This is my first fanfiction posted here and this is just the very first scene as a type of teaser like chapter. Warning this story contains OCs so don't read if you don't like.

Full Story Summary Thing: With the fear of his villagers towards him growing to dangerous levels now that he's eaten a Devil Fruit and gained control over the weather Torren is forced to either leave or be emotionally and physically bullied by the village he only wants to protect. It doesn't help that they've nicknamed him 'Demon Spawn' and every other week try to burn him at stake. At least now he knows how to escape from seastone handcuffs. Of course though fate's just going to make him end up meeting a very large and powerful pirate crew thanks to his powers and slight depression issues.

A white albino haired boy only a few years younger than his older red haired sister is pushed struggling toward a small boat filled with all the supplies it can carry. His thrashing around proves useless as his foot catches on a rock jutting out of the ground and he falls face first into the space left for him on the boat.

"Bye Torren, don't forget to not come back cause if you do I won't be the one to stop the village from burning you at stake like last time," Tayla, the albino's older sister calls to him as she pushes the boat away from shore and away from the small island they've both been born and raised on.

Torren sighs to himself as he stares at the log pose his sister had left in the small boat. He knows how to navigate to the next island since he's headed there for certain things like medicine and when his little sister, Anaiee, got sick and the doctors on his island couldn't help her. Tayla had forced him to leave the island knowing if she didn't he'd stay and probably be starved and tortured by the villagers. While it's true he would have stayed and been hurt he still believes he would have been able to cope. Maybe one day some pirates would show up and be nice to him and save him from the villagers and steal him off as their navigator. Well, that can't happen anytime soon anymore since he's currently stuck in a small boat headed to the next island with seastone handcuffs around his wrists and nothing useful on the boat to use to break out of them. Torren tugs his black hood back, there's no one out here so it's pointless to hide his hair and eyes. Shifting through his supplies again Torren's search proves once again fruitless.