Wykkyd Heart

Chapter 1

Hey guys! Yes, I'm starting another story instead of continuing one of the large amounts that are already posted. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But Kyd Wykkyd is epic. Of course, I'm pretty sure I completely fucked up his personality... Oh, well.

I own nothing.



Not the greatest beginning, is it? It's not my fault though. I haven't been able to speak for two years, so my conversation skills aren't the best. I suppose I should explain what's going on first.

See, I'm not exactly human. My mom is, but my dad is a lesser demon. Obviously, this makes me a half demon. I'm sure some of you are thinking, 'oh, like Raven of the Teen Titans!' I suppose it's sort of like that... I might not be doomed to end the world, but I still got the red eyes- at least hers aren't always red –the dark powers, oh, and the very occasional bloodthirsty demonic rage attacks. And, as if that isn't enough, my dad's an abusive bastard, my mom's a bitch, and I'm mute.

Some of you might know who I am now, but I'm gonna introduce myself anyways. My name's Elliot. Yeah, not the most impressive name in the world. That's my birth name, but the rest of Jump City knows me by a different one. Let's see if you can figure it out...



I sighed. Just when I got my hopes up that my homicidal rage monster father wouldn't notice me today...

"Yes, Father?"

He slapped me. It hurt, but at least he wasn't clawing me into tiny pieces like he kept threatening to do.

"Don't speak to me like that!"

Okay, I did not know what I did wrong that time. Still, best not to ask.

"Of course Father."

He nodded, suitably mollified.

"May I ask what you called me here for?"

"Your mother wants caviar. Get it from the kitchen and take it to her."

"She can get her own stupid caviar."


Me again. I didn't actually say that, of course. It would have been suicide. And besides, I'm rarely confrontational outside my head. Now, I'll stop bothering you and let you read in peace, unless something else comes up. Back to what I actually said.


"Yes Father."

I left the room, picked up the caviar, and headed upstairs. Honestly though, caviar? Fish eggs? I didn't understand how she could like that stuff. I walked into her room, using my powers to open the door then shut it behind me. Hopefully she wouldn't notice, my powers were one of the many things that scared her.


I lowered my head until my red eyes were hidden by my messy black hair so she couldn't see them. They were another thing that scared her.

"Yes boy?"

"I have your caviar."

"Put it there."

I did, fighting back the anger at being treated like a servant. After all, I was technically prince of Asgaroth, son of King Lorelon, blah de blah.

"Not there! There!"

I moved the fish eggs. At that point I was honestly close to exploding with anger. If I didn't get back to my room before I lost control, the results would be bad. Very bad.

"No, over there!"

Enough was enough. No way was I taking this crap from my own fucking mother. The caviar floated off the plate. She screamed. I heard footsteps on the stairs. My father was come. Well, might as well enjoy attacking her with her stupid fish eggs before I was torn into tiny pieces. Allowing my powers to tear through my body, knowing that if I was to look in a mirror right then my eyes would be solid black, finally, after months of holding my emotions in check, I released all my strength into a single shock wave of black energy, sending the fish eggs flying into my mother's face before knocking her flat against the bed.

With effort, I reigned myself in before I could do anything else. Even losing control when no one could see me resulted in a pretty hefty punishment, and with my mother being affected by it... I shuddered, both with the effort of fighting my remaining anger back down and the fear of what would happen to me when my father arrived.

At that moment he flung open the door, glaring at me. My mother sat up.

"Lorelon," she sobbed, "Elliot attacked me!"

Of course, I hadn't attacked her. She had been pissing me off and I had lost control. There was a difference.

"It's all right Leila." He turned to me. "Come."

I knew what he was planning. I was only twelve, but I had never screwed up this badly. I hesitated by the door, and my father rested a single talon on the back of my neck. He wasn't going to kill me; after all, the ordinary people of his kingdom adored me. If anything happened to me, things would go very badly for him, and we both knew it. It would take a lot more than throwing caviar at my mother's face for him to risk that. It was still a better idea to come on my own, though.

We walked down countless corridors until we came to a room. It was a simple, small cell, with chains sprouting from the walls, floor, and ceiling. He cuffed my ankles to the floor, my wrists to the walls, then, as a final cruelty, looped the chain from the ceiling around my neck. If I relaxed at all, it would strangle me. He wouldn't let it kill though.

Then the real punishment began. First there were a few punches, just to get him warmed up. Then the iron whip. That hurt, but I knew it wasn't the worst part yet. Finally, his talons come forward, slashing long stripes into my chest and back. I think they must have been slightly poisonous, as any wound they made took a long time to heal. I couldn't move, couldn't escape, and with that room's enchantments I couldn't just teleport away. He didn't have powers like mine, and as such stopped me from using them whenever it was possible. All I could do was stand there and scream until my voice gave out as he tore my body apart. Just as I was beginning to slide into unconsciousness, he stopped and left, leaving me chained with blood pouring down my skin.

I stood there for what seemed like forever, until the doctor who always helped me after a beating came in. He undid the chains and caught me as my legs finally gave way beneath me. Gently, he carried me out of the room and down the hall until we reached my quarters. We sat on the floor as he began to bind my many wounds, and just as he finished, I blacked out.

Okay, I'm not particularly happy with the way this ended, but whatever. So, until next time, and

