Family First

I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

"Hiei thoughts" also "everyone else's thoughts as dictated by sentence"
"Yoko thoughts"
"Kurama thoughts"

Chapter 1: When all else fails.

His heart beat as hard as his foot steps down the hall. The beating echoed through his numb brain, urging him on as fast as he could go, sprinting through doorways, down hallways, pushing past startled doctors, and bristled nurses, hearing their shouts, and the sound of his friends calling his name; but nothing else mattered. He had to get to her. He had failed her. He had failed her. She had had him all her life, and when she needed him the most, he had turned his back on her. How could he let this happen? She meant everything to him. His guilt ate him up the longer it took to find his way. Finally, he sprung around a corner at full blast almost hitting the opposite wall with his excess momentum. When his sight cleared, he saw the room number he was looking for printed in still small lettering, nothing special about the numbers, against the pastel green plastic slot. His fear of what lay beyond that door caught up with him, and the lump in his throat lodged itself firmly at his adam apple, making it difficult to breath, let alone move. His two friends skidded to a halt beside him, breathing hard, looking between him and the door. Finally a hand was placed on his shoulder, and he found his feet moving slowly towards the end of the hall where the closed door sat like an omen of his future.

His hand stayed on the cold handle for a long second, catching his breath and steadying his nerves, knowing that whatever lay beyond this was far more intimidating then anything he had ever been up against before. Shakily, his hands turned the cold doorknob, already hearing the clinks, whirls, and beeps of modern medicine machines behind the metal door. His comrades presence behind him gave him strength to creep the door open.

His eyes landed first, to a young boy, curled up in the corner closest to the door, his elbows on his knees. His head in the crook of his elbow. The smell of salt, from the tears being shed permeated the room, filling his sensitive nose with a stinging sensation. His vision took in the room gradually, roaming from the nightstand sitting between two chairs; the older woman sitting slumped over in her chair, chin on her chest; and an elderly man that sat with his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the next sight. Machines met his eyes at first. Heart monitors. Breath counts. All sorts of high tech equipment that he couldn't begin to label. His eyes fell to the small woman laying in the large hospital bed and his breath caught. He felt himself fall forward, off balance, crashing to the world of reality and the unforgiving ground before strong hands caught him under the arms, helping him stand straight up again. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the occupant's head's lift, disrupted from their thoughts by the sounds he made. Before he could see much more, his eyes filled with tears, disabling his vision as he stumbled toward the broken girl.


Her face had swollen up at the cheek bones, giving away her broken cheek. Her eyes had sunken into her head, and her face was white as snow. Her body was propped up against the pillows and long bandages ran crisscross across her torso, long strips of blood bleeding through. Her leg was elevated up in a cast. Her legs also had bandages on them, wrapped around her calf and thigh.

"Almost...almost like she was attacked by a demon..." his mind vaguely conjured, as he sat beside her gingerly, taking her hand in both of his. His friends flanked his side, watching him watch her breath slowly, in and out, as though it was forced.

"Yusuke..." The older woman spoke up from the other side of the bed, neither him nor his friends noticing she had moved. He turned toward her, his tears splattering his cheeks from the movement. Her own tears spilled over her black lashes, her hand grasping at her heart. Her sobs wretched out of her chest visibly, and Yusuke quickly moved around the bed to her, grabbing her fiercely, and hugging the sobs away. She cried for minutes on end in his chest, unable to do anything but hold on for dear life.

When her sobs quieted, and she was able to compose herself, she turned toward the young man and looked at his two friends, still flanking the bedside. Hurriedly, he introduced them. "Aunt Higarashi, these are my friends, Kurama, and Kuwabara. They came with me to help support me." He explained softly. Each boy gave a respectful nod, much to morose at the family scene before them to do much more.

"Aunty...what happened to her?" he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders, begging her to tell him everything. Her eyes closed for a second, before taking a deep shuddering breath, and looking back at her other family, watching the exchange with weepy eyes. When her attention turned there, so did Yusuke's. Immediately he stepped away from his aunt and opened his arms to the scrawny boy that had yet to move and sat crying silently in his corner. The boy leaped up and flung himself into Yusuke's arms, sobbing violently into his midsection, his small arms wrapped around his waist as tight as they could. Yusuke's face set into a grim line, knowing the boy thought that this could be the end for the vibrant young woman in the hospital bed. Yusuke turned his head toward his friends, and sent a silent nod their way. Before he could find a way to tell his aunt his plan, she spoke up. "Yusuke... the reason I called you here, was not because I think they cannot help her...although of that I am still unsure. But I called you because not so long ago, on your last visit at the shrine, Kagome said she felt...well she said she felt..." Mrs. Higarashi paused a second, trying to find a way to voice her daughters prior knowledge to her nephew. He put a silent hand on her shoulder. "Aunty, whatever Kagome had said, you can tell me. It's ok." When Mrs. Higarashi looked up into her nephews eyes, she decided to just spit it out. "She said she felt some demonic energy growing within you." she said firmly. A stoney silence followed her words. Yusuke felt his friends shift uneasily behind him, and he steeled his voice. "How did she know about demonic energy Kun-loon?" He looked her hard in the eye.

"Well... that is something that comes with the explaining of how she got those injuries. But Yusuke... I...we... need your help." Kun-loon said vehemently. Looking to him, and back to her son who had just let go of Yusuke, in favor to back away and scratch the back of his head.

Yusuke was taken aback, his whole family knew about demons? He looked at his friends who had wide eyes, and similar disbelieving looks. Slowly they walked toward the other side of the bed. "First, ma'am may I ask, do you trust me to heal her in an...unconventional way?" Kurama asked slowly, and politely as he could, approaching the family like they would run at any given second.

"What kind of unconventional?" The boy asked, stepping closer to his sister, to try and protect her from the calm redhead. Kurama stepped back and put his hands up in a surrendering position.

" I have the soul of a kitsune in me, and with his power, I can manipulate healing powers." he said calmly, eying the family waiting for a reaction over the top.

At the family's silence, Kurama thought he had misjudged the situation. When he was getting ready to backtrack and maybe get the memory seed out of his hair, the woman spoke up.

"Well why didn't you say so? Go ahead, just heal her!" Mrs. Higarashi bit out, scared that her baby girl could have been healed minutes ago. After Kurama got to work on her, Kun-loon turn backed to her nephew. "As I was saying Yusuke, I need your help. How involved are you in demons?" she asked, her eyes firm, leaving no room for lies. Yusuke stumbled over his words, staring at his aunt, wondering how much to tell her. With a slight sigh, Kun-loon blurted it out. "What I'm asking Yusuke, is would you be willing and able to protect Kagome, and kill the demon that did this too her?" she asked, staring him dead in the eye.

"Of course!" Yusuke's eyes burned with righteous indignation. "Who the fuck is the asshole, and how do I find him?" He demanded, adrenaline pumping at the thought of getting to avenge his baby cousin.

"His name is Inuyasha. And you'll find him 500 years in the past."

AN: Heres the first chapter of my first story. It's kind of a working thought, but the muse just wouldn't let me go until I got it down. So I figured if this sounded like a good story to others, I'd continue. Please let me know!
