The clock read 10:45pm. Jess' eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep. He could feel her drawing pictures on his chest with her finger while he played with a strand of her hair. This was his perfect moment, he thought to himself, though he'd never admit that out loud. After a few more minutes, her finger stopped moving and he wondered if she'd fallen asleep.

"I have to tell you something," she whispered. He opened his eyes and looked down at her, though with her head on his shoulder, he couldn't see her face. He was immediately worried. What could be so important that she had to tell him right now?

"What?" he replied cautiously.

She paused and this only fuelled his concern. She let out a long breath and looked up at him.

"I devil egged your car."

He processed this for a moment, caught off guard, until his brain finally made sense of that statement.

"What?!" he replied with astonishment.

She buried her face in his chest. "Oh it was so stupid! I'm so so sorry! My mom and I had had a really crappy day and I was mad at you and the opportunity was just right there and…" she sighed and met his eyes again. "I'm really sorry."

He was stunned. He hadn't thought about that in years and couldn't believe that it had been her.

"Why were you mad at me?" he asked, trying to understand her ridiculous outburst.

"Because…you were being a jerk. We'd kissed that summer and then I'd gone away to Washington and when I came back, you were parading around the town with whatsherface and I was just mad at you!"

"You know that was the point, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Parading whatsherface around in front of you...that was to make you jealous."

Rory made a face of confusion so he continued. "You'd kissed me and run off, not called, not written. And I overheard bag boy one day talking about what a great time you were having, so I knew you were still together. I just wanted a distraction so that I wasn't thinking about you all the time. Then when you got back and were still with him, I just wanted to annoy you I guess."

Neither of them spoke for a minute as they processed this.

"So you egged my car…"

"Devil egged," she quipped. "Much more sophisticated." She turned her head to look at him again and whispered, "I'm sorry." He could tell she was being sincere, so simply leaned towards her and kissed her. He whispered against her lips, "I forgive you." His hand trailed from her hair down her bare back, stroking the soft skin he found, and she sighed and curled closer in to his side.

"I can't believe that you and I finally got to do that," he whispered, his hand slipping down to rest on her rear under the covers.

She smiled into his chest. "I know. Talk about playing the long game!"

He laughed. "Well I think we officially played the longest game ever. But it was worth it…because I totally scored."

"Oh you did not just…" she exclaimed, raising up on her elbows to see the smug grin across his face. "You think you're so hilarious, don't you?" He nodded triumphantly like a child and she couldn't help but grin back and give him a long, lingering kiss in return. As she pulled back, his face softened and he cupped her cheeks in his palms.

"Was it… I mean are you… OK?" he whispered, and she could see the vulnerability on his face.

She nodded with a smile. "Very OK. I am very OK. And that was a lot better than just OK." She felt her cheeks flush as she said this and he grinned again.

"Better than OK huh? I'll take it."

"Better than better than OK," she replied.

He laughed. "For two people who consider themselves writers, you'd think we'd be able to come up with a synonym for OK."

"Well maybe I just need some more inspiration," she whispered, as he felt her hand trail down his stomach to grasp him. He took a sharp intake of breath.

"Well I am happy to be your muse all night long if you need me to," he quipped and he felt himself hardening again under her touch. When she ran her thumb over his tip, he swore he almost passed out. "Fuck, Rory," he hissed, bringing his hands up to tangle in her hair and drag her lips towards his. He kissed her like his life depended on it, his tongue teasing hers and making her whimper into his mouth. When he knew he wouldn't last much longer under her touch, he wrapped his arms around her waist and rolled her on top of him so that their bodies were flush. She could feel him pressed up against her, hard and ready, and one of his hands came down to slip a finger inside of her. She was ready for him and he once again marvelled at the fact that he could do this to her.

He rolled them over and reached for another condom, making a mental note that he might need to buy a lot more of these if they kept going at this rate. He had the sudden urge to taste her, to see what kind of reactions he could draw out of her with his mouth, but he twitched impatiently and knew that he needed to be inside her right now – that could wait until tomorrow.

Kissing her again, he placed himself at her entrance, drawing back to check she was ready once more. When she kissed him back with fervour, he pushed forwards, finding her warm and inviting once again. She made the sexiest sound once again, and he knew that would never tire of making her do that. Their first time had been slow and passionate. But the way she was moving her body beneath him, he knew that she wanted something a little different this time. He sped up his movements, thrusting in a little harder than before and bringing one of her legs around his waist so that he could adjust his angle. She whimpered in response and matched his pace.

He was losing himself in this woman. Sex had never felt this good for him and it was taking every brain cell he had available to him to keep going – he was ready to explode. His trailed his kisses from her lips, to her neck and down to her breasts, taking her nipple in his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.

"Oh my god, Jess. Don't stop…" she moaned. He had never heard anything sexier in his life and he found himself on the very verge. His hand moved between them, seeking out her most sensitive bud and he moved his fingers around and around, praying that she would find release. He felt her begin to clench around him and he screwed his eyes shut to focus on holding out as long as he could for her. When she threw her head back in ecstasy and her hips came off the bed, he pushed into her a few final times and he came, hard, drawing out the pleasure as long as he could with a few long, slow thrusts.

In the heat of passion, neither of the two young lovers heard the front door slam as Matt and Chris returned home. As they set foot in the hallway to their rooms, they raised their eyebrows at one another and laughed, taking note to tease their roommate mercilessly over this in the future.