I am very sorry for the very late post but I've had trouble ending this one. Any suggestions for what should happen are welcome and greatly appreciated because I may know where I want this to go I would love some help with the details even if I can't promise if I'll put it in it may help inspire me!

"What's wrong, pirate?" Trans questions as he serves Ace a drink. Ace glances down into his beer trying to see if there's anything extra in it. Trans sees this and snorts in amusement. "I didn't put anything in it."

"What about last time?" Ace challenges. Why should he believe this guy after all he's heard of him? Trans sighs running a hand through his blond hair.

"There wasn't a last time," Trans explains leaning against the counter.

"What about-" Ace starts but Trans waves his question off already knowing the accusation.

"I didn't drug Aspen's drink with anything bad. I wouldn't do that to her. It was sleeping pills. She comes here when she's bored and if she actually drinks I give it to her after a while before she has too many and can't pay it off. She doesn't have that much money, her brother supports the both of them. I asked Masaki about it anyway. She said it would be okay. She's the one that gives me the pills," Trans points out but doesn't seem bothered by the harsh accusation.

Wait… Trans was trying to help Aspen? Why didn't Aspen say anything? Is Torren's view of him right? Or is this guy more than the user, bi, annoying guy Torren described him as? "Why didn't you tell him then?" Ace finally questions after a moment of taking everything in.

"One, he would never believe me. Two, I didn't want him to know," Trans lists off. Ace, too confused to question, only stares at Trans and he continues, "I'm not actually that bad, believe it or not. Sure I flirt and I'm bi but I don't use people… and I never hit on his sister. He just thought I did."

"Then why does he think so badly of you?"

"The worse he thinks of me the more I annoy him and the more I annoy him the more he'll want to leave the island. Now that he can't go home the only thing he can do is leave with you or leave without you and I'm pretty sure he wants to join you, though he won't admit it yet."

The doors to the bar suddenly fly open and slam against the wall. The surprise gains the attention of most of the occupants and they look up to see a small group of about three marines entering the bar. Quite a few of the pirates in the bar seem to be unnerved by the sudden arrival of the men and start to get up from their seats.

"Has anyone seen this man?" the first marine questions as the second one holds up a bounty poster. It's newly printed and the picture isn't very good as most of the person's face is shaded out by a hood. Now it's obvious some of the pirates are escaping not wanting to take the chance of being arrested by the marines.

"Hey assholes! Get out of my bar!" Trans demands seeing the pirates leaving. There's no way he'll be losing customers just because these marines don't want to wait for the newspapers to send out the bounty poster.

"Excuse me?" one of the marines questions not having expected the civilian to blow up at him, a marine.

"Go back to your stinking base and put the flyer in the newspapers. You can't just come out here and drive out away all my customers as you please because you're looking for another random criminal," Trans snaps. One marine walks up to the bar, grabs the collar of his shirt tightly and pulls him until he's leaning over the bar. Trans glares right back at the marine, not intimidated at all by the threat. The marine can make all the threats he wants. It doesn't mean he'll follow through with them and if he does… well Trans isn't so stupid as to open up a bar welcoming pirates without knowing how to protect himself and the place. "Come at me, pretty boy."