something else was on his mind today. "Something… strange has been in the air this week, don't you think?"* He asked, looking at his mouse companion, who merely squeaked in reply.

"Of course you wouldn't notice," the Sorcerer replied, seeming to understand the small creature. "You're just a rodent. All you ever do is squeak and eat the crumbs that come out of the vents in the cafeteria. No matter, whatever is amiss shall become clear soon enough." All of a sudden, he became fixated on a certain pipe, and sniffed it, breathing in the smell. "Ah, the crisp, clear scent of abandonment. I can almost taste it." He began to gather up the green fumes, but stopped almost as quickly as he had started. "Wait. It's not ready yet," he noticed, and then broke into a sinister grin. "But it will be," he said, beginning to chuckle evilly.


Julian gulped nervously as he left the men's bathroom, unsure of how to break the bad news to Theresa. He had been really sure that Randy was in there, but he hadn't been. Why? He knew that Randy returned Theresa's feelings for him.

Come to think of it, Julian thought, stroking his chin with his right hand, he has been acting weird ever since last month, barely talking to Theresa and staring at Heidi Weinerman…

"Oh, great," he muttered aloud, looking at Theresa with sympathy. There was no way he would be able to tell her now… but he had to; otherwise he wouldn't be able to look her in the face on Monday. Although I could just hide in the shadows. Julian was unable to suppress the somewhat loud giggle that followed that thought.

Theresa heard and looked over to where the giggle had come from. "Julian!" she shouted happily, rushing over to him.

"Hello Theresa," he said with a smile, forgetting Theresa's unfortunate luck as the girl ran up to him, seeing the sparkle back in her eyes for the first time that night.

"So…?" she asked hopefully.

"So… what?" Julian asked, confused.

Theresa sighed in annoyance. "Did you find Randy?"

Julian's face darkened as he remembered. "Theresa…" he started grimly. "He wasn't there."

Theresa gasped.


"Now!" the Sorcerer shouted, releasing the stank into his next victim.


Julian's eyes widened in horror as he watched his best girl friend morph and change into a ugly monster, her skin stretching and turning green, her eyes turning squishy and yellow, and her legs becoming reminiscent of tentacles and twisting together to form one large one.

Her mouth grew, and her teeth became sharper and enlarged. Her hands turned into something resembling the claws of a crab, and the part of her hair that slightly stood up became the most prominent part of her hair. Not to mention her dress was as good as ruined.

She screamed a scream that only a monster could scream.

*Keep in mind that, under normal circumstances, the sorcerer can't actually see the fight between a stanked person and the ninja.

Yay! It's finally done! :D I'm not going to promise the next chapter will be soon, but it will come :)

Also, you may notice that the first two chapters are slightly different. That's because I edited out the author's notes popping up in the middle of the story, as I know that that can turn off some readers.

So what did you think? Review?